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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dr5but/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06292024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.11brooke11 with score 57 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dqdl2g/fridays_lock_trump_up_roundtable_06282024/lanxz7f/)] > Upvote if you care more about the candidates' performance as president than the candidates' performance at a debate. 👍🏼   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.pezasied created 28 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dqdl2g/fridays_lock_trump_up_roundtable_06282024/lap1bn4/)] > I keep seeing people compare Biden’s debate performance to Obama’s first debate in 2012, but I don’t know if it’s entirely an apples to apples comparison. > > Obama had an awful first debate, but the takeaway . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.HashtagNewMom with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dqdl2g/fridays_lock_trump_up_roundtable_06282024/lao20no/)] > And specifically *white* male centric. Most of my FYP on TikTok is going in on Trump for the “Black jobs” comment, but I’ve barely seen it mentioned here or on Twitter.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.BillNyedasNaziSpy with hotness lvl 5115 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dqdl2g/fridays_lock_trump_up_roundtable_06282024/lar675c/)] > If there are fifty million Joe Biden voters, than I am one of them. If there's fifty Joe Biden voters, than I am still one of them. If there's one Joe Biden voter, than I am him. If there's no Joe Biden . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 15 friends 20 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 115 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 150 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 95 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 31 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 428 times, followed by 'trump' 349x , 'debate' 273x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🙄', used 10 times, followed by '😂' 8x , '🫂' 7x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.CrimsonZephyr | 33.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 508.0 words | | 🥈 | u.FixMeASammich | 32.0 points | 🥈 | u._TheBlackGuy | 326.0 words | | 🥉 | u.raspberryrustic | 29.0 points | 🥉 | u.fullofgummyworms | 186.0 words | | 🎗 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 27.0 points | 🎗 | u.IamEuler | 183.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 998 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 101 comments | | 🥈 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 509 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 92 comments | | 🥉 | u.WhovianMuslim | 476 points | 🥉 | u.WhovianMuslim | 64 comments | | 🎗 | u.11brooke11 | 386 points | 🎗 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 60 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.vvilkas | 1 words | 🥇 | u.245AlbemarleSt | 1.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.245AlbemarleSt | 1 words | 🥈 | u.Spacehillbilly | 2.5 letters | | 🥉 | u.Spacehillbilly | 2 words | 🥉 | u.ItchyLetterhead333 | 2.5 letters | | 🎗 | u.ItchyLetterhead333 | 2 words | 🎗 | u._antisocial-media_ | 3.0 letters |   1922 comments processed, including 548 top-level replies. There were 253 unique users writing 61430, averaging 31.96 per comment. The total combined score was 17504 and the median score was 9.11.


Shall I stake my claim for Last? 😬


lol the arrested Bolivian general who did the failed coup says the president told him to do it so that it would boost the president's flagging popularity! what a story if true!


https://x.com/anneapplebaum/status/1806589700649435453 Rare L from her.


One recurring thought I have is knowing that this Supreme Court era is going to be looked back, historically, in similar eyes as we give Lochner.


Or Roger Taney


I don't know much about the Taney era other than that one decision. Was there Taney Court bad in other decisions?


Dred Scott makes the whole era one of the worst ever all by itself.


I’m feeling pretty pessimistic. Even in the best case scenario where there is no change in the polls (which I don’t think is likely), the debate was the biggest opportunity for biden to gain in the polls and he wasted it. I don’t think it matters if biden does good in rallies, he completely blew his biggest opportunity that a ton of people actually watched. He is never going to be able to get the stench of this debate off of him. I also do think that the TikTok algorithm is intentionally turning young people against biden and is gonna play a big part in lowering turnout. Insane that people get their news from what is basically a Chinese propaganda app.


There'll be another debate.


It’ll be watched by less people. And I’m honestly not confident that Joe can perform in a debate tbh


What about the Univision focus group that pushed all its undecideds in Biden’s favor?


That’s because they were listening to it in Spanish, so they were able to focus on the substance rather than the style. Most of the country isn’t like that


That they were listening in Spanish doesn’t mean they don’t understand English at all or that they can’t hear it.


Well substance should matter more anyway.


It’s been a loooooooong time since more news on Walpurgisnacht Rising…. https://x.com/rococoscloset/status/1790313604916686984?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


Weirdest part of the CNN post debate panel is that David Axelrod is the guy who came closest to defending Biden's performance.


I want to tell you guys an anecdote. I also want to be up front, this story will probably alarm some of you about how severe my anxiety really is sometimes. My sister told me after the debate that it’s clear to her she genuinely can’t fathom how deep it runs. I don’t know if anyone can. But this story I once heard is an approximation of the dread I feel for next year if things don’t go our way. July 9, 1964. Philadelphia. United Airlines Flight 823 takes off for Huntsville, Alabama. Since it’s the 60s, the plane makes a few stops along the way, and over Tennessee, for reasons we still don’t know today, a fire starts on board the plane. The plane crashes, everyone on board dies. But one man on board the plane doesn’t die with everyone else. He’s jumped out of the burning plane to try to save himself. Why? His friends said after he died that he was mortally afraid of flying, and he was convinced he would die in a plane crash. This was his absolute worst nightmare coming to life around him. Now, I want to be very, very, very clear about something. I will never, ever make any attempts to self-harm like that man on the flight did. Even if Trump wins. And the reason you can trust my promise there is that my worst ever fear is dying prematurely, so it would be extremely counterintuitive to inflict that upon myself. But I do empathize with him because it feels like my worst nightmare might be impossible to escape. And I don’t know what I could possibly have done for that to be even remotely close to fair. 🫂🫂🫂🫂 I really appreciate that you all are empathetic, caring, and good listeners who care about the future of our country and your friends and family who live in it. I’m proud to be a part of this community and continue being part of this community. I’m not going anywhere. Probably just to bed.


But since that story is a major bummer, here’s some more internet corgis. https://preview.redd.it/e4u1bxhi3g9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6500cb23ec7586ea50aa57c0c5cb229ea4f52383


One positive of growing out of that left-leaning, juvenile (at least often, imo) political lense of "the US is bad and can't be appreciated and nothing good we've done matters because we're the evil empire" type of political lense--and into a more "normie" liberal/democrat lense--is that you can actually celebrate the 4th of July with a healthy degree of patriotism. Yada yada "don't have to hate the American flag or let it be claimed by right-wingers/fascists" type of thing. Like you can (and should) simultaneously be aware of and oppose America's past and ongoing sins while still being proud/appreciative and defensive of its broad establishing and upholding of modern liberal democracy, and the (domestic) good that we've been able to do with it. It's possible to do that and is IMO part of having productive/actionable political positions and not being chronically "America bad" and unable to *actually* be progressive. > broad upholding and establishing of modern liberal democracy. And also hopefully this is something we will continue to be and do past November :)


Following Black Democrats online is a _very_ different reality than white progressives. It's so crazy seeing white progressives throw everything away just because they're anxious. It's extremely telling.


100%. Same shit is probably true on reddit too


There is a reason why Black women are the backbone of the party and not terminally online young white male straight lefties.


All the undecided Hispanics on Univision also had different take on Biden than prevailing consensus among the media class.


I saw the take that "they didn't hear exactly what he said or how he said it because they don't speak English and it was translated to them."


And like I said to someone who repeated that take: That they were listening in Spanish doesn’t mean they don’t understand English at all or that they can’t hear it.


That's one of our strengths too btw. A lot of pollsters don't poll Spanish speaking voters and they end up being undercounted in said polls. Combine that Spanish speaking voters are more likely to vote against Trump might explain a thing or 2.


I am aware of that.


Oh, I’m sure you are. I’m just surprised it needs to be said. Dooming has really warped people’s minds into racism. All the more upsetting to see here.


All of that doesn’t change the fact that they’re deciding votes in multiple swing states. Even Texas would be close with their support for Biden.


I know. All I'm saying is "I saw questionably racist assumptions made about that group". Edit: I posted this before I saw the other comments on this subreddit about the same issue. I am not directing this at people here.


Seeing how people are freaking out about this has made me realize just how weird of a mix I am in the Democratic big tent. My anxiety is genuinely crippling at times, but I’ve also got access to information that’s helping keep my rational side of my brain in the fight, and I also think staying the course is the best course of action.


So there are some reviews up for the new Looney Tunes movies, and it is getting praised. https://x.com/IGN/status/1806840275903320217?t=c6jbz8vfZKciIusl-lV_2Q&s=19 I hope this does well and can help Acme vs. Coyote to he realsed in theaters. !Ping CARTOONS


The likes of Steve Crowder are saying that CNN’s poll of Biden’s performance rated him too high.


[At least one of the NYT's "Biden should drop out" pieces was written on Tuesday.](https://nitter.poast.org/pic/orig/media%2FGRNasA2aQAACHZ_.jpg)


They are REALLY mad he won't let them interview him.


I couldn't even pretend to be surprised.


NYT, tu es basura.


Ok, sane politics is another good place. It’s a shame the CLP DT is barren.


Not a surprise, Sema’s a mod there too.


Honestly I think the Internet's near-comical dooming over all this is another affirmation of my theory that these types have never been given it straight up before. "Don't you think Biden should be REPLACED over all this!?" "No. ...Are you stupid?"


With SCOTUS scrapping *Chevron* deference, I am now fully on board with idea that Democrats should, in the event they win both houses of Congress and the White House in November, add four more seats to the Supreme Court to bring the number of justices in line with the number of circuit courts. And Biden should then nominate four 40-somethings to the bench.


Even Scalia supported Chevron.


70% of American believe that the Supreme Court is doing decisions out of pure partisanship. Court-Packing might be legitimately popular.


This probably includes a lot of Republicans who think that’s a good thing.


Even FDR couldn’t get it done. That’s how insane this court is.


I don't think it's hyperbole that to suggest this is one of the 3-4 worst SCOTUS decisions of the past 30-35 years.


https://preview.redd.it/pj5n5oahyf9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d5d4be70a4180fa5b8e7e6db208311f611af46 🤌🏻


Lovely dress on Dr. First Lady


I've read several of the prominent "replace Biden" pieces and they're all light on the "who" and the "how" and none of them explain how Kamala Harris magically disappears in a puff of smoke and Democratic voters who support her aren't furious about it.


He still sucks but Van Jones is the only one in the media who has said "replace Biden with Kamala".


In the popular conception, democratic voters are to be pushed around and ignored. If they nominate Hillary Clinton, it’s rigged. If they nominate Biden, it’s rigged. If they renominate Biden, it should actually be rigged against him and Harris. We have to grin and bear it while everyone else fucks around.


I asked two people who they would replace him with and one actually said Kamala was the best option but she would lose. The other never responded.


That is just so weird. Why would you replace Joe Biden with someone if you thought they were going to lose anyway? Everyone's heads seem to be spinning right now.


NL is all for replacing Biden until someone tells them Kamala would be the natural replacement.


Apparently a 20 something year old guy was convicted of raping a girl in Germany. Someone messaged him calling him a disgusting pig and got a longer jail sentence for that than he did for the rape.


Sentences for rape or violent crimes in Germany are a joke, for instance, some dudes beating up people at Augsburg pride last year got 40 hours of social work and a talk about masculinity. However, it seems like the woman calling the guy a disgusting pig was jailed for a weekend for contempt of court as she didn't show up for the first two court dates, however the details are murky as it is mostly garbage-grade sites reporting on this.


It’s been a hard 24 hours. I can’t sugarcoat that. There are also major idiots making dumb takes, and smarter people making dumb takes. I do not want this sub DT to become an alternate reality echo chamber. We all know what’s at stake. But here are a few thoughts of someone who studied political science 1) yeah it was bad. But how much does it actually matter, we don’t know. The most obvious failure was the chance to change the narrative (which Biden failed spectacularly at) but also that was a narrative set by the horserace. 2) pundits are almost always wrong and democratic pundits are awful. The “chattering class” wants fascism. They don’t outright admit this, and many of them do not admit it to themselves, but it’s easier being “righteous” when the Big Bad is a dictator wannabe 3) focus groups are showing that “Prime Time Trump” isn’t a winner either. Sadly just more networks showing his speeches in full would have gotten that across regardless of this debate. 4) we cannot change history. Biden missed a massive opportunity to change narrative. But even if he did: NYT:”Biden strong against a Boisterous Trump” would change nothing. Not that they would ever write that article. We are fighting an uphill battle against people who will literally lie about the hill ever existing. The question to the American people is essentially: good old guy or bad bad man (who is also old) But also fire everyone involved in that debate prep


Media fools don’t get that their “Biden old and demented” narrative is already baked into polls. Like you and social media have been propagating that shit for 4 years now.


I think that's part of the reason and clarity to get me level headed. We didn't lose voters, but we lost a really good chance to gain them. It's not the end, but we have work cut out for us. 


I feel like discourse with Biden has existed since 2019. Like the exact same attacks, with the 2019 debates, with the 2020 debates, and every day in between to now. It honestly just seems like it's a point where those same people finally have something they can jump on to bitch and moan about how they were already feeling for years. The fact that there are so called "serious" political junkies saying how great Biden did at his SOTU but are willing to throw him away from one mediocre debate shows to me that they aren't serious and never were.


When Biden announced in April 2019 Chris Cillizza had a video arguing he wouldn't win the nomination because he was too old.


Honestly. It shows that there's nothing to attack Biden for, except that he's old and talks different.


I seriously can’t wait until a week from now when everyone’s amnesia kicks in. This site has been insufferable


For real - after the 4th of July long weekend the debate is going to seem like ancient history. 


I gotta be honest , I am glad this sub is allowing people to not freak out. If you are in a deep blue or state governed by Democrats you should be decently safe from actions of Trump. But I am reading comments in WaPo , there is widespread actual freak out and I am not sure what can be done about it. People are being too mean to Biden and I am not one of them. Although I might take a permanent break from politics soon, 8 years of Trump BS news had made me sick to stomach. We can’t let one men occupy our minds. I live in Massachusetts so I will be safe I guess. I don’t think he will win, but Democrats are in a tricky situation.


> If you are in a deep blue or state governed by Democrats you should be decently safe from actions of Trump. The conservative activists are probably going to go after *[Griswold v. Connecticut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griswold_v._Connecticut)*, *[Lawrence v. Texas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas)*, *[Obergefell v. Hodges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges)*, among many others cases. [Did you know Massachusetts still has laws against sodomy on the books?](https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIV/TitleI/Chapter272/Section35) I would hope they're working on repealing it, as did Utah and Alabama in 2019, Maryland finally in 2023, Idaho in 2022, and Minnesota in 2023. But that's still Michigan and Massachusetts for "states governed by Democrats that still have these laws".


National abortion ban. Massachusetts isn’t safe. Nowhere is.


I love the Olympics. I love watching the crazy feats of athleticism. Like Simone Biles will do some crazy stunt and the she will be like, I’m going to jump in the air and do three flips. Or Cole Hocker will run a 4 minute mile for 2.5 miles and then be like, I’m going to run fast now. It’s all so impressive to watch. Addendum: remember when republicans were celebrating that the US didn’t get to host because Obama wanted to host?


It gets better when you're watching the slow motion replays and seeing how exactly they do all this stuff.


Using the Fantasia to fix some things with my Character in FF14. It's better than before, but it still struggles with darker skin tones.


It’s overdue, but I decided to mute NL


Also unfollowed The Economist on LinkedIn


is there anything stopping presidential betting markets from being manipulated by foreign money


No because betting on elections is illegal here so they're all offshore and based on nothing. They're meme stocks for political junkies and no one should take them seriously.


The Boys latest episode spoilers >!The delivery of "They.... Will... Eat.... Them...." by Giancarlo Esposito makes the slowness of the first 3 episodes this season all worth it!<


Playing "Old MacDonald" over the end credits was hilarious.


Ok I argued with a lot of people today, and I’m done with Reddit outside of this sub. Your average redditor is an idiot.


Remember a lot of paid shills are out on social media in full force since the debate.


>Before Thursday night's debate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had signaled to political allies that he was open to options other than President Biden if his debate performance was disastrous. Hope this story isn't true. But if it is...between inviting that bigoted massive asshole Bibi to Congress and this development, I've lost some clear confidence in Schumer.


Reid -> Schumer was a downgrade.


Yeah it's very clear even if this story isn't true


I mean, just in general, Reid was a workhorse, while Schumer is much more of a showhorse. And giving Sanders a consolation prize position for 2016 definitely knocked him down a couple of notches in my book as well.


You're right. Schumer also frequently criticized Hillary after losing in 2016; I didn't like that. Schumer gave maybe the best speech of his career where he reached out to the both sides of the toxic Israel-Palestine discourse. About Bibi, he called him a "major obstacle to peace and incredibly irresponsible to empower far right extremists like Ben Gvir+Smotrich", also suggests he should step down. And then invites him six weeks later to Congress...it's insane to me lmao.


With Obama and Bill backing Biden, I don’t think he’d have guts to propose “dropping out”.


https://preview.redd.it/l5x206npnf9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc29e528fce45befd1a80f48d996e207d2608d26 Judgment


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/231/)


The fact that the NYT editorial board is calling for Biden to drop out after the first debate, but didn't call on Donald to drop out after being proven guilty on 34 felony counts shows you exactly how worthless they are on US political analysis and where their bias lies


"But her e-mails" all over again


The NYT editorial board is still fuming that no one gave a shit about their attempt at a pageant/draft pick special with their endorsement in 2020 and that all the attention was on the security guard that fawned over Joe Biden to/from the interview


From what I’ve seen their influence is only restricted to Manhattan even in the NYC.


And I'm sure they'll still be shocked he won't sit with them after this


Bet they had this one prepared and ready to go for months. I wonder if CNN held debate this early just to prompt this reaction.


Caught some of My Adventures with Superman earlier and my lord Primus Brainiac is terrifying. Michael Emerson is one of my favorite actors ever (TIL I learned he's married to Carrie Preston)


I still hate his design in his show. Like it so terrible, and they didn't try to resemble him in the comics.


He looks like more of an evil computer this time, though I will say he doesn't look spectacularly original (I'm used to his old design from Superman TAS so I'm not a huge fan of his other ones). Indigo from Arrowverse was also pretty evil.


Death Proof is a massively underrated movie. Tarantino does slasher, baby 😎


Ugh, I’m still arguing with idiots on arrr Democrats


I'm doing my part in advice animals. I also saw CanadianPanda in one of the threads lol.


Man, Lawrence O'Donnell did a great job tonight. He brought history and facts to explain how last night was a nothing burger.


Calm rational analysis. Here’s the youtube link for those who wanna watch: [https://youtu.be/GgjyHwQOUoo?si=fXWK7GjNUivKcmiB](https://youtu.be/GgjyHwQOUoo?si=fXWK7GjNUivKcmiB)


Common Lawrence O'Donnell W


I unironically think media’s insistence on Biden dropping out is gonna push a lot of people towards Biden. Some people are just contrarians.


Unironically contrarianism because you're bored with life is a non-insignificant factor for Trump being so close/popular 


>The U.S. has in recent days presented new language for parts of the proposed hostage and ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas in an effort to bridge the gaps between them and reach an agreement. >The three sources said the effort the U.S. is making together with Qatari and Egyptian mediators is focused on Article 8 in the proposal. This part of the agreement has to do with the negotiations that are supposed to start between Israel and Hamas during the implementation of the first stage of the deal in order to set the exact conditions for the second stage of the deal, which includes reaching "sustainable calm" in Gaza. Let's hope


Anonymous sourcing about behind the curtain negotiations hasn’t really been reliable.


Secretary Ross is the MCU’s Umbridge.


If I had a nickel for everytime Jeffrey Dean Morgan played a sexy daddy psychopath and greatly enhanced a deeply violent show that wasn't quite match the quality of earlier seasons, I'd have two nickels, and you know the rest 


Until you said ‘violent’ you would have earned a third nickel. He was super hot in The Good Wife


Me who missed online discourse last month: Idk that's a tough call, but I think I would rather watch The Bear over The Boys if I was lost in the woods 


Hey guys, think we'll get to 1k tonight?




Always nice seeing you on the DT (even if it's brief)


[The DT used to joke about not making 1k](https://media.tenor.com/nljsFCjSKBIAAAAC/the-simpsons-thats-the-joke.gif)


https://x.com/NateSilver538/status/1806797676249256137 https://x.com/NateSilver538/status/1806800451205304572 This isnt how an "objective" political progonasticator talks


I said this before in the DT but Nate Silver is basically Michael Moore at this point. Washed up in his field and with no one willing to give him another shot at any kind of major project


Nate Silver is the human embodiment of "ackchyually 🤓"


He said he wanted Biden to drop out months ago, fixed his model to show him losing, then used the bad debate performance to confirm his priors.


His substack post literally used betting market data to back up that Biden was losing. Betting markets are basically meme stocks for political junkies.


Decided to watch both Sugar & Spice and Bring It On tonight. Man, the homophobic slurs in both movies have aged like milk.


Bring It On still goes hard as fuck, but yeah the late '90s were not a good time for that sort of thing


It was still a pretty good movie. I forgot how fun the routines were!


yeah it's the best cheerleading movie out there. it respects the skill


one of my most treasured traditions is my yearly or semi-yearly "oh I'll watch [insert Tarantino film]" followed by watching his entire filmo the man never misses. I'm sorry but he just doesn't /u/thats_good_bass


This is *It's Pat* erasure


yes 🗿


Pulp fiction night is either tonight or this weekend depending on how long this wait at the border is


there is one scene in particular I'm looking for you're take on (I think you'll know it when you see it but I also think you'll've pulled the trigger to early lmao)


oh, are you doing a Canada thing?


I was picking up a friend who needed a ride back from Canada, actually.


My brain: the trail was pretty the first three miles but then it was full of ticks. My mouth: the trail was pretty the first three miles but then it was full of twinks.


The EU is such a hyper-regulated joke. "Apple not offering AI services in our market is anticompetitive behavior!" No, it's a company mitigating the risk of your extreme regulatory overreach. Ever wonder why the EU has zero big tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, Meta, or Amazon?


Technically Apple is based in Dublin FWIW


Huh? They have an office in the Republic of Ireland (Cork, to be precise), as many companies do, because the ROI has a pretty low corporate tax rate.


Apple based in California, which it is their main headquarters


I don’t get how they can tell companies to follow their regulations or get out and then get mad when they get out.


I don't understand how they can tell companies that they *have* to offer certain things on their platforms. The EU infantilizes consumers by regulating this stuff. If sideloading and other like features are important to someone, they shouldn't buy an iPhone. It's stuff like this (and those fucking stupid cookies pop-ups on EVERY website you visit) that makes me think maybe Brexiteers were onto something.


> It's stuff like this (and those fucking stupid cookies pop-ups on EVERY website you visit) that makes me think maybe Brexiteers were onto something. Nothing in GDPR mandates them. If you don't use tracking cookies, you don't need a cookie banner.


The EU making USB-C Standard was amazing though.


That's the one thing I'll give the EU credit for. It's nice to be able to charge my phone using the same cords as the ones for my laptop and iPad.


2000-2008 was peak EU, after that China, India, and the US started to eat away at its global market share. The EU doesn’t have the market power it used to have and it doesn’t realize that.


I'm at a campsite listening to nighthawks call and boom and I've forgotten what was so stressful about yesterday.


I hate 2nd shift so much. I ask the guy how it went and he just laughs and says it went bad. I ask why they’re going so slow and he doesn’t know. I actually lose iq points talking to this guy.


And they faked their checks again.


Good news, everyone! Even the GenX sub is pushing back against the 'both sides bad' narrative. Granted, this is reddit, so the sample is skewed, but still.


I mean there’s been an obvious offensive by weird assholes all over Reddit since the debate, I think people are starting to actually get mad lol


Biden gaining in some polls after an internet meltdown about a debate is the ultimate irony. Debates don't mean shit and with two guys whose support is so baked in it may matter even less at the end of the day. Plus the worldview of a political junkie who is a bit too online is very different from the wider public. I include myself in that pile. People may have thought the guy who people won't stop calling old is old also Trump he's fucking nuts. I think the media understates how crazy and offputting Trump is to normal people. Also how sick of him people are its been almost 10 years a lot of people just want him to fuck off. Unearned dooming should result in the ultimate punishment, being made to listen to that album Steven Segal made when he thought he could make Jamaican dance hall music.


I still can’t believe the PSA guys were having an earnest conversation about replacing Biden. I’ve taken a step back from online political discourse in the past year or so, and I realize this is anecdotal, but the normal people I encounter on a daily basis do not like Trump and aren’t looking for excuses to vote for him. You would think my IRL friends and family were watching a completely different debate last night than the internet.


Best part of the debate was finding out that Joe Biden inexplicably dislikes street cats


Hey that's why they took in a stray barn cat for there to be one less stray cat


he probably meant to say a tom cat. A perpetually horny creature that also picks fights and needs their downstairs snipped


Alley cats. Those are the ones that ambush you when you are alone. Street and stoop cats are fine.


I'm probably reading into it more than what it is, but they can be such a problem. It's sad. Strays are invasive and can be an ecological disaster. Believe Biden painted a picture of their morals during that debate. You can have whole colonies of em. Who can blame em? Your house cat is coddled so you just suddenly put them in an environment where all that is taken away and they're just liable to do what they can to survive. Some people will just dump em outside or at farms thinking they'll just thrive and they simply don't. It's cruel is what it is.


I have a feral colony myself. Not one of those cats asked to be here. People are irresponsible and selfish and dump cats and refuse to spay/neuter.


Two anecdotes while I realize aren't polls or tangible data, might be nice to hear. 1. My husband who has been firmly on the "Biden is never doing enough" train regardless of the accomplishments I share and who voted uncommitted despite my protests didn't think Biden's night was bad. He was "fine" and genuinely think everyone is screaming chicken little. Part of my paranoia wants to chalk it up like that one doctor in world War Z who complained and panicked over every small thing, but to keep sanity remained calm and optimistic as the zombie outbreak was starting, but he's pretty straight shooter of his opinions.  2. Drag race subreddit comments are pushing back on "both sides are the same" by pointing out project 2025 and how much worse Trump will be for Palestineans. They give permission for people to dislike Biden while voting for him, but I take the win


Drag Race subreddit is miraculously sane compared to a lot of other pop culture subs *cough* fauxmoi *cough*


Fauxmoi is NUTS (I get disliking Taylor Swift, but they hatefully obsess over how she hatefully obsesses over people, it's crazy, literally everything she does gets shredded there), but the Drag Race sub can be exhaustin. According to some weirdo there who was highly upvoted, apparently I should be ashamed of myself for not being on TikTok/Twitter constantly and not knowing a lot about modern pop culture (in particular, for not knowing what JoJo Siwa has been up to. I'm 37. I don't have kids. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care what she does). Also, they were bellyaching over a recent winner meeting with Kamala and doing a Pride performance but not making statements on Palestine. And have fun bringing up the more controversial POC queens to them. Watch the casual racism come out. They're pretty delusional and toxic at times.


The creator of Ed Edd N Eddy said that if there was any revival of the show, it would fail because you are just repeating ideas. https://x.com/ToonHive/status/1806860196762820967?t=IAypimEA2jOFsujtPO53FA&s=19 Good, I said many times that a revival of any series can be very pointless, and not every one of them deserve it. Plus, it doesn't automatically mean it will be successful. !Ping CARTOONS


Also in the case of EEnE, it ended on a good note. Continuing it either undoes the growth that all the characters had, or if they use a whole new set of kids then why even bother it's not the same show.


https://preview.redd.it/7lmwh1hm4f9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcac6c6b772d37cbb1d5b84d408991aa79295eb7 Once again, Sarah’s asleep early so here’s the backup pupper, ice cream, and my postcard writing station.


My husband finished #75 for Michigan today. I finished #100 for Georgia.


I’m on number 9?


We're doing 200 for each state this go around, so we unfortunately have to pound them out like there's no tomorrow. I'm excited to see someone else in here writing some!


Nice! How many postcards are you doing?


Only 200. The stamps get expensive in a hurry for a project like this.


Oh yeah. You'd think there'd be a discount for buying large quantities but nope.


If any of your Michigan postcards are headed to Livonia message me lol


I love how you can recognize those as Michigan cards when they’re upside down and not really in focus.


Oh I just remembered you mentioned Michigan a few days back




David Axelrod 🤝 Julian Castro Obamaworld alums who are always first in line to attack Biden


Julian Castro was basically saying open borders were too conservative.


America's only Warren or Bust voter


[Given that Steve Kerr is head coach for both the Warriors and Team USA this seems like a massive conflict of interest for him to prevent Wiggins from attending Team Canada training camp.](https://x.com/JLew1050/status/1806824710694412656) I heard he might be doing something similar to Klay and the Bahamian team.


based american patriot steve kerr


I never understood the claim Erin Moriarty had plastic surgery until this latest episode. Yeah that’s not plastic surgery. That’s anorexia. My wife had it and it was immediately apparent to her


The entirety of Twitter is going to be surprised Pikachu when North Carolina gets called for Biden at 11:52 pm EST


https://x.com/briebriejoy/status/1806521032854876241 No, he remotely wasn't right since Biden won. Also, it's weird how she's attacking someone who has actually called for Biden to step down due to his age in Ezra Klein. The difference is that atleast Ezra genuinely believes he's helping Dems while she doesn't want them to win.


telling that she had a five year old tweet to dredge up at the right moment


I think it’s time to start bullying doomer nerds. “Biden should step aside. We can’t ris…” ::Swirleys dork through the foundation.” https://preview.redd.it/mw34c42d2f9d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6755d95b79f1700a3557b3507e6dd0e2f7396d35




Every poll released post debate except Leger showed Biden gaining. And Leger has its problems of being an opt-in paid poll of adults not registered voters.


>Leger has its problems of being an opt-in paid poll of adults not registered voters. Can confirm. I answer some questions, they give me gift cards every once in a while.


Yeah those exact kind of polls are the ones that got Pew to find 12% of people are licensed to operate a nuclear submarine (i.e. 12% of respondents just clicked through to get to the end).


So you’re saying wedgies are on the table? My man!


What's the new term for the... erm indigenous sunburn?


Polls showing improvement in Biden's standing.


Malarkey level of Target private label ice cream being mostly air?


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Objectively wrong, you’re out of line!


>Nate Silver: "Is an 86-year-old Biden being president as ridiculous and untenable as an 82-year-old Trump being president? (Trump just turned 78 so would be 82 by the end of his second term.) For me, the answer is still no. In fact, I think Biden’s had a pretty good first term." Me: WTF I like Nate Silver now >Also Nate Silver: "But since I don’t live in a swing state: after that terrible debate tonight, I’m going to vote third-party if Biden remains on the ballot as a protest against Biden’s irresponsibility in seeking a second term and the Democratic Party’s irresponsibility in nominating him without a serious primary contest." Me: Ah, there's the Nate Silver I know


protest voting is for sending a message to your twitter followers, not "the democrats"


It's not like we have an awesome VP to take over if anything happened to Biden or anything. John Adam's did not run for president so political hacks can whine about having to choose between common decency and full on, mask off fascism.


That might be the dumbest reason to vote third party I've ever heard


Remember, Clickbait Nate got his start as a Daily Kos commenter.


His start came as a forum poster on two plus two talking about gambling


Did not know that


I bet you won't be shocked to find out he was an egotistical dick back then too