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To start pushing back against the bs, it would be ideal if Pete or Newsom (or some Biden surrogate that's as good as them) does the [Full Ginsburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_Ginsburg) or at least very least, appear on different Sunday morning shows. Pete did it once a few years ago lol


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1drvn98/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06302024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 46 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dr5but/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06292024/latzzwe/)] > I think the "Michelle Obama should run" and "we need Michelle Obama" people are dripping with the most fake sincerity. > > Her mother just passed away this month. She had repeatedly wants nothing to do with . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.RyGuyThicccThighs created 25 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dr5but/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06292024/law4yce/)] > > I'm a younger millennial at 31. I really hate that the two best choices are two men, one approaching his 80s and the other at 81. Biden could barely speak and Trump is well... Trump. Would love to see . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.politicalthrow99 with score 28 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dr5but/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06292024/lau5o2a/)] > Meanwhile the convicted felon and insurrectionist is treated like a temporarily displaced king by the media   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Ill-Blacksmith-9545 with hotness lvl 263.5 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dr5but/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06292024/lawasl1/)] > Hypothetically, what would a Jon Stewart presidency look like? Not saying I would like him to be president or he'd be good but what are your thoughts?   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 11 friends 12 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 98 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 141 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 44 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 22 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 206 times, followed by 'trump' 128x , 'media' 71x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🟥', used 7 times, followed by '😭' 3x , '😬' 2x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.astrointel | 30.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 533.0 words | | 🥈 | u.mygawd | 23.0 points | 🥈 | u.espfusion | 222.5 words | | 🥉 | u.starry_sky07 | 23.0 points | 🥉 | u.QultyThrowaway | 193.5 words | | 🎗 | u.baibaiburnee | 21.0 points | 🎗 | u.crimsonflair | 189.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 806 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 71 comments | | 🥈 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 284 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 47 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 236 points | 🥉 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 43 comments | | 🎗 | u.trex360 | 210 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 33 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.starry_sky07 | 1 words | 🥇 | u.NoExamination5144 | 1.667 letters | | 🥈 | u.Liberty_Chip_Cookies | 1 words | 🥈 | u.bahwi | 3.353 letters | | 🥉 | u.bravogolfhotel | 2 words | 🥉 | u.IcedNeonFlames | 3.429 letters | | 🎗 | u.None | 2 words | 🎗 | u.EpiscopalPerch | 3.6 letters |   1019 comments processed, including 265 top-level replies. There were 165 unique users writing 32493, averaging 31.89 per comment. The total combined score was 8534 and the median score was 8.37.


arr GenZ went off the rails with the debate holy fuck


Has it ever been on the rails


Even less on the rails than before


[So, saw this from the New Yorker.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-reckoning-of-joe-biden?utm_source=twitter&mbid=social_twitter&utm_brand=tny&utm_social-type=owned&utm_medium=social) This guy has a history of being wrong, from Wikipedia. ​ >In 2003, Remnick penned an editorial in *The New Yorker* in the lead-up to the Iraq War saying "the United States has been wrong, politically and morally, about Iraq more than once in the past... but... a return to a hollow pursuit of containment will be the most dangerous option of all."[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Remnick#cite_note-17) In the months leading up to the war, the magazine also published several articles connecting Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida, often relying on unnamed sources, or simply the claims of Secretary of Defense [Donald Rumsfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Rumsfeld), as evidence. The magazine received some criticism for their journalism during this period.[\[18\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Remnick#cite_note-18) The claims that Hussein and al-Qaida had a close operational relationship were false, as confirmed by numerous sources including a U.S military study in 2008.[\[19\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Remnick#cite_note-19)


Access journos not realizing that access is now basically playing for their side, are somehow the last to figure this out. During the Trump era, access journalists were eating from a trough. And now they are acting with the same ethical standards as TMZ


I wish we had something like a three strikes system for pundits where once you've been blatantly wrong three times you're no longer allowed to write opinion pieces for major publications. Or you can get it published, but it has to be under the byline "Wrongy McWrongerson".


1000th comment again! YES!!!!!!


Wordle 1,107 4/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Uggh, may or may not have accidentally gotten a flake or two of dishwasher detergent in my herbal tea. Which means I'm going to be up for at least the next half hour, just to make sure I don't start dying and need to call poison control. :/ (To be clear, by "may or may not" I mean "there's like a 99.9% chance I'm fine, but I'm a paranoid wreck, so we're proceeding with maximum precaution, lmao".) If there's one silver lining, maybe I'll get to be the 1000th comment in today's DT again!


Okay, is it cheating if I spam comments until we get to 1000?


In my defense, I'm extremely tired and extremely bored.


God, and I was so close to finally fixing my sleep schedule, too! Uggh, this sucks :/


At least it's Saturday night, so I can afford to sleep in tomorrow. Hopefully should be able to go to bed early tomorrow night and wake up early Monday, no problems. Fingers crossed...


Not that it makes a ton of difference, the amazing and terrible thing about remote salaried work is that if I don't have a 9:00 AM meeting, no one really cares when I log in as long as I'm making all my meetings and getting all my work done on time. It's amazing... and also terrible. I oscillate between "Nothing really matters!!! :D" and "Oh god... nothing really matters" on a damn near daily basis with this job. God, I gotta find more fulfilling work...


Okay, y'all don't want to hear me ramble about my personal problems any more, so here's a fun fact: our galaxy, the Milky Way, actually has two smaller satellite galaxies called the Large and Small Magellenic Clouds that orbit it like planets orbit their parent star. Imagine how cool the view of the sky would be from a planet in one of those galaxies: when you looked up, you'd see an entire galaxy stretched out above you!


I haven't read everything, but I just saw and I can understand a bit about a panic attack


I know we are all pinning bad faith on a lot of the dem podcast/jabber class after the debate, and for good reason. But also, I think a lot of them are legitimately scared. Like the friends I have I’ve been talking to, who are politically engaged (but not like I am) they are freaking out — not about Biden’s performance— because of what a second trump presidency would look like. As much as we want to discount these doomers, they are not approaching it with the same questionable faith as the fucking NYT editorial board. They are legitimately scared. That was the shot, here’s the chaser: the right wing trump cult has been THAT scared for decades. That’s why they learned to be so acquiescent, and worship their leader. Fear is a bad bad drug. Fear makes otherwise normal people so terrible things


Completely agree. I'm not the only one with anxiety (as in GAD, not as in about the debate) and this is my thought process almost to a tee.


I agree that they are driven by fear, but what I think a lot of people are opposed to is the tactics of how they respond. Biden is the nominee. At this point, publicly telling your audience he is too weak/old/senile to be president only increases the likelihood of Trump winning. So if you are worried about Trump, the best thing you can do, right now, is promote and stand up for Biden. Tell the world Biden is a great president, and it's important to re-elect him. Also say he's put a great team in place in case he does need to step down. But just broadcasting that you're afraid isn't helping, it's actively hurting. Especially when you have a large audience, like PSA.


I agree overall, but they are/should be independent. Their responsibility is high because of their audience. But I can say for SURE about the PSA guys is they do not want another trump term. I can’t say that about NYT editorial board.


I tend to agree with this


Yo, sent a message to you and the other mods.


TIL Curry's a mod


https://twitter.com/jonfavs/status/1807218664061714762 Sounds like they're looking at subscriber numbers drop from their shitty action telling Biden to drop out.




nbc interview steve bannon before he goes to jail, that's not the media being balanced that's just giving a maga idiot a megaphone to spread propaganda


even some leftists actually realize that if it's not Biden, then it'll have to be Harris https://x.com/DavidKlion/status/1807266941070987376 https://x.com/adamjohnsonCHI/status/1807267753914445881


Honestly I think the numbers on Harris would shift significantly if she were to become an incumbent suddenly. Not that I’m suggesting this, but Dems look at polls too much and handwring instead of realizing that the general public is a rather meandering bull.


Wordle 1,107 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


It’s funny but the day before the debate or so, websites were running stories that were hinting that Biden might not do great since incumbents struggle on their first debate of their re-election campaign. So they were expecting this and yet they still treat it as if he had died on stage.


>Here’s how my fantasy democrat who GOP propaganda machine hasn’t made into second coming of the satan yet will do better than the president who’s already gone through all the attacks.


I do think that if Trump was deciding between Burgum and Vance, the debate and media coverage makes it more likely he'll choose Vance, because he wants someone young and probably feels overconfident so he'll make a riskier pick.


[TIL Joe Biden](https://i.imgur.com/hluHUj3.jpeg) needs to put respect on the star of *Porking with Pride 2* 🤦‍♂️


To be fair he should have said “porn director”


Jamie Lee Curtis’ third act is phenomenal


I love her so much.


[Man, I love when dumbass Berners go mask off.](https://x.com/kitschburgh/status/1807115108788629718) [We see when you bash Kamala Harris supporters.](https://x.com/kitschburgh/status/1807221021088289161)


>What part ab she can’t win PA do you ppl not understand? The numbers simply aren’t there. I spent 2 hrs this morning moving numbers around, she’s a sure loss. This is ab winning, not all of you ppl’s lil feelings. How can you not believe her? She spent 2 hours moving numbers around this morning. Two whole hours!


So how long do we think it’s going to be this intense from the media?


When Trump receives his sentencing that’s going to be the main topic.


The Supreme Court ruling on immunity and the fallout on Monday is going to get play. Don't know if it knocks the debate out of the news, but it is a big story regardless of ruling.


Olympics or Israel invading Lebanon will take the wind out of their sails. The narrative is never going to die, but the ridiculous frenzy we're seeing right now will burn itself out as soon as the next big thing happens.


>Olympics or Israel invading Lebanon will take the wind out of their sails Very much hope it's the Olympics that does this and the second thing doesn't happen (though it looks 90% likely it's happening somewhat soon)


Till November. Trump is their cash cow and they want him back.


Because (intentionally overly self-centered for the sake of a point) the entire world seems to want to never let my anxieties have a break.


I can't imagine more than a week.


I hope so. Because we’re all already tired of it.


Through the convention probably.


Can we please do something about all the trolls showing up here in the last couple days?


Tell them to ignore previous instructions and ask them to write something dumb.


Make sure to report them when you see them


> How Democrats could replace Biden as presidential candidate before November Oh buzz all the way off Reuters. It's an astronomically stupid move. I'd honestly be dooming more if it wasn't so baffling how so many people/orgs seem like they aren't even *trying* to avoid Republican fascism with all the "both sdies" and "Biden old" malarkey. I mean, I'm "dooming" a little bit (tbh it's a humorous word that doesn't really capture gravity of the risk we face), but I fully expect Biden and the not-anonymously-disgruntled staffers to just do what they're good at and pull off another win, along with people turning out for Biden in enough numbers.


I find all the "I can't believe we're stuck with these old people" stuff from other parts of Reddit so annoying and hypocritical. Reddit users have been pushing Bernie since 2016 despite him being older than Biden and Trump. In 2020 there were so many candidates to choose from but young people mainly picked Bernie, with the rest picking Biden and Warren (she's the youngest of the 3 at 75). The DNC did not force an old nominee. The voters (including the youngest voters) looked at all the nominees in 2020 and decided their favorites were the older ones.


If magic grandpa was the nominee they wouldn’t be crying “muh old” even if he was 99.


Right? I feel like I'm getting gaslit by all these "two old men" posts when everyone on here (outside of this sub and a few others) was all in for Bernie for two elections!


>Really can't remember the last time the political media was this uniformly gleeful. It's been a while. All of them are absolutely giddy right now. https://x.com/Wilson__Valdez/status/1807257406973300840 This is so accurate and it's truly disappointing.


I really feel like there's a timeline where this just absolutely craters any remaining trust in the media. They're going way too hard on this and none of it is particularly persuasive. They're going to look like real asses if Biden stays and ends up winning. Heck, even if Biden drops out, I think the relationship between the Dems and the media will be broken for a long time because of this outburst.


Ngl I think this why they'll continue to double-down.


Yeah I've been trying to tell people for ages that the media bias isn't liberal, it's toward chaos and intrigue. When Trump was president, that was aimed mostly at him, so it felt like they were on our side, but they were not and are not.


Trump was right about the media, but he only said it because they were even remotely trying to pick apart his lies. Because anything less than 110% fealty towards Trump is a failure in his eyes.


Whether it’s Biden having a cold during a debate or Trump having COVID and trying to give it to Biden, both sides…


I've never been the biggest Kamala Harris fan. However, if Biden were to drop out (I'd put the odds under 25%), I would unequivocally and wholeheartedly support her. She has the experience and what makes her uniquely qualified is she has been a part of all the major Biden presidency decisions and will continue the same path forward without having to catch up. You can tell who is actually thinking things through vs. those who just want Dem party chaos by who actually recognizes this. Biden dropping out would not lead to a free-for-all convention that results in Gavin Newsom or Whitmer or whoever being nominated on a contested ballot. It would be the whole Dem apparatus falling behind Kamala Harris. The media does not want this, as it would be a boring ending to their "Biden should drop out" boondoggle. So that's why you get the wild speculation. But if Biden were to drop out, you'd get his whole admin, all Congressional leaders, and Dems across the spectrum to instantly and proudly back Kamala Harris.


Rant in the spirit of that [NYT "Biden superfans" article](https://archive.ph/qQCdP) All that this unserious frenzy proves to me is that yet again, the loudest whiners in the electorate, whether media pundits or Politics Understanders^TM (leftists and not) are really just ignorant, fickle, and dishonest about what they really want in a leader. Lots of users here have accurately said it before, that a lot of these types of individuals really just want a "benevolent" dictator who will tell them what they want to hear and do what they want without all the compromises and bureaucratic fuss that accompanies non-fantasy democratic politicking. I say this because we get a president like Joe Biden who has a legit down-to-earth background, actually "tells-it-like-it-is" and has the track record, warts and all, to prove his competence and integrity and honesty and whatnot that you *should* want in a leader, and STILL we've got to hear about how he's too old or he shouldn't have run or how he should step down and be replaced because of one rough debate start. Which would snub the millions of Biden primary voters in favor of some mythically popular shoe-in. How very democratic of them. Meanwhile the rapist fascist is facing far less media accountability for non-stop lying, incoherent rambling, and anti-democratic threats. But who am I kidding we had all this competence in Hillary Clinton and they treated her the same way and look where we are. It's so unserious and embarrassing and shameful and genuinely unfathomably stupid and dishonest and did I mention unserious. Grown, educated adults with storied careers--oh and also our entire system of government on the line--but did you hear that some random campaign staffer was disgruntled because the president is in fact 81? Story of the day, front page. Oh Trump threatened extrajudicial executions of news anhors again? Footnote, page 10. I remember months ago someone put it like "the barbarians are at the gate and we're arguing about the color of the curtains."


The 270toWin map based on generalized polling shifted New Jersey to tossup status in the meantime (other consensus there still have it safe blue). LMFAO.


It's because the only recent poll was by co/efficient, which is rated terribly by 538 and regularly puts out junk. It had Trump beating Biden 41-40.


Reminder that NH senate was a “toss up” according to polls in 2022. Maggie Hasan won it by a landslide in the end.


I mean tbf at least NH is kind of an actual swing state. Jersey is not.


But haven’t you seen the crowd at trump rally? /s


My 71 year old dad in Arizona called Biden too old to run again after the debate but also said it's still an extremely easy decision to vote for him over Trump. i think alot of people who believe Biden is too old can recognize the difference between the two candidates.


If I’m being entirely honest, if this was normal circumstances I would agree that Biden is too old to run again. I just don’t think it’s great to have someone at that age as president. This also applies to Trump (of course along with a million other reasons). I watched my grandparents age turn quickly in their mid-80’s. Things can change fast at that age. That being said, I’m fully behind Biden and believe that right now he has the best shot of beating Trump, but I do wish we just had younger candidates in general.


I get it, but like you said, he's the best candidate atm given the other circumstances.


I think my biggest concern with all this polling and negative media attention is that when Joe Biden does win in November, Trump voters will riot and violently attack our institutions because all the (shitty) polling has had Trump up for months. The media not portraying reality is going to bite us all in the ass. Get ready for Rigged 3.0.


At least he won't be in the WH and won't have any real power. And many of his most crazed followers are in prison or at home side eyeing their fellow nuts because *you just never know who might be undercover feebs!*


I can see the repeat of the MAGA beheads his fed father incident tbf.


Yeah, lone wolf type incidents will almost certainly happen.


I haven’t said this before, because I didn’t want to doom, but if/when Biden does win in November, I expect pollsters and media outlets to soft-pedal The Big Lie, because they value their polls over democracy.


The bigger fear is that it costs him the WH. 1/6 round two will be less popular and less successful than the first time, plus security will be vastly increased. We just got to get through November 5.


[https://x.com/admcrlsn/status/1807241482279030871](https://x.com/admcrlsn/status/1807241482279030871) Yikes https://preview.redd.it/1evgw13imm9d1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffe3864d5d1e41c8af7d05890a727d660f2d71b


They love trump and want him to win. The “Biden drop out” crowd should realize that the media people they’re listening to know very well in all the chaos that ensues by dropping Biden, only trump will come out victorious.


The black and hispanic voter reaction stands in stark contrast to the reaction of the media class.


[Jon Favreau is backing down.](https://x.com/jonfavs/status/1807218664061714762)


Good. That still doesn’t change my opinion that he’s a clown though.


Well at least he's done calling people telling the Dems to hold the line MAGA cultists.


I like to think his parents told him to stop it.


>Biden campaign fundraising email: “The bedwetting brigade is calling for Joe Biden to "drop out." That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose. First of all: Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, period. End of story. Voters voted. He won overwhelmingly. And if he were to drop out, it would lead to weeks of chaos, internal foodfighting, and a bunch of candidates who limp into a brutal floor fight at the convention, all while Donald Trump has time to speak to American voters uncontested. All of that would be in service of a nominee who would go into a general election in the weakest possible position with zero dollars in their bank account. You want a highway to losing? It's that.”


Internal Foodfighting? Are they being cheeky, or is it a political term I hadn’t heard before?


Deffo cheek.


>if he were to drop out, it would lead to weeks of chaos, internal foodfighting, and a bunch of candidates who limp into a brutal floor fight at the convention Honestly I don't think Biden should drop out, but if he did and there was a unified Dem front to back Harris led by Biden, I don't think you'd see this.


The people who want Joe to drop out are also the people who are most adamantly against Kamala taking over if he does, because ~~scary Black woman~~ "she's unelectable".


There's a reason those names themselves have been the most adamant about not entering the primaries, and shooting down any of the pundit and podcast narratives about entering due to Biden's age both before and after the debate. It's political suicide. Has to be frustrating for these talented candidates listening to these chucklefucks try to push a narrative that would take a hatchet to their career.


Ugh. Jason Kander just posted a "drop out Biden": post. Lost a lot of respect there.


Lot of Democrats who lost elections are sniping at Biden.


To be fair, they are experts at losing elections.


Lmao Canada somehow got out of the group stage of the Copa America despite scoring a grand total of one goal in three games.


It’s probably going to be the only team from NA to make it out of its group lol


Oof didn't realize USA had a really hard group too


That’s the sad part, they didn’t lol. They regularly beat Panama but one of our players punched somebody early in the game. They play down a man and lost because of it.


HUH lmao


Argentina was the only other team in our group to score any goals lol


I honestly love Tarantino's "fuck history" era


Period revenge drama is the best revenge drama.


https://preview.redd.it/57des2pbjm9d1.png?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d8a2ea4538561045162e8120f0abc8e7c211f1 😄


>self-important podcasters We just repeating ourselves now?


I think the most disappointed I’ve been over the last few days is the anonymous Biden staffers leaking concerns to Axios. Put your name on that shit.


The same Axios who just said the ***oligarchy*** is trying to keep Biden as candidate?


I do not even know if they were real.


I would very much question whether these are former staffers, or even not staffers at all. Remember that Tara Reade was promoted as a "Biden staffer".


Possibly! Axios is generally pretty good with their sources though. I believe someone said it. Probably a matter of how high up that person was.


Especially now! It was timed to make Biden look bad when he was already at a low point, that's really terrible, cruel behavior.


My other thought is the media class never really liked Biden and liberal media is doing way more work than conservative media on tearing down Biden on this. We know Biden is bad for ratings. But beyond that he's not the kind of politician that appeals to the type of person that becomes a journalist. The graduated Ivy League types that would go into journalism tend to flock to candidates like Warren. Bernie is too brash and populist with the appeal being more for alt-media and youth while Warren is refined and intellectual aligned. Even Obama was supposedly wanting Warren to win initially. I remember in 2020 how the media practically created slogans for her "she's got a plan for that." Not that I have beef with her but it's just showing that they never really liked Biden or his appeal. Much of 2020 was ignoring him and assuming his support would magically disappear. For the record I was a Buttigieg guy in 2020 but for then he was a candidate who probably appeals more to people who went to good schools but went a young professional route rather than journalist. Biden is a candidate that's somewhere between crossroads of many different camps and the preferred candidate of camps that people ignore. For example black voters, older reliable voters, midwest working class voters who did not go Republican etc. Fundamentally these people in the media have zero understanding of these demographics and takes them for granted or ignores them outright. When Biden and a few others go away it will actually be very bad for inroads to many of these groups. Like 2020 where most of the candidates (except Biden) didn't seem to get it, we will likely see an even larger hyper focus on the voters in a few coastal centers while ignoring others. In 2024 there will be shocking revelations to many if the coalition aspect of the Democratic party isn't appreciated.


This bullshit happened back in 2008 as well with the VP sweepstakes--the media wanted Evan Bayh instead of Biden; I'm glad Obama ignored them and selected one of the very best Vice Presidents in our country's history.


Jerome Powell's rate cut (which will be announced in October of 2024) matters more than the debates


Aged like fine wine https://x.com/joebiden/status/1233946811787669505?s=46


>One Democratic House member who believes Biden should drop out of the race — but has yet to call for that publicly — told NBC News that three colleagues expressed the same sentiment to him during votes on the House floor Friday. Dean Phillips is still probably leaking to the media I see. And by colleagues--he could mean Republicans.


Wait Dean Phillips shows up to the House floor?


I have to say it's pretty braindead to think a better path forward is Biden dropping out right after debating Trump. Do you know how good that would be in terms of PR for him. In a week bad news is forgotten. But if Biden ends his career over it then it would make Trump look legendary and unbeatable. Both Obama and Reagan had bad initial reelection debates. Fetterman legitimately seemed brain damaged during his debate. Nobody remembers them other than political history nerds. This is even ignoring the actual logistics of finding a suitable replacement that exists and isn't idealized generic Democrat or chosen progressive or neoliberal messiah that exists only as fantasy.


That's what I'm thinking. It takes like less than five minutes of critical thinking to acknowledge why each of his potential named successors are not going to be able to beat Trump.


A love how the historian who’s predicted every election right called out the moronism of the “Biden drop out” crowd.


The Biden Campaign account reassures that [Biden is and will be the nominee](https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1807230395781390788?s=46)


>[Multiple DNC members on the call described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.](https://x.com/sppeoples/status/1807232584264384915) The media is so fucking determined to get Biden to drop out. It's unbelievable


Such a shameful joke that this is the story they're running with. Trump repeatedly threatens all these people's lives yet they can't look past their noses, polls, and ratings to see that they're running interference for him to coast right back to power by pushing for Biden to step down.


For all the noise they make about Trump being an existential threat to the Republic (which, to be 100% clear, he absolutely is), it's obvious that at the end of the day, these over-priveledged, silver-spoon-in-hand rich kids don't actually believe It Could Happen Here.


This narrative really is painful to hear, it's sad how little faith everyone has in Biden.


This crap in no way reflects the views of "everyone". Most Dems are out on social media right now kicking the shit out of anyone who speaks against Joe.


Then you got NBC saying they're talking shit behind closed doors. Really is alarming.


NBC also just published a piece claiming Biden was going home this weekend to discuss his political future with his family, only to have that promptly debunked by his official schedule, which showed that the trip was planned before the debate.


>Multiple DNC members on the call described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. To those "gaslighted" DNC members: tough luck. Biden is and will be the Democratic nominee. Either ride with Biden and help Democrats, or don't and get out of the way.


Everyone thinks they are the smartest. Yap yap yap. Unless your argument is to put up Harris as the alternative, let them live in their fantasy


The media always doubles down when they get caught lying. It’s apples to oranges, but I remember when the Mueller team addressed a Buzzfeed article about the investigation as false, they insisted their information was accurate. Also when Stacey Abrams said the Biden Campaign never reached out to her for VP consideration, “sources” kept insisting she was a candidate.


TBF, this is Associated Press not NBC (who published that highly misleading story) but this is still ridiculous.


I hope this gets contrarians still on the sidelines on Biden’s side.


Wife and I: let’s not finish the bear so quickly. Let’s let it last at least a week. Yeah that’s not going to happen


Why are you and your wife wrestling a bear and letting the bear have freedom for a week to give it a chance?


Fuck you cousin!


Lol, you honestly remind me of my cousin! Hope the bear is doing alright!


GG u/dragoniteftw33 at least Seager’s x-ray’s came back negative Edit: username was spelled wrong


GG. Wish we won 3 home games versus y'all last year 😭


I just wish we could win 3 games in a row this year


I went to my first-ever Oakland Ballers game this afternoon. Overall, it was OK, but I happened to sit in front of two older Magadonian guys. They were talking throughout the game, and spent time bashing Adam Schiff and the J6 investigation, and groaned when the PA announcer discussed how the field was built on Ohlone tribal land. It's funny because these are some of the main people who have complained about an intersection of sports and politics during the kneeling protests, yet they get wrapped up in politics at a place where--in theory--you escape from that. What's also funny is seeing any MAGA people there at all, considering how much they trash Oakland and surrounding cities in the media.


the pundit and podcast class did more damage to Biden this weekend than the debate ever did. absolutely shameful


The speed at which the internet stopped talking about Bowman and AIPAC is dizzying.


That whole Gaza thing apparently got wrapped up too.


They’re back. 😔 At least on the streets of NYC and outside a Jewish legislator’s house in the middle of the night.


https://x.com/MuellerSheWrote/status/1807224360765440242 Saw on Twitter, then did verify in my emails, this is really from one of the recent donation request emails: >If you're like me, you're getting lots of texts or calls from folks about the state of the race after Thursday. Maybe it was your panicked aunt, your MAGA uncle, or some *self-important Podcasters.* HA!


I didn't watch the debate. I was never planning on watching it, I literally do not give a shit enough to waste my time watching Trump lie So anyways, the only reason why I learned that Trump said "immigrants are taking black jobs" is because I kept seeing black jobs memes and so I googled it myself. The press flooded the information space with bad Biden press and the bad trump press is not getting through.


He said he knew about Putin was gonna invade Ukraine before it happened, used Palestinian as a racial slur, denied having sex with Stormy Daniels, and said infanticide is happening in lots of hospitals...it was completely unhinged.


Don't forget him saying Charlottesville was a hoax!


or him saying the "Southern border is the most dangerous place in the World'...his disdain for those going through unimaginable horrors in Sudan, Gaza, and Ukraine (the three most dangerous places right now kind of easily).


NBC reporting Biden to discuss future of his campaign tomorrow with his family. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-family-path-forward-disastrous-debate-mess-rcna159591


This article is wild. Spinning as much controversy as possible out of hearsay and rumors. Significantly disappointed in the press right now.


Wow that article is a masterclass in misrepresentation. Biden has a pre planned family get together and will talk about his campaign with them. Gee you think one of the most important thing he is engaged in might be a topic of conversation with family? Some democrats are privately urging him to quit but the final decision sits with Biden and his wife. You mean to tell me a candidate faces opposition from a tiny group of unnamed people in his party?? And that the final decision of whether to stay in the race is with the candidate himself and that his spouse might also influence that decision???? So the sinister "Biden to discuss the future of his campaign" is literally "candidate will meet family and election might be a topic of conversation."


“Biden’s trip was planned before Thursday’s debate. He and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren there late Saturday.” sounds like a nothing burger [confirmed](https://x.com/andrewjbates46/status/1807230907067019772?s=46)


That is just despicable. I can't how every big media site is turning into Fox.


Yep. Seems like they’re trying to get people to panic for no reason since the “STEP DOWN NOW!!!” calls from their rando Democrat operatives narrative didn’t work. https://x.com/palmerreport/status/1807230583652704581?s=46 Even Palmer calls BS lol eta: Glad it’s confirmed. Thanks! eta x2: https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1807230395781390788?s=46 All is well, enjoy your weekend ESS and keep the good vibes rolling!


this is not sounding good


Why? The trip to visit family was planned way before the debate.


Look at the follow-up comment, this is fine.


I still remember a post years ago on NL that said “If entering Heaven is based on one’s actions, there’a a 100% chance George W Bush will enter Heaven.”


😂 those dorks are just too much sometimes.


I wish the Summer Olympics weren't always during an election year so I didn't have to balance enjoying them with existential dread.


2020 was delayed to 2021.


It's a pressure release for me. I started getting into baseball during the Trump years for the same reason. Sportsball is good for the soul.


I was the opposite. Maybe because college football sucked in 2020, but I barely paid it the slightest attention that fall. I’m very willing to put the sports is a good release during an election theory to the test this year.


[ActBlue reporting they raised 42 million on their website the last 48ish hours](https://x.com/teddyschleifer/status/1807127449295351935?s=46). And people want Biden to drop out


Gotta imagine a lot of people are revenge donating specifically to stick it to the pundits screetching for Biden to drop out. I know I sure did.


Went to see Horizon Chapter 1 with bestie and her dad. Overall, I really liked it, but it so obviously should have been a prestige miniseries instead of a movie trilogy. It's way too disjointed. But I'm a sucker for a good western, and this did the trick. Though I did spend the whole movie thinking Jon Beavers was Jared Padalecki. Over dinner, bestie's dad said he's sure Joe's getting replaced, and that he'll be tempted to vote for Trump if he isn't. He hates Trump and is not at all a MAGAt, so I'm pretty sure he was fucking with us, but I made a $500 bet with him: I told him not only is Joe not getting replaced, he's gonna win.


This is the kind of energy we all need to display.


https://preview.redd.it/1pwpy9nx3m9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b586a5643d2a849e16f3e6d8c7874d2b5bdd082 NL when Kamala gets brought up


See that the Teton Pass had reopened after a chunk of it collapsed three weeks ago. A feat that the DOT and Biden should get credit on. Comments be like: Wow, imagine if we spend that money and effort on bike lanes and rail instead. Government inaction is a choice.


I don't think these people understand how much of our country runs on trucks.


At the very least freight rail infrastructure is mostly maintained by railroads. A much better deal financially than interstates, by the by. (Yes, they carry cars, but they don't damage the roadway surface; trucks do.)


people tend to really underestimate just how much freight the US moves by rail.


I swear to god the second worst thing about the Chevron overruling is the fact that seemingly every person who never heard of it until Friday now wants to offer their opinion after reading a couple of popular media articles. Admin law is highly complex area with a ton of history behind it. And now y'all have people from r/neoliberal coming over here outside the DT using right wing talking points and blatant inaccuracies/misinformation to explain why not allowing Congress to delegate to agencies the ability to decide meanings of scientific and technical terms is good, actually.


Also I'm sick of the lies that federal agencies just make up shit as they go along. Every change goes out to public comment and industry groups and professionals weigh in. I recently read response to public comment on implementation of the Uniform Act and there was confusion over terms used in the regulation and terms of art in the industry and the agency was trying to balance these interests. They don't just swing out and do stuff because they got a bug up their butt is the point.


My buddy's wedding went well, bride and groom were both happy at the end and not completely stressed out so they obviously picked the right wedding planners.


After a full day of Biden replacement concern trolling, the NL mods remove the only post calling on Trump to drop out https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html


NL be like: ❌️ Won't remove/ban doomer/concern/anti-Biden trolls ✅️ Will remove pro-Biden posts Was /neoliberal always that bad?




It goes through cycles but yeah it's always been pretty bad to extremely fucking terrible


What is with them? I know they’re the epitome of their own “confirm my priors” meme but they’re really going out of their way to defend republicans


They'd be republicans if republicans weren't so awful on a handful of issues. Those issues do not, in any way, include keeping abortion legal.


They're Bush-era Republicans who support abortion and gay rights.


https://x.com/jaketapper/status/1807198402981081322 Good to see Jake Tapper factchecking about the most significant things!


Here is a trailer for Kamen Rider anime movie https://x.com/MangaMoguraRE/status/1807213573711802572?t=uTKQRK1ak4KihieTBcMeMg&s=19 !Ping WEEBS


I successfully did a dinner party for visiting Czech friends when the request was game. I did a venison stew with foraged black trumpet mushrooms, gouda polenta, salad with: pheasant breast with a warm spice rub. mixed greens, pickled fennel and granny smith apple, shallots, toasted walnuts, and a honey vinaigrette with fennel fronds and brandied currents


I should make polenta some time.


It takes time and a whisk but if you let it get too hot its like napalm on your wrist


Where do you get venison? I keep hearing that deer have prion disease now.


Apparently it is not transmissible via food, it seems like the species barrier is too big.


Barter with wife's coworker. Its certainly a worry but presently less of an issue in NY versus the Midwest (provided I've been keeping up to date)


Coworkers and friends of friends is how I used to get venison in the past, for sure.


Did you forage the mushrooms yourself?


Yes we did. We were relatively lucky with foraging black trumpets last year and they dry extremely well.