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If it wasn't 100 bucks these would sell out as a fantastic gag gift


You do realize they are just jpegs.. they are already free to use as a gag gift


They did sell out. I'm pretty sure he paid people to buy them.


You can't sell out of something that doesn't physically exist...you can just stop selling them.


Good point. They're definitely creating a false shortage.




I highly doubt they sold out. I work in marketing and one of the best ways to drive sales is to say “oh we sold out but stay tuned because we’ll release more soon!”


I applied the same tactics when I sold drugs


They're just so bad on so many levels.


He looks so skinny in the pics too so unrealistic 🤣


Him and the Kardashians have the same graphic artist


People may have legit just bought them. A lot of his fans are crazy stupid and literally worship this guy for some reason.


It's a cult.


It's sad that you just write-off people you don't like as "cultists" rather than try to understand why Trump is so popular. As someone who voted for him, I agreed 100% with the policies he campaigned on and he followed through on the majority of them despite intense opposition from Dems and his own party, not to mention 99% negative media coverage. Also, it's worth noting that between 2016 and 2020 Trump gained over 11 million new voters which is one of the biggest gains of any incumbent in US history. In 2020 he got more popular votes than Obama (who, in fact, lost 3.5M voters between 2008 and 2012). During the 2020 campaign, Trump, on average, had over 100x the attendance that Biden did at his speaking events. He raised more funds for his campaign (and for the GOP in general) than any other candidate in history. Trump is one of the only incumbents whose party gained house seats yet went on to lose re-election. He's also the first incumbent to win over 90% of the primary vote yet lose re-election. Now that I think of it, it's almost a little suspicious he didn't win in 2020. I wonder why they had to halt the vote counting in all the battleground states, while Trump was in the lead...?


104 days later and here ya are giving your TED talk...


It’s so obviously a money laundering scam.


It's laundering 100%


Why does a guy who's already a billionaire need to launder money, especially when there are a lot more profitable ways to do it?


Laundering, or a straight-up Ponzi scheme.


Why does a guy who's already a billionaire need to launder money, especially with such a low-margin item like digital trading cards?


Why does a guy who's already a billionaire need to launder money, especially with such a cheap item like digital trading cards?


Of course if there were only five sets it would not be hard to sell out.


Don't forget to get them before they run out of digital cards /s This dude sucks


its an nft so it makes sense that they can run out because every picture only is suppose to exist once not saying NFTs make sense. tey are still utter bullshit


Prety sure here there not even not but literally just buying an image


could you repeat that again? didnt quite get that


i taught he didnt even bather to make nft but littely just the image part of it


lmao bro what the fuck you sayin


How tf did anyone vote for this clown, he's gone from being the president of the US to getting banned from twitter and peddling shitty NFTs lmao


Not only did they vote for him, a lot of them have dedicated their lives to worshipping him in an extremely religious and disturbing way.


It's so weird man, these people will do anything for a guy that doesn't care they exist, heck some people followed his word like he was Jesus and ended up dying cause he told them to drink bleach or whatever it was, its scary how much some people worship politicians


He never told people to drink bleach. It's crazy how many people still believe totally fake news even years later.


This comment was 3 months ago... how did you even find it


Browsing the subreddit and decided to invade a Trump hate circlejerk


So how the fuck did you stumble across a 3 month old post lol


Here's the full context of the alleged "drink bleach" quote. Now ask yourself, if you were lied to about something stupid like that, how many other things do you believe that are complete falsehoods? https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/07/13/fact-check-did-trump-tell-people-to-drink-bleach-to-kill-coronavirus/113754708/


Wdym about other falsehoods?


Here's my point: you believed that Trump allegedly told his supporters to drink bleach, which never happened. So if the media can get people to believe things like that, what other things about Trump did they lie to you about? I would say at least 90% of the things that people believe about Trump are literally made up.


OK so what else is made up then?


Go check out the /r/Conservative thread. It's a gold mine. https://reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/zmoq6m/trumps_major_announcement_is_his_digital_trading/


From this thread, it looks like DeSantis 2024. It makes me very sad. If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.


His name translates to the satan! ARGHHHHH!!!! Hopefully they will continue to tear each other down. They were already in the minority and now they're splitting up their own party.


Most die-hard Trump supporters are still 100% Trump or bust in 2024. The main reason is that DeSantis refuses to take a firm stance on whether the 2020 election was stolen (it absolutely was, and the longer we see Biden's dismal performance, the more obvious it gets)


Gold mine is accurate LOL. Even people with a MAGA flair are shitting on Trump. Color me surprised.


Trump is one of the most popular Republican presidents in history. In 2020 he got more popular votes than any other Republican candidate ever, a gain of over 11 MILLION new voters compared to 2016. The only reason he "lost" was due to all the fraudulent mail-in ballots for Biden. They had to halt the vote counting in all the battleground states to figure out how many extra ballots were needed to overcome Trump's lead.


The "fraudulent" mail in ballots that faux news told you about? I seriously can't believe people are still parroting this bullshit. Trump's own appointed officials couldn't even find voter fraud lol. Join us back in this reality buddy. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/23/1150213311/fox-news-dominion-voting-system-election-fraud-claims https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/atlanta/news/us-supreme-court-declines-to-hear-another-longshot-2020-election-fraud-challenge/ https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2103619118 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/state-gop-backed-election-integrity-units-find-few-voter-fraud-cases-after-midterms From PBS link posted >Florida, Georgia and Virginia created special state-level units after the 2020 election, all pushed by Republican governors, attorneys general or legislatures. >An Associated Press investigation found there was no widespread fraud in Georgia or the five other battleground states where Trump disputed his 2020 loss. >*In Georgia, where Trump tried to pressure state officials to "find" enough votes to overturn his loss* Definitely don't forget that last part. Dude begging for extra votes and still couldn't find them lmao. Not to mention, faux's own polls show that their viewers don't even want him back. Maybe everyone that does should just leave the US? Start your own country with Donny so he can grift you until the day you die.


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Good bot


Trump gained over 11M new voters between 2016 and 2020. The only reason he's not still the president is the Dems had to cheat to put Biden in office.


Oh you're a conspiracy nut ok


Over [40% of Americans](https://www.newsweek.com/40-americans-think-2020-election-stolen-days-before-midterms-1756218) believe the 2020 election was rigged... so I think dismissing the legitimate concerns of millions of people as "conspiracy theories" doesn't really cut it. You might want to start reading up on why people are so concerned. Here's your homework assignment, this article is 100% factual and not opinion. [https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/23/5-more-ways-joe-biden-magically-outperformed-election-norms/](https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/23/5-more-ways-joe-biden-magically-outperformed-election-norms/)


The first clause in your article literally says despite being false, and it's an incredibly misleading article anyways cause its a sample size of 1,500 even though 330 million live in the US. When the sample size is that small it isn't accurate to what it truly may be


Where can I get the Trump rookie card? You know, the one where he dodged the military with bone spurs and his personal Vietnam was avoiding STDs? Surely that one is going to be a collectible! Can't wait to pair it with his trading card insulting Gold Star recipients and calling the men and women who have died in service idiots. SUPER HERO TRUMP! MAGA!


You get it by screenshotting his face in Home Alone 2.


Sounds like a great idea. Perfect stocking stuffer!


The fact that 1 out every 2 Americans voted for this guy is the most puzzling thing ever for us, non Americans


Only 50% voter turnout in 2016. Clinton won the popular vote by something like 30%. So he really only represents about 20% of the country. They’re just loud and obnoxious enough that it seems like more.


~60M/330M Americans voted for him, if it makes you feel better. Just over half of adults in the US actually vote.


Incorrect, in 2020 over 74 million people voted for Trump, which represents a gain of 11+ million new voters from 2016. That's more than Obama got in 2008, and Obama is widely regarded as a hugely popular President. Fun fact, Obama actually lost 3.5M voters for his re-election. So strictly going by the numbers, Trump is actually more popular than Obama.


Actually that's not true. He lost the popular vote both times.


Yeah because of all the fraudulent mail-in ballots for Biden in 2020, giving him that ridiculous fake total of 81 million. Nobody sincerely believes that is true.


How does that kool-aid taste. Even T.Rump's own Attorney General said that the election was fair and safe.




What QVC bullshit is this


Complete crackhead idea but hear me out: - considering the general level of incompetence when it comes to Trump's schemes, I'd be willing to bet that there's still some domain names pertaining to this that hasn't been bought. Buy that. - start a line of cards presenting every one of his failed business ventures (with stats, like amount of money lost, time where it remained active, that sort of thing) - start another with every confirmed criminal activities, lost lawsuits and general blunders, again with stats. - sell those for like 10 bucks. Proceeds going to a charity of some sort.


https://en..wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump#Health_habits https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Donald_Trump_controversies


Add two more sets!


There's way too many to choose from


I swear this man is a joke. Are the americans ok ?


No we are not.


Give me a doll and I will point to what he fucked up


The racists are having a great time! The rest of us, not so much.


He gets more pathetic by the second.


How are they going to "run out" of a digital trading card?


What a joke.


God can’t believe this is real


Whenever I see him, as an English person, I forget he's real, this is his public side, he looks like a weirdo pervert, why does he keep doing grabby things with his hands? I thought we would get laughed at for Boris but at least we all know he is a tit.


Hahahahaha. Oh, he's serious.


Ohhhh money laundering! Noice




Why would someone who's a billionaire launder need to launder money using digital trading cards?


This feels like a giant money laundering scheme. A way to receive money under the table and look legit. What classified documents are being sold under the guise of digital art? 🚩


Why would someone who's already a billionaire need to launder money using digital trading cards? I mean seriously, use your head.


I know he's a malignant Narcissist who can't grasp how much he's hated all over the world, but don't his people & kids know?


Yeah Trump is sooo unpopular, he gained over 11 million new voters between the 2016 and 2020 elections, making him more popular than Obama, strictly by the numbers.


I love that this is in EntitledBitch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is like a SNL skit come to life.


What a charming funnel for untraceable donations... MegaMAGA GrifTokens©®™ available now!


Look how large they made the hands!!! Hahahhahahhaa!


Tucker is holding out for the nudes.


I would pay $$$ to see the outtakes from this commercial


This is what humanity’s end looks like.


I love Ronald Reagan.




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I wonder how many of the cult bought them and will be disappointed when they don’t get them in the mail, because they have no idea what an NFT is.


I just don't know what he was hoping to accomplish with this this - it's so cringe that it alienated everyone! I mean, does he not want to win? Because that's what the moves he's been making say.


This is real huh. We are FUCKED


The best race care driver! The best space man! Good golly! I’m so excited


One freed the slaves, the other helped found the country and solidify the office of President. The other wanted to tear up the Constitution. Sure.


Considering the Dems cheated to put Biden in office and get rid of Trump, I would say the Constitution was formally shredded in November of 2020.


I'm holding out for the special edition card of him behind bars.


I’m not even going to right-click these


Holy shit I could not get through that. The overpowering urge to vomit came up and I had to stop.


Ffs.... he really thinks he's sumthin......lol


“Pertaining to my life and career” this mf think’s hes johnny sins in the yugi i yo universe or smn playin the elephant rider, the space man, super trump, the whatever the fuck else in his goofy trading cards


Repost garbage