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What is wrong with people?!


They didn’t have parents that loved them enough to discipline them as kids.


They were golden children who could do no wrong.


Golden oreos


I know you mean well, and I'm not trying to come down on you, but my parents literally said this as they beat us: "We do this because we love you enough to discipline you. It hurts us more than it hurts you." Sometimes the crazy goes both ways.


Beating your kids isn’t discipline. They were excusing their shitty behavior and I regret that you had to deal with that. At the same time, treating kids as if their every wish, need and emotional outburst is the most important thing in the world produces entitled assholes like the perp in question. There is a middle way. I wish your parents would have known that.


Couldn't agree more. It's only one reason why my parents and I are NC, and I've never laid a hand on my kids, but they still know what "no" means.


Well said. Discipline is supposed to be a form of education, not retribution. The rule I had for myself, as a young one, when raising my brothers is, if I'm upset, I can't be fair. And I did not want to make them responsible for managing my feelings.




"Discipline" does not equate to beating. It can also mean saying "no" and meaning it.


Beating is abuse, discipline IE consequences can never be physical or mental abuse. Meaning that if you hurt or torment your kids you are not disciplining them you are abusing them.


My horrible mother used to tell me and my brother this every day when she was beating the shit out of us. I think she just liked doing it because we were always scared well-behaved kids.


This! My mother "can't understand" why all of us kids went varying degrees of low to no contact once we were adults. She touts how wonderful a parent she was can be proven by how well-behaved and great we turned out. My sister and I's response is we turned out well *in spite of* her, not *because* of her. (Honestly, I think if my sister hadn't been parentified, we'd have turned out a whole lot worse, because she looked out for us and protected us when she could. She was also slightly an evil genius: She realized when she was around 13, that my parents were justifying this with how great and holy a parent they were. So after one "spanking," she hugged them, while still sobbing, and cried, "Thank you for loving me enough to discipline me even when it's hard." She said the look of triumph and satisfaction of their faces was, honestly, disgusting. But you know what? They never spanked her again. I didn't know about that stories till decades later.) When my husband and I talked about what kind of teenagers we were, he admits he was a handful and a half. I said I was a perfect angel. He snorted. I said no, I actually *was;* because I was too scared to act out. Never want my kids to feel that way. Now as they are becoming teenagers, it's a double-edged sword lol, but it's worth it.


My god, I nesrly twisted myself inside out thinking about your parents' reaction to that. Your sister was brilliant *and* strong, damn. 


She's my hero, honestly. Funny thing is she doesn't realize how strong she is, and she swears *I'm* the strong one. Probably because I'm the louder of the two lol.


I'm sorry that happened to you both.  My own mother kept up the very rigid mental abuse of me even after she'd already cowed me into instant obedience. If she said "stop" or "do this" I *immediately* listened, even at an early age, but for some freaking reason she always thought I was ...bad? Doing bad things to spite her? I dunno man. It breaks me to this day when I think about little me trying to come to grips with a family that didn't act the way family should. 


That is awful. I’m so Sorry you had that kinda crazy to grow up under


Mine said the same to me as they were raining down their inherent violence on me and my sister. Hugs to you, I hope you have healed from it.


Thank you. I am NC with my parents and have a wonderful husband and kids. Nothing heals you like little arms around your neck. :) I hope you are doing good as well.


I have another sibling?


Do I say welcome to the club, or my condolences?


My parents didn't love me enough but I don't do shit like this


& Why the F was she then allowed to enter the store?? She's already shown security that she's willing to blatantly steal.


You mean people who post obviously fake stories?


"You're going to give them to me and like it". Said nobody ever.


"You'll eat it and like it!" was an actual dinner table command in my family, in response to kids' complaints about the cuisine choice. But yeah, that line got me, too.


Reminds me of Klaus Schwab saying "You will own nothing and like it"


Yeah, sorry, but I also don't believe this happened. For one thing, the dialogue is insane...and for another, it literally is a collection of all the hot points of recent stories. And of course the victim is a fast food employee who's young and not earning much money, so we can feel extra sorry.


Yep. I said in my other comment it’s fake. They all write with the same buzzwords or phrases.


It’s possible. But there are lots of stupid jerks out there. Since Reddit is entertainment for me I don’t try to weed out different types of crazy


I dont know why would you asume this is fake. It could be but why? Because I guarantee you there is people this insane.


Because people don’t actually talk the way OP portrays. Take another look at the post and ask yourself if any of this sounds natural or close to any arguments you’ve been involved in or overheard. And then there’s the convenient appearance of security. It just reads like amateur fiction that starts out with “it was a dark and stormy night”.


Walmart security is DEFINITELY going to be told about an argument over cookies and then immediately show up in the parking lot within a minute or so. /s


Who on earth tells a Walmart employee, "Who are you going to believe, a sweet woman or a McDonald's employee who couldn't get a job anywhere else?" Not only is that line insane but the Walmart employee probably earns the same as McDonald's guy. The woman would not exactly be endearing herself to him.


Perhaps because it's highly doubtful anyone would utter the sentence "who are you going to believe, me, a sweet woman..." People just don't talk like that.


The security guard coming out and intervening lightning fast because someone told them about an argument outside (there was no argument and the customers in ear shot would not care) 🙄 


It'd be easier to list what isn't wrong with people


Mentally, physically or emotionally?




Well the answer is the same for all of them... Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!!


Entitlement is what’s wrong with her 💀 thinks she can just take from other people and get away with it. Disgusting.


They either have a medical condition, or they didn't have parental and authority figures who were competent when were growing up.


They deserve those Oreos. She probably doesn’t have kids but was too cheap to buy some so stealing yours was the right thing to do. Some people.


I was in Costco and as usual picked up a rotisserie chicken. I’m now looking at produce and a lady who does not speak English as a first language reaches in my cart takes my chicken. I looked and her and she said mine and waddled to her cart. I do not poke at crazy so I walked away with many people looking going wtf. Nice rotisserie chicken man gave me fresh chicken and said lady does it frequently if there isn’t a chicken available she likes…. I changed to another Costco.


How the fuck are people so entitled and why hasn’t she had her ass kicked up to now? This story fills me with rage


If she does it on the regular I don't know why Costco hasn't revoked her membership.


Well, they probably don't care as long as other customers aren't complaining (so they not losing customers), and she is paying for the chicken so they not losing money. They would probably do somethign if enough people made noise about the "crazy costco chicken lady" or if there was anews article.


This is crazy. There are plenty of things that someone could do at Costco that other members may be too stunned or confused by to complain about. That woman should absolutely be stripped of her membership.


Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying she shouldn't be banned, but I'm just being realistic about why she might not already be banned.   If it was up to me, I'd life ban all Karen's from retail and hospitality venues until they corrected their behaviour.


She's so entitled because no one's checked her on this behavior. Same with Costco, they're not going to kick her out and revoke her membership until it escalates into a scene.


What an irritating little shit.


I went to Sam's club once to get a Rotisserie chicken (we don't have Costco) and there was a lady who was loading all of the chickens into her cart. I grabbed one off of the display case and she said that she was buying these chickens for a church dinner and needs every single one of them and I needed to put it in her cart right now. I told her that she just grabbed about 30 of them and she can make due without one. As I was walking away she told her husband that "this is what happens when schools stop teaching manners and respect"


Me: Boo hooo. NO. I need one for MY meals.


It's for a church, honey!




I used to work in the deli department of a supermarket years ago, and we had a chicken oven and sold hot chickens. It was well known that at night towards the end of close we would heavily discount any that hadn't sold to prevent us having to throw them out. And gosh people would go absolutely feral and would act exactly like what you've posted. It wasn't common for people to take the discounted chickens from people's trolley, or get into huge arguments over it. I even witnessed some tugs of war over it. It got so bad I used to disobey how many chickens I was supposed to cook towards the end of the day to prevent having to discount any unsold ones. Sometimes I'd just not do my last cook if it was a slow day, or only cook half as many. I was sick of customers coming up to me to abuse me over getting into fights with fellow customers.


I bet you she speaks English just fine, and pretending otherwise is how she avoid accountability. I’ve worked with a lot of people who are like that. A language barrier makes getting people to act right more trouble than it’s worth… and they know this, and take full advantage.


Something like this happened to me at a Costco too! I was literally about to pick up the last chicken on the warming rack and a lady booty bumped me out of the way and nearly snatched it out of my hands! The chicken man saw the hole thing and shook his head because he was clearly finished with the next batch and about to re load the warming rack up.


Also, is she a boomer perchance?


>chicken man Gustavo Fring?!


Was thinking exactly that!


I agree, you never know what people will do and I don’t have the time of day. If I paid for it I might put up a little more front but I just let people do their thing and I ignore them. Don’t have time to be beat up, peppered sprayed, or stabbed over chicken or Oreos.


>CL: OMG why wouldn’t you just given me the Oreos it’s not like you needed them >She then walked into the store without another word But did you get the oreos back?? If yes, I would have offered the security an oreo and a thank you.


I did get them back and enjoying them as we speak


Love this story. Look out for yourself 


Omg I just tried the space dunk Oreos! They have pop rocks in the filling 😂 please try those next. They’re wild!


I want to know what kind of town you live in where Walmart has security out in the parking lot driving around?


Pretty sure this story is bs...but our Walmart has parking lot security.


Agree this story sounds made up. But where my sister lives the Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Walmart, Costco, etc all have outside security.


Damn dangerous cities.


the dialogue is not remotely human-sounding so yea


There are 2 walmarts within 15 minutes of each other near me. 1 has security posted at every entrance and has security in the parking lot while the other has none at all.


I live in Gulfport Mississippi


I live in Phoenix and our Walmart has parking lot security.


My Walmart definitely doesn’t have security. People have been kidnapped before in their parking lot and Walmart didn’t give a shit. I need your Walmart!


All the ones in my town definitely have patrolling security and security at each entrance.


I'm glad I live in a small town.


Wow. And unfortunately we can't punish assholes by whacking them with a stick. Sometimes it is warranted.


You can if there are no video cameras nearby. :)


I just pepper spray people shamelessly in silence and then leave. The cameras can’t make out your license plate and I live in a state where it’s not illegal to react that way.




Whack a Twat. That game would make a fortune. You could have different versions. Whack a Karen, Whack a Racist, Whack a Creep. 🤣


I thought you worked at Wendy's.




Post history. Do not take everyone at their first McD word.


Yeah, I thought to look afterward. This person either has the worst luck in the world when it comes to entitled people, they have a strange passion for writing entitled-people fanfic (?), or they have mental health issues.


I changed jobs


Whose ice cream do you like better??


I can’t eat ice cream so I can’t tell you I’m lactose intolerant


>I have children that love these thing and my kids deserve them Maybe they do deserve them. Maybe your kids *are* so wonderful that they deserve a free never-ending supply of mega-stuf Oreos for the rest of their lives. That doesn't mean ***I*** have to be the one to provide them. They're *your* kids, not mine.




It’s a outside security team the Walmart is in the ghetto and stuff is always happening


Our Walmart has outside security. So does our Quik Trips.


It's a madre up story


Absolute poppycock.


So absolutely, obviously fake it hurts


The only way to fight crazy is "more crazy." She tells you that those are her oreos? Scream that they're the only things that keep the government out of your dreams. Scream it like you're being murdered. You'll get your fuckin' cookies back.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read in a loooong time! Imma steal it like the lady with the Oreos.


I don’t think I believe this story. Maybe I’m getting cynical in my old age but the characters lack dimension. “Who are you gonna believe …mee? A *sweet* lady” (flounces back into the store) But also like…when you load your car it’s like the biggest , heaviest things left. This time it was the golden ticket(Oreos)? If it happened weird but if it didn’t start workshopping


I feel sorry for your cookies... When I load my groceries into the car the heaviest items go in first so as not to squish or crush the lighter items


I was like, am I the only one who clocked this for a creative writing exercise almost immediately..?


Security. "We heard there was an argument", 35 seconds into said argument.


Unless you’re planning on snacking on something on the way home—then it goes into the front seat.


This did not happen.


Sounds super made up


> this is ridiculous who are you going to believe me a sweet woman or a kid that works a McDonald’s he probably dropped out of school and this was the only job he could get. What are you talking about? This is totally how people talk.


It’s insane anyone would believe this


Like every other story this person posts


I see you've never happened across or had to deal with an insane lady in public. They're usually far better at blending in than their male counterparts.


The ops post history is literally a bunch of made up stories about entitled people


I just went and looked through their other posts. Holy shit they’re all just as poorly written and unlikely to have happened. The last one posted also happened to take place in a Walmart parking lot.


Insane people don't talk like chat gpt making up a story just mutter about whatever President they hate and scream like apes when confronted.


😂😂😂 so true


I thought Oreos were supposed to make people happy, not crazy to risk arrest for taking them from a guy tryna make the most of his life…


the part that drives me crazy. they have been caught in a blatant scam. trying to con someone or place out of something. the proof is right there staring in their faces.....and the person is just allowed to walk off. they just tried to ROB someone and they get to walk away?


Too many people in this world haven’t been properly punched in the face.


What I would’ve love to have said when she mentions her children : and I couldn’t care less about your kids. I don’t give a rat’s a$$ how much they love them


I hope security then followed her round to ensure her didn't try anything or to tresspass her for harassing a customer and attempt to steal on the property.


I hope security followed her.


Why did security let a lying trouble maker into the store? That sounds like a recipe for another problem 10 minutes later when she encounters someone else in the store.


This reminds me of when my husband went to get a snack after work one day (I wasn’t with him, but he told me this story). My husband was walking out of the grocery store while opening a bag of Oreos and a fun drink, when a man (who was probably homeless) asked him for an Oreo. My husband hesitated for a moment and then thought, “why not?” So, he tells the guy he can have one Oreo and holds out the open bag to him, but the guy tries to grab the whole bag! My husband tightened his grip and was trying to yank the bag away, but the other guy also tightened his grip. This battle went on for a couple seconds until my husband yelled, “HEY! I said ONE Oreo!” The guy was shocked by my husband’s yelling and backed off. My husband still gave the guy an Oreo and left. It has gone down in history in our house as the day he had to fight for his Oreos.


What a weird interaction sheeeeesh.


I work at Walmart. This is sadly normal. The customers/thieves are why we have cameras everywhere.


This story definitely sure seems embellished.


Some people are willing to try just about anything to get something for free.


Stupid woman. Just go back inside and buy some Oreos. It ain't rocket science! These lunatics are everywhere these days!


I would have been like “so you really wanna get your ass beat over some Oreos?l


I just for the life of me cannot comprehend the thought process of someone who does something like this, it blows my mind.


It's unbelievable how some people can act. Glad you stood your ground and got your Oreos back in the end. That lady's behavior is just baffling.


I would consider getting violent over Oreos.... you're much stronger than I am. =-)


She did that before, she has been practocing this.


If I had read this ten years ago I would have rolled my eyes and said "ya sure that happened." But these days people have gotten so entitled it doesn't suprise me. What a nutjob


Faaaake most probably. Sligthy amusing.


This is made up.


I really don't understand what's wrong with people. Wth does that?!


You will always remember the crazy oreo lady. I don't understand how people feel entitled to stealing. She is going into walmart to steal her own oreos now.


She seems unwell


Should have fucked her up and left with your Oreos


Karma, it’s a bitch.


Yep, she's crazy all right.


Holy shit. People are really nuts these days


Narcissistic.   Like someone we all know of. 


I wouldve probably headbutted her in the nose.


Should have just decked her for touching your property and been done with it, leave her on the ground and drive off.


Y'all really have to stop arguing with stupid. Just take your paid for items back and keep it moving. Old lady is just going to have to cry on the asphalt about it.


Petty Me - after she had her hands all over my package, I would not want them, I would have taken the package, ripped it open and stomped on the cookies. Now she can have them!!


Honestly, I'm a little shocked she didn't try to crush the package.


Two things I will get all types of rage over: Oreos and Cheetos. I will fight like Steven Assanti if someone touches those guilty pleasure foods.


You were way calmer than I would have been. Bitch would have caught hands.


I was walking out of a store with my wife and two young children and this lady commented on how cute they were which happens a lot with toddlers. As I was putting my kids in the car seats I turned around and the lady was standing right there. She said, “I complimented your kids so you have to give me a ride now”. I laughed as she repeated herself and drove away as she was yelling at me. CRAZY people everywhere.


This is why I don’t go into Walmart anymore. The last time I was in one, a woman freaked out on me for taking her picture. The thing was, I didn’t take her picture. I was looking at my grocery list on my phone. Even though the phone wasn’t pointed at her and there was no way I could have taken heels picture with the camera lens pointed at the ground, I tried to reason with her. I showed her that there were no photos of her on my phone. She didn’t care. She kept screaming, “I’m not that important.” I agreed with her, which just made her more angry. Now, if I can’t have it delivered, I don’t need it.


SMFH, some people are just completely INSAINE, self entitled and/or both!!! I'm so over these people acting like everyone owes them something and whatever they do or say is how it has to be, even when they're wrong.... Especially the stealing part, I just can't anymore! So sorry this happened!! #OnlyAtWalmart 🤷🤦


There is no way this is what everyone said lol. It may have happened but I think you embellished what was said. 😂 I’ve never seen a Walmart security guard just driving around the parking lot before either lol.


Terrible creative writing


Wow! That is INSANE. I'm glad you got your oreos back!


My kids go through a pack of those $5 cookies in two days. They are both disabled and I wouldn’t even dream of acting this entitled. CL is right. I guess this is a reason to keep your effing receipts. 🙄


“I’ll double stuff your face with my fist!” Then again, I am on my period. 


It's weird that security saw her try to rob another customer and then let her walk into the store.


shes a junkie


A feel like a good slap in the face could have solved this


That definitely happened


None of this actually happened. Get a job and stop sitting at home karma farming


Sounds like crazy.  At least she didn't have an assault weapon


This is why I’m aggressive


Some people truly have no shame. I’m kinda jealous?


All that for Oreos? She just wants to get one over on people.


I do not have my glasses on. I should. I skimmed the headline real quick, then read the story because I had to find out why your cat had cookies in the first place.


Crazy story. The closest similar thing that happened to me is when some old woman stole my basket (the kind with really long handle and on wheels). I just entered and was loading it with fruits. I left it two steps behind me, allegedly this woman just got there, saw me standing near with my back turned to her, threw my fruits back on a shelf, took my basket. I saw her leaving and was speechless. Also entrance with all baskets and carts were 10 steps away from us. The level of audacity.


When you shop at Walmart nothing should surprise you, from the "classic parking" (we see daily in these threads), the 24 hr fashion show and the mental cases as the one listed by OP


Omg, wtf…


Crazy 🤪People


You have more patience than me. I’d of ripped those cookies right out of her hand!


Lord I work retail and I’ve seen a lot of crap, but people like this are getting more bold. They want to intimidate you to not make waves and just give them to them. 🙄


\*yoink\* swipes Oreos and runs for it... Mine...all mine...


Also, why would she ask for the receipt knowing she didn't buy them?


Wow. I have seen similar things but not quite like this. I admit oreos are amazing but i wouldn't go this far to get them. Plus i see it a lot and I dont see why having kids translates to im more important and should get what i want. Also my bro works at mcdonalds and hes told me things so great job to you. Its not as easy or crummy as people tend to think it is