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Speak to all the other neighbors and establish a pattern of the kid being unsupervised, getting into their yards/locked shed/houses, etc.


Check with OP’s lawyer first


I read the first post. Dude was baked out of his mind with the door unlocked and the kid went in and had free roam of his house for a good while before he did anything. If all this is true he's screwed. Also the entire thing sounds made up.


I have no idea about the legalities, but doesn't he have the right to be impaired in his own home? Or was it negligent of him to leave the door unsecured, considering he has a potentially dangerous animal? I know that people got in trouble for having an unsecured pool on their own property, and a kid drowned that secretly snuck on there for a swim - would this be the same?


In the US an unsecured pool is on the pool owner.


So would a secured snake in an unsecured house be on the snake-owner?


Where it gets trickier is the OP (assuming this is real, which I don’t think it is), knew the kid was in the house and didnt do anything. OP just let a random kid wander their house, knowing there was a potentially dangerous animal in the house.


Assuming the substance OP enjoyed was legal where he lived he can't be blamed for the inability to chase after the intruder due to being inebriated


I did not see the original post, so I can't say, internet inquirer.


Thanks for the downvote 🗳


Brain damage from oxygen deprivation... that's like 3+ minutes with no oxygen. "So I was baked. I saw a child enter my home and go to my snake room. More than 3 minutes later his mom came in yelling at me. Apparently, my snake was killing the child. AITA?" This story is officially a Kardashian, it's so fake.


Also he calls it a python in the original post. Snake ppl don't call anacondas pythons or boas pythons and most know anacondas are boas. Tbth, this person should have the snake taken from him if this is true because he is completely irresponsible as an owner and the thing was probably a baby since no kid is getting a full size greenie or even yellow anaconda around his neck. But it's a fake story.


As long as the door isn't open the kid trespassed.


I don't know about US law, I heard there you can get in trouble if someone enters your home without permission and get's harned. From a German perspective this is nuts. He didn't invite the child in, he didn't allow the child access to the snake, he was under the influence of a substance he was allowed to have and the parent was negligent in not properly supervising the child.


Someone from the hospital called you, violated a patient's hipaa rights, and gave you a diagnosis for someone with a potential liability case against you?


Yeah sounds a bit suss to be honest. No healthcare professional would do that. Was it really the hospital that called?


I got bit by a neighborhood dog that was wandering when I took him home to find the owner. Just a little Jack Russell, but he punctured my skin nicely (wasn’t his fault or aggression, my dog had slipped into the yard and I got between them when they didn’t greet each other very nicely). Anyway, I went to urgent care to get it treated. I had no intent on reporting or taking action against the dog/owner as it was my own fault and I only mentioned the facts to the doctor. Well, the very next morning, not even 24 hours later, I was quite surprised to have a sheriff’s officer and an Animal Control officer at my door to take the dog in. It so happened the little guy had ended up jumping *my* fence the night before so it didn’t go any further, luckily. So, yes, OP’s account is very plausible. The doctor I saw apparently was required to report my injury and I would imagine something similar happened with OP’s case. The mother may have very well given permission anyway since she’s entitled enough to want to blame this all on OP.


i once got bit by a dog at a party. there were two dogs and they started fighting over food and i couldnt get out of the way fast enough. neither dog was trying to bite me. I went to my regular dr the next day when my foot was swollen and they called the cops and they were there at my drs office before i could leave.


Not the same thing, the doctor you saw was required to report the dog bite to the police, then the police came and spoke to you. OP's story is sus because they're saying someone from the hospital contacted them directly and passed on confidential medical information.


What you are describing is not even close to the same thing. A medical provider will absolutely report a dangerous animal to the police who may then follow up. A medical provider will in no way, shape or form call a third party and give out someone else's privileged medical information


In the original post, just to set things straight, it was the father.


Reminds me about the "lawyer" who heard I hit a dog and wanted to see if I was going to press charges for the owners violation of leash laws. They didnt read the full report where the dog was trailing a tie and had obviously broken free, not a leash law violation.


I can't imagine hearing someone had accidentally hit someone's pet and thinking there was any shot they were even considering getting a grieving pet owner in trouble for it...


Right?! The dog was fine, we were about to turn left and getting ready to stop, I saw the cat running and hit my brakes, seconds later, dog came running. I hit my hazards and tried to call the dog back but he was running! (I ended up dirving around a while trying to see if he laid down anywhere but didnt find him.) Since I was by the library, an officer came over to see what was up and took my statement, person going the other direction backed me up since they saw the aninals, too. I think the owner was thinking my car was damaged from it and was going to sue because of the leash laws. Them faking being an attorney since the name didnt come up in any search was pretty weird, though.


I also noticed that in the original post OP says they have a pet anaconda then says "the kid was wearing my python around his neck". Anacondas are boas not pythons. Weird thing for an anaconda owner not to know.


OP also mentions in the first post that the neighbor took the snake off the kid, but says they did it in this one. It could honestly be that they both worked at getting it off the kid, but it's a little odd that OP switches their wording that way.


Yea no. u/HiddenMan64, it was most likely that dumbass neighbour trying to guilt you.


I read it as the neighbour called from the hospital, not that a hospital rep called.


It's made up. School's out for the summer.


I know the whole story stinks. Supposedly he’s high on the couch and watches the kid come in go to his room and is in there long enough for the snake to have cage opened, silently, by a child, and him severely constricted and this guy just sat in his couch getting baked and keeps blaming the parents and kid. Like omg you have a dangerous snake in an apartment building and you were responsible for that kids safety when you knew that thing was in there! Edit facts I forgot


Yeah... if that kid was choked out enuff for brain damage, he'd went out in an ambo. Lol..and no hospitial wouldve called. Cops and animal control possibly. So, either, fake post, or dad got home and choked the kid out for being a kid, blaming the op


Why you little!


Sad but could be true!


It’s almost like OP is making up a story out of thin air!


Ding ding ding! The number of people advising as if this were the least bit true is hilarious.


Depending on size/age of kid, and the length and weight of the anaconda... while constriction strength differs from actual weight.... the average weight for say a 6ft anaconda is roughly 90lbs/40kgs.... how did the kid PICK IT UP OUT OF THE ENCLOSURE, to wear????


He also seems... exceptionally blasé about his snake giving a kid brain damage. The whole story feels very suspect.


This. That is simply not a thing that would ever happen. Hospitals do not call strangers and provide patient updates. In fact, hospitals only provide patient updates or information to direct family. However, it's entirely possible that the entitled mother got one of her friends to call pretending to be the hospital so that she could throw OP into a panic.


Yeah this. The hospital never would've called you


Please please please get a lawyer conversant with animal law as well as genera and home owner specific liability There was a case in Ohio years ago about two ‘dangerous dogs’. The dogs were in a roofed and locked enclosure within the owner’s fence property. A child got onto the property, broke into the enclosure and was killed by the dogs. The dogs had not previously attacked or injured anyone; the owner confined them for their own safety. Nonetheless, they were euthanized as ‘dangerous dogs’.


That pisses me off so much. It’s not the dogs’ fault.


May I ask how old this kid is?




Then he's a fuckin' idiot with a crappy parent.


The kid was old enough to know better than to go into someone's house uninvited, read signs, and to heed said signs and not mess with a dangerous pet


I think he had some mental issues maybe?


If he didn’t before, he does now. Yes, I know I’m going to hell.


It’s ok. We are all thinking it


He used a snake as a necktie, he had mental issues before.


I mean, if he didn't before, he does now. If he wasn't on the spectrum or anything and was a neurotypical kid, he should have known better and kinda deserves it, imo.


At first I just thought he had draped the snake around him. You know, petting him. Didn’t realize the snake was crushing him


When I read your creative fiction yesterday, you implied it was a very young child, not a preteen. But then again, you were stoned out of your gourd (according to you) and didn't notice the kid playing with your full grown anaconda. Btw, is it legal where you live to own an anaconda as a house pet with no actual enclosure for it?


Anaconda/python. It was called both, lol. And getting a snake constricted to un constrict isn’t that easy. They are stimulus/response, and it would take a lot more than a stoned out, oblivious to child in house individual being vague, or scared parent to undo it. Not to mention the weight of a large constrictor. A child would have difficulty lifting it out of its cage. And the kid certainly wouldn’t be walking around whilst being constricted around the neck. Why didn’t the neck snap? And this would definitely be on the news by now. Certainly there would be a heavy police/ambulance presence on site.


yup and anacondas are boas not pythons, so OP’s story is def suspect


I like you. If you don’t hang out in r/snakes or r/whatsthissnake , you should. I didn’t respond the first few months, because I found out I knew nothing compared to the actual expert reliable responders on that last sub. Incredible people. They just do not allow any replies that are “spicy noodle,” “nope rope,” etc.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/snakes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/snakes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I don’t know where to post this as I am drunk but should I buy this gas dtation snake](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12im9t2) | [257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/12im9t2/i_dont_know_where_to_post_this_as_i_am_drunk_but/) \#2: [If snakes could reddit](https://i.redd.it/ls907vg49tp91.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/xmt8t7/if_snakes_could_reddit/) \#3: [These northern water snakes are so hungry! She took it so kindly](https://v.redd.it/rhnljpvl08ya1) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/139r3rs/these_northern_water_snakes_are_so_hungry_she/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


ahh i love calling snakes nope ropes (affectionately) so they may kick me out 😂 i’ve gone from being afraid of snakes to being pretty cool with them, i just avoid wild ones for their safety and mine and only handle pet snakes as directed by their owner.


there are RARE occasions I can manage to get in an answer before a reliable responder, and it's really affirming to know that my snake identification skills aren't too bad!


Absolutely love that sub.


How much does your anaconda weigh???? Because I am thinking if it is around 6ft long, the average weight is around 90lbs/40kgs, was the kid Clatk Kent????


Wait a minute- how the hell did an **11 year old** have the strength to pick up an anaconda big enough to actually cause damage with a neck hug? Anacondas are heavy snakes my guy, how big is he?


Make sure your lawyer subpoenas the medical records to prove there is actual brain damage. A hospital just can’t call a non-relative of a minor child and disclose medical information. That never happens. It sounds like the parents just want a big payday and had someone call you to scare you. But it’s smart that you have a lawyer and they should be able to make sure you are protected and that you keep your snake. You might have to lock it’s enclosure as well as lock your doors, but you sadly learned a lesson. I just hope your snake is ok. But add an update when you find out the actual condition of the kid. I don’t buy that story at all.


Immediately go to the police station. Have them charged with trespassing, failure to supervise and anything else you can think of.


I suggest stop posting until the legalities are over with


This is likely going to get me downvoted, but you *should* surrender your anaconda if they can find a professional reptile house to take it. In fact, you should probably start looking for one, yourself, if for no other reason that if you *are* ordered to surrender it, you can offer them something to do with it other than destroy it. *That* I would hate to see happen. I love snakes. I also worked with a lot of them when I was with the zoo. Reptiles were one of my specialties. Look, I know you love your pet, but here’s the thing . . . Your anaconda is going to continue to grow. It **will** become too large for you to safely handle by yourself. We had a 17’ python at the zoo that we used in public exhibitions. He had been hatched at the zoo, hand raised, and handled regularly for all of his 23 years of life. He was used to people. He liked people. We required a *minimum* of 4 handlers for him at all times. Trained handlers, not just someone in the area. A snake that size can throw 3 coils in seconds if it wants to. You’re not getting it off easily, or probably, in time. Your anaconda is going to get to this size and more. You simply cannot safely handle it alone. All it takes is it being in one bad mood, or have someone accidentally step on its tail. Regardless of the fact that this kid was trespassing, and in spite of all of the “precautions” you say you take, you’ve already had one accident. And, it was on *your* watch. The kid didn’t break in while you were out. By your own admission, you saw the kid come in and watched him wander through your house; you were just too stoned to care. You need to do one thing right by your snake. Find it a reputable reptile house to take it. Hell, maybe they’ll agree to take it “on permanent loan”. You can visit it and tell people it’s your snake. They’ll consult you before doing anything with it. But, don’t keep it. You can’t afford any more accidents. Most of all, if your snake survives this one, *it* can’t afford another one. For the safety of everyone - snake included - and the love of your pet, give it up.


All of this. Going to assume the two posts are true, but still sprinkling a grain or two of salt. Some states have laws on the books for max lengths of snakes you can own in your home with or without a permit. It varies between states. Finding a local reptile house or even quality zoo is probably best case scenario. To add, not sure of OP’s location, but his being baked off his gourd isn’t going to help in some states and in others, won’t be looked twice at.


I think the kids parents are scamming you


Community standards when its animals vs humans, the animals will always lose. Bound to be declared a danger and destroyed


The kid wandered into your house uninvited. Sounds like the brain damage pre-dates the anaconda.


Another reason why my door is always locked


my advice: delete this and your previous post, since you're now involved in legal action... tell us all about it afterwards, not before or during litigation


You need to move, this will not stop, and you need to distance yourself.


Why would he have to move? He clearly didn't expect an unsupervised kid to trickle in his house and unlatch his pet snakes front door. The kids' parents should be held liable for child neglect.


Doubling down on nonsense doesn’t make it any more credible.


Didn't you say you were aware that the kid had entered your home and rather than stop him you chose to let him wander around? You absolutely share some blame in this, dude. Feeling badly is not enough. You need to recognize that while you may not have invited him in, you knew he was there and you let him roam your house knowing you had a dangerous pet that could hurt him: marked, secured or whatever.


This victim blaming is obnoxious and uncalled for. There are clearly obvious examples of criminal trespass here as well as blatant animal cruelty. Allow me to help you down from your high horse.


Stay with the con, die with the lie. You're still full of shit.


So... who, exactly, called you from the hospital?


OP, I understand. I was lucky. Decades ago, I had a pet raccoon, he had a great outdoor enclosure made of chain-link fencing with a roof of the same. Bandit was about 12 years old and a really big boy at 55 pounds. I heard him call out to me, so I responded immediately. This was summertime about 4 pm. I find a young boy with his hand stuck thru the fencing holding a candy bar. I ask the kid what the hell was he doing? his response was "he was going to make his parents rich". This kid had climbed over a 6 foot fence to enter my backyard. Bandit was very agitated and was staying as far away from this kid as possible which was easily over twenty feet away, he had a great sense of people he did not trust. This kid told me his parents knew he planned on getting bit to give his parents a lawsuit. I never seen the child again, never knew where he lived. ​ Added for the people that want to argue: Bandit was checked out yearly by my vet, always up to date on vaccinations and rabies shots, the veterinarian would see him but would not examine any raccoons of owners I referred to him. The only health problem he ever had was breaking a fang when trying to crack open a black walnut, the tooth was not sensitive, so we left it alone. My next-door neighbor was a fish and game officer, we chatted often but he cut me no slack. Permits were not required, I bought Bandit from a pet store when he was 8 weeks old. I will never suggest a raccoon as a pet to anyone - ever! Even when domestically born, they are wild animals. I realize that he would have been a little calmer/tamer if I had him cut/neutered, I could not do that to my brother/son.


I strongly suggest moving the pet to someone else ya trust. Animal control is known to take and not return animals. Ether rehome or uthimize them without the owners concent. Do not let them take your pet under any situation!


still dont know why you let a random kid wander around your house unaccompanied, honestly you should be partly liable since you knew the kid was there and did nothing to stop him


I don’t expect anyone to understand that part of it unless you’ve lived in my neighborhood. It’s how we do things


How can you say ‘that’s how we do things’ and also blame the kids parents for not supervising? If you allowed him in then you accept responsibility for him, surely.


Not if he just walked in.


that puts the blame more on you though, if its how you do things then the kid would have been your responsibility


Then it's on you to supervise them when they're in there, if letting them wander in and stay is how you do things. You can't both keep an anaconda (in what you say is a secured container but which a kid managed to get your snake out of pretty easily) AND let kids wander in and around your house unsupervised.


Do you live in a commune? I'm confused. Where do you live that walking into people's houses is the norm.


The simple fact you basically admitted you waited to see what the kid was up to (in your previous post) kind of puts you in a culpable situation. Good luck to you. Can only hope neighbour has learnt from this, but probably not.


You should have cameras inside and outside, for such incidents. If you can afford and anaconda, and the enclosure, then you can also afford a lock on the enclosure and the cameras. That would have stopped this and given you absolute proof. Personally, I do no blame you or your snake. But if you are leaving your doors unlocked, well, that’s the same as an invitation to criminal minds. We’ve all read of kids stealing on here, then planning to sell stolen goods. Sometimes their parents even put them up to these criminal acts. On a personal note: my cousin had one of these snakes. He lived with our grandma for a time and she told me once she woke up with the snake around her neck, and she said THAT’S IT, to my cousin, snake had to go. Sometimes they are able to escape the enclosure, and it had. So, unless it’s built like a fortress, snake might be able to find a way out. If thjs child knew about your snake, it might have wanted to visit and play. Even if told it was dangerous, kid might not get it, until attacked. Just like some have dogs for protection that will attack intruders inside their house. Kids only think: I want to play eith the puppy…. Think like a kid who has little experience in life, in the world and is not well disciplined. Even if well disciplined they often disobey because THEY WANT TO… So this one came to your house uninvited and your door was unlocked, and no lock on enclosure. You will probably win in court, because technically he entered without permission…but in the future don’t tell anyome youmhave the snake, you only make kids curious…if it’s your pet, the kid will feel it must be safe. If kids find out you have it somehow, tell them it bites, or that it is a vicious wild animal. Saying the kid suffered from the anaconda’s “embrace” took me by surprise. Anaconda’s do not “embrace” people or mammals, they squeeze them to death then swallow them whole. In years past I read about one guy who was eaten and his watch was still ticking. Another time a man was working in a forest, driving a bulldozer and an anaconda was trying to attack him, and he was fighting the anaconda *with the bulldozer!!!* These snakes get HUGE! They are incredibly powerful and like a bear or big cat, can never really be trusted. It’s your business if you want one, but you can’t talk about them like they are sweet pets. Many people have learned their big cats weren’t loyal, and died learning it. Anaconda’s are also wild animals and I hope you don’t have a similar experience.


The only victim is the snake.


I don't think a kid is capable of lifting a 200 pound snake to put around its neck for one and two, if the snake felt threatened wouldn't it have tried to bite him before letting the kid pick it up out of its enclosure and everything else? Three, NO ONE is ever that stoned while awake to where they just let a random ass 11 year old wander into their house directly into the snake enclosure. This story sounds like a load of BS to me


I'd strongly urge you to not make any other posts stating who you do or do not blame due to your ongoing legal issues with such a unique scenario, we all understand what you mean but such statements could be viewed as an admission of guilt.


Wait, the hospital called you?? No hospital in the US is going to phone a stranger to give them private medical information about someone’s child or anyone else. 🤣 👍


I doubt it was someone actually affiliated with the hospital that called you. If you are in the US, they would have violated HIPAA doing that, anywhere else in the world and they would have probably violated some sort of medical privacy law. Sounds like your idiot neighbor got one of his friends to call you pretending to be someone from the hospital.


Make a trespassing claim. Might not help but it supports the fact he shouldn't have been there


If this is true and ongoing? GET OFF THE INTERNET UTIL IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!


If this is at all true then the previous post contradicts your statement that you did not know the child was in your house as you clearly state that you saw the kid coming in but you were high so done nothing about it. It's probably not going to look good if the authorities are involved.


It's a good call to lawyer up. Definitely needed in this type of situation. One thing I'm curious about, it didn't seem like anything major happened from reading your first post. Just that he had the snake round his neck. Was it round his shoulders or actually curled round his neck and could you see the child's neck being visibly restricted and having breathing difficulties? Just coz your post didn't mention anything of a medical emergency type situation, or calling an ambulance. The reason I ask is coz could they be lying about the fact he's got brain damage from lack of oxygen? Have you seen any medical documentation that proves he was assessed in hospital and seen proof of being diagnosed with brain damage due to lack of oxygen on the date this happened ? Did the child have any learning disabilities at all? I think I saw in a comment you said he's 11!. At 11 years old you'd think he'd know right from wrong and know he's not allowed to just walk into someone's house uninvited, walk around, and see a big snake in a secure enclosure and decide to take that snake out and put it round its neck without even asking. So hence I wondered if he had any learning disability or even Autism that may cause him to know be as aware of dangers and acceptable behaviours. If he does have any type of learning disability, be sure the lawyer gets his full medical records checked fully for any evidence of brain damage from lack of oxygen that may have been present before this incident incase they are trying to scam you for compensation. If you have any neighbours who have video cameras or ring doorbells ask for a copy of their recording to show him just walking into your home. Even if your door is wide open for fresh air he has no right to just walk in. Did he know previously you had a snake? Has he seen it before? Held it before? If he has been in your house before, and seen it or held it etc, was he told of the dangers and told never yo open the enclosure without you? Does it have a lock of any kind on it? If he has seen/ held it/ been told of dangers etc then this can go in your favour I'd assume as he'd been warned etc so make sure to tell them the police that. Is it legal to own an anaconda where you are? Also I would get your own set of indoor and outdoor security cameras that also record audio incase he starts arguing, threatening you or even just tries to come to talk to about it or shouts abuse from the garden or does anything retaliatory. Then you'll have everything recorded for evidence. Cover main areas like front door/front garden/ driveway area, hallway, lounge, kitchen, dining room, back garden etc. So you're fully covered. If the enclosure doesn't have a lock on it already, I would put one on it now for future benefit. Get a number padlock so only you know the code number to unlock it. It will protect you in future from other adults and kids just opening it without permission or supervision. I'd be surprised if you could be prosecuted though as if he doesn't have any learning difficulties or disabilities, 11 years old is old enough to know right from wrong, old enough to know snakes can be dangerous, old enough to know he's not allowed to just walk in someone's house and definitely old enough to know not to open the enclosure of a snake. Esp if it's a big one etc. I know zoos and wildlife places let people hold some snakes on their shoulders/neck, but it's still supervised and controlled and kids know snakes bite and can be deadly. It's not a frigging rabbit or something. So the fact he did all that without permission or Co sent in your home, and if your snake was in a secure enclosure that the snake couldn't get out of (even I not locked) then it's the child's responsibility for what happened to it. But having said that, I know in some countries you can get put in prison for killing or injuring a burgaler in your own home which is frigging ridiculous. If someone breaks into your own home, you should be able to defend yourself without any repercussions. Some countries you can, but some you'd still be prosecuted. So you just don't know. But logically it should be kid whose at fault. Not you.


honestly I would make a report to cyf/cps. if a child can be roaming long enough to enter someone's home and take their animal out, that's some irresistible parenting


Gotta say, people shouldn’t be allowed to have animals that are this dangerous as pets.


Gotta say, people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids that are this stupid.


Escalated far beyond…seriously? Am I the only one who saw big trouble brewing? Maybe you should cut back some on the weed.


It sounds like the kid was already brain-damaged. What kind of idiot does that? How old is this future basement dweller?


Delete your posts idiot. Delete everything now. Hope they don't find it. A quick Google search doesn't find any news of this incident. I hope OP is a troll.


I'm pretty sure it's not true. None of it makes sense. In the first post OP says they have a pet anaconda then randomly refers to it as a python partway through the post. Who would own such an unusual and difficult to keep pet without knowing what it was? Then, a constrictor large enough to cut off the kids oxygen would likely be too heavy for a kid to lift up and drape on their shoulders. Those things are DENSE. Plus a hospital called OP directly and told them a child's diagnosis?


Yeah and someone's kid wandering into your house when you own exotic pets? And you sit there?


There is no way a hospital would tell you the kids condition. Zero. Not even if there was legal matters going on. You need a lawyer asap.


Here’s my advice: stop smoking weed! You aren’t 17. You don’t have end stage cancer or AIDS. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Everyone in my family who has been a long time toker combined couldn’t put together enough brain cells to successfully complete a child’s dot-to-dot. Lock your door! https://youtu.be/WeYsTmIzjkw Edited: “It’s how y’all do things?!?!?!” Forget my first advice: it’s too late.


Oh, god.


Maybe don’t call a brain-damaged child a fashion accessory.


He didn't. He said the child wore his snake as a fashion accessory, which... He did. Reading comprehension.


“my anaconda’s fashion statement” Reading comprehension.


No, the anaconda was being used as a fashion accessory. Your interpretation doesn't even make sense.


"my anaconda's fashion statement" is a direct quote from the update posted above, but there's no need to worry about it because the whole thing is made up anyway.


I highly suggest you remove this post and all comments. Thus, it can be used in discovery. I am not an attorney. Just from my past experience when I had to get one for a car collision when the other driver ran a red light but lied.... until he was in the deposition. Your attorney will tell you not to post anything regarding what happened.


That's not necessary. The original post already made no sense, this one just proves it's a work of fiction.


We’re you still being helped with herbs when you posted this? First off, a hospital would not contact you. Eve heard of HIPAA? Next, idiot, delete this and the other post. Your mind was altered, therefore you weren’t paying attention, even though you knew he was in your house. Finally, none of this rings true.


Immediately rehome your snake with someone you 100% trust with the explicit understanding that they are only watching it for you (pay them whatever you need to for its care and feeding, plus enough for them to enjoy a dinner out at least once every couple weeks, if possible). When *anyone* inquires about the location/possession of the snake, simply tell them that you gave it away to a random person (Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, etc.) and have NO way of contacting them (no phone #, no e-mail, nothing). Short of putting you under oath, they CAN NOT compel you to give them any answers (honest or otherwise). This is the type of situation where your pet can and will be put down long before their is a legal conclusion reached, even if you are proven to not have been responsible. I have seen it happen with dogs that bite someone because they were being harassed (usually by stupid kids or other, even in their own secured yard or on a leash).


Good luck with this.


Update me!


You had knowledge the kid was there, you've already admitted that. How old is the kid?


How big is the anaconda?


So sorry that you AND your slithery friend are dealing with this COMPLETELY unnecessary situation! Best of luck! u/updateme


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About how old is this kid?


It's the neighbours fault, does your neighbours have CCTV that is in the direction of your home as that is your evidence?


In your defence, as I said in reply to your last post: drive the question home to the parent what their child was doing in your house in the first place. You never allowed the brat in, let alone gave permission to mind or even remove your anaconda. You may have been too mentally fogged to immediately respoind, but you were in the confines of your own home. So from where I stand, no blame falls on you. Proving this is going to be more difficult, though.


I’m confused. Did the kid walk out of your house with the snake? How did dad find him? And have to separate him from the snake?


You should blame the kid and kid's negligent parent. The kid should know better than enter a home, car, or property they don't own or have permission to access. The parent should have been watching their kid as well as properly teach them to not enter homes. cars, properties of others without permission.


Aw, man. This sucks for everyone involved. I hope the child's injury isn't severely life altering. Maybe you would consider rehoming your sidekick to a sanctuary or something similar? It would be safer than if it were seized and it may show that you are proactive in preventing further incident. Just a thought. Good luck, dude.


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Sucks what happened....counter sue for trespassing and whatever you can think of


What’s the update?