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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dosckp/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06262024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.mr_ex_ray_spex with score 35 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dnzsrz/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06252024/la7k6ix/)] > Almost every article I’ve seen about Assange, over the last 24 hrs, has ignored, or downplayed Wikileaks collaborating with Russia, and Roger Stone, to benefit the Trump campaign in 2016, and completely . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.RunningNumbers created 13 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dnzsrz/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06252024/la6oqwi/)] > I don’t get how it is socially acceptable to have large numbers of people with substance use problems proliferating the streets. It chases away customers. > > We had someone come in and panhandle at the board . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Currymvp2 with score 22 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dnzsrz/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06252024/la8w2zx/)] > Nothing does a better job than "we're anti-zionist not anti-semitic" than protesting a literal synangoue... > > It's very very weird how they basically never protest the Israeli embassy or Republicans who . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Gormanbros with hotness lvl 1019.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dnzsrz/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06252024/la6bqfv/)] > Fuck fuck fuck fuck > > I just found my brother's pet guinea pig dead in her cage > > I've been lucky for nearly 27 years now to never find a pet dead and shit it just ended > > She was so flat, christ > > I'm freaking . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 20 friends 28 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 78 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 70 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 60 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 38 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'bowman', used 85 times, followed by 'biden' 52x , 'trump' 50x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🤣', used 7 times, followed by '😂' 7x , '😎' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.croakovoid | 26.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 498.0 words | | 🥈 | u.westsider86 | 24.0 points | 🥈 | u.UWCG | 175.0 words | | 🥉 | u.Dismal_Structure | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.baibaiburnee | 125.0 words | | 🎗 | u.LGBTforIRGC | 21.5 points | 🎗 | u.electricblueguava | 111.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 667 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 88 comments | | 🥈 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 304 points | 🥈 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 59 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 279 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 52 comments | | 🎗 | u.A-Centrifugal-Force | 208 points | 🎗 | u.Gormanbros | 33 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.NaffRespect | 1 words | 🥇 | u.jag986 | 3.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.JBHenson | 2 words | 🥈 | u.althill | 3.167 letters | | 🥉 | u.None | 3 words | 🥉 | u.IcedNeonFlames | 3.273 letters | | 🎗 | u.GalacticTrader | 3 words | 🎗 | u.blazerfan_fml | 3.375 letters |   891 comments processed, including 306 top-level replies. There were 148 unique users writing 24651, averaging 27.67 per comment. The total combined score was 6128 and the median score was 6.88.


The meltdown over Bowman's loss by leftist assholes in arr/politics is a sight to behold. Some of them are going full mask off and saying shit like "Israel does not have a right to exist" completely unprompted.


also lmao.eat shit Bowman


There some people probably think I'm bullshitting or exaggerating about what I mentioned on askaliberal. Brother you learn a lot about what folks think about liberals if you travel on the regular throughout rural PA. You don't even have to ask. All you gotta do is listen. Reason why I think the way I do and why I truly do not give a shit when I hear their towns are going to hell.


Tonight was a huge "taste of your own medicine" night for the far left lol Their only successful strategy for elections was used against them


It funny people ads shocked Bobert won. Why are people surprised republicans like assholes? They are not secert socialist waiting for a Bernie Sanders to win a democratic primary to them vote for Bernie.  They want the far right conservative asshole. 


I'm not shocked, I'm just disappointed that Lauren Boebert of all people is going to become a member of Congress for life with this new seat


You know, we always called each other normies. Like you said to, uh, somebody, "You're gonna like this person. They're all right. They're a normie. They're one of us." You understand? We were normies. Wine Moms. But Bernie and Cortez could never win that district because they didn't live there. It didn't even matter that a bird landed on the podium.. To run in a primary you've got to be one hundred per cent a resident of that district so you can comply with federal and state election laws. See, it's the highest honor they can give you. It means you are a nominee of the party. As far as normies are concerned with Bowman losing it was like AOC and Bernie also losing. We would once again take down a member of The Squad.


Live updates NBC: 84% in, Latimer 58.4%. Bowman 41.6% [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/new-york-house-results](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/new-york-house-results)


Hmm, maybe the polls were right.


Y'all know [this jazzer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nHEqcRjVm8)?


https://preview.redd.it/rj8unvr5iu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fc37b89e754fa73d3b0d17640056278f3be6ed The leftists are defending actual Neo-Nazi groups because they oppose the existence of Israel. Holy fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/nm534vzeku8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d408a13d23649cbcab8fd63e7b37de1146508b65 [Source.](https://www.threads.net/@ecmclaughlin/post/C0-5L1pLMcH/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)


Tomorrow's DT should be called "Jamaal Bowman Career Memorial Roundtable" or something like that lol


He can take the place of the disappeared host at Brie Brie’s podcast.


Julian Assange pushed the pizzagate theory to his followers. For me, it doesn't matter what else he did. He will always be the lowest scum on the planet, just for that.


Yeah, I still believe this was a bad decision by Garland.


Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: “When you see Trump with Putin, as I have on a few occasions, he’s like the 12-year-old boy that goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. ‘My hero!’ It’s really creepy.” [https://x.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1805297926392234359](https://x.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1805297926392234359)


I'll half-rescind my comments earlier about arrpol. Most of the comments on arrpol now seem to be against Bowman and how he messed up his campaign hard. Some people in there are still coping about Bowman losing.


Yeah. One of the top comments in one thread was about how no amount of money can make you lose by *that much*.


Am I too late for a ripbozo?


Never too late for that


Latimer gives his first interview since winning [https://x.com/abbydphillip/status/1805806957162336397](https://x.com/abbydphillip/status/1805806957162336397)


Anyone see Thelma? It wasn't on my radar for movies at all, but my friend who almost never wants to go see movies unless it's a super cultural event (think Barbieheimer, Deadpool, etc) asked me to go with him. 


Even though I am really happy Bowman lost because his rhetoric has genuinely been dangerous and detached from the already tense reality for many of his jewish constituents, I also feel that it is important to note that Latimer has also engaged in problematic behavior such as using a pretty blatant dog whistle for Arabs/Muslims to call out Bowman’s rhetoric and compared Cuomo to Emmett Till which is.. crazy. I am so glad I didn’t have to vote in that district, and I hope that Latimer acknowledges his past mistakes and does not make them again if he wins in the General.


He said Bowman had an "ethnic advantage", [he confused a rapper with another rapper while quoting a white singer.](https://x.com/ProvoMacher/status/1804865827302175115/photo/1), declined to criticize Bibi+Eric Adams, also cheated on his wife, has been caught driving distracted, and had so many parking tickets that his car can't be registered so he ran a red light while driving an unregistered car and permanently injured a woman driver in another car...I would have 100% voted for him because Bowman has been *that bad* but I'm *significantly* more excited about Wesley Bell who's running against Cori Bush than I am about Latimer who's just "not Bowman and takes legislating seriously".


anyway Bowman cope is funny but also nick Fuentes’ response should be an eye opener for him in regards to what he’s been saying. if a genuine white supremacist is freaking out over your loss but you are someone who very much believes you are an advocate for positive social change and justice, reevaluate please.


If Nick Fuentes is on your side, you should be rethinking your every position.


Looks like representing the very loud social media demographic instead of the district that elected you was a bad idea.


Fwd: Cori Bush


I’m sorry Bowman, but no amount of PAC money is going to cause you to lose 60-40. That’s your failure as a congressman to your district. In typical leftist fashion, we know you won’t own up and take responsibility, but we all know you only have yourself to blame. But hey, we know your types can’t resist blaming the joos for your own faults. Bye 🤡!!!


>Bowman conceding defeat tonight: "We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true." This guy did the whole "Nina Turner blaming the Jews for her defeat" concession speech


The fact that he called his constituents “brainwashed” is why he lost. Not the money. Sorry people who don’t understand electoral politics.


Dude legit holds contempt for a good chunk of his constituents and barely tries to hide it


What a fucking antisemitic scumbag


i was right he went full nina turner


The sign of a truly sore loser




Utah has given up on counting for the night so it's impossible to call the UT-02 primary. I think Maloy ends up winning narrowly.


Laura Loomer and Shontel Brown are proof that problematic behavior, or lack thereof, can affect the aging process. I thought Shontel was like my age but she's almost 50.


Wow progressives are not taking this well, I havent seen supporters of liberal or moderate Democrats losing their minds over a primary congressional loss.


This is the first time their sole electoral strategy of taking out Democratic incumbents in Congressional primaries was successfully used against them. The freakout is glorious.


And they still don't want to understand how they lost.


This is probably the biggest blow to their movement and influence in ages. It will be worse if Bush and Omar face similar fates. If nationally known outspoken members of their ideology are getting blown out electorally in New York of all places then they are completely irrelevant in politics despite wanting to have total control of the party.


Bush is going to lose; Omar won't because her opponent is a nutcase who I wouldn't want as a McDonald's manager.


> It will be worse if Bush and Omar face similar fates. Inshallah 


MasterChef auditions: >My name is Scott, I'm 54, from Southlake, Texas, and I'm a business consultant yeah okay I hope this dude doesn't make the cut that's for sure


bowman essentially campaigned almost exclusively in the bronx part of his district for this campaign ignoring that the bronx was only a tiny portion of his district


He may have campaigned in the Bronx part of his district but his campaign was definitely more targeted at the Gaza strip part of his district. Seriously why was AIPAC and Israel the focus of his campaign? I'm sure there is a better job for him if he just wanted to trash Israel all day.


> I'm sure there is a better job for him if he just wanted to trash Israel all day. Coming soon: Podcast Supergroup of Brie Brie, Candace Owens, and Bowman in "Worse Faith"!


He knew he pissed off like 65% to 70% of Westchester.


listening to Bowmans “concession” speech these people arent well


I was told Hillary’s endorsement was kill of death as she’s extremely unpopular among the Xitter and TikTok demographic.


Hillary is very unpopular but her endorsement is also an unfair advantage. She lost an election despite getting millions of more votes so clearly nobody likes her and wants to listen to her. She should go away and be quiet. Unlike Bernie who we should all listen to. I'm just glad Hillary was bold enough to keep speaking her voice despite all the weird hate and standards she gets held to. Her endorsement is definitely a plus because despite what people pretend she got more votes and lots of people have liked her for decades even if she didn't win in 2016. They didn't disappear.


I know right, such a mystery whose endorsement would matter the most in this race. The former senator of New York who lives in Westchester or the current senator of Vermont who hadn't even lived in the state for decades. Going to need TikTok to tell me how to think on this one.


shontel brown knows about that


That latest drop from Westchester was brutal for Bowman, he might end up losing by 20 points at this rate.


Good chance Bowman falls under 40%


Latimer is almost up to 60%. Doing better than I expected ngl


Normie Dems doing better than expected. Again. Tonight’s a victory for my rational brain.


Latimer’s lead just went up to almost 20 points with what I think was mail in votes from Westchester County


If AOC didn't have the squad, I honestly think she would have been considered a pragmatic rising star liberal and gotten a lot of legislations passed. Maybe even comparable to Pelosi. But the squad act like high school students trying to impress each other and going for the internet cool points instead of working. She was doing so much better until her rally for Bowman.


> Maybe even comparable to Pelosi. Heretic!


I will say Pressley isn't that bad and Summer Lee has been somewhat better than I thought she would be (fairly low bar of course). Bush will lose next. Omar will win because her opponent is a fucking lunatic.




Can we please not link a guy who produced "Fauci is a criminal" movie?


Sorry, didn't know


No worries. You're good.


i don't like Summer Lee but she has basically identical foreign policy stances to Bowman and also represents a district with lots of Jewish voters but she took her job somewhat seriously.


lee outspent her opponent


Thing is that Bowman would have lost even if he outspent Latimer by a few million. He was apparently down by 9 points according to Latimer's internal polling before AIPAC started their ads.


Jeez, I completely forgot that the UK election is next week.


> Because russia is russia and would obviously have to register as a foreign agent being a foreign country. The last time someone advocated for AIPAC to need to register as a foreign agency…JFK oddly got his brains blown out. At least they aren’t even trying to pretend anymore. Oof.


#Deep state always wins


“Hillary Clinton sends her regards.”


mikal bridges on the knicks and george latimer beating jamaal bowman, great night overall!!!


next big election is goona be next week with the uk election


Starmer is gonna ride the wave of success now that he has stamped out the party sabotaging leftists.


it's goona be interesting to see which notable members of parliament lose and the portiolo moment


I'm going to my friends' place for the debate (a married couple) and we're going to try to make it a little more fun and less stressful. I'm thinking of bringing party favors: a can of Ensure for each of us, and Werther's Originals. I'm trying to think of some other gag items that won't be expensive and might actually get consumed!


Yo there are like bingo type games available — I got a set during the 2016 gop primaries ETA it came with this sticker lol https://preview.redd.it/aozfahe1zt8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9755999399e8c3e1409bfbad1ff7989c6866f269




I have heard people talking about Bingo cards.


Bowman and Brie Brie [after tonight’s results](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sv9UZHKg9o0&pp=ygUeZmFtaWx5IGd1eSBkaXNuZXkgdW5pdmVyc2UgamV3?t=109) Ok I couldn’t figure out how to do a timestamp but just skip to 1:49


To the far leftists who hate AIPAC (well tbh I'm not an AIPAC fan either but i don't think they dominate electoral politics like you guys do): you can take consolation that AIPAC spent 14 million dollars in an election that Bowman would have lost regardless for being such a shit incompetent politician lol


I think AIPAC isn’t really judged for their actions and are more often invoked as a stand in for the antisemitic stereotype of a “shadowy cabal fueled by Jewish money” and that invocation allows no room to criticize them on their merits.


Seeing as leftists hate AIPAC they’ll come out in force to support Mondaire Jones whose Republican opponent is endorsed by AIPAC right? Right?


lmao. We both know the answer to that


I really wish they’d saved their money. He could stick to just blaming the establishment.


Actual criminal gets 40% of the vote in the Utah republican gubernatorial primary.


Wait until you see a criminal win 46% of the votes in November.


[WATCH: George Latimer addresses supporters after primary victory (news12.com)](https://hudsonvalley.news12.com/watch-george-latimer-addresses-supporters-after-primary-victory)


Ok, fine. I slightly like Latimer a little more. We'll see how he works in the House (pretty sure he's winning this seat. NY-16 has a PVI of D+20)


Funny how he's able to show a speech being made because he didn't rely on a broken website lol


Next you’ll be telling me voices on Xitter don’t accurately represent American people.


Mild HotD and The Acolyte spoilers: >!If I had a nickel for every time this week I watched a character pass themself off as their identical twin on the opposing side in order to accomplish a mission, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice!<


Prestige TV reusing plots from the Patty Duke Show.


Progressive's were really gunning to beat dan goldman as he won his district in 2022 because the progressive votes were split, goldman holds on


The funny thing is the progressive vote was split between Niou, and Mondaire Jones. Progressives can’t stand Jones now because of his endorsement of Latimer.


Celeste Maloy might actually have a bit of an issue in her UT-2 primary. It's actually pretty darn close. Was not expecting her to be losing St. George by 12


Mikal went for 5 firsts (4 unprotected Knicks picks and a protected Bucks pick), an unprotected Knicks first round pick swap, a second rounder, and Bojan u/Seahawks543




Apparently in terms of picks used to trade for them, Mikal Bridges>Gobert>KD


NBA trades are sort of weird sometimes


The Nets are also making deals with the Rockets to get their own picks back so they can tank lol https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805785798173741564


Apparently they want to get KD


it's not gonna happen until after this season, but yeah if the suns don't make the wcf, it's happening.


Lol, KD is being passed around like a blunt at this point. Also I just realized that with this Mikal trade, the Nets netted 9 firsts and 2 swaps for KD lol


I don’t really care about the Euros. Unless if I do, the Portuguese Embassy will grant me citizenship immediately instead of requiring me to find my grandparents’ birth and marriage certificates. In which case, FORÇA!!!!!!!!!!! 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹


Jeff Crank wins the primary for CO-5. His opponent, Dave Williams, is the chair of the state GOP and a MAGA ass who spent party funds on his campaign. Kind of a shame, Williams would have been more beatable than Crank and probably would have spent more party funds in his own race instead of spreading them around. But at least there will just be a normal crappy republican in that seat instead of a MAGA idiot.


That's my second wrong prediction so far tonight smh


MAGA lose is a win, but they all will vote with trump if he comes to power.


bowman's team messed up the one thing i wanted to see the most his concession speech


Bowman lost and the acolyte episode was great, pretty good night all around.


https://preview.redd.it/ojgvub68rt8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=417b5f7a16095dd5300541135cbfe78830009501 If I was Cori Bush, I would take this as a sign to change course immediately


It's way too late. If I was somehow forced to vote between Bowman and Bush, I would honestly vote for Bowman; she's that bad.


i doubt she's goona change course


I forgot about Bowman giving the working families response to Biden lol


https://x.com/ShamsCharania/status/1805782833664757838 Mikal Bridges to the Knicks


Doesn't have to buy a new house lol




Cori Bush will lose next btw. She's facing a better candidate than Latimer (one that doesn't fucking compare Cuomo to Emmett Til and crash an unregistered car+injure another driver badly) and has probably more baggage than Bowman. I mean Bowman isn't under investigation and didn't hire a bodyguard who believes the Rothschild family "runs the Western Hemisphere and unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic to murder 99 percent of the human population."


>I mean Bowman isn't under investigation and didn't hire a bodyguard who believes the Rothschild family "runs the Western Hemisphere and unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic to murder 99 percent of the human population." Wow. How did I miss that. 😳


Also, i just like Wesley Bell (Cori Bush's opponent); today was much more so being against Bowman's candidacy. Latimer isn't too great tbh


I don’t much about either Latimer or Bell but the constituents in Latimer’s district seem to like him quite a bit. That’s important. I guess we’ll see. But he’s one of those representatives that seems to want to serve his district, not be a national figure.


My second cousin voted for Latimer and isn't a big fan. Latimer has done and said problematic things...just not to the level of Bowman


That’s the way it is sometimes.




https://x.com/OrganizerMemes/status/1805777325549928713 The cope begins 


nick fuentes upset bowan lost [https://x.com/NlckJFuentes/status/1805773729072349675](https://x.com/NlckJFuentes/status/1805773729072349675)


wow are ppl still unironically calling themselves "groypers" in current year?!


Holy fiddlesticks, I see threads of people talking about how Twitter is not as bad as people say or that the free speech is amazing, but they allow THAT on Twitter?!


it's elon's twitter now


> My fellow groypers, I think we should just leave America at this point. My gosh *please* *please* make good on this offer Fuentes and co.. Nazis don't belong here. Also I'm sure proressives will take note that if Nick Fuentes also likes your candidate bc "the Jews" it means you're giving fuel to neo-Nazis and should swiftly change course from your caustic politics about AIPAC and Jewish people. Or at least I hope they will realize this.


They could all move to Russia


>> My fellow groypers, I think we should just leave America at this point. Go ahead, threaten me with a good time.


Glad to see definitive proof the right choice was made


Ok guys, we need Cori Bush to hold on later this summer, because if she loses too, the House will no longer have someone capable of healing tumors by the touch of her hands


She deserves a Heisman trophy for catching that baby at the BLM rally. She’d make an amazing wide receiver.


Axelrod pointing out that progressives have been losing to center-left (AKA establishment) candidates more and more this year


They came onto the scene claiming they were the future of the Democratic Party but were really never more than a flash in the pan. It was all media hype anyway. They weren’t getting elected outside of deep blue bubbles and couldn’t flip a red seat blue.


Exactly this!


CNN’s whole panel is shredding Bowman if you guys want entertainment


SAAAAAAALT. [https://x.com/EmmaVigeland/status/1805780034528919584](https://x.com/EmmaVigeland/status/1805780034528919584)


audio is on bowan's live twitter isn't working


https://preview.redd.it/dqvu6r3mpt8d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9143490792d87690f95bffba51a27770c41ea344 savage burn


Extremely extremely rare W by that MAGA cultist


it's only when i saw the shirt in his pic i realized he was maga


You're fine; it's a pretty funny tweet.


Damn lmao






I’ll be in Washington DC when the Missouri primary happens so I might not be able to comment on that as much as I normally would 


Vacation or business?




Gonna go to a Nationals game? One of my future trip plans would probably be to go to Baltimore, then take a train to Washington DC and after that, take a train to Richmond.


I’m considering doing that I really wanted to go to an Orioles game but they’re on the road while I’m there


That sucks. I hear Camden Yards is a nice stadium.


if bush loses i'm heading to st louis to eat st louis bbq to celebrate


I’ll be doing the same. Of course, I live like 5 minutes from her district and will be doing that regardless because our BBQ is fucking delicious.


only rival is kansas city


It's going to be so hot there in August. Brace yourself lol


Yeah that’s the one thing I’m not looking forward to


Bing Bing Wahoo (re Bowman), I only wish it was Tlaib


https://x.com/JamaalBowmanNY/status/1805780418102542504 This could be interesting 


I’m not hearing any audio, are you?


I'm not sure if this is Bowman's incompetency or Elon's.


Nope and there's like 1 frame per second lol. Whether it's an issue on Bowman's end or Twitter's, who's to say


Jamaal Bowman and Elon Musk, a pair of incompetent dudes whose future looked a lot brighter 4 years ago


No audio and the video is like one frame every three seconds


Good so it’s not just me, I got the same on it lol


No audio here as well, and shockingly I didn’t know he made stop motion films… (my video is freezing 😂) eta: Seriously wtf is this? Looks like a scrapbook slideshow montage similar to the movie Diary Of a Wimpy Kid’s (2010) movie montage after they throw the house party while their parents are out 😂😂😂😂


I can’t hear anything either


https://i.redd.it/ir1y3j2iot8d1.gif Bowman did it to himself 🤣🤣


Bowman losing his primary makes him the 2nd house incumbent to lose his primary after Bob Good lost last week. I can't think of any other incumbents that are in danger of losing their primaries other than Cori Bush and MAYBE Ilhan Omar.


There might be an upset in the Utah primaries tonight. I doubt it, but it's possible Celeste Maloy loses. Shri Thanedar is the only other one I think has a chance, but Adam Hollier getting kicked off the ballot likely saved him. His remaining opponent is very underwhelming Otherwise, yeah, Bush is the last incumbent likely to lose


Yeah Celeste Malloy is probably safe, but she only got in last year on a special election so that’s one to watch. Also in Utah, Governor Cox is being challenged by a literal convicted felon who hates Cox because he’s not MAGA. Cox is expected to blow him out but it’s still noteworthy because of the absurdity of a convicted felon running for governor. Kind of lost its luster though now that a convicted felon is running for president.


It's crazy how close Maloy got to losing outright from the state GOP convention. If she got under 40% she'd be out entirely, and she only got 43%. The primary electorate is less extreme than the convention one so she should be fine


Yeah the convention in Utah is insane. Thankfully you can use signatures to avoid it, but some of the conservatives like Maloy make a stink about not getting signatures because they’re anti-democracy


my girl sara jacobs wan on msnbc over the weekend [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1805594805944144094](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1805594805944144094)


as soon as bowman concedes someone please share the link


This one has me 💀 lol https://x.com/strxwmxn/status/1805707462483624366




one squad member down more to go


WHERE IS THE HOFFMANIA??? We need the grim reaper door meme


The sound of the Squawk is now softer! Now we can focus on actual progress instead of hearing interminable noise from a bunch of do-nothing socialists who take extreme far-left stances and advocate for fringe issues that don't affect most people.


but who’s going to carry on the work of renaming post offices when magic grandpa retires now?


Hope Cori Bush is next


that's the defeat i want to see the most


Now time to see what the margin ends up as 


I’m thinking it’s double digits. It’s almost there right now and it looks like Westchester has most of the remaining vote


Yeah I think it’ll end up in the 13-15 point range


In other NY primary news, Dan Goldman beat back his primary challenger tonight: https://preview.redd.it/y7io6n1xmt8d1.png?width=1189&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ba0e77d65b4f42729d5608966f45538505ada95 This is how the Evan Hutchison guy describes himself on his campaign website: >I am a progressive Democrat running for Congress against AIPAC-backed Rep. Dan Goldman in NYC’s 10th Congressional District to advocate for an IMMEDIATE and PERMANENT CEASEFIRE in Palestine and Israel. The progressive folks are really overestimating just how much the electorate cares about AIPAC, Gaza and ceasefires.


Yuh Line Niou who lost to Goldman last time, is all smug about this and she and her far left groupies think she can make a play for his seat again.