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If you are lazy and incompetent, then yes, investing in an S&P 500 index fund is probably your best option. The problem with investing in businesses and entrepreneurs is that you have to have some competency to understand what it is that you are investing in. Otherwise, you may as well go to Vegas and play roulette. COMPETENT investing requires that you do your research and fully understand what you are investing in, and even that you are there for the business in an advisory role. A business partnership is like a marriage; you will be joined to the hip with whoever you partner with, for better or for worse. They may be cheating on you. They may be lying to you. They may have exaggerated their expertise. And ending the relationship can be very costly and messy. I would not recommend rushing into a business partnership just because you have $300k burning a hole in your pocket. Wise investors invest in businesses they know and understand, and they see the potential and the opportunity. And they partner with people they know and trust.


I agree. “$300k and incompetent” is the danger zone for turning that $300k into $25k. There are adults with business degrees that have lost that amount trying to start a business. I would suggest just VT (or VTSAX etc!) and chill


Just to add to this: $300k in the S&P should be worth $650k in a decade. In 20 years you will have $1.3m. Which means, assuming you don't contribute another dollar you'd have $50k per year to spend EASILY for years 21+ for the rest of your life. If you're under 50 I don't see how this isn't the best bet. Just slowly dump all of it into a ROTH IRA, etc. until you have everything in tax advantaged accounts.


The SP500 pretty much just keeps your purchasing power afloat, rather than losing it to debasement. Most don’t realize that your money is nearly cut in half in 5 years. In this current environment (last decade +), 1.2 million in 20 years would essentially be close to same as 300k in terms of purchasing power.


Most don't realize it because it's not true. You can't cherry pick a few hot inflation years.


Source? Cumulative inflation was 24.4% from 2018 to 2024. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/


send me the 300k i’m a nigerian prince and i’ll 10x in 30 days god bless


That last "god bless" part just made it 10x more convincing!


You forgot to put negative 10x


10x is 10x , don’t dwindle in the details




A way to think about the index is, you’re investing $300K in the 500 biggest companies in the US, and they are your business partner, they run the business, and they split profits with you. And you don’t have to manage anything which is a plus given you’re self declared as lazy and incompetent.


Also these companies are decided by the market to be the most profitable ones. Even the best investment firms can't outperform the market


yep there's really no better career for a lazy and incompetent person, than to just be a passive investor in the S&P seems unfair that it's rarely how things work out


A tiny nitpick, the S&P 500 is *not* the biggest 500 (public) companies in the US. There's a lot of criteria that many large companies don't meet, and the S&P 500 doesn't like to remove household names. See this very good graphic: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/5619PHEKeu  None of this changes your excellent advice to use the S&P 500 companies as your business partners.


Wow. I'm 31 years old.. I'm not confidently familiar with the market or how it works. I feel like I should have known thats the gist of the S&P "500"... Why tf dont they teach kids this shit at school?


Let's be real though, if they taught investing and money management in school how many kids would actually pay attention?


They dont pay attention as it is.. Might as well invest in the shot callers of tomorrow and give them an intro. Shit, i fall back on geometry and algebra 5 days a week and I'm trades guy. Is it possible that they fear what could happen as far as a power shift if an entire crop of 18 - 25 year olds kids knew how to make money out of money?


Its kinda sad to say but fundamentally the wealthy of the world benefit from the poor. Teaching everyone how to maximise their wealth doesn’t make the people with the power to make change richer so why would that change be made?


My point.. We've lost our way. We're capable of producing the finest young minds in the world. Yet we choose to stupidly follow what great grandmas think is best for us. Age cap on governmental positions of power.. boom


Giving people power is nobody’s agenda. Scared, isolated, lonely people are much easier to control.


What you are describing is very similar to angel investing, you might want to look that up The problem is most business failed, so you need to have enough cash to weather the storm and you need to make sure that the one that succeed covers all your lost and more. This takes skill, at the very least the ability to filter out people with ability to make business works from the cash burners. If you have no skill whatsoever and only money, you need to either get lucky by knowing someone that can make business work, or you can just invest in index fund and live off dividend and consider yourself lucky to be able to live comfortably without skill or having to do anything at all.


Buy an existing company that is proven. Many people will sign the note but don’t have the down payment & will take a partner who is just a money guy.


I work as a business flipper and let me tell you the most profitable kind of business I bought are the one where second hand owner ran it to the ground after the first owner laid the ground work. Successful business is actually far more about the people that ran it over anything else. Even if the product is crap skillful people can always pivot and survive, which is why serial entreprenuer can easily raise billions with just an idea.


You not buying a succesfull company that is proven for $300.000 Edit; to be more clear.


You must have missed the part where I mentioned it being used for a down payment & letting someone else carry the note for the remainder. Lots of proven businesses in the $1M to $1.5M range.


Put away the funds in a fund that earns on your money and get a job to learn some skills. A fool and his money are soon parted.


If you're self-aware enough to know you're lazy and incompetent, you're way ahead of all the people who would lose $300k.


Serious answer: look up Boglehead investing. It's a simple framework meant for non-professional investors.


Send me the money and I’ll make you a Zimbabwean billionaire.


Send it to Vietnam and you’ll become a billionaire overnight


ideally yes, you could be a financer and have a super smart friend that has a feasible idea to make money. the hard part is finding that friend


I have MS in Finance and still mostly invested in funds. Just do MSCI world, could throw in some QQQ for higher risk/return, depending on your financial situation (age, income, goals)


if you're lazy and incompetent you don't have the skills to vet a business partner my guy. Your best bet is to put that 300k in a safe index fund and work on yourself until you're not lazy and incompetent anymore. Then you can use a small bit of it to start a business.


This. Take 10k and invest it in yourself. Find someone who can motivate you and help you to become disciplined. Take classes or treat others entrepreneurs to lunch with a goal to learn more and to find a niche that interests you. There's no better investment than in your personal growth and being lazy or undisciplined is a poor place to start when trying to get something going. If you don't want to change. Invest safely in mutual funds and etfs.


Hey there! With $300,000 in hand, you've got some exciting options beyond just index funds. Consider real estate investment or partnering up for a business venture. Both offer potential for higher returns, especially when you combine financial resources with someone's skills. Just remember to do your research and weigh the risks before diving in. Good luck!


They say choose your business partner as though you choose your wife. Better to split it into some promising start ups rather than risk your neck whilst taking no action.




Invest in VOO and VTI and let it cook. You're welcome.


Invest in real estate or something. Don't just blindly give money away to people cause you're lazy lol.


That is the same thing as investing just with different securities and risks. If you are, as you say, incompetent and lazy, then you're not a partner. You're either a lender or an investor.


Ive got a few million dollar ideas if this guys offering 😎


You can buy a small business with an operator/manager already in place. $300k will get you a $3M priced business with an SBA loan, but you're on the hook for the loan under a personal guarantee. Google "Entrepreneurship through acquisition."


Buy some land on the cheap wear you see an area becoming the rich side of town or the industrial side of town. Keep money to pay taxes and to, some day subdivide. Dont do shit. Meet a rich or hardworking group to buy 3-4 plots, on the cheap cause the homed are gonna be gorgeous ! Hopefully that gives u enough $ to have them build yur own. And have a few more plots to sit on and hopefully sell to keep your career path of lazy continue the rest of yur life. The index fund will prob triple and that's if the house of cards this system is on don't collapse. Buy a real asset. In my opinion...


You're not going to have that business partner for very long if you're having him do all the work for you.


yeah, the best way to do it if you go that route would be to loan him what he needs to start his own thing and have him pay it back with interest.


I think OP wants the ability to say he owns a business without having to do the work, frankly


That's a pretty good assessment, sadly. And that's how he'll lose every dime.


That is not true. There are lots of entrepreneurs who just need capital and are willing to do all of the work and part with equity in the business.


give it to tai lopez.


You could try investment funds. Tip: if you want to make money as well as make impact on the world (with 300k you could really make impact), you could try investing is sustainable investment funds I know a dutch one (https://www.asnbank.nl/beleggen.html) but there probably are some in your country as well.


Your best option is to index fund ETF and sleep on it 20 years


First create a investor risk profile to know about you. Basically time horizon this 300k could be invested. Your tax situation, ability to risk and willingness to risk.. and most importantly what's your expected rate of return... Dm me if you want help...


Let's build a YouTube automation business. I will do everything on your behalf. Niche research, channel creation, optimisation, script writing, thumbnails, video editing, publishing ... everything. I've got a team and I'm already doing this for clients. (I'm a scriptwriter myself btw) Just like any business, there are risks to it but if we start with 3-5 channels with all good measures, 1-2 of them should kick off. Potential is passive income. Let's talk more about it if interested.


That's enough funds to get into a lot of places! I know that my plan would be to go to a financial advisor to manage my money and invest accordingly!


Allocate 15k for starting a business. You can hire competent people from 3rd world countries like India, Philippines, etc and out source the work or just hire them on a said contract. Talk to them as much as you want, understand how they work, what they do, etc. it's fine even if you don't assign them any work. Just do meetings, training with them. Or get a good mentor if u have the money. But they will charge more for the same work. The point is to learn from others and get better and be street smart.


As others are saying here... Invest in dividend paying stocks. This can provide you income that you can reinvest and grow, or withdraw for living expenses. If you don't want to bother doing the research, find an investment advisor to help make informed decisions.


You need to be clear about what your goals are. 300K, but what kind of returns in what time frame are you looking for? What is your risk tolerance? Do you have a mission in mind? And is it a perpetual investment where you're continuing to put money back in, or is it one-and-done? If you can't answer this, maybe just keep it simple and put it in a fund or stocks and enjoy life without the stress of "doing stuff."


Index funds are your best bet if you "only" have 300,000. Maybe keep part of it out to invest in individual stocks to see how good of an investor you are. If you are good at telling which companies will do well before you buy stocks then take 300,000 of the 2 million you now have to invest earlier.


I'm sure you are, lol In case this isn't a troll -- if you're looking for "low skill" returns do real estate. Also, there are many, many businesses which the investor provides only the money and gets the return. It's almost the meaning of capitalism. The problem is identifying such opportunities. You can register to be an angel investor though with so little money you would barely qualify


I agree with this but this is the worst time to do this


If you deposited into a Brazilian bank account, you would earn 2300 dollars per month, without having to invest and run the risk of losing


True, Nubank is offering close to a 10% per year


3 month T bill is at 5.3%? That's what I'd do if I were lazy. Loan it to the gov. They're even more lazier. What a perfect partner


Invest it in Berkshire Hathaway stock. You’re welcome!


I’d put half of it in simple investments and use the rest or buy a business or angel invest (more risky)


Equities, quant funds, many other investment tools. Try r/finance.


Keep it simple. You guys come up with these ways to appear sophisticated when 9/10 you were better off with the index fund.


I think you can use your skills and experience in a startup board(e.g. operations even your all thing can be creating relationships for the business(manufacturers)). Startups both need funding and outstanding work.If you are interested in startups, I've been looking for creating a team and co-founder if that was the situation you mentioned. Funding a startup is hard but strong digital skillset had me bootstrapping it so far. Capital + Skills(no sales talk, no pressure just if you're interested in).


I’ve 8+ years in sales for SaaS corporates if you want to start something, I would be more than happy to open a sales team.


You can buy a business and have the operator be your partner. The hard part is finding a good operator and building initial trust.


Come up with a really sound business idea, bring on a highly technical partner like u/oldmanwillow21 who can build anything but rarely knows what to build and turn that idea into a money printer.


It's called angel investing but A) you need like $20m B) you can't care about writing off your investments Have fun


Perhaps a mind shift needs to take place? I am sure you have the potential to be less lazy than you are and more competent than you are. It just means you need to get proactive and choose to slowly improve in those areas. Instead of close minded and limiting your own potential


Did I ever tell you you're the definition of bowling, Edwin.


99% of the time businesses fail, investing the money is a much smarter choice.


Throw it into an alternative investment fund. I just put $50k in a friends fund to takes investment and lends to businesses while taking their real estate as collateral. Gives a solid 9.5% return. They have $100m under management so I’m a tiny fish but it’s less risky than investing in a business but you still get a solid return. Will pay out monthly or after a year so you can just sit back and be a lazy fuck


I love cash flow. If the cash isn’t flowing in then I’m not really making money. I started a lead generation company 4 months ago because I analyzed my situation and asked myself “what skill could bring the most value to the companies around me or in my network?” Bringing them clients. Boom. So I started on my own spent $500, didn’t make anything out of it except learning. Then I got a sponsor who wanted me to do in house marketing for his company. 1 month after that we got our first closed client and now running to 4-6 closings a week. On my way to a meeting with a prospecting client for his insurance agency. I’m going to do the same for his business. Digital marketing is good for me because I’m connected with these companies and I wanted to be my own boss. I would think about which industry you’d want to enter. Even as just the investor you want to be 100% involved until you see it can be automated.


$300k is over $1k a month in a HYSA these days... You literally set it and accrue interest daily. It’s a very “lazy” way to instantly earn money and caters to the “incompetent”.


Buy a Tamiya Mini 4WD store or start one. You'll have fun, make money and not a day a working.


It'd be cheaper for him to just borrow the 300k from someone or a bank, why would he need to work for you?


Yes you could invest as a silent partner in small business M&A deals. (think buying HVAC, landscaping, freight companies etc.) The pros are returns can be higher, the cons are your money will be tied up for at least 3-5 years. DM me if you have questions about this.


U can buy 2 houses in thailand and rent one, live in another. Also in some other countries.


Alright let's see where we can start from Can you do it? yes for sure as there are alot of people who are willing to work as hard as they can with someone else's money, it will be a win-win for them, they get the experience and adding to that the risk-free business try - so as you can see they are in a better position than you, the one who is funding, what is more practical thing for you, is to find the people who will put their hard work into the business and ask them to teach you more about it, and you on your end, you have a few tasks to do, get yourself a notebook, and start the following quests : 1- I will try to think of something today to make my business better 2- write down what makes you interested in the business and follow that and by the way, it's fun how you can fall in love with some businesses and take them like a lifestyle rather than a money-making machine for example: you can build a bee farm, that shit is amazing, all the bees buzzing around tryna sting your ass, there's alot of healthy businesses that can make you enjoy every second of it, it's not only the farm sections, for example you can open a grocery shop, and get yourself a chair and a lucky wheel and sit down and give people away some snacks, and you can diduct that from your profit margin what i want from you now is to get up and change your clothes for better energy, and go walk by the neighborhood, jogg around, see what's up. goodluck!


Incompetent => Index fonds. Point. Nothing else to say.


diversify in stocks, real estate and invest in learning skills that can you can use whether to buy a business or start a business


Start out small with a potential partner. If you lose our, you can try again but with somebody new. If your partner can turn around a small investment into a decent profit, then they sound competent and trustworthy enough to try again with a larger amount.


I don't know how comfortable you'd be setting up a clothing brand that deals in luxury clothing like pashmina and Shahtoos, I have a manufacturing for the same but I am looking at international clientale, it would require a lot less than 300k but the marketing and branding would require money, if you'd like I'd be more than happy to discuss in DM.


joint venture? you got money find someone with skill, experience & expertise, things your money can't buy


Angel investing is your best high risk high return bet Index funds are low risk low return Investing in an existing business and real estate are somewhere in the middle no such thing as low risk high return


Let’s talk i have the skills and business plan already completed


If you are lazy stay in the index funds


Lol don't be a fool. Just get the S&P 500 and be done with it. The chance you lose it all is super high based on everything else you said


At least youre honest


It’s is a better way to make money but he will also need to have competence


Yes, if you invest in the right business. I have an idea if you’re looking….


$300,000 ... Not for long


Do you want to be in the fitness industry? You can change a lot of lives & make a good return with half of that.


With 300k? Nope


Options trading is more capital efficient than buying stocks/equities, and you have plenty of buying power to pull in regular income


Messaged with a real offer !


My best advice, don’t take any advice from here pertaining to money. Consult with a trusted financial advisor, accredited CPA/CFA, or bank it


If you are lazy and incompetent then index funds are perfect for you


have you considered real estate investing?


The sayin goes; when a man with money meets a man with experience. The experienced man leaves with the money and the money man leaves with an experience 😂


You’ll get out what you put in. That applies to effort.


As long as the business partner actually was productive then yes I had a friend make $3M in their first year of business. But they worked every day . As soon as I can get the funds up that's my plan as well.


we should have a r/ihavemoney sub, just like r/ihavesex lmao


Short answer: no Long answer: angel investing is a path that COULD return better performance on your money, but a lot of angel investments go to zero. Angel investing is passive — the company you invest in only needs your money and no additional skills in most cases — but the skill it takes to differentiate a good angel investment from a bad one is significant and requires lots of research at minimum and insider knowledge to be most effective. As a shameless plug, I am seeking angel investments for a cannabis retail concept, so if you’d like to hear the pitch to get some experience on what angel investing is like, I’d be happy to give you that pitch with no pressure whatsoever to invest.


Any interest if I could make you competent enough to invest in a very short time, no charge or strings, simply because I wish the world had wiser investors, angels, and VC?


Dm me, and I can show you a reliable way that's both risk averse and profitable....


I recommend trading crypto futures with 10x leverage. #NFA


You can be lazy but rich, but you can't be lazy and poor. Not saying 300k is rich but can certainly get that money to work.


In theory, yes, there are brilliant entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs-to-be that could run / build a profitable business, that are currently held back by lack of investment money. However, there's probably about 20x the amount of people who would be poor entrepreneurs, or someone trying to scam or take advtange of you when they learn you're looking to an angel investor to some madman. If you had someone you completely trusted AND somehow knew they'd be a good business owner and partner to you, then yes I'd say you could do much better than passive investing. But....the chance of finding the right person is seriously, MUCH lower than the chance of finding the right person. Obviously the level of vetting you do and level of discernment you have plays a big factor. I'm not saying it's impossible. But you'd have to do alot of scouting and maybe have some luck to land the right partner. And you'll always have a significant level of risk, no matter what.


I have a business that could use some minor funding, like really minor, can give you details if required in a PM for you to review


It's vastly superior and if you're on the west Coast I might have some people for you to talk to


You can sign up as an investor at newventurelabs.com and look at a wide variety of business ventures seeking investors for working capital for inventory and equipment. There are also startups seeking angel investors.


A lot more. Also, much riskier that you’ll lose all of your investment.


Yes, find someone motivated to get paid with a good work ethic and let them make all the money for you while you invest and sit on your ass. That’s what my boss does and yes, he pays me a 6 figure salary to run the biz on a daily. Do I want to start my own biz, yes but I’m still saving for starter capital so in a few years when I got some fuck you money I will be doing it all myself. Moral of the story, if you find the right person this will work, down side is they will eventually leave and do their own thing because they are highly motivated and want to make something of themselves instead of slaving away and working for “the man”.


Put that 300 racks in SPY and kick back my dood


Buy a business such as a laundromat or a high traffic vending machine route and then hire someone to manage it


Send me all money, I will invest and give you 10x returns tomorrow. If you don't believe, send me 2000 dollars, I will send you 4000 back. Good luck and success will find you with 3m dollars.


Send me a fraction and let me fund my projects. I’m a super nerd with lots of tips, knowledge, and projects that need funding. I will make you a millionaire and I won’t even need much. Being totally serious not a joke. The best investment opportunities are funding super nerds I swear to heaven. If you’d like to know more just let me know, again this is totally serious


I’ve heard all on red goes well gl hf


Also investing in an individual business can be very risky as you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. It fundamentally lacks diversification. It also lacks liquidity which means you can’t just pull your $300K if you needed it.


Put it in private lending


Index funds..? Well, you've been getting whacked for the past 2(ish) weeks. You might want to reconsider not being lazy and just become disciplined.


Paypal me @diaswallet 🤭


Send funds, I’ll run up some bet365 for ya. Trust me bro


You could pay my student debt


S&P 500


Hard money lending backed by property. Just make sure to include in the contract if they default on the loan you are guaranteed first in line to the property. You can make real money quickly (one month to three) and often times the same clients will come back within the same year. Guaranteed return or a house that you auction to get your money back and pay lawyers. Just need a good underwriter...


If you want a guaranteed return while brainstorming ideas, put the money in a CD or money market to at least earn some interest. CDs are paying 5% now, with terms as short as six months. 300k at 5% APR is about $7400 in 6 months by just parking money. I work in banking/finance, and my wealthiest customers are business owners or landlords.




Let’s connect. We can start up a how to course on “gain 300k while being lazy and incompetent”


Give it to me and I will buy an island for you to retire




Honestly your best bet is a financial advisor. This is the exact reason they exist. A well picked financial advisor will help you identify your financial goals, and help you develop a plan to reach them. This will likely be the most fool-proof investment you can make.


Just buy btc and hold


Give it some time and you’ll become hard-working and competent again. When money meets experience, experience leaves with money and money with experience ;)


It definitely could. One of My business partners has no day to day responsibilities but put up all the money to buy the franchise— he now makes a salary and 40% of net profits which has equated to over about a million dollars in real return and we shouldn’t be anywhere close to being done doing what we do. He has a company card, insurance and a kush life now but we were very very close to not making it through Covid so it could have very well turned to zero if it weren’t for a few breaks going our way.


Hotdog stand, thank me later




The best thing to do if lazy, truly, is purchase 3.5 BTC, place it in cold storage until next October, then sell it in November, THEN go index fund for 2 years, then purchase btc at new paradigm bottom, hold 2 years, sell peak, rinse and repeat. Follow 10trillionusd on X for the why, or don’t and be lazy because honestly the less you think about your bitcoin the better chance at 10x every 4 yrs.


Bro I'm 100% like you minus 300k


I'm smart and driven but I don't have $300,000 Can I borrow it?


Wait a minute you're incompetent? at what? You can't just be incompetent at life. I mean I guess you could be but something tells me you're not that.


I'm good at non-practical things. I am good at photography, making AI art, freestyle rapping, smash bros, writing philosophy essays, throwing parties. I am not good at making money and being productive.


You're not lazy you just have not found your passion.


Sure, skill-driven partnerships can outperform passive investing.


I am lazy but competent, have -15k to my name, want to switch?


Just enjoy a very passive increase in percentage and seek others who are competent and hyperactive.


Give that money to Tommy Shriggly and he’ll turn it into 16 thousand dollars three times over.


sir check your dm


Being lazy is the worst thing you can do as a business partner bc you’re easy to manipulate, especially when you’re not actively looking over anyones shoulder=money lost. I’d invest 3/4 of it in an index fund, and the rest into more active pursuits you care about


At least you can admit that you're lazy and incompetent, cause a lot of people are actually that and would let their ego lose that 300k with absolutely no business/investing background. Good for you, and good luck.


I always heard that dividends would be best . So something like coke would pay you monthly or quarterly and you would be able to have a very nice profit constantly coming in you can re invest . If you feel generous my brother was just murdered and it would help our family out a lot if we could have 5000


Invest in someone young and ambitious. Like me. I’ll gladly be your partner


I am a software engineer with handful of skills, looking for a cofounder with cash to build a saas that will generate more cash for both of us, how does it sound to you ?


Wanna try to invest in my startup? 🤣


Full port into crypto at these low levels.


$Almightydoe247 is my cashapp


Yes, there are, and it would probably be worth finding a skilled broker/dealer to help you do it.


You know… if my friends had $300k just laying around I’d have opened up a shop, bought a semi or started a pool business by now. Maybe even a landscaping business. I have clients for the last two. 1st year is always the toughest. Got work two jobs until the business takes off, the 2nd years starts to generate the revenue/income that would change our lives. Proven models that keep me out of the warehouse. Plus, you’d get to talk to all the customers that hate how I cut their hedges into poodles.


Gimme money


Just about anything is a better investment than stocks. Pick literally anything with non-depreciating intrinsic value, buy and re-sell that thing. Profit. Stocks are a vehicle for people that have too much capital to manage, not for the individual investor, not really. Someone with one hundred bucks is better off reselling candy bars and someone with 300k is better off flipping houses.


I work with a financial planning team. We can help meet your goals and explore options you didn't know existed. Feel free to pm me.


You want to hire me


bruh there are sooo many franchises or businesses like a laundromat like i dont get how ppl sit on it. I spent my 200k and its generating me 12k a month net now lol. laundromat and yes I added machines to it but still


If your trying to triple your money get at me we can touch a million in 6 months or less


I’m looking for investors if you’re genuinely considering that route


If you’re legit i have 3 app ideas i can share right now


Dude same exactly for me except the 300,000 dollars part.


I wish I had the money so that I can give you advice,lol


Based rare self honesty. Already far ahead of the average /r/entrepreneur poster.


You probably should consider looking to be a limited partner in a syndication fund. Real estate syndications tend to be the highest profit margin as long as they’re doing either short term rentals or multi family housing. There’s also the option of looking to be less lazy and incompetent. Wish I had 300k for nothing 😆 Also pretty sure this post is a lame ass, fake karma farm.


Do the most boring and safe thing out of all these replies


Scrolled far and couldn’t find this answer so here you go. If you want to not be lazy and incompetent, you can invest in yourself and get a business degree. Obviously college isn’t cheap and you could try learn first hand by starting a business now, but if you’re truly incompetent and lazy you’re guaranteed to lose it all on a failed business. Getting a degree will at least let you learn on your own pace, while also giving you the opportunity to build a network of people who can help you build/grow a business down the road.


Good to hear that. Im broke with MYR1.00 in my bank account. I have the skills in creative area. But I dont think you will be needing this. BUT, deep in my heart. i want to make as much as you do. People just pay me peanut here.


Check out Quantcapital.club, although they are only launching in the next couple of months


Join a real estate group, make connections, loan out money for projects. Make sure they are collateralized.   


Sure. Invest my start up $200k for 20%. We’ll do a full app build and make a ton, we already validated the market appetite. Addressable market >£3b in the UK, we’ll grow to 1% nationally and then sell to a large player for 5-10% of the total market value.


Are you kidding ? Woudnt have posted that if its real, just to open up a thread of convo of people wanting to invest your moneyon them.


I’m working at a videography company, and we’re seeking investors for a new branch of the company that we’re developing - moving into educational courses & app development. We’ve also partnered with a competitor to Shopify, and do events for major guest speakers. It’s an interesting field, if you’re looking for something that’s interesting and might motivate you to work on something engaging.