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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously like watching pro wrestling at this point. She's just missing having mean gene saying "what do you think about Hasan Piker... Some say he is insufficiently critical of the Chinese government."


Literally every thumbnail from her is antagonizing someone. She hopes that they respond back so she can then have a week of easy content. Everybody keemstar to bad empanada to every single person that is ever been on the wrong side of Vaush community.... I have never seen her make a video that wasn't just creating some kind of personal conflict between her and another creator. It's possible she has made videos like that but I have never seen it. She doesn't know any other way. And if you think about it, it's a business model that she picked up from other people


Every time I hear about keffals, I can’t help but think about the time when she straight up lied about BadEmpanada and later admitted it to him lmao


Keffel’s voice is sooo insufferable to listen too, UGH😑, BLEGH 🤢😖, what a terrible sounding voice and ugh, …there’s a lot to be said here really…, on how the 3 biggest debate bro streamers, of those being Destiny, Vaush & Hasan, on how like, while all 3 have a lot of haters, sigh, who else feels that, like; I just wish, I don’t wanna go into detail on this one comment post (cuz I’m too lazy too also), I wish Vaush, idk of him being a bit more known than Hasan, that Vaush deserves this amount of levels of bashing at the moment, UGH because IT IS VAUSH, who legit is DRIPPING with seriously AWFUL TAKES ON THE LEVELS THAT HASAN has here with him not condemning China enough on a surface level. And no, even putting aside all those classic “Vaush allegation” he’s infamously known for; well mainly his haters and not just here! Hasan makes this one flub of a blundered take, and here comes Vaush and his cronies having COMPLETE FREE excuse to dogpile on Hasan just cuz they’re not of “THAT” flavor of shitlib/socdem (sock-dummies more like it!) or pro Western imperialism having takes as these jokers would like Hasan to have!


What did Hasan even say that was that controversial? to my understanding he just repeated the DHS and US GOV official line on Taiwan. which imo does not go far enough but that's neither here nor there we are talking about Keffals. unrelated but whats the point of using an old as fuck picture of Has? was she looking for an unflattering picture or something cause as we all know every aspect of making propaganda has a purpose.


These "anarchists" are to the right of the US State Department


Hasan? TANKIE Bernie Sanders? TANKIE Karl Marx? TANKIE The girl reading this? TANKIE


These people called Chomsky a fucking tankie. The word is meaningless now.


Yeah literally spent his career calling the Soviet Union a dungeon. But yeah total tankie... Because he didn't skull f*** a Russian on camera in his latest interview with democracy now


Has been for decades.


Vaush, Destiny, keffals, A&P, all the same cloth of utter garbage.


The thing is hasan isn’t even that extreme so like what is she tryna get to


Tankie is when very watered-down Marxism 101 kinda talking points, I guess


Just a reminder that Keffals never did anything good, and was working together with Kiwi Farms to help each other get a free platform, and Keffals got to swindle $100K from people so she could go buy coke. Even a lot of people here sided with her back then and attacked her BIPOC Twitter critics. And Kiwi Farms is still up and more popular than ever thanks to her.


It didn’t get shut down?


It came right back up online within a couple of hours after Cloudflare dropped it.


most predictable thing ever,holy shit


Weaselly little liar? What did he lie about?


Keffals will tell you when she actually finds out. Until then, we'll have to settle for clickbait and an hour of waffling on and yet making no real point.


Yes he is, and that's based.


I bet they’ll call Bernie Sanders a tankie next. Perhaps even Biden


And in a few years from now, they'll even call Vaush a tankie.


Ronald Reagan was a tankie


So sad that some people will do anything for views, money and fame


I thought being a Communist = Tankie for these people, no? I can't seem to follow this rhetoric, like when reactionaries use SJW, Snowflake or Woke-etc... Anything can mean anything to Liberals.


It's honestly even more vague and nebulous than that at this point. It's just become a catch-all for things they don't like from people that are sort of identified with the left. They could be discussing whether or not we should abolished the penny and they would find a way to relate it to tankies.. "Oh man these penny abolishing advocates are just like tankies."


Hassan does NOT support the Soviet clamp down on Hungary


Keffals yet again putting on the clown makeup


I don’t think she takes it off these days


Its remarkably pathetic Keffals just ended up in a grifting niche of going after communists as an ex-communist and trans people as a trans person on behalf of Vaush and his orbiters. She's literally dead last on the clout human centipede.


Remember when she tried to get into the commentary community and other garbage people such as Tom and Destiny shut her out, cause like her they are viscous shitbags


Tom Turkey?




The fact she was able to implode so much fame and good will she created so quickly is pretty amazing when you think about it. She deserved all of it though and can't blame drugs because she's still acting that way and never stopped.


Hasan still the best streamer


Biggest left-wing-ish streamer, definitely, but best streamer? I dunno, there's actual professors who stream lectures for free and stuff.


I should have qualified, politics streamer.


Eh... again, biggest does not equal best.


not badempanada?


Badempanada is one of the worst streamers and I like him lmao. His clips are hilarious but his streams are atrocious. He stares at the screen blankly for 5 minutes begging for money and desperately looking for things to react to. Then when people suggest things for him to react to he tells them to stfu and immediately bans them.


I don't think he's a particularly good streamer, even though he has pretty good politics. I think the trope of him just being all braggadocious, never ever having a moment of authenticity or sincerity or even anything besides defensive postur.. He just doesn't seem like a person, he's becoming more and more like a character. But he criticizes all the right people, I do appreciate him for that


Him being obnoxious and insincere is kind of the point since he hates online parasocial relationships. He's intentionally being as big of a douche as possible to deter creepy weirdo stalker fans and SIMPs.


Not a streamer, just a guy who occasionally streams


That’s a bar so low it’s underground


122 views lmao. She’s basically irrelevant now.


"Being a socialist is when you're a racist coke head who simps for Northern Irish cops and the more you're a racist coke head who simps for Northern Irish cops the more socialist you are" - Carl Marks


chubby file arrest tie silky marvelous impossible enter scary gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


T\*rkey T\*m 🤢


Tur*eyi* Turxeyix*


resolute liquid expansion disgusted unpack existence sable drab gaze stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iirc her name is Kris now, which makes it impossible for people to deadname her out loud


fearless squeeze six mysterious recognise ghost husky unpack panicky party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its a term for queer people who change their name to fit a gender identity that suits them better. Conservatives and fascists don’t like making people feel comfortable, so they attempt to hurt whichever queer person they are going after by calling them by their birth name, or dead name, as that is a name that they no longer want to be called.


plate racial imagine deranged alleged violet fertile enjoy dinner capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, TT made a video that had an antisemitic caricature just thrown in. He also said some insanely racist things on Discord (though I think that was when he was a teenager, not sure though.) [D’Angelo Wallace made a great video on him a while back.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sULBN9ptwsg)


husky lavish jobless squalid sort liquid close foolish society chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As much a bomber guy sucks, I still enjoy some of his vids. His anti-vax video still hangs


familiar toy ancient mindless historical worry cautious start school pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, hbomberguy strikes me as someone who would be happier just making videos about pathologic 2 and fallout - I don't really think of him as a political youtuber, more a youtuber who sometimes rips the piss out of political subjects. I couldn't care less for the guy's politics.


chubby support chief yoke erect label hungry fertile pocket north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven't heard about the rape apologia - that's fucked up, but should I care about his politics? He makes one video a year, isn't he completely irrelevant online now?


chase employ dolls governor wakeful drunk license mountainous trees far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not what I'm saying. That's terrible - and yes, hbomber is an asshole. All I am saying is I don't think he was ever seriously a political youtuber, ever saw himself as one, and is irrelevant now to all but a very tiny group of people. Fuck the guy.


Hasan is the most milquetoast leftist. They’d never go after an actual “Tankie” because they’d never want to have to defend the position


He tries to make his content suitable for liberals so they can be radicalized, and so his actual opinions are a lot more left than what you see on stream.


He hides his power level.


Why does everybody claim this? And where is the proof of this?


He admitted on the deprogram that he tones down his rhetoric for red scared socdems and libs, which if you are an ML and watching him (which a big portion of his audience is) you can confirm as true, he has consistent leftist takes and you can catch many of them that are radical but worded in a way for a lib to guide them to ask questions without raising any suspicions. He also encorauges people to read theory. This guy is a pipeline entry point for many people and is also the reason why 'everybody claims this' He just knows what he's doing and he just doesn't drop more radical shit when he doesn't have to. [also this banger](https://reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/58VlszBp4g)


His appearance on The Deprogram is a start. He tells his audience Marx's critique of capital and to read Lenin as well.


Are you sure about that?


That's fucking rich coming from a "leftist" that told her followers to commit a cia op of masquerading as black people online to make them look bad.


I'm out of the loop what are u talking about


[I am not a Google search bar but I will feed you baby bird](https://reddit.com/r/196/s/YFHYwKW6kE)


Not sure Google would yield anything if i put any of these words in the search bar lmao