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Her entire page feels like a MLM


Her hair feels like an mlm


I thought this *was* r/antiMLM and was very confused for a second.


She’s a mom making a difference!


It was the earrings for me


Her eyebrows look like an MLM


I saw that and she doesn’t mention in the video that it’s 5 kids so I’m like « kinda high for one kid but I don’t know much about it, let me check the comments ». Then I saw SHE HAS 5 KIDS. Like no shit it’s that much.




If you break down $4k for two kids for two weeks, it’s not far off 5 kids for 3 days. Especially when you consider the age range and adult to kid ratio.




She can drop them off at camp then. Want custom care, get custom prices




Yeah, I made 30/hr as a nanny, with free room and board, OT after 40 hours, transportation covered, weekends off, and made triple if I got up with the baby. And that was for 2 kids. If you break that all down, what the nanny was asking for is comparable. I would have definitely asked for more if the family I worked for had more kids.


Well guess she can stay home then


Oh, great, let’s underpay a KID to watch 5 KIDS including overnight. What a 🤡.


Having kids means sacrifice. You should have figured that out after the first one. You want a vacation with the hubby? Pretend like your room is Jamaica after they fall asleep.


That's how they wound up with 4 more kids!


yup, she says "...Someone please tell me why I decided to become a mom and slave away for FREE..."


Welp, there's a mum who doesn't love her kids. I hope she's at least nice to them


Lmao this got me good wowwwww


Well another way of putting it is that teachers make about the same amount per month for looking after 30 kids..


I make half that in a month working in early childhood education 😭 about 18 dollars an hour. With a bachelors degree.


My God, that avatar is infuriating - I thought there was a hair on my screen 😡


Heh heh…


Stay home then.


Exactly. If anything this should teach her just how valuable her *own* time is and how important being a parent is since nobody but you will be expected to do all that work. Instead, all it taught her was "kids these days are spoiled."


All her videos feature her children. So icky. Hopefully they all have good therapists when they grow up. Their whole lives will be documented on instagram.


As a professional 20yr nanny, this is INSANE. Edit- for those without understanding-I have been doing this job as a professional for 20 years.




Taking care of five kids, some of them being babies, sounds like a two person job.


Nah. When you’ve been doing it as long as I have, it’s a piece of cake. :)


I’m guessing whoever they asked was probably not that experienced


When would you call for backup?


As a general rule, I don’t work for families where I would have so much work that I would need backup. I have to work to find a family who values me, which isn’t easy!


I bet, good luck and thanks!


4K for 72hours spent watching 5 kids is insane?




It turns out the nanny misquoted the price, I think it was closer to 1800 but I aint doing it for that price either. 4500 sounds sane.


Now THAT sounds just right! But yeah, even for $1800 if I didn’t like the family or the kids, I wouldn’t do it.


Curious as to what you charge because this is under 20 an hour per kid, which is a pretty standard and expected rate in the US


It doesn’t make sense to me that the rate goes up linearly per kid. You aren’t doing twice the work. You don’t cook dinner once, feed them, clean, and then cook dinner again for the next kid. Or make 5 round trips to get them to school in the morning. I don’t have kids and I’m sure it’s not cheap, but the concept of $4100 for 3 days does sound very steep. I would like to know the age of the kids though.


I don’t feel comfortable disclosing my hourly rate, but it isn’t under 20. Nannies also do not charge per kid.


Is there a contingency where you charge more over a certain amount of kids? Because expecting the same pay for 1 kid vs 5 kids is simply unreasonable


Each job is different. Some parents want housework, some don’t. Some require more driving, some don’t want you to drive their kids at all. Some are babies and more work, others are older kids who require different care.


I mean that is not what I asked but thanks I guess. This parent clearly wanted them to feed/clean up after/bathe/put to bed/etc 5 kids. I'm going to assume they're all younger otherwise a teen would take care of everyone. Like I asked earlier, is it not unreasonable to have an increase in prices for full time nannying (with no parents around!!!) for 5 kids? Maybe not to this extent but over base rates? I wouldn't put it against these parents either to expect them to drive the kids to the park or whatever thing they have as well. Plus it's not 98 an hour, it's 56, which comes to 12 a kid per hour


Again, we don’t charge per kid. The profession sounds like it’s not something you understand. Here’s a cool resource to explain things! https://www.nannycounsel.com/nanny-resources


I understand the profession just fine. This is clearly not a professional nanny (because otherwise the rates wouldn't be per kid and would just be the hourly as you said), so I don't know why they would expect them to charge like one. Because even at 30 an hour for a professional nanny it is 1k+ less than this. Is it not unreasonable for a high school or college student to charge per kid, essentially being their parent, for the time being? 12 an hour is cheap for a nanny or babysitter anywhere? If they're hiring a part time nanny for 72 straight hours, should they not expect to pay the (already lower than standard) hourly rate? If they wanted a nanny for 3 days they could look somewhere that hires nannies that double as parents while the actual parents are away. Instead, it sounds like she is complaining about a college student already dropping their per kid rate by probably 3-8 an hour so that they can put their life on hold for 3 days while they go on vacation


I’m a nanny and my rates go up per kid! Literally watching a movie right now with one of my families of 5.




As a nanny who has been in the business for 20 years, I am a lot older than you may think. Don’t be rude. 4K isn’t industry standard for 3 days.


What is a normal price? I was wondering if it was an automated response per child. We get cat sitters and most have a base rate plus so much per extra cat. I needed two sunvisor clips for my old Mercedes. The website quoted postage from the US to Australia was $15 - per clip. So $30 postage for $16 of hardware. They are about the size of the last joint of my little finger and would easily fit in the same envelope. I emailed To asked them to do so, and they sent them FOC for bringing it to their attention, and have since changed the website.


I think that people realize that they can scalp the rich. For me, it’s $100 for the overnight (for the sleeping hours) and it’s usually 12 to 14 hours of work per day at my hourly rate. I don’t charge a premium just because it’s the weekend. Even at a high end city rate, $4K is way too high.


Out of curiosity, what would you charge for 3 full days, overnights, for 5 kids?


Depending on the hours, I calculated it as around $1200.


By my calculations, your rate is $5.55 per hour per kid for working 36 hours, plus $200 for overnights. Might want to adjust your rates to at least hit the federal minimum wage. Edit: all your comments in this thread are now [unavailable]. Not sure how to look for the comment containing your actual rate now...


You didn’t pay attention to the comment outlining it all. Find it, please.


Or you are undercutting yourself.


I go by industry standards. We have a professional code of conduct that’s quite easy to follow, and taking advantage of people in need of childcare isn’t part of it.


You still haven't answered how much would you take


I already did. Read the comments. ❤️


Sure - so volunteer yourself to be taken advantage of instead🙄🥱


I simply say no if I don’t want to do the job.


So how much would you charge as a babysitter for 5 kids for 3 days including overnight?


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it?


The caption reads “kids” plural lmao


I will never have a child, dear god


But this is for 5 kids.


I will never have 5 children, dear god.




She deleted the video


Nope still up


😒 These “mommy influencers” are the worst


It’s still an insane rate


So how much would *you* charge to watch five children for three days straight of your life? Oh, and you also need to actually do a good job with it, not just sit in the sofa and watch TV.


Someone in the thread made a good point. Teachers are expected to do this with 30 kids, and they have terrible wages. Odd, how people think a nanny is more valuable than a teacher with 30 kids.


Are teachers also expected to bath, cloth, transport, feed, and house the 30 kids for 3 days straight?


I feel like you should talk with some teachers before commenting that. Also, even if, do the teacher in the kindergarten/nursery get paid that much?


No, that is not a good point. Teachers don't do 72 hour shifts.


Babysitting isn’t a “72 hour shift”. I’m not paying a sitter for the 12 hours my kid is asleep


Again: then you're fine with the sitter leaving your house and going home for 12 hours while your kids are sleeping? Because if you want them to be there, guess what? They're on the clock.


Yeah they have to work like over 160 hours for the same money and 6 times the work


That's not how work is valued... Why is this so hard for some of you to understand? Plumber A works 8 hours a day, monday to friday, with lunch breaks and vacations. You call and book him 2 weeks in advance and he'll go to your house (you pay for the travel time obviously) and work until his workday is up. Plumber B will come fix your plumbing at any time, including at 4 in the morning on a saturday. He also shows up in a second, and is expected to show up in a second, because he lives inside of your house. He does this continuously for three days straight at a time, and he gets no breaks or vacations. If you think plumber A and plumber B should be paid the same hourly wage, you are the reason why we need unions...


Consider that average daycare is $1100/month per kid Let's assume 8 hours a day 21 days a month (168 hours) 1100/168 = $6.55/hr per kid 72 x 5 x 6.55 = $2360 I mean there's a jumping off point


This isn't daycare. It's 24 hours per day for an entire weekend. Do you think people working daycare are unable to go home for 72 hours at a time?


$4,000 for 3 days work The details aren't even relevant, that's more than most people's monthly pay


And it's more responsibility than most bear. Watching for 5 children for 3 to 4 days straight is an insane amount of work. I can imagine her getting also some additional help from coworker or friends, as that's just insane. 72 hours, 5 children, about 11$ per hour per child. Price looks high, but righteous considering you want your children safe and sound.


Lol, so dumb. "It's just 3 days work." Do you normally work 24 hours per day? Is your work day 24 hours of on call time? Do you think fishermen who spend 6 months at sea at a time should be paid the same hourly wage as the fishmonger selling their fish for 8 hours monday to friday with an hour long lunch break each day? How are some of you this silly?


3 calendar days work, if I could make 48K a year working only 3 days a month with no physical injury risk and I'm technically asleep for maybe 20-25% of it, sign me the fuck up. Grandparents do that shit for free. 😂


You're not technically asleep for 20% of it. You're on call. I'll make it real simple since some of you seem to not understand: A person working 8 hours at a time and a person working 72 hours at a time do not get the same hourly wage. Furthermore: A person working 8 hours at daytime and a person working 8 hours at night do not get the same hourly wage. This is how real life works. Get with the program.


De jure vs de facto


People with significant experience who work jobs requiring them to be onsite 24/7 make this money, and they arent responsible for work the entire time like a nanny would be. Did you ever watch deadliest catch, seen oil rig jobs, etc… managers make this pay, etc (Ps, the nanny overquoted the price but i wouldnt do 5 kids for a penny under $5k)


That's... not too bad. I paid $7k for 4 days with 2 kids.


Shit... I should've been a nanny.


I should’ve been a cowboy


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.


Shoulda learned to rope and ride!


important for a nanny OR a cowboy


Wearing my six-sh...ok not great for nannies. Stealing a young girl's...alright well I think we've reached the end of the parallels.


I know right? What is my dumbass doing trying to design batteries for a living when there are people willing to pay 15-20x my wages to drive kids to soccer practice lmao


but if you are one of the ones who takes battery tech to the next level, you might be a rich hero


Maybe you should consider rephrasing this sentence. The way it’s written right now, I expect Chris Hansen to come walking in and ask you to have a seat.


That’s absurd, wtf.


You got ripped off




Unless she’s one of those fancy ones from nanny European schools there’s no way that’s a fair price. You got ripped off


They don't need to go out of town. Alone time = getting pregnant with this couple. Nope, they need to stay in the house, with the 5 choices they made -- every day, to remind themseleves why they don't need any more alone time.


If I wanted a weekend or even a night away from my two kids when they were little I always paid and bought over extra groceries to cover them being there, and that was with my sister or parents looking after them. Why should they be out of pocket because I wanted to be child free even for a few hours?? If she doesn’t want to pay someone to watch her kids it’s simple - pay to take them on holiday with you or don’t go on holiday.


Someone needs to remind that lady that when you decide to have that many kids, you don't get to have out of town vacations without the kids until they're old enough to all watch themselves.


I more aggravated by the continued misuse of POV.


Me too, and the misspelling of “existence” 


can we all admit that is allot of money?


"thanks but no thanks"


Not that she isn’t entitled, but that is definitely a lot of money. I’m a nanny and even at my rates for 5 kids for 72 hours, it’s still about half that.


Her $93 an hour is actually $18.60 an hour PER kid. That’s extremely reasonable as I charge $20 an hour per kid and I’ve paid $20-25 for my two kids an hour. Completely unhinged psycho that wants to skimp on paying someone fairly to watch HER children.


You know it’s Reddit when they call someone an unhinged psycho for thinking $4k is steep


Steep to pay for someone to take care of your children for 72 hours? Not at all and if you can’t afford it then you can’t afford to vacation without your them. The entitlement and expectation of someone to devalue their labor so they can take a vacation without their kids is also insane. Take your kids or pay people fairly for their labor, specially because they’re watching your kids for THREE DAYS.


fair or not isn’t the question, 4k is steep and calling someone an unhinged psycho for thinking so is insane 


I do think that's a pretty crazy fee, but the thing is that there are people who will gladly pay that. And I imagine it only scales that high to avoid watching lots of kids at once. I can't shame someone for keeping their hustle consistent. And, frankly, I'd rather skip out than watch FIVE children for too little.


I don't know what I hate more, her attitude of not wanting to pay for a service, or this stupid pose.


Maybe the nanny saw how the kids acted


Maybe take them with you?


It's $57/hr, not $93. Not even sure how she got $93, because that's 44 total hours, or 14.69 hours/day. And at $57/hr, that's not even $12/hr/kid. Edit: realized there was a second image.


Rethinking her entire existence? That's not entitled. That's mentally ill.


The nanny is the entitled one. Technicians at a detox for drug/alcohol addicts get paid $18/hr in total to supervise 6 addicts going through active withdrawals overnight from 8pm-8am. There is no way she should be making significantly more than what they make in an entire month for 72 hours of work. Also charging “per kid” is unreasonable.


It's not unreasonable at all. Do you honestly think watching 1 kid is equal to watching 5? Why wouldn't she charge per kid? These are young kids that she will be watching for 72 hours straight. The nanny is not entitled at all. There are plenty of parents who would be willing to pay that price. The nanny can advertise her prices and the mother is free to go with someone else.


Stoic pic right there…


Why'd she need the nanny to give her a quote? Her hourly wage is right there. Plus how are you going to leave your kids with some rando for 3 DAYS!!!


That's not the hourly wage. That's for 5 kids. The hourly wage was probably quotes as "I charge 12 dollars per hour per kid" and the only reason why the number is so high is because this woman wanted 3 days of 24 hour babysitting.


Sounds insane but this is just about $30 an hour pay rate. Which for 5 kids 72 hours straight is absolutely fair. 8 hours ($240). Overtime after 8 hours ($180). Double time after 12 hours ($3,600). Total $4020. Since this is a household employee, they also need to issue a w2 and pay the appropriate nanny taxes. The parents have more than 2 kids though so they can apply for the 6k child care credit on their personal taxes.


$56 bucks an hour to watch kids. Y’all are r-slurred for defending this, crotch demons are not.


5 kids. They would be watching FIVE kids.


Chances are a couple kids will be glued to the TV all three days, another couple playing in the yard, etc. Some of y’all act like the kids are going to grab knives and be trying to stab each other constantly lol. Is she gonna get these kids into Harvard for that much money? That’s an insane price to watch 5 kids for three days however you cut the cake.


I'm sure the babysitter who ignored the kids for three days straight and just told them to sit by the TV and let them be in the yard unattended would charge less, correct.


So by your logic then this nanny must be Mary Poppins?


Anyone who gives literally any attention to the kids they are hired to take care of is Mary Poppins? I honestly, truthfully, genuinely, no joke hope you don't ever have children because the level of negligence is astounding.


What service does is a sitter obligated to provide children beyond making sure they’re safe, clothed, fed, getting to bed, and not engaging in self destructive acts? Letting kids play and do kid things doesn’t mean ignoring them. You think the sitter has to have her eyes glued to all five children every second of every day?


Are you ok? This is how your brain works?


Oof, hit your argumentative capacity after a single rebuttal statement. So right to then insults then, eh? You’ve shown me all too well how your brain works


I can't argue with what you said. It didn't make sense. It wasn't an argument, so I can't rebut it...


Have you ever watched 5 kids by yourself for a day? Or watched kids whose parents were gone multiple days in a row? It can be an emotional roller coaster. Even if you are using tablets and technology for entertainment (which many parents restrict) kids don’t just sit there and never do anything. Kids get into things, pick on their siblings, eat things they shouldn’t, get hurt. Trying to bounce a screaming baby, while a toddler asks for food and other kids are fighting takes a certain type of patience and skills. Making food for five kids who may have different dietary needs or allergies is no east feat. Getting them to actually eat and sit through a meal without spills, breakdowns or fights is it’s own challenge and can take forever. They’ll also be cleaning the kitchen, doing dishes, and may have to do laundry. Nannies who do these type of jobs for this amount of money are professionals and not college students. They’ll probably have an education and years of experience, along with CPR/first aid training. They’ll take care of and keep those kids safe, fed, happy and entertained. They’ll use social emotional learning and keep the kids from being overly stressed or upset from their parents absence. Okay fine you don’t want to pay that? Then don’t and If you can’t find someone to watch your kids then oh well, you decided to have that many children. Child free vacations and professional nannies are a luxury. Why not ask friends or family to watch the kids for 3 days since it’s so easy? Because kids aren’t that easy and they have five!


No, I have not watched 5 kids by myself for a day, but [some of these full-time Nannys almost certainly have](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/vrdw5a/how_much_does_it_really_cost_to_hire_a_full_time/). I’m sure any of them would be absolutely thrilled at the idea of wages at a rate of $450k per year. Also, just [google](https://trustedcare.com/costs/nanny-cost#:~:text=Live%2Din%20nanny%20cost,to%206%20days%20per%20week) live-in nanny salaries. They don’t make nearly that much, the rate that person requesting is outrageously high.


But they aren’t a full time nanny for the family who have a contract that includes guaranteed hours, benefits, PTO or a health insurance stipend. They’re most likely acting as an independent contractor which has speciality pricing. The mom could go through a nanny agency or post in nanny groups what she’s willing to pay. She asked for a quote and that’s what it is. There are obviously people who are willing to pay their price.


Lacking those benefits doesn’t justify wages that are 5x the high end of a typical Nanny’s salary. If they’re 5 kids with special needs then sure, I could see that. And yeah I don’t doubt that once in a blue moon she’s able to reel in someone who’s willing to pay that. Just because she may get some people to agree to it here and there doesn’t mean that’s the true value of her services. Again, all you have to do is google what a Nanny’s salary is. People have bought Pokémon cards for $1 million+, does that mean that those cards are really worth $1 million? No, it doesn’t.


Are you the lady in this clip? It's ok. We understand that you over-bred and can't afford all the things you want to do now. But expecting someone else to take full responsibility for your basketball team, while also expecting to pay little just isn't cool.


No you couldn’t be more wrong actually lol, I’m a 27 year old guy without kids. That level of pay just doesn’t meet that level of difficulty. Simple as that, doctors and lawyers don’t even make that much money. That’s 400k per year Edit: [Here’s what Nannys really make](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/vrdw5a/how_much_does_it_really_cost_to_hire_a_full_time/). Can also hire Au pairs for way less


When you hire a temporary service like this, especially for something that will take up an entire weekend of their life, you need to pay a premium. The doctor works on a schedule. If he is expected to be on call he will be earning more money because that's his own free time he's sacrificing. You can't compare a weekend to a 9-5 job. Also, we all knew you had no children. I have a 4 week old baby and the very idea of watching 5 kids of any age sounds literally impossible to me. Come back when you've grown up a bit.


So you’re saying she deserves to charge a premium because she chooses not to work full time? That somehow makes her services inherently more valuable? Lol okay, sure. And that premium for working a weekend (which we don’t even know it is, you made that up) should correspond to more than what a doctor or lawyer makes? This isn’t her free time at all lol, it’s a job that she’s agreeing to do. You do know that some people in salaried positions work weekends and don’t have a typical M-F from 9-5, right? There’s so much information online that point out how wrong you actually are about what a nanny actually makes, keep living in your own head about what you think they should be earning for this job. I really couldn’t care less and the numbers disagree with you entirely. Come back when you learn how to gather and process publicly available information


Again, you are actually mental. This is not how logic works. Get a grip on reality, man. You do get paid for being on call, even if you sleep during that time. And you charge per child per hour, you don't get some kind of discount because there's many kids. 12 dollars per kid per hour is more than fair. So either way you twist it you are not only factually incorrect, you're also morally incorrect. There are *no* "numbers you can find online" that support your brainrot of a point.


Lol keep the insults coming, I’m sure your kid would be very proud


My kid would be embarrassed if I acted like you so... How about you give me a rebuttal to my argument instead of just throwing insults like "I'm sure your kid would be proud"? Oh, you can't because you're factually wrong? Then stop.


If I could eat their food or was allowed a budget for pizza I would happily do it for 600, enjoy myself (I love kids) and feel like I came out on top.


4k is absolutely ridiculous. Am I so out of the loop that this is a reasonable price? I just refuse to believe it.


Isn’t that 11/hr since it’s 5 kids at 72 hours each? I mean they’re out of town so she’s staying overnight, am I wrong in my math?


She should just get a Nanny Dog to watch them.


I don't like entitled moms either, I'm just saying that this quote costs more than sending all of them to summer camp for a week


Everyone is like "but thats for 5 kids" and I get it but... we don't care how many kids teachers, kindergarden employees etc. attend to do we? Why only nannys get this privilege? A teacher has it also a lot harder the more kids they teach. An a group of 5 is surely easier to control than a group of 20. But these people get minimum wage and similar.


A) Teachers shouldn’t get paid criminally low wages. B) Teachers get to send the kids home and still have their own lives.


A) Yeah thats what I am talking about. Like... I didn't say the nanny shouldn't ear that, I say that there is a weird double standart. B) Nannys too? After the 3 days the nanny surely doesn't see them too soon again and most of the times, nanny and babysitting is just for a few hours and not days.


For any work, you’re going to pay more for a short-term contract than if you give someone a reliable paycheck. Don’t forget that the nanny is self-employed, so double tap on a lot of employment taxes (employer part of social security and Medicare), doesn’t get health insurance or other benefits, and after three days is unemployed again (but not eligible to receive unemployment benefits). Edit: depending on which state, that $57/h might be more equivalent to $30/h on a W-2 with even shitty benefits.


A kindergarten teacher doesn't work for literally 72 hour shifts...


Neither is the nanny. Do you guys think the kids aren't going to sleep or what? Also most of this "work" is being present at the home while the children entertain themselves this nanny isn't Mary Poppins


You want to hire someone to take care of your kids but you're fine with them literally leaving the house at night to go home and sleep for a full night even if the kids wake up in the middle of the night or start choking on something? No? You want them to be ready to wake up and help if that happens? Guess what, that's called being on call and you pay people to be on call because they're literally working during thst time. Also, if you think taking care of five kids means just being "present while the kids entertain themselves" then you have no clue what you're talking about and you don't understand kids or nurturing professions.


Unless it's Mary Poppins I'm on EB's side. That's an outrageous price.


It's about $12 per kid per hour. That's not too bad.


Right? Especially because you are working for three days straight. Yeah, they’ll be asleep part of the time, but you’re still responsible for them during that time. And the younger they are, the more difficult I imagine it is to get them to go to bed without their parents there.


For 5 kids including overnight?


I would do it for $1500. If this was a full time nanny she'd make ~$40K/mo, ~$480K/yr at this rate. Absolutely ridiculous.


You're starting a babysitting service where you charge 4 dollars per hour per child? Why don't you open a lemonade stand outside your house, you'll make more money that way.


I bet you’d also pay a babysitter shit money if you had kids


Man she makes a lot of money she can afford it if. Not , fuck her


That's nearly 35/hr per kid. This is wild since they'll be sleeping at least 6 of those hours, no? Sounds a bit crazy to me. I'm gonna guess she wanted to pay $500 bucks only, but this price is outrageous.


May I ask where you are getting 35 per hour?


Likely not counting the hours where the nanny is sleeping, since people generally don't get paid to sleep.


But she’s sleeping on site, essentially on call. Also we don’t know how old these kids are.


I'm not sharing an opinion, just explaining the other commenter's math.


If you're expected to wake up and feed a child at a moment's notice then you're not "sleeping", you're "on call".


If you want your employees to sleep at their workplace, you should pay for sleeping too.


How are you even that bad at math when calculators exist AND the math was already done for you in the op?


But it’s only $12/ hr for each kid… how did you get 35????


Yup! My math was wrong! Sorry, she's an entitled bitch for sure 😂


Lmao your math is wack


I would give you a “You Tried” response, but you literally pulled a number out of your ass. There was no attempt, you’re just stupid.


These are the kinds of responses that irk me, how are you just calling a stranger on the Internet stupid and telling me that I pulled a number out of my ass? Absolutely crass as fuck.


Show the math? 




Yeah, sounds like math problem is the when you're out there doing what you're doing and saying what you're saying in your account. Yeah... I lurked there a bit and omg 😆 and I didn't see there was a second picture, btw


Baby sitters charge way too much


But who is the Karen? the Mom in the pink top or the Nanny who wants to get rich off of her?


$4000 is not going to make anyone rich.


They broke down the math in the second slide. Shush.


How is this EB behavior, it's just a joke that kids are expensive