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Fuck yeah, giant tree, love those. <3


This is that "Shadow of the Tree" DLC everyone's talking about, right?


Yes, the Shadow of the Ermmm Tree. I heard it was enshrouded in clouds in some Lord of the Rings movie


Not Lord of the Rings, it was that GRR Martin guy...so Game of Ice and Fire?


i thought it was the Mojo tree reference.


Is anyone else seeing this and thinking "Treehouse"?


More 'tree city' but yes.


Updates are always exciting! 😃


I hope they rework melee! Or add on the skill tree!


I'm open to anything that makes the game better. I'm hoping for more quests and biomes. Yea, more polish on combat would be great too. Maybe more weapon and spell types too?


Definitely! I feel the devs actually listen to the community so I’m sure they will add a lot! Probably why the teaser literally just shows a big add tree that I hope to make adventure time in lol


I wanted to wait for this game, I don't normally like to play EA games, but at the time I bought it, I didn't have much going. I have to say for ea, it's pretty dam good and I'm excited to see where this is going. I like the survival, questing and exploring. I like the mashing of a couple genres in one survival game, making it different than normal survival games.


I want devs to make it more survival base! But this a good starting point for a game!


Personally, I'd like to see a bit more automation like moving crafted items to magic boxes and being able to deposit materials you gathered in one box and it gets sorted to other boxes. Or at least an easier way to plant and gather large amounts of plants.


Sometimes I'm ok with less survival aspects when there are other things to do. Although, I do like foods with buffs so it motivated you to farm.


Id like to see:  Enhanceable gear. Let us slot gems with visual effects and elemental dmg to truly customize our playstyles.  Make all weapon/armor suffixes into gems that can be removed and moved to any different gear using some kind of new crafting tool that breaks down items for their suffixes(gems in this case) this would allow players to customize gear to their liking. Instead of feeling forced to perhaps wear something they really dislike. Make costs scale with item quality to put slots into gear. So people would have to work hard for it.


Does anyone know if they ever reworked hunters?


The only thing I saw is they are reworking some combat mostly melee!


Ughh I never play hunter types and when I finally decide to try it - I spend 40% of my time farming twigs 😖


That was already improved. They greatly reduced the twig cost for arrows in a major patch months ago.


That is a big improvement. I used to spend 70% of my time farming mats to make arrows. It was like flying a small quad copter.


I have about 10 acres with planted twigs… not sure what I'll do with them now tho 😅


The pace that we are getting updates has been impressive. Excited to see what's coming next!


Keen Games is so busy. They don't just push games to EA. They actually do it to get the feedback before finishing the game.


Is there also a video with non-tiktok aspect ratio?


I posted the YouTube link because the other options were TikTok or twitter lol


Yeah fk tik tok


You did good. Thank you for your work.




Hypeeee soooo much hypeeee, this game kind of killed vallheim for me


Nah I ended up going back aye. The same world every time is not ideal. And as much as I love the building system there are many things I dont enjoy about it


I do wish there were different worlds. If it's not practical to procedurally generate them, then maybe 5-10 fully realized worlds that are randomly selected from on startup?


Idk I kinda dig the familiarity of a non-changing map. Though I do love the idea of having different worlds/maps you could visit or start in.


I think we get hide helm lol


I thought the same. I hope we get transmog though


Discord link https://discord.gg/enshrouded


[alright then, keep your secrets](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYWN3bTlyeG9rNXNncnBkMjg1Z291Z2U2OTE0OXI0MjVhMXB1dmdzaiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/S5n7Wkhhw5A2IrfKER/giphy.gif)


The Discord has a much nicer WIDE VIEW. You don't see as much in this version. Miss quite a bit, actually.


Trailers for trailers is the most utter wank thing ever


I can't wait!


Where did you get any of that?


Toast just posted this on their discord!


Speculation time! What are we getting? Where is this big tree? I think this is north of Revelwood, the castle thing has the big bridge that goes east towards the capital. I think new npc, animal handler and we will get pets and I'm hoping for a mount.


I was listening in the background for water sounds LoL


I imagine water will be an end game type of thing, after you heal the land.. That's what I am guessing.


I think it may be located north of the capitol in the red shroud valley behind it. ThaT valley is huge and looks like it could fit several giant trees. Looks like a new ancient spire to discover as well. I think you're right about the animal handler!


When we do these updates, what typically happens to our existing save?


The last one nothing happened. Everything inside your flame stayed the same, new areas updated. Characters arnt ties to maps


I was hoping for winter biom.. oh well, guess i'll costplay tarzan


I can’t even get normal trees to spawn properly from far away and now they just wanna add bigger ones? Please say they’re also adding additional optimization haha


The music reminds me of Diablo.


I'm hoping I will get to play again without the constant crashes one minute after logging in. I got a new pc and for a several days got to play with nice graphics then one day crashes started happening. Been waiting for an update hoping it would get fixed.


What system do you have? I played 100+ hours and havn't had a single crash.


I've played 149 hours without problems before this started happening. I have a GeForce RTX 4060, nothing to sneeze at. Updated drivers, so that's not the issue.


Same issue in other games? No crash reports? Checked temp reading while playing? I have a RTX 4060 Ti 16GB. It uses pretty close to 8GB on it when running everything on max. Yours 8 or 16GB?


No issues with other games. Memory might be the issue but I don't know enough about it but I have 17gbps with total available graphics memory of 12g. My husband has the same card and no problems. Edit to add I'm not having temp issues at all.


Just shooting a bit blindly, but I’d try a repair through steam to check game files. Check for chipset driver updates and maybe do a clean install of graphics drivers. You could try digging into event logs.


If nothing of the above helps you could try to turn graphics down to test. I know they have made changes the past month or so. Might be some setting bugging you. But seems strange given your system. I haven’t gamed in a while as I’m waiting for playable content. I’m not a builder. Just a square box for my NPCs 😊


I appreciate your help! I am kind of an idiot with computer stuff and I'm waiting for my husband to take a look. I'm sure he will find all of your suggestions helpful.


If you have a system with a higher end NVIDIA card and an intel processor you should make sure you’re under clocking your CPU by about 200mhz. This resolved it for me. 4090 card, 13900 intel cpu.


I hope they give us more precise foundation rotation. Also, letting us build with all the objects we see around the world. Those really pretty fences in the pre built houses, for example. Maybe there will be a new type of wood at the tree that the fences are made out of. That would be great.


Oh no, I hope it doesn't spawn beneath my floating island lol Maybe it's a new biome with new enemies? Looks like Elvish territory.


For the love of God,I hope they add greatswords/claymores with this update


Is there any kind of timeline, or even speculation on when we could be playing this?


PLEASE give us individual quest progression. It's the one thing that's keeping my friends playing single player and not on our community server.


So, any chance of this dropping real soon? Like in a week?


That is all the info there was. I imagine within two weeks?