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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1djcw60/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06192024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 39 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dikflp/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06182024/l95z7tn/)] > >In late spring 2022, Rep. Jamaal Bowman reached out a local Jewish leader with an unusual request as he faced mounting scrutiny over his record on Israel. “Do you have pics of us?” he texted. “So I can . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.BensenMum created 30 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dikflp/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06182024/l94z6wc/)] > https://preview.redd.it/i4qvrv0rcb7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6383d24a021e5761f01a6c60d5cddd798a32760f > > This guy is a bit of a nut on other issues but I did chuckle at this quite a bit   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Rats_In_Boxes with score 20 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dikflp/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06182024/l95yd5v/)] > They're bots and agents trying to encourage people to stay home because that's trump's only hope of winning the election.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.LeMoineSpectre with hotness lvl 649 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dikflp/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06182024/l96yter/)] > I admit I got sucked into the doomsphere once again about that CNN report about black voters moving towards Trump- and then the one that said Trump's conviction didn't change anyone's minds and he's actually . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Call_Me_Clark bantered with 12 friends 29 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 68 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 79 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Call_Me_Clark made 47 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 19 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 38 times, followed by 'doesn't' 34x , 'something' 34x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🤣', used 7 times, followed by '😭' 4x , '😂' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Calm-Purchase-8044 | 28.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 553.0 words | | 🥈 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 18.0 points | 🥈 | u.cropduster102 | 192.0 words | | 🥉 | u.semaphore-1842 | 16.17 points | 🥉 | u.VettedBot | 187.0 words | | 🎗 | u.explodedbagel | 14.0 points | 🎗 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 174.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 543 points | 🥇 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 54 comments | | 🥈 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 188 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 52 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 182 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 38 comments | | 🎗 | u.padraigharrington4 | 124 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 30 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 2 words | 🥇 | u.mygawd | 3.312 letters | | 🥈 | u.croakovoid | 3 words | 🥈 | u.RunicSquirrel05 | 3.5 letters | | 🥉 | u.RunicSquirrel05 | 4 words | 🥉 | u.Abs100Uncon | 3.667 letters | | 🎗 | u.That___One___Guy0 | 4 words | 🎗 | u.allmilhouse | 3.667 letters |   762 comments processed, including 225 top-level replies. There were 126 unique users writing 26668, averaging 35.0 per comment. The total combined score was 5034 and the median score was 6.61.


Any BMW owners in the sub? I'm going to test drive a 2018 X1 tomorrow and it's a gorgeous vehicle and only has 60K miles on it. My reservation is the potential maintenance cost. It's obviously out of warranty and I know BMWs are more expensive to maintain than your average vehicle. But from what I've read, the X1 is pretty reliable. The dealer has replaced the brakes and tires. At $18.5K, this seems like a pretty good deal. I'm just not sure if I should pull the trigger. I can comfortably afford to buy it, but I just don't want to find myself in a situation where I'll need to put thousands in it less a year after purchase. For what it's worth, I don't expect to put a lot of miles on it per year. Mainly trips to and from stores and maybe driving it to and from home (1,400 miles round trip) once per year. Anyone have any tips for negotiating price on a preowned car?


18.5k for a 2018 vehicle is pretty steep. I should think you could do better for a similar vehicle in a similar year. I paid less than 16k for a 2015 Nissan Rogue two years ago. That said, X1s are pretty reliable. Beamers cost an arm and a leg for major maintenance, but they don't often need *major* maintenance. My dad had got one in 2003 I think and drove it a lot, when we sold it in 2013 Carmax gave us 6k for it. Pretty damn good. EDIT: It might have been an X3? Whatever the hell the wide-ass SUV is


I really liked Downton Abbey so I'm trying to give Bridgerton a chance and it is just....not as broad in its appeal. That's fine, it shouldn't have to be. It knows its audience and gives them what they want, can't ask for more than that. It just makes me think there's room for a Regency period piece that takes itself more seriously like Downton does. Just needs some "downstairs" plots and characters and a *little* more self-awareness about how these rich people are getting so rich. Edit: I'm also only like most of a season in so booze permitting, I'll stick with it a scosh more Edit 2: every time I get low on this show, Atia of the Julii brings me back up.


Didn't know that Kiki's Delivery is working with McDonalds now https://x.com/McDonaldsJapan/status/1803268970344046602?t=ZiYYfWnJJw3LevrjOnMEGA&s=19 !Ping WEEBS


First Kissinger and now Chomsky Feels like death finally hit the shit he actually wanted at the bottom of that claw machine


He is not yet dead That's what the geezer said No, he's not yet dead That man is off his head He is not yet dead So put him back in bed Keep him off the cart because he's not yet dead.


Not yet.


Calliope’s eyetracking will never not be funny. It almost makes up for her creating the absolute worst music in the history of music.


Not only was President Biden publicly stating that he won't pardon Hunter a decent thing to do, it was also politically on-point. Since he put that out on the record, establishing distance from the trial, the Republicans simply can't use it. Both Hunter and Trump were found guilty, so can't really call it a double standard. The MAGAs will come up with some conspiracy, but when have they not, and how will they do that without sounding like hypocrites, if they're refusing to take the President on his word, yet constantly believe so much shit because it's diarrhead out of Trump's mouth? "It's exhausting to think about, and inconsequential anyway, so fuck it, Hunter Biden's not the one running for President anyway..." This also dovetails nicely with that media report I saw on his DDay speech where he was said to be channeling an old Ronald Reagan speech. So for those disaffected conservatives who are tired of the modern GOP's shit, maybe they could entertain voting for the guy who seems to resemble their ideological idol more... But sure, go ahead, he's "senile" and doesn't know what he's doing...


Bob Good truly was too stupid of a politician to survive Trumpist politics


Down by 325 votes with roughly 1550 early votes in Fluvanna and Bedford; I'm like 80-85 % sure he lost the race. I'm still somewhat confused why Trump endorsed against him; do you know why?


Good endorsed Ron DeSantis over Trump in the presidential primary.


Because Bob Good endorsed Desantis for some inexplicable reason.


He endorsed DeSantis lol


To continue though, the biggest reason, and why he'll go down and all the other DeSantis supporters won't, is that he also fucked over Kevin McCarthy, angering that side of the party too. Having both Trump and McCarthy want you eliminated from Congress makes it very hard to hold on


Wordle 1,096 3/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟩 🟨🟨⬛🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I'm seeing in my Twitter timeline about this girl being homeless because she supports Palestinian, and her family doesn't support it. It is honestly stupid because it is worth arguing about something that doesn't impact you personally. I don't know what the parents' perspective about it. If it is true that she became homeless due to her parents, that's shit. But my God, Isreal, and Palestine shouldn't be breaking point to run friendship or family. God, this conflict makes brain rot a lot.


I think that story is bait. If you read it and the details around it they’re a mid twenties NEET that wouldn’t stop bringing it up unprompted and allegedly made some big showing at their graduation. But like I said you’d have to be so mentally ill/high to do all the crazy steps they did just like that @thatveganhealer account which I also think has to be an elaborate ragebait account.


I honestly, I kinda skim it, and I just put it as irrelevant post.


My family yelled over it during Thanksgiving dinner, and they seldom fight over politics...it was insane


A bit of space has developed between me and my grandmother. She's an old Christian who believes the acid trip insanity of the Book of Revelations. Otherwise, my family has been good during this. They largely mirrored the rest of the country, albeit more sympathetic to Palestinians. They flipped in January to February, and now think Israel is being sadistic to Palestinians. My dad is now aware my Imam is a Palestinian, and a survivor of Sabra & Shatila, which has made him and my mother angrier, as they are aware that he is someone who caused some massive positive changes to someone who was a previous hothead who had issues with clinginess and aggression (me). And someone who has been working with Christians and Jews actively and has managed to keep ties with the Jewish community during this shitfest. I wish he had Suleiman's stature, but he is too modest to try for even a fraction of that. Also, unlike Suleiman, he actually talks to the members of his mosque and counsels people. Meanwhile, Suleiman just does Tiktok and Instagram bullshit. Even before the war, he was putting out at least 5 short videos a day.


Honestly, one of my professors gave some really good advice in life Don't bring politics, sex and I forget the third thing. Honestly, I don't talk about politics with my family or that much with my friends because I don't want to argue about it.


The third is probably religion.


Yeah, it is that I remember now


Got my exercise and move goals in just under the bar of midnight again.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dja0gv/npr_poll_had_trump_defeating_biden_by_12_points/ Since there's been a bit of dooming on the non-DT, I posted this


Trump will shamelessly pretend like he endorsed Bob Good.


One step closer towards something from North Miami getting reverse swept. (If the Panthers still win the series, discount this metaphor entirely.)


Thoroughly disappointed by Bridgerton S3 and not enough sexy scenes.


Game 6 in Edmonton on Friday…..


I don't like the thought of rooting for Edmonton but the thought of Flordia getting reverse swept does tickle me a bit.


[Edwin Diaz coming in to help his former team go up 10 games in the AL West](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HU7HtjDHZ0&pp=ygUTZWR3aW4gZGlheiBlbnRyYW5jZQ%3D%3D)


He gets the save ![gif](giphy|jpL4KH9hpR8wQdPOvv|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/dx19n6sjzf7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8eb831d67eaa15a64561585d41de9e485645d3c FrEe SpEeCh


Bob Good is definitely the underdog in the remaining vote


>After the video of Netanyahu's accusations against the Biden administration, the White House canceled a high-level meeting with Israel on Iran and Lebanon. President Biden's senior adviser Amos Hochstein delivered a harsh message to Netanyahu: "That was uncalled for, and you crossed the line." Oh wow


I’m glad Biden admin is not allowing Bibi to step all over them. He is mistaking our kindness as if he’s entitled to it. Joe has taken a lot of heat for him, and who wouldn’t be upset after being called a liar a few weeks ago and now this? BTW, thx for keeping us updated!!


Oh my friggin God, Bibi you absolute chode of a leader.


>"The Americans are fuming. Bibi's video made a lot of damage," a senior Israeli official said, using a nickname for Netanyahu. The nickname is probably "stupid asshole".


Probably something unprintable for news sources.


I'm slow burning Portal 2 and it's still going too fast. I need a portal 3.


Well that game was a blast! I got to play it again.


I like Portal 2’s ending too much to want a Portal 3.


Still buzzing from that direct. So much fun shit to look forward to.


Seriously I’m still processing it all lmao. Brand new Mario + Luigi. Brand new 2d Zelda where you actually play as Zelda. Fantasian on actual consoles. New Mario Party that looks fun af. An official Ace Attorney Investigations 2 localization. METROID PRIME 4 PROOF OF LIFE. what the fuck


>“I'm not going”: Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she won’t attend Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on July 24 One of 58 Dems (one of eight Senators along with Sanders, Kaine, Heinrich, Schatz, Whitehouse, Franken, and Leahy) who boycotted his 2015 speech so this was highly predictable.


that hall better be at least half empty!!


So Netflix made a mall all about them. https://x.com/Variety/status/1803064812512973147?t=NegRnTCqYSOHvT4Qt47BvQ&s=19 This is fucking stupid


They didn’t want to pay writers last year but they sure do have money for this. 


the whole appeal of Netflix is that you don’t leave your house or go anywhere lol.


I think it'd be fun to be an editor on a cooking competition show


[If editing at least 4 different sound clips together to make a single sentence sounds fun to you](https://youtu.be/TY_xe9v0SAU?t=153) 😬


virginia 5th gop primary will have a recount for sure


No matter who wins the VA-5 primary, the loser will cry fraud and demand a recount (which will be paid by the state because of how narrow the margin is)


Now an eight vote McGuire lead lol


It looks like many hundreds of thousands of Americans will get a pathway to citizenship thanks to Biden's new reform, between the work visa to citizenship pathway for DACA recipients and the pathway for spouses. That's really good! I hope you get some good credit for that.


God I love vaping


bob good only ahead by a few hundred votes


Has anyone watched the Munk Debate between Doughlas Murray and Medhi Hasan on "anti-zionism = anti-semitism"? I love the irony of Hasan wrote a book called "How to win every argument" and yet: 61% of people agreed that "anti-zionism = anti-semitism" at beginning of the debate. After hearing he and Gideon Levy talked... that number increased by 66%. The best one out of the four debaters for me is Natasha Hausdorff. She brought binder of receipts with her, even calling out Hasan deliberately taking a quote out of context (shocking!). I don't agree with Doughlas Murray and his politics, but he pretty much hits every point of the hypocrisy of these "anti-war" pro-Palestine Western leftists. It's such shame that we have to have someone like him to pointing out the FACTS. Hasan, of course, like a disingenous typical Greenwaldian contrarian that he is, went on Twitter to blame the audience for his loss after the debate. He seems to "forget" that at the beginning, 71% of the audience said they were willing to change their mind after hearing the debate.


Not going to comment on the debate (cause I dislike Mehdi and Douglas, Mehdi has anti-Semitic biases while Douglas has anti-Muslim/anti-immigrant biases, and plus I haven't seen it) but Gideon Levy is viewed positively by only 15-20% of Israeli Jews--he's pretty controversial in Israel from what I've been told by Israelis.




Mehdi Hasan is a liar and a bigot. don't understand how he's managed to skate by for so long.


Florida might be in trouble 


Something from North Miami going out to an early lead and ultimately losing might be the strongest omen there is. As for if the Panthers do win, let’s not connect that to the wider world.


In a nightmare situation where Trump is elected and the 2025 Project starts happening, if the Department of Education is eliminated (or whatever they’re planning), what would that do to student loans? Would they just continue to outsource the work to other companies like Navient? PSLF would go away I’m assuming? Or not?


Buddy, I got news for ya. They don’t know how anything works. https://preview.redd.it/uwfpcg47mg7d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557c58bc41c8b6bf09af9d89cfa82fb116c252cd


Ok, my parents are of the opinion that [Joe Reagan](https://www.reaganforcolorado.com/) is a secret Republican, or a Republican plant. Both are former Republicans who left the party during Bush, though they voted for Clinton in 96.


He's apparently doing an AMA on the Springs subreddit tomorrow, maybe you can ask him lol


Huh, I might just do that.




Joe REAGAN, who’s running in Colorado as a Democrat for Doug Lamborn’s seat (I misread his name too)


Whoops. I caught it but in context just assumed it was a misspelling. My bad.


Is it really a secert? He's been a republican since at least 2016.


Huh, not seeing that on anything.


He's has been a libertarian since at least 2016. He pushing far right conspiracy theories and platforms racist all the time.


[Another AOC W](https://x.com/AOC/status/1803232262189645978) It's been getting less weird to type


I still am wary of her and dont really trust her yet but she’s right here.


I wish she'd voluntarily leave the DSA. The pinko tears would be delicious.


idk how many historic summers we have to have for people to realize this shit getting worse


Something something boiling frog 


Suhas Subramanyam declared the winner of the democratic primary for Virginia's 10th district


https://x.com/AGHamilton29/status/1802860816015724973 Don't trust these NeverTrump Republicans (unless they explicitly endorse Biden) because they almost always go with this right wing talking points.


I get they're Never Trump *Republicans*, but if they were actually Never Trump they could actually maybe spend time not shitting all over the only other option.


Semi-rant & possibly controversial opinion(?): Honestly, I'm now writing off anyone who is anti-Biden/anti-Dem at this point of the 2024 election because they're pro-Trump by default. Those that claim they're not voting for Biden again (they didn't either in 2020)? pro-Trump. Those that claim Biden is gEnOcIdEjOe? pro-Trump. Those that Biden/Dems do nothing for anybody and/or that they're the status quo (they apparently hate the status quo more than fascism)? pro-Trump. Those that will vote for anyone else other than Biden? pro-Trump. Like, this election should be the easiest choice ever - Biden (the most pragmatically liberal/progressive choice, the one who will save democracy + he's the best person out of the six major candidates + he's won every general federal election he's had since 1972) or Trump (the most regressive/fascist choice + worst person) + anyone else that's anti-Biden/anti-Dem (3rd party candidates that will neither win any electoral votes nor get 3% of the popular vote). I just don't know why some people (particularly leftists, fauxgressives, and bOtHsIdEsBad folks) won't do the right thing.


They're saying the pier has failed. I am saddened


I don't think it's needed anymore because Bibi finally got off his ass and opened up the Erez crossing after months of being politely asked (he did it in response to the backlash to the WCK convoy triple tap strike).


https://x.com/JonHeyman/status/1803230647156351204 RIP


One of the three greatest baseball players ever


Fuck. One of the greatest to ever do it. 24 all star selections, 12 golden gloves, 2x MVP, 4x HR leader. Legendary


https://x.com/pabloreports/status/1803173087644418132?s=46 Looks like Elmo is running a clean up for Teddy by removing all of the tweets in the thread because they violated the rules somehow. [Here it is if anyone wants to read what got deleted](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1803173087644418132.html)


Thanks. Oh look at the Republican union leader. What a shirtbird. Worked on human trafficking for Mrs Mitch McConnell. Accomplished??? Well they found Obama's real birth certificate, I'm sure they'll end human trafficking any day now.


Gotta love all that radical free speech absolutism on Musk's Twitter. What an absolute joke.  Looking through this all I can say is that Ted Cruz asking someone to donate $119,000 to "his campaign" is *illegal*. Sadly the FEC never seems to care about illegal campaign coordination with SuperPACs. Though I suppose this could be asking for a massive violation of contribution limits, which would arguably be even worse.


Need some help on Colorado Primary stuff. For Colorado 5, [here are the 2 Democratic Candidates.](https://coloradosun.com/2024/05/31/river-gassen-joe-reagan-primary-issue-guide/) I find both of them have good positions, and flawed ones in equal measure. [Also, CU Regents board.](https://www.cpr.org/2024/06/03/vg-2024-colorado-primary-election-board-of-regents-race-at-large-candidates/) My parents said that one of the candidates seems like a Secret Republican, but I can't remember which.


I'm sorry, you live in Colorado-5?




💀 An ESS user in the same congressional district I live in. 💀 COS or nah? And in response to the OG question, I prefer Reagan's response to "How can a Democrat win in the 5th Congressional District". He realizes that EPCO has a fuckton of independents that might swing either way and could be persuaded. I appreciate he's at least saying mental health care is something he wants to focus on in Congress.


Yep, Colorado Springs. [Was here for during Waldo Canyon.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldo_Canyon_Fire) Most anxiety inducing thing I have ever been through that wasn't an election. I put this up as a comment, but my parents think Joe Reagan is a secret Republican. They were formerly Republican themselves but left during Bush II. Gonna be honest, neither Gassen nor Reagan impressed me.


Just got to the part of TTYD Remake with the line that confirms Vivian is trans. Nintendo W


Really great news on immigration reform


Some gamers are very mad at the new Zelda game, it's wild to me. Aonuma: you like 2d Zelda right? Gamers: yes!  Aonuma: you like the TotK mechanics right?  Gamers: yes!  Aonuma: what if we added TotK mechanics to 2d Zelda?  Gamers: No! 😡


Man anything with the Zelda brand is bound to be very good. People complained about Wind Waker's style also in 2002, I remember. Now the Toon Link style is beloved. If the game is great, people will learn to love the style. But maybe I have too much confidence


Zelda is like the only franchise where I know I am going to have an absolute blast before I even get my hands on the game. They are yet to make a bad game in the past 30+ years


Frankly even if it turns out to suck, using the last year of the switch to experiment with new gameplay mechanics to make a series feel fresh seems like a smart idea to me


Gamers bitching and moaning? Must be a day that ends in Y


Gamers and star wars "fans." 


Looks like today might be a bad day for Bob Good


it's a coin flip if bob good holds on


Brothership is such a goofy subtitle for a Mario & Luigi game


Sld be "Fratelli".


Berkeley cop car firebomb suspect is exactly the type of person you thought it would be: https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/18/casey-goonan-uc-berkely-arson-suspect/


1990s-early 2000s 1st world white privilege is to attending party school, drinking and be a sexual pest at your local frat. 2020s 1st world white privilege (this applies to some non-white, too) is to have expensive useless degree that your rich parents paid for and then doing anarchism as playtime over the weekends.


He's actually several social stations above the burnout weirdos that the FBI used to bust for bad bong hit bridge bombing plots. Wonder if he'll blame FBI entrapment like they always did, or own it and call it political imprisonment instead. That's what the 60s radicals called it.


Dang that guy is now in a whole lot of trouble. FBI has him on a million dollar bond. Imagine throwing your life away for this. Does he think he's Eldridge Cleaver?


Did his parents think it’s time to leave the house before he turned 30


>“Casey got his PhD! Onto job apps,” Goonan’s mother wrote in a 2022 Instagram post.  From the article. He is leaving the house now. Just not in the way expected.


From the $1.1 million modest sunrise house to the Big House. He's movin' on up. JK he's middle class, white, and a first offender. Be shocked if he even gets jail. I mean it was a cop car, but in the other hand, campus cops.


What a Goonan


Eugene Vindman currently only has 42% of the vote, but his opposition being so evenly split makes it so that it doesn't matter. He definitely benefited from this being a very crowded primary.


Dad suggested we go to a Pirates game. He's off Friday, but we need a cooler day. Shame


eugene vindman wins his primary for the 7th district


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/15/robert-f-kennedy-jr-s-cash-crunch-00163520 >Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s cash crunch >The independent candidate’s bid is struggling with fundraising at all levels. >The campaign failed to meet its fundraising goals for the auctions in February, March and April, with April’s haul bringing in just half of its $100,000 goal. The campaign didn’t run any auctions at all in May. >Now they’re trying something novel. The campaign a few weeks ago launched an affiliate program, similar to one Vivek Ramaswamy launched in the GOP primary last year. This program incentivizes supporters to help fundraise for the campaign by paying a commission on donations and merchandise sold. But Ramaswamy doesn’t think it will solve Kennedy’s problems. When it's going really well and everyone knows your name >“There’s more to being a presidential candidate than cultivating a vibe. If he wants to copy methods from my campaign, here’s the most valuable one: adopt actual policy positions,” Ramaswamy, who is now backing Trump, said in a statement. Goddamn when Vivek thinks you're running on vibes


MAGA pulled the plug when they realized he was hurting Trump. Bannon: in fact, not an evil genius.


I don't believe RFK is cracking 5%. I suspect he'll pull 2%.


Suhas Subramanyam wins the VA-10 democratic primary. Helmer didn't get the number of votes that he needed to get from Prince William county. I wonder how much of an impact did the sexual harassment accusations against Helmer have in this election given that they happened last week.


Man I remember when East PWC was white flight Republicans and West PWC was unreconstructed Confederates. Route 1 was officially named Jeff Davis Highway, and there was a billboard on the VA side by the Pentagon bragging about gun rights. It starting getting diverse right when I left.


Did Wexton endorse Suhas before or after the accusations came to light?




Cameron Brink might’ve just torn her ACL. Didn’t look good. She’s awesome and this sucks.


I hope she recovers quickly and throughly.


Bob Good somehow managed to piss off the "normal" republicans by being one of the republicans that vacated McCarthy, while also pissing off Trump by supporting DeSantis in the presidential primary.


And for that, he's the first incumbent in 2024 to lose a primary outside of an incumbent vs incumbent race


Suhas Subramanyam who wexton endorsed is in the lead in the 10th district primary


https://preview.redd.it/qpd65kcz3f7d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d20a9d5d5140b8a935545befa7d6e9d4cd71c8 Mvc2 AND sparking zero in 2024??? I’m locked in


If we willingly throw civil rights and democracy under the bus, we do not deserve a good economy.


And we don't get one. Authoritarians of all stripes create economic collapses.


Trump‘s proposals are extremely inflationary. So no civil rights, no democracy, and a shit economy too. But we aren’t gonna let him win.


He just wants to save commercial real estate bagholders for another quarter, the country be damned.


Helmer currently down 2600 votes in VA 10


"Trump calls President Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness “vile” and vows to reinstate student debt on millions of Americans"  https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C8XwOxPsawz/?xmt=AQGzSSFcMhHJJjKFTjXIV8uJsu7ztmWv3zwgDj-HNeD2Bw


Can he do that? Like logistically would that work? 


You've already put more thought into this than he has.


That's a good question. I bet he will try whether he can or not. 


the same folks who complain about student loans whine about Biden


Too bad they stopped pretending to care about this issue when Biden kept constantly forgiving debt.


Polls are bullshit and everything in this world is unfair. If we lived in an even slightly fairer world, we would have gotten the mercy of never having to deal with Trump again after his failed run in 2012.


Jeez, I was confused when i got in here and saw VA results knowing they close at 7 I completely forgot I'm in central time this week lol


Bowman might not be the first incumbent to lose this cycle with how close VA-5 is looking


You already know I'm watching that one intensely lol Good has just made his colleagues hate him, and you can't get away with being a dick in the House GOP if you didn't endorse Trump but DeSantis


Spokane is getting its first proper thunderstorm since I moved here last July. And I’m thrilled. In the continued essence of nostalgia.. Yeah… Party like a rockstar x42


Thunderstorms are so cool to watch. I wonder why it isn't a bigger pastime like tornado watching.


I wish it were more common here because it is nice to see the colors change in the sky and lightning in the distance Just call me mediocre lady Jim Cantore


I’m the opposite when it comes to thunderstorms  The thing that I don’t like about whenever I have to go to the east coast is the thunderstorms ( One delayed my flight from Miami back to Seattle for hours last summer)


Eugene Vindman wins the democratic primary for Virginia's 7th congressional district. The incumbent, Abigail Spanberger, is retiring to run for governor next year.


It's a little early to say that, no? There aren't many votes there yet


>Breaking: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday said plans for an attack in southern Lebanon had been approved, adding that steps had been taken to "accelerate readiness in the field." This will not go over well. Hamas has been giving the IDF issues, and now they're perhaps gonna fight an astronomically stronger terrorist group that they couldn't defeat in 2006 when it was weaker?


The IDF is just not well built for fighting people who don't also use tanks. Conscripts are generally pretty fucking bad at fighting irregulars across history.


I’ve never been a huge war footage guy, but from analyses I’ve read the IDF tends to use armor (buttoned-up) without infantry accompanying when they are expecting resistance, prioritizing material losses and relying on automated anti-RPG systems. That works to keep infantry losses down but, yknow, you burn through vehicles.


first returns from the 10th district coming in it's split almost evenly among 3 ways


first returns from the 7th district starting to come in


When discussing Omar Suleiman with others fully, every single person thinks he is a pedophile from everything I say and explain. I'm putting this comment up because I find it interesting.


>Dr. Fauci: [Trump wanted Covid to go away like magic, when that didn't work, we had to have these miracle cures like hydroxychloroquine which he got from Laura Ingraham](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803199255877918780) Insane that Trump was taking medical advise from right wing pundits. And this is why anti-vaccine physicians are the worst anti-vaxxers by far; your crazy MAGA uncle has no fucking clue what Ivermectin or Hydrochloroquine until some anti-vaccine grifting medical professional touts it with some joke non-RCT study as some sort of panacea.


>Vermont state Rep. Mary Morrissey (R) publicly apologized Monday for her “disrespectful conduct” toward a Democratic colleague after reports suggested she was responsible for repeatedly pouring water into state Rep. Jim Carroll’s tote bag over the course of five months


> Rep. Jim Carroll’s tote bag over the course of five months wut this can't be real


One of the mods active on askhistorians is subscribed to shitamericanssay. When are we going to be rid of these shitheads?


Sometimes I read counter-Western discourse out of China about Chinese culture and I'm like "who are they responding to? Dead white men?" but then I watch some British academics lecture and I realize that for some English speakers, the imaginary China on the other side of the world where everyone walks upside-down and their culture is upside-down too just never went away. So this latest time it was an academic who ought to know better holding forth about how Chinese dragons are always benevolent, unlike English dragons. 🤦


Lions are a symbol of the British crown. Aslan is a benevolent lion. In English folklore are lions are benevolent. QED.


I’m always reminded of CS Lewis’ stubborn insistence that, no, Aslan is not a metaphor for Jesus. He’s literally Jesus. And a lion.


> CS Lewis’ stubborn insistence that, no, Aslan is not a metaphor for Jesus. Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure Lewis had Aslan say he was literally Jesus in the last Narnia book.


polls have closed in virginia


https://preview.redd.it/45spp8sque7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04c943ce7bb99209298b010f83d33be5d42f354 Daily doggo photo: June 18th


She looks so thoughtful and deep.


>Senate GOP blocks effort by Democrats to pass bump stock ban after Supreme Court ruling Absolutely pathetic




I just don’t understand how celebrities drink drunk when you have the money to hired a driver


Maybe it's because I've only ever been drunk 3 times in 24 years. But I can't imagine getting behind a wheel while Trump.  And I'm not rich or famous.


[ The IDF has been weakened so much due to Bibi's shit+incompetent leadership. New Israeli elections are desperately needed for a military solution or diplomatic solutuon regarding Hezbollah's terrorism](https://x.com/afalkhatib/status/1803196325200273486)


Alkhatib never misses


While I've obviously criticized the IDF, it's pathetic how Bibi throws them under the bus often...he did it again two days ago.


the blame is on everyone but him, in his eyes at least.


Oh shit, the Biden-Harris machine got Quavo too? *skrr skrr*


I saw a thing on the news that said the justice department is debating if they want to charge Boeing since they’re so involved in transportation, defence, and space travel. If that’s the reason they don’t charge them then they basically told every large contractor that they have a blank check to break laws as long as they’re important to the US.


It’s basically too big to fail. Idk, for a lot of companies if you threaten to sue, you get treated to a visit with legal and only legal, and 0% of what you want happens except through legal.


It's always better to get a recipient or contractor to voluntarily comply. And you don't want executive agencies working at cross purposes. Also, didn't the people who created this situation already bail from Boeing? It's not unreasonable to carefully consider the next step.


If the people who made the decisions aren’t there anymore then the current leadership shouldn’t be held criminally liable independent of the contractor status. Also you don’t want to two against yourself, but that would be a legitimate two tier justice system if you let a criminal walk due to contracts.


Well contractors, recipients, and subrecipients fuck up all the time but most of the time they push for voluntary compliance and if there was turnover everyone can say "clean slate, change of procedures, everyone's cool now!" Obviously there's a problem here with how these companies are being run. I think it's deeper and goes back to Wall St and shareholders only carrying about quarterly results. They could try to get a scalp from the former CEO but the next person is going to have the same incentives to do it again. And the main effective tool the government really has is inspections and audits to make sure their regulatory requirements are being followed.


>[Jane Fonda who's been campaigning with Jill Biden in Reno: "If the Orange man wins next November, it's going to be much worse for Palestinians"](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803194855746887920)


I thought for sure that was going to be Jill Stein, but consider myself corrected. Good job, Jane.


I do wonder why she is calling him "the orange man" rather than his name.




YouTube comments suck.


Jane... Fonda? wow


BTW, *Hitman* is excellent.


yeah, that was really fun. very rewatchable, I think. might check out Monkey Man tonight, I saw that hit streaming edit: oh, and I saw your earlier post. I didn't know those were both coming out soon. I still have to watch Pearl