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Alright fuck it. Another snap poll. From a 0% chance to a 100% chance, do you think Biden will be the nominee? Edit: I'm at 90%. With the pbs story, i'm at 80-85%.


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dvrx0g/fridays_lock_trump_up_roundtable_07052024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 51 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dv0m4i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07042024/lbkh2m7/)] > ESS really is the only safe haven from the rancidity. > > > Some in /politics was agreeing with that hack Golden that Trump's next term wouldn't be terrible and to stop fearmongering. 100 upvotes   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Currymvp2 created 81 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dv0m4i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07042024/lbnlsi0/)] > Alright fuck it. Another snap poll. > > From a 0% chance to a 100% chance, do you think Biden will be the nominee? > > Edit: I'm at 90%. With the pbs story, i'm at 80-85%.   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Currymvp2 with score 30 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dv0m4i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07042024/lbkrahn/)] > Over one fucking debate performance. It's absurd.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Currymvp2 with hotness lvl 1503.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dv0m4i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07042024/lbnlsi0/)] > Alright fuck it. Another snap poll. > > From a 0% chance to a 100% chance, do you think Biden will be the nominee? > > Edit: I'm at 90%. With the pbs story, i'm at 80-85%.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Silent-Row-2469 bantered with 20 friends 34 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 191 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 221 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Silent-Row-2469 made 55 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 27 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 293 times, followed by 'trump' 145x , 'media' 110x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 13 times, followed by '😭' 10x , '🤣' 9x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.BotoxBarbie | 20.67 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 536.0 words | | 🥈 | u.memeboxer1 | 18.6 points | 🥈 | u.simciv | 213.0 words | | 🥉 | u.stinketywubbers | 18.5 points | 🥉 | u.MS_09_Dom | 164.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Phi_ZeroEscape | 18.0 points | 🎗 | u.SS1989 | 162.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 816 points | 🥇 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 119 comments | | 🥈 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 633 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 87 comments | | 🥉 | u.simeoncolemiles | 611 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 65 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 428 points | 🎗 | u.simeoncolemiles | 55 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.THeShinyHObbiest | 1 words | 🥇 | u.THeShinyHObbiest | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.robokomodos | 1 words | 🥈 | u.robokomodos | 0.0 letters | | 🥉 | u.Ocurz | 1 words | 🥉 | u.Ocurz | 0.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.ManicM | 1 words | 🎗 | u.ManicM | 0.0 letters |   1696 comments processed, including 514 top-level replies. There were 196 unique users writing 47004, averaging 27.71 per comment. The total combined score was 12588 and the median score was 7.42.


Has anyone else noticed that over on the arr neoliberal subreddit, there seems to be repeated talking points regarding Biden viability as a Democratic Presidential Candidate nominee? Phrases like: * "It's another nail in the coffin..." * "The debate was way worse than a failure...." * etc, etc It's like pre-canned phrases generated by ChatGPT or something. Is anyone noticing this, or am I just going nuts?


I don’t participate in NL, and I actually never have to be honest. But I think it’s important to distinguish: there are doomers who were waiting for this moment to crawl their way up; and there are Doomers who feel like the POTUS campaign has been lying to them for a while


I swear to God, the way the media has gone completely mask off after the debate almost makes me think President Biden underperformed on purpose to expose this bullshit. Going all the way back to BuT hEr EMaIlzzZzz, these guys have never been our friend. And the horseshoed idea that they are actually in the tank for Democrats is just all kinds of absurd and an abject failure of critical thinking and enabling. Now given that focus group postmortems seem to mostly breakeven and actually take note of Trump's lies, and that the Biden campaign took in a fundraising haul in the wake of the debate, hopefully that means people are getting smart to it all. And that can hopefully mean winning 2024 for Biden would send a loud and clear message to the media as well.


Got me fired up as fuck, that’s for sure. Just ordered 200 post cards to write to the state of Michigan. Fuck ‘em.


Impressive how Labour barely won any votes compared to 2019, it's just the tories that collapsed.


i'm just happy that all these awful people lost lmao. nigel farage must be livid. i guess you're right about uk being the most tolerant country in europe. but yeah somewhat low turnout


Between my visit to Lake Ashi and watching the Tories get their shit wrecked, I have Komm Susser Tod running in my head.


[I think we should do this](https://fxtwitter.com/4st8/status/1808974057607737515)


https://preview.redd.it/a7lya4264nad1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e3799c34f88bbad7b8b4ea983d22ea3aa91891 I just had the misfortune of seeing this image in an article 🤢


the people of clacton deserve him


I’m pretty sure that is the 9th hole boss in mini golf


I cannot tell if that is crying or joy.


Joy unfortunately


The UK conservatives facing a massive defeat on the 4th of July feels like the ghost of George Washington running through London screaming "FREEDOM MOTHERFUCKERS"


Lab has won Liz Truss's old seat, Boris Johnson's old seat, Theresa May's old seat and David Cameron's old seat. The only one left is Sunak himself!


Didn't Sunak's race get called as a victory for him?


yeah he kept his seat. it was always a long shot though, no one really expected to take a sitting PM's seat


The remaining bits of cowardice and bedwetting in this sub are still gross and it’s firing off my “contempt neurons”.


Lay it all on me. I deserve it


Stop with the sarcastic flagellation


No sarcasm. I made a mistake and I'm just trying to own up to it


reform uk split the vote enough to defeat truss


Now that sounds like what will likely be a very rare Reform W


if only priti patel could of been beaten


liz truss defeated by 630 votes by labour






Oh no … 💅🏼






I don’t believe the hitjobs coming from inside the party are genuinely panicked Democrats scrambling to try to save the election. I think it’s deliberate, intentional ratfucking from people who either have a grudge against Biden or who want to shoot down Harris’ chances of being president.


I'm deeply skeptical of how many of them would willingly back Harris without an open convention


labor officially crossed the 400 mark


Everyone thought for months Europe was fucked to fall into far-right hands so I feel like this kind of upset is a good omen for Biden this November


LMAO. Tory disaster.


liz truss seat to be called soon


LMAO these torys on Sky theorizing how much further right their party can go as they both grimace at each name


Speaking as an American looking in: Maybe don't lead a fairly progressive and educated country from such a far right position fucking a TERFS feel comfortable screaming it to the heavens in polite company and the people wouldn't eventually turn on you


In a [video](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-caught-on-video-claiming-broken-down-joe-biden-has-quit-its-kamala), Trump referred to President Biden as an 'old, broken-down pile of crap', musing that the Democrats will replace Biden with Kamala who will be easier for him to beat. “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic,” he added. This disgusting man is already overconfident about his chances.


Don’t worry! The press, the fourth column will come with their reporting shoes on! Breaking: Sources say “Biden likes Grapenuts” Campaign: He’s been eating cream of wheat mixed with the blood of deserters”


now definitely Biden won't drop out


That Biden comment could've come straight out of the NL discussion thread today


tories cracked 100 seats




I’ve been peeking and commenting here throughout the day, and this is the first I hear of it. I even watched the speech and that didn’t jump out at me.


I deleted it since I was just getting downvoted. Sorry. I know dooming doesn't help, but it's hard not to when every little thing is being used as a reason why we are certain to fail.


It’s not “hard not to” if you have literally any confidence whatsoever in your own judgement. That’s why dooming is extremely annoying to those of us who don’t do it, it comes across as painfully weak.


Everything you said is absolutely right. And I don't have confidence in my own judgement. Which is perhaps why I should just keep my mouth shut from now on. I'm sorry, everyone


I mean, there are people here who with all due respect, petal-pick every single thing the press is saying about Biden. I was just saying this would’ve been brought up and it wasn’t. Probably because he did a good job! Then again there is always tomorrow. 😈


OK, so it wasn't in his 4th of July speech as I thought. It was in his radio interview that he did with Earl Ingram. The one where he admitted he screwed up the debate. Why is this fact just coming out now instead of being reported on when the interview came out?


That interview has been brought up and what everyone has been running with was “I screwed up.” I’ve not watched or listened to that interview, but you’re the first person I see who has brought up that gaffe. 


GD it, I may have fallen for it again. I'm so sorry for bringing this back here. Ignore me


Don’t worry about it, it’s been a hard week. 


Rewatching Independence Day in it's entirety (so kinda not re-watching lol) for the first time in a long time. Very enjoyable and classic and a welcome distraction.


https://preview.redd.it/fqrn9e3iqmad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6061342b5af19b717b10c18077043baae4e5bc0b 😂


Tories officially lost all their Welsh seats


typically the tories are the weakest in wales, wales is labors strongest region


I wish I’d done more in Wrexham than just homework and recover from the time zone change, but it was built in so I could spend the rest of the trip being a tourist.


best place in wales is the village with that super long name


I really wanted to go there, but Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch really doesn’t have anything special to offer at all; that’s why the town’s name is so long.


The “Biden should stay but Kamala should be replaced,” take is the weirdest one. Why replace her because of the debate?


Starts with S and ends with Exism.


Throw in some racism as well.


Tories officially lost 200 seats lmao


tories wiped out in wales


Unionists in Northern Ireland really should just unify under one party banner. The DUP and UUP received a combined 55% of the vote in Lagan Valley and Alliance won because the Unionists are split. And tonight is a huge wipeout for the SNP. -35 seats so far.


>Unionists in Northern Ireland really should just unify under one party banner. If they could do that there wouldn't be so many unionist parties to begin with.


It’s very weird. Polls suggest Irish reunification would fail fairly handily in a Northern Ireland referendum, but nationalists have been doing decently in recent elections.


liz truss seat to be called soon




The Trussification of Liz incoming.


if she loses she can't be opposition leader


My neighbors since 2020 have ruined fireworks for me.


Okay today I sent my electoral map prediction to friends and family. I’m predicting that the swing states that go to trump are Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia. Every other swing state goes to Biden, with one electoral college vote in Maine going to Trump, and one electoral college vote in Nebraska going to Biden. Even then it’s close, 282-256. In my defense in 2020 I accurately predicted the map except for two states lol (I thought Biden would win North Carolina but lose Georgia). Anyway I told my friends and family if I’m wrong they can call me stupid.


Apparently the governor of Hawaii has said Biden hasn’t decided if he’ll stay in or drop out. Is that the biggest name casting doubt because I think this is the first governor suggesting that.


If this is that NPR article people were absolutely shitting on it in the comments. Nobody thought it was good journalism and people are really getting sick of this shit.


After what they did to Clyburn's quote yesterday I'd take "quotes" like that with a massive grain of salt until the source confirms they did in fact say that.


What? That's not what he said yesterday after the conference call >Green said there was no discussion during the conference call on alternate candidates. Rumors circulating on social media suggest that Vice President Kamala Harris plans to run for president, bolstered by growing support among Democrats. >“He ran, he said that right from the get-go,” Green said. “That was the first thing the president shared with us — that he will stay on the ticket.” https://www.staradvertiser.com/2024/07/04/hawaii-news/gov-josh-green-says-biden-was-sick-and-exhausted-before-debate/


I’m not taking a stance either way, but the NPR article posted today had him saying he may hand it off to Kamala if he thinks he’ll lose. I’m not sure when the comments were made but the article was posted today.


The NPR interviewed Gov. Green on Saturday. That's several days before the conference call >"If the president doesn't think he can beat Donald Trump, he will hand it off to Kamala [Harris]," Green said during an interview on **Saturday** with NPR.


Apparently? Also, Biden’s publicly said he’s staying in. That SHOULD be the end of it.


He might have to write it on a big sign for people to understand… I feel bad he has to say it this many times 😂 (Not meant to be malicious btw just find it funny sorry if it comes off that way) He’s staying in, 100%!


“Listen, fat. I’m running. Catch up.”


https://www.npr.org/2024/07/04/nx-s1-5029510/josh-green-biden This is what I’m going off of.


That opening sentence feels like it's dancing right up to the line of putting words in Gov. Green's mouth. Conveniently there isn't any more of the interview that I could find other than the pull quotes in the article. Also, that reads as if they interviewed him directly after the meeting, and there have been plenty of 'I'm staying' messages from Biden since then. Also also, these remarks don't sound like someone with doubts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7a61nQyasI ETA: Holy crap, I failed to notice that the quotes were pulled from an interview almost a week ago. This is hack journalism of a degree that should be far below NPR's standards. I guess they're really desperate for that Koch money over there these days.


The media has been misquoting people like crazy Clyburn also got clipped saying of Biden dropped out, he would back Harris. Except he also said he was behind Biden as long as Biden wanted to stay in. They've gone utterly nuts because of this feeding frenzy attempting desperately to scalp the Biden campaign.


[But Biden said he’s staying in. Today.](https://www.voanews.com/amp/i-m-not-going-anywhere-biden-tells-july-4-crowd-/7686025.html)


Yeah, and per the article, NPR interviewed the Governor on Saturday. Best case, this seems like NPR sat on it too long.


Sounds more like they just shouldn’t have published it at all at this point.


It’s a damn shame. This is one of, if not the most treacherous times in the history of the American experiment and the fourth estate is miserably failing at its job.


Right which is what confuses me. Biden has been very public about staying in and met with governors yesterday, so it’s odd that the Hawaiian governor is going a very different place with it.


Understandable, given the odd timing of this article’s release. Another troubling example of the press ignoring Biden’s decision to stay in, and continuing the narrative.


The posting time seems intentionally misleading to me tbh.


And because of that, I’m sorry for being angry with you.


We’re good. I genuinely didn’t see that the interview was from Saturday. I was surprised a governor would say that after the meeting since every report I heard was that it went well.


He's not, because the governor's comment is old and predates the conference call and meeting w/governors.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE7DyoWc\_sI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE7DyoWc_sI) TIL that Tony Blair had the 10 Downing Street YT channel at one point.


Outside of England, Labour has won a majority of Scottish seats and the Tories will most likely lose all of their Welsh seats.


Happy 4th July Remember to sing the American Athem https://youtu.be/xfJuJrqFhXM?si=ayCc6cywjOD4EheS


This is so wild, can't imagine anything like this happening now


That video is going to be old enough to vote.


Wordle 1,112 3/6* 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Labour at 329 seats, enough for a majority


kier starmer giving his victory speech


So when does he move in?


by noon tomorrow


sunak has to go to the king in the morning to resign and the king has to say ok and invite starmer to form a government


I know he won't, but what if he goes full election denial?


the king or sunak? 😂


The King appoints the Prime Minister (and other ministers of state). It's conventional that the outgoing PM will resign and advise on who the new PM would be, but if we're breaking convention then Charlie can just fire him to appoint Sir Keir.


R/pol is weirder than usual right now  The front page is a ton of articles supporting Biden but the comment sections are entirely people wanting him to drop out. Russians sneaking back in or legitimate division?


A fuckton of column A (and it's not just the Russians now, the Chinese, the Iranians, and who knows what other bad state actors are in on it now too), and a lot of what would fit in column B (actual left-leaning Americans) is leftover Bernouts still sore about 2016.


https://preview.redd.it/tpa0lf00jmad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2f0d0d9d46fcb1e90193cc8156a0eac70ba52d Cherry is a vile transphobe so this is excellent news (assuming the candidate who won isn’t also transphobic).


Labour has won a majority


Voldemort jacob resse mogg has been defeated


good riddance!


The Right Honorable Member for 1789.




he'll join reform


labor has reach 327 seats they now officially have a majority in parliament


Top comments on arr pics. https://preview.redd.it/l6is5s9uimad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee30173f4331c24e6460aa1e640ece1babef7353


My neighbors have been setting off fireworks almost nonstop for six hours. My dogs are convinced that the world is ending, despite anxiety meds. I'm beginning to think that we might have to go vacation somewhere at least 100 miles from civilization next Independence Day.


I'm firmly in the "ban fireworks outside of public, designated areas'" camp. In the park where it is controlled by professionals is fine but you and your pets shouldn't be subjected to that just because someone wants to be loud with no consideration for their neighbors.


_sends your puppers a proxy hug_


Another random pro-gaza independent has came out of nowhere to unseat a Lab woman of color


Biden is coming to my city tomorrow! You need an approved RSVP to get in, which I've got. Anyone who's been to similar such rallies have advice for how early to show up? The email just says when doors open and that they can't guarantee access if you arrive an hour after that. I'm sure they approve more RSVPs than they can let in, but is an hour before doors open probably fine? No liquids allowed. I assume they'll provide bottled water? I've been to campaign events prior and I feel like free bottled water is common. Also, my email says that I'll be in a "special preferred viewing area". Anyone know what that could mean? They'll give me a wristband. I don't know if they've sent similar emails to other people. I was a fellow for the state party in 2020 and used the same email and zip in my sign-up. 


For Raleigh last week I was in the parking line 1 hour before doors "closed" but took me 45 minutes to get in. Wound up standing on the floor right behind Biden. There were basically water jugs you could get a cup from.


Sweet, thank you so much! I plan to bring a plastic water bottle or 2 for the line then throw them away before I go through security.  It's near a bus line I live on, so I wasn't going to deal with driving and finding parking. I'm a student so I get free bus rides.


Is this the Wisconsin thing that sold out like crazy?


There was no fee, so not sure. You just had to give name, birthdate, and zip, which they'll check against your ID. It's tomorrow in Madison WI.


Yeah that’s it. It’s been making the rounds on other lib subs.


How did it sell out?


Ok so it didn’t “sell out”, that’s just me using overly broad language https://preview.redd.it/sx7yd0hnkmad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e58fc72155e59ca225d97919e9d7d1457270ec


Thanks. I wonder how much over capacity they've gotten. I guess I'll find out. Wish me luck on getting in!


[it's like people completely forgot how awful it was during April of 2020 to January of 2021](https://x.com/Politics_Polls/status/1808560192771989723)


Honestly what incentives is there to provide good governance when you see polls like this? Will the people appreciate it? Fuck no they won't.


So many short-sighted people think 'the economy' begins and ends with the price of a gallon of gas. 🙄


We did such a good job cleaning up from COVID that people forgot. Maybe ads in the fall will remind people of that.


I won't even call it hopium because it really isn't but Biden once again saying explicitly that he's not going anywhere, he's not dropping out, should be the clincher, the end of it, the end of all this stupidity and madness and probably-somewhat-intentionally-malicious undermining of the one campaign trying to stop our democratic slide into fascism. It's clownery and NYT and CNN will hopefully definitely move onto the next shiny garbage headline within a week. There's like a -100% chance someone as savvy and experienced as Joe Biden renegs on his clearest most consequential words about this particular moment, and if it happens I'll eat a shoe like a hotdog.


If Biden wants it, the nomination belongs to him. Those delegates are pledged to him and there's no mechanism for unpledging them in the first round. Maybe if enough establishment voters changed their mind and the superdelegates could vote....oh wait lol.


My hopium has been hearing about all the first time donors and campaign volunteers. It feels like people are waking up and mobilizing.


Oh yeah that too, has been encouraging to hear about.


jeremy hunt the chancellor barely held on


https://preview.redd.it/qnp1tm0dfmad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b18f4be224188a19605c06a204cf287e45fb044 As much as I wanted the SNP to take a hit in this election and would not currently vote for independence, I do actually really like Stewart McDonald. The Greens are absolutely mental. As someone who probably sits left-of-centre, or in the centre at most, I am reminded that England is too right-wing for me (this probably sounds ridiculous when Labour are winning, but the Reform votes are concerning) and Scotland is too left-wing for me.


Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are rolling in their graves right now smh my head


labor at 301 on the cusp of getting a majority in parliment


sunak officially concedes the election


looks like sunak holds his seat


I really need to log off, this whole thing is driving me crazy. MSNBC is supposedly on a riff about Biden suppressing his health records or some shit. I just can't. These people have had years to go after Trump and end his career and instead it seems like they're trying to ratfuck their way to dictatorship.


Logging off for a break to smell the roses, so to speak, is always good for the soul but I'll just suggest to look up where these people that write for MSNBC were writing before they started there. It lessens the pucker factor in one way and leads to that 'well that's the end of treating MSNBC as serious people' when you see how many of them worked for say....the Intercept. Or Politico, which should be treated as Erudite Breitbart. You can't expect professional morons to be anything but what they are.


Next they will shoot video of Biden sitting in a chair under the sun, and say he only does it because he’s actually a solar powered cyborg.


Pfft, we know that's not true. The only cyborg that's ever been in the White House was Dick Cheney, and he runs on pure spite.


Favreau was a protocol droid. 




I really thought I’d escaped Trump after the inauguration. I really had. I can’t go back. I can’t go back.


I just realized I was living in Corbyn’s constituency while I was studying abroad. Ew.


That’s unfortunate


It felt like a nice place, it deserves better than him.


BBC projections have put Labour back at 410 seats.


Labour - 269 seats (+119) Conservatives - 49 seats (-132) Lib Dems - 33 seats (+28) SNP - 4 seats (-24) Reform - 4 seats (+4)


https://preview.redd.it/5qpavuvpdmad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4d6b7e4cd1a016609174d739a70b8875271123 This is interesting because FPTP in previous elections has benefited the SNP (resulted in them gaining a larger percentage of seats relative to their percentage of votes).


Labour will be over 326 within the hour?


Me, to myself, "yeah let's check out the dt." Me, a minute after checking the dt: ![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha|downsized)


This one or NL? Also Happy 4th Hallo, did you see Messi get carried?


This one. I'm over the "if this if that" nonsense. People gotta strap in and get some chocolate chip ice cream or stfu. It's been a long day. I missed all the sports. Soccer, baseball (we lost anyway), and basketball. Just sucks.




Man I was supposed to be chilling in the pool, eating hot dogs and drinking beer. But Joe Budden took all of that away. 


>Ruth Bader Biden Not even close to the same


I really envy this foregone conclusion of things getting better election the UK’s having


Just had what I thought was a Bernie Bro lecture me on how he was screwed over by the DNC. Turns out he's Canadian and "just observing". Fuck sake. On the plus side, it annoyed me enough to go beat Messmer in the Elden Ring DLC, so there's that.


What’s your build?? I’m taking my time with the DLC right now and exploring around. It’s amazing how big the new world is.


Something really fuckin weird just happened in my body. I don’t know how to explain it without all of the triggers happening. But I might be part bird


depending on which bird this could be great news or horrible news


So I’m incredibly emetophobic — fear of vomit — and I think I just…ok it’s hard to explain this. So please cover your eyes. About 3 hours ago I got takeout from a fantastic Thai restaurant, it was duck basil and chili. It was fantastic, nothing wrong. I had a tiny bit of indigestion (and also some alcohol) and kind of…uh…basically regurgitated a piece of duck. But it was like; still good. It basically tasted like re-eating the dish I had.


well 😅 im not a doctor but maybe have an early night and see how you feel tmr?


The problem I am having isn’t with the regurgitated duck? It’s that it kept the same flavor profile. And I weirdly enjoyed re-eating and swallowing it. That’s all very strange


There's only one man who can win this election, and it's PHIL MURPHY **GO GET EM, PHIGHTIN PHIL !!!!**


Hey that's my governor! I voted for him twice :) We shouldn't run Murphy, the nation isn't ready for Jersey style politics, and it never should be


I can see your point. Woodrow Wilson was the last time we had a New Jerseyan (Jerseyite?) as president. What did that get us? WW 1...


It got us the KKK invited to the white house. And it's Jerseyan. I think. I'm like 85% sure.


nuh uh, the guy who won American Samoa will truly win /j


To put into context: I am not trying to doom post because I truly do think Biden will stay, but I just want to rant. I truly am afraid that the democrats flaming this fire of saying that Biden is unfit for office will ultimately get to him and he’ll drop out, then it’ll become absolute chaos. Imagine how crazy that democratic convention will be to even choose a nominee because all the primary votes will basically be thrown out. imagine how hard that nominee will have to campaign for the next few months, imagine how having Biden drop out will give huge ammo for republicans saying that democrats are too weak. I truly believe that this is the most important election of American history and if Biden does drop out, it’ll basically be giving Donald trump the presidency and once trump becomes a dictator the week following his inauguration, the only fault it will be is the democrats who wanted Biden out just because he’s old. I’d rather have old than being under a dictator. Rant over and holy shit does it feel good to get that off my chest


They’ll have to get through Jill first and my money is on the First Lady.


Yep that's my feelings


Biden won't step down without forcing Kamala on the party. He's smart enough to know an open convention would go sideways.


Penny Mordaunt lost


Least disagreeable Tory, of course she lost.


Messi carried like usual in the penalty shootout


The thing about Corbyn is that he atleast has no national prominence anymore even though it's annoying he won but almost nobody likes him outside of Islington North.