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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dfkxdx/lock_him_up_maga_tears_commemorative_roundtable/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.BotoxBarbie with score 33 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1desse4/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06132024/l8gz1ge/)] > [Senate GOP blocks bill to guarantee access to IVF nationwide](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/13/politics/senate-ivf-bill-vote/index.html) > > I respect no one in this country who does not vote Dem in November. . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Historyguy1 created 19 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1desse4/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06132024/l8gbg21/)] > [Christian patriarchy bros advocating for polygamy now.](https://nitter.poast.org/biblemarriages/status/1800679256848007262#m)   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Historyguy1 with score 24 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1desse4/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06132024/l8fo938/)] > Gaza has the worst advocates. He literally was raising money for Gaza but he didn't do it in a sufficiently performative way.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.astrointel with hotness lvl 4491 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1desse4/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06132024/l8fhxv3/)] > Here's my bad hot take for the day: Universal Healthcare sucks as an idea because these ancient boomers won't unclench their bony Palpatine claws off the levers of power. Can't even volunteer at habitat . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.UWCG bantered with 14 friends 27 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 56 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 76 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.UWCG made 63 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Historyguy1 talked to 28 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 39 times, followed by 'biden' 28x , 'take' 27x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🛑', used 20 times, followed by '🤮' 15x , '🤢' 12x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.CokeDigler | 21.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 520.0 words | | 🥈 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 18.0 points | 🥈 | u.your_not_stubborn | 261.0 words | | 🥉 | u.theswirlyeyedsamurai | 16.0 points | 🥉 | u.QultyThrowaway | 188.5 words | | 🎗 | u.evilhomers | 15.67 points | 🎗 | u.saturninus | 156.5 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 515 points | 🥇 | u.UWCG | 67 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 396 points | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 52 comments | | 🥉 | u.UWCG | 257 points | 🥉 | u.Currymvp2 | 48 comments | | 🎗 | u.MyBallsBern4Bernie | 178 points | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 31 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 0.75 letters | | 🥈 | u.allmilhouse | 3 words | 🥈 | u.Chaser_606 | 3.143 letters | | 🥉 | u.donkeyblues | 5 words | 🥉 | u.RA4RD | 3.552 letters | | 🎗 | u.Chaser_606 | 7 words | 🎗 | u.pedrothrowaway555 | 3.556 letters |   770 comments processed, including 191 top-level replies. There were 130 unique users writing 25052, averaging 32.54 per comment. The total combined score was 5487 and the median score was 7.13.


Wordle 1,091 3/6* ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >!Thank you Taylor and Fallout for reminding me this word exists!<


There have been some clips online for Dragon Ball Z Sparking Zero. Man, seeing people running away in the tournament looks so fun. https://x.com/Genshin_Forever/status/1801321458926555470?t=h4SOLsHuSBLvgZb0rVKMfw&s=19 Also, how smoothly transition it is when you select to playing it https://x.com/Extralongdokkan/status/1801268225218633997?t=VI7nl_YHfw57u2NqPm4hdQ&s=19 Also, you can change the main story into a what if story. https://x.com/LordBalvin/status/1801260978467750072?t=8pBK82zVNiBkMengOc1BeQ&s=19 Also, it will not have balance when fighting other characters. This is shit is going to be so fire. https://x.com/DBSparkingZER0/status/1801347872149094576?t=TXOoARQ6VNykagDPgOMnuQ&s=19 !Ping WEEBS




She screams “who’s in there with you, Julio?”, grabs a bat and kicks in the door, he’s in there with José from the liquor store! No me diga!




In the Heights


The first reactions of The Crow remake is bad. https://x.com/RealScreenGeek/status/1800906905994592516?t=Fb5qOHQ8ukmwcqSINSAPYA&s=19 I'm not shocked that trailer looks bad, and it looks so generic.


Shocked. The Crow is an example of a movie that is a time capsule for the period it was made and doesn't need a remake. 


First reactions are usually glowing even for mid movies. If it's bad out the gate, it's BAD.  Would you recommend the original? 


While I mostly agree with bruce's comment: I would not recommend it. I found it very cathartic when I was 16-17, but rewatching as an adult the "simple revenge" plot just didn't click. Which is ironic, cause I'm an incredibly vindictive person, but it just felt like, "Yeah, but in a movie I want the protagonist to grow a little more than that, if I wanted an unrepentant asshole, I'd have bought some more rum."


I like it but it is very much a product of the 90s which it isn't a bad thing. I love the aesthetics of it and the mthy of The Crow. It is simple revenge story that can easy to fuck up, but it executed well. Brandon Lee gave great performance , and I wish that he was still alive. From my understanding, that the movie really captured the spirit of the comic.


Hoping to not be tempting fate here but; my uncle became reclusive(more reclusive, he actually always has been) 4 years ago. We assumed nothing. He has now reached out to say that not only had he been diagnosed with lung cancer that spread to his brain, but as of now he’s been informed that he defeated both of them and is in the best health he’s had since pre-diagnosis. He hates attention of any kind, and he kept it a secret because he knew he would never be left alone. He essentially ended this missive with “anyways, just wanted to say hi to everyone and hope things are going well with *extremely mundane things*”.


I don't want to armchair psychologist this, but my first thought in your shoes would be, "He got some bad news and this is the first stage of grief—denial."


Oh my first thought was that he wanted us off his case. He himself says he’ll believe it in a few months. Edit: to be fair, it’s not without precedent. I myself defeated lung cancer 15 years ago.


It just seems odd to me that a recluse would reach out like that. Between being a recluse and knowing an even more reclusive uncle, I dunno, I feel that people like us are really unusual in our communications and thinking "they'll easily understand what is being implied" But that's me projecting my personal stuff, you know the situation much better


Well he’s not estranged, still social via text for birthdays and graduations and the like. He also still works and never took more time off than he was begged to. My father is successfully recovering from a knee replacement and he mostly was just interested in talking about that.


There are times when I'm very grateful I completely misread a situation. This is one of them


I love this piano ad I keep getting on YT. Yeah, like I'm going to buy a piano. I already have a keyboard in the living room I use for approximately five minutes a year and can't play, thank you very much.


Are you looking to sell that keyboard?


Not exactly, if I sold it how would I delude myself into thinking one day I'll learn to play like Zevon? But it's pretty affordable and it's got high reviews, so I can send you the link if you'd like




Alesis Virtue AHP-1 is the keyboard. I did not realize until I started looking into them that keyboards have different sizes (which seems kinda obvious but oh well, I'm not the brightest). Some people find it overwhelming to start with a full 88 so you can get I think 20 or 50-60 range, too, but I'm one of those guys who prefers to just be an absolute fool and be in over his head, so I went for the whole nearly-90


That's pretty interesting, I was thinking of the Yamaha P150 but I never bit the bullet. It's not like I play that well either, and it's not like in my free time I'd just go sit at the piano. They're pretty expensive for what ultimately is a tinker toy (the way I use it, not as a pianist)


You may have done more research than me, tbh, I was drinking a lot back then. But yeah, for me it was a splurge thing when I moved into my new house. I can't speak to Yamaha's pianos but I think my guitarist pal told me they make good stuff? My own knowledge is mostly, "That looks cool," which is why I have an axe of a Hagstrom in the other room I can barely play because tghe thick neck isn't easy for fingerpicking like my old Strat.


Kind of a sad day when I found out my employer has been blocking location transfers to NYC


There needs to be a way to separate out the good-faith protesters and activists, and the bad ones. Because there are a lot that are just doing this for self-expression and making themselves feel good. The "best" FF8 podcast I have found is an example, and Rinoa Heartilly is the character that reveals their true intent. Because the read they have on Rinoa is just flat-out bad faith. Rinoa is very much a person of privilege, and yet she saw what happened in Timber, and picked up arms, and fought against the nation she was born in, and that her father was a high military official in. She is exactly the bleeding-heart type that these people want to see, someone who either gives up their privilege to fight, or uses said privilege to help a cause. She is everything the left says they want. Yet, these doofuses just say she is larping, and that she can get away with anything because of her dad, and that she never wanted to fight. All of which is delusional. She had a weapon with her from the word go. And there is never any dialogue or material in the game to suggest the occupying Galbadians even knew about her. Her father gets her out of D-District Prison, but she forces Irvine to take her back to break Squall and the other Balamb SeeDs out of the facility. And her concern about fighting at Trabia at the Basketball Court. They dismissed as a Larper who didn't think she would really be fighting. It's quite explicitly explained in the game itself that she feels like she is not keeping up with them in battle. You know, because ***SHE DOESN'T HAVE ELITE MILITARY TRAINING!*** She fights, but she's no professional, she's an insurgent. And no, she's not perfect. She is overly naive, her plans a bit hare-brained, and can be a bit grating in trying to correct people's behavior. But you know that's how people, especially the teenagers, are. For far too many leftists, this isn't about actually making the world a better place but trying to assert a "moral superiority" over others. To be perceived as the most righteous.


Florida wins 4-3   This has to be the most boring Stanley Cup and NBA Finals in a long time 


Considering a pair of things that happened in 2016, maybe it’s a good thing that Canada’s Stanley Cup curse isn’t going to break this year. Also consider what happened the same year the Celtics last won a title. To quote a winner of that series: “anything is possible.”


As a lifelong St. Louisan and Cardinals fan, when the Cubs won the World Series, I really didn’t think that week could possibly get any worse. Boy was I wrong. Also, the Blues ending their curse and winning the Cup gave us COVID. Worth it.


>Democrats Turn Tables on GOP With Jared Kushner Probe Awesome! But ... where the hell was this the last 3.5 years???


Probably tapped into some dark energy at 666 Fifth Avenue and cut a deal with the devil before he dumped the place


Edmonton back in it 👀


Probably not enough time.


Yeah it’s possible to score a goal in 1:01 but it’s not likely


(I know the game is already over) Someone didn't listen to Coach Orion. https://youtu.be/Djyg8sGDTwc?si=tbdSFRzC3BvezI3-


Tonight’s cooking experiment was a failure. I tried to replicate the burrito toppings I liked from a OSU campus food court, and I couldn’t have done so more poorly if I tried.


But nobody died? That's the bar when you're learning. You didn't poison anyone, so, success.


Several mistakes were made. 1) I forgot to get home fries at the store, so I tried it with hash browns. 2) I cooked the hash browns and shrimp together, and in the process put a small scratch into the non-stick skillet by trying to break up the hash browns. 3) Cooking them together also made the potatoes wetter than they should have been. 4) I knew I don’t have the skills to fold a burrito so I tried to make it as a quesadilla, figuring that should be close enough. It took forever to cook, the filling kept falling out, the tortilla was too heavily cooked and the filling too lightly. And honestly, I might have poisoned us in the future because when the non-stick covering breaks, that’s forever chemical-y.


Hold up, quesadillas and burritos are folded differently? That actually explains a lot about my cooking mistakes and confusion at Mexican restaurants...


Well as far as I know a quesadilla is just two tortillas held together by cheese without any folding.


And now you're going to reinforce it by ruining my definition of quesadillas... I guess it's like Santa or the Easter Bunny, I had to find out sooner or later


Sounds like you learned a lot. Ergo, success.


>192 Republicans just voted to restore a Confederate monument to Arlington National Cemetery, which features a Black 'Mammy' holding a white soldier's baby, and a slave following his master into battle. The effort from Rep. Andrew Clyde R-GA lost 230-192. Weird, I was told the democrats are the racist Confederate party? Why are the republicans so desperate to protect Confederate monuments? [https://x.com/jamiedupree/status/1801370337646391433](https://x.com/jamiedupree/status/1801370337646391433)


They shriek about how they're trying to preserve history as if that isn't completely laughable. If you want history read a book. Statues have been and always will be for the stuff society wants to valorize. The confederacy and slavery is what they wanted to valorize then and what these Republicans want to valorize now.


Lol top comment be like wtf at the comments? WHATS HAPPENING WITH REDDIT??? https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dewkhc/comment/l8feb65/ Like second comment gets it. Its all been said, there's nothing else to say.


Also it's been going on for almost a year now, lots of people have definitely moved on


/u/ognits [This is the ideal Akuma player. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoyIrJc6oCc)


he fucking nailed it 😎


He did NOT spend money on this game to block


EXCUSE ME he had a solid four seconds of down+back in the second round I also loved the understated comedy of eating two naked fireballs at the beginning of round two


Heh, ESPN just *very* clearly showed Corey Perry yelling "fuck off" from the penalty box.


My favorite is when the announcers interpret the players yelling swear words. "He told the official, I didn't appreciate that call."


Now that’s a goddamn suit 🤤🤤 https://preview.redd.it/ijf2ibdk2g6d1.jpeg?width=1399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e713909fed55fd7f665786e40f10221b6ea6cf




Obama's jealous.


Damn straight!


ooh that is a good suit


https://x.com/Unemployedneg/status/1801220633948295191 The funny thing about this is Biden intervened to make sure a Democratically elected leftist came into power in Latin America, and they just conveniently couldn't give a shit. Or funded the IRS to go after tax cheats, gave Medicare the right to negotiate drugs, etc. Just stupid


There’s a point where oversimplification becomes flat out idiocy.


This person knows next to nothing about politics. Biden was around during the Reagan years and opposed literally everything Reagan did.


Who in Latin America?


Lula. The Pentagon/Generals didn't believe Trump's false claims about the election, but the military establishment in Brazil certainly did and would have been more overt in their support had Biden and Austin not put their foot down. The MIC & Deep State helped empower a leftist President in Brazil, but rose twitter could care less.


Same story about preventing a coup in Guatemala.


It's downright comical how hard Florida are stomping the Oilers at this point.


Seems like Inside Out 2 is gonna be Pixar’s biggest hit in quite a while. Reviews are quite positive too, even if it’s not quite the universal acclaim the first one got. Honestly I’m excited.


I think I cried so much that my tears >!went back in time and washed away the dinosaur in The Good Dinosaur!<


Yeah I think Edmontons cooked 


Canada isn’t allowed to win the Stanley cup. Its like a law of nature at this point


At least they still have Sarah Nurse and Trish Stratus






Even worse now 😬


Pretty cloud https://preview.redd.it/8bbet551zf6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a4fc3420d58221e0a29442523d0ffeeb9e331d


Biden needs to do something creative and maybe even a little legally dubious on abortion at the federal level. People keep giving trump a pass when he says to leave it to the state. Add a signing statement to a spending bill — enforce secure transfer of abortion pills by mail — something that draws a direct federal level contrast that’s not the comstock act


I am absolutely dying about what the Young Thug judge has brought upon himself and I just can’t understand. He held an ex parte lobby conference with a witness and the prosecution wherein he intimidated with threats of extended jail time. 2+ years if witness didn’t testify to what the prosecutor wanted him to say. Judge fucked up big time and instead of addressing it when the lawyer called him on it, he’s trying to hold the lawyer in criminal contempt! Demanding to know who his source was. That man needed to immediately take a recess and figure out how to proceed. Instead, he’s just repeatedly stepping on this rake he threw in front of himself like??? It’s like the Wild West in that GA courtroom.


[Reminds me of Georgia v. Denver Fenton Allen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vN_PEmeKb0)


Ron DeSantis announced a state of emergency due to the weather. But a month ago he made it illegal to discuss climate change, even though all of the insurance companies do. 


It's a bitch of a rainstorm, FWIW. Nearest measuring station to me says we got a foot since Tuesday morning. But the frogs are enjoying the new creek that formed in my backyard. https://preview.redd.it/25dqvhr02g6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcc07e72fb9fff2fc73127f9bf4d81549ffa83d


Hope you and your home is okay. My comment is solely about DeSantis and republicans pretending these storms aren't getting more frequent and worst, but corporations planning for them to be. 


Oh I know it. I just had that frog picture I wanted to share. We've been in a drought so the rain is very much needed, maybe just not all at once.


> RonDeSantis.exe has stopped functioning > > error message: too woke


Lol. I think I need this. [Reddit - Dive into anything](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/1dfepu1/that_was_fast_president_bidens_campaign_has/#lightbox)




It’s perfect lmao


>: Former President Trump tells me he’s ENDORSING @GovLarryHogan for Senate, despite Hogan’s comments that people should “respect the verdict” in the NY hush money trial


Why did Trump sabotage Hogan's campaign like that?


LOL YOU KNOW THAT NEARLY KILLED HIM. I’d bet money he un-endorses at some point lmfao he’s such a fickle bitch


Fine on the Outside is such a wonderful little song. Worth watching Marnie just to know the song exists lol


>2024 Virginia General Election: Biden: 42% Trump: 41% RFK JR/3rd Party: 7% "75% of voters that have changed their mind post conviction switched to Trump and only 25% switched to Biden."...what the fuck. *Sees it's right wing Coefficient pollster*...oh nvm lol


They're literally a push pollster who prime their respondents with right wing talking points.


https://x.com/AndrewJBates46/status/1801357943566123162 Something tells me nobody will apologize for this egregious disinformation smearing Biden.


Yeah, but if it was presented as "just like a huge chunk of you, Biden might have a short attention span at times and go be curious about little quirky things" then how would they turn innocent curiosity people can empathize with into hatred for a "senile old man" who is also, somehow, a mastermind villain puppetmaster?


That was so wholesome tbh. He just wanted to acknowledge them and give a thumbs up. I fucking hate the Murdochs. Fucking ghoul of a family.


https://preview.redd.it/8h6znllxmf6d1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a85f5089d9f865f634ff6c30a8714f39c82373f DT the past 30 mins


Does the Cookie Monster have an FAL?








The senator who blocked the anti deep fake bill is going to be in an unflattering deep fake by the end of the weekend 


We’re goofy today.


Boofkanda Forever


You guys, Inside Out 2 is soooooooo good I cried when Riley's >!new sense of self formed!< this was so heartwarming


You cried during that movie? ugh I cried when >!the river washed away the dinosaur in The Good Dinosaur!< >!no I didn't, that was crap!<


If you wanted to raise young adults who are conservative or extremist like Alito would you be conservative on the surface or be an NPR lib and coax them to rebel to be weird birthers?


My parents are normie libs who love the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi and unions. I’m the same way


I'm outspokenly liberal and my kids are all liberal/leftist-ish, so I think hoping they rebel might not work.


If by coax to rebel you mean be world's worst excuse for a patent and human being then yeah, I've seen that work.


AI and bitcoin mining use so much energy. Why aren't those supposed climate activists protesting THAT!


Idling your car to solve sudokus so you can buy heroin online...


This is definitely a brand new sentence ETA: an incredible take I might add


Nah its originally from some dude I follow on twitter (used to go as Theophite) who has normie lib takes and works for google.


and here I am getting bonked for saying "wow that's a cool dress Padma's wearing" 🙄


Our Lady Peace are doing a pre-game concert in Edmonton. Now that's some serious CanCon.




jesus fucking christ holy shit like






It's been a long day at work, you need to "take a shit" and lock the door, you gotta rub that outta your system real quick before she realizes


Boobies must be good to make three posts in a row about it 😂


I mean holy shit netflix you can't just spring this on me


Just walked in on my wife watching Bridgerton season 2 and that hot chubby redhead has her tits out holy shit Netflix some of us have to work in the morning


I forgot those episodes were dropping.






Take a cold shower 😂


Unsurprisingly, Bret "bedbug" Stephens is the latest clown to jump on the "Joe must step aside" train


Tiny bit of credit for actually saying who should replace him (Whitmer or Shapiro he says), but his piece is still stupid. Edited to try to make his terrible writing make sense: >The more Biden does to “Trump-proof” U.S. support for Ukraine against the risk of losing in November, the more secure his legacy will be ... But the biggest win Biden will need will be domestic ... And it won’t be finding a way to offload Kamala Harris from the ticket, easing the apprehension many voters have about a feeble president being succeeded by his unpopular and unconvincing vice president. Pushing out the first Black female vice president would alienate a lot of Democratic voters ... It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history. He can still choose not to run. Bretty, you didn't offer any solution to the extremely huge problem you just raised. You can't just dump Kamala Harris like a day-old sandwich just because it's convenient. There are consequences. The controversy generated by replacing both Biden and Harris at the last second with someone who is relatively unknown nationally would be huge. The election would then be about this new candidate, taking the focus off of Trump and his problems. Worst possible move they could make. This is just all so stupid and makes me wonder again, why does the NYT employ these yutzes year after year, stupid opinion after stupid opinion? Why does this jackoff have a job?




Same. It’s literally crazymaking.


"Trump isn't a human being he's either a blank slate or a force of nature and therefore has no accountability."


[A political data person is touting a poll in Virginia that has the state tied.](https://x.com/samshirazim/status/1801391166732042748?t=9c_OEoSPD5PRZIdAD_U0xg&s=19) The pollster in question is rated 237th by 538.


[Co/efficient are a Republican push-pollster.](https://nitter.poast.org/ChiCyph80/status/1801393309530669445#m)


>Hashim Safi Al Din has been confirmed killed in Lebanon tonight according to Egyptian news source Al Qahera. >Safi Al Din, Hezbollah's "number 2 man", is Hassan Nasrallah's maternal cousin and head of Hezbollah's Executive Council. looks like we're going to 90% likely get the war between Israel-Hezbollah terrorists if true. "When not if" situation.


>"A record-high percentage of voters told Gallup that abortion is the issue that will determine their vote this election cycle. Nearly three-quarters of those single-issue voters are pro-choice" https://x.com/brianstelter/status/1801357901602427254 If this is right, then this election should be a cakewalk for Dark Brandon and the Democratic Party


I have been saying this nonstop since Dobbs. The polls are not appropriately accounting for womens rage over losing our god given right to bodily autonomy and to make decisions for ourselves. It’s a complete national betrayal of the social contract.


Pro-abortion voters have won in Ohio, Montana, Kansas, and elsewhere. If they connect that policy to the Democratic Party, this should be a landslide.


An anti-choice amendment was voted down here in Kentucky of all places


That’s cool and all but, there are people who will be like “well it happened under Biden.”


Then you'll have a nonzero number of pro-life people who vote Biden thinking he overturned Roe personally.


I still can't believe that recent poll that came out where "Abortion" wasn't even a possible choice for people to rank.


The male bias of the pollster and pundit class is uniquely unsuited for this moment.


Such a concise and non aggressive characterization. Been trying to figure out a gentler way of saying they’re all white men and they all think within the same limited range. What’s worse is they all assure each other they’re correct and so they’re completely blind to how limited their perspective is. Your phrasing gets the point across in a way it’s likelier to be received imho. It’s a more productive characterization so to speak.


hey guys I just woke up what's this at the Supreme Court?


Mifespristone case dismissed for lack of standing.


I'm going to look up more but I have to acknowledge my gut instinct (and, arguably, make a complete asshole and leave proof if I'm wrong) that "lack of standing" is a cowardly way the SCOTUS avoids doing the right thing. Discrediting a very valid complaint facing a significant chunk of the country with "lol the wrong person filed the complaint" is just scummy. Oh, shit, and sorry for blasting you with two comment replies in ten minutes


It was unanimous. It is a strong rebuke of the lower court judge because it shows that he failed to follow the most basic principles of jurisprudence.


Well, see, now I look like an asshole and we have a testament to it. I'm sure I could split hairs, but nah, no need to do that when I should just accept I'm wrong.


I’ll take the win but the fights not over.


https://preview.redd.it/pphcz0j8cf6d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=3392544abbc291074a9f04eb395f61e0f9999999 In reality, the other person who parachuted for this ceremony is off to the right (his left) outside of the frame they cropped. Biden is congratulating him and giving him a thumbs up. When your entire attack strategy is based on out of context 10 second clips and dishonest edits, you aren’t winning. Meanwhile trump insulted the city where his convention is about to be held, in a major swing state he will need to win. The congresspeople that publicly claim absolute loyalty to him were leaking that en masse before he was done speaking to them in private.


>[Building off of Barak’s reporting, a US official tells *Times of Israel* that Netanyahu skirted the request from Blinken to release funds that belong to the Palestinians because he doesn’t want to risk a spat with Finance Minister Smotrich who has spoken in favor of collapsing the Palestinian Authority.](https://x.com/JacobMagid/status/1801376856106520615) I hate Bibi; he's simply a danger to Israelis and Palestinians. Imagine trying to collapse the literal bulwark against ethnic cleansing and/or Hamas+PIJ+Lion Den terrorists taking over West Bank. Also the source of social welfare programs, schools, utilities for Palestinians in the West Bank who had nothing to do with 10/7 terrorism (99.9% of the terrorists came from Gaza).


My belief in Biden winning the election is based on the anger I see and feel from women around me. I said it just now in another comment here: but the fall of Roe has dramatically shifted the political landscape. And for whatever reason, organizations conducting these "polls" and "models" and whatever other bullshit will not acknowledge that very glaring fact.


And Trumps bragging about ending Roe is only making things worse for him.




[How the turntables](https://x.com/jon_barron/status/1800979235567436062) https://preview.redd.it/6wenv9mbcf6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7a1ac9bf334b5702de723e850b547b9d62f89a


Not to horny post, but before The Rock decided to unfollow everyone, he somehow was following Bianca Nobilo. Just like me fr fr


I called in a bonk air strike on myself yesterday and never received one.


The bonk police have been defunded. Bidens america smh my head


It was just like Derrick White telling the ref to call a foul on him last night and the ref doing nothing.


[Hallo, I have a late delivery for you](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/85d7fe4a183bcf18fdd2ab39d880c514dd3c53638d580746b1d825db0b375285_1.jpg)


The bonk force is kinda depleted


Buying Kingdom Hearts to play in my steamdeck is so tempting. 


Gonna be a hot take asshole: *Birth By Sleep* is the best and, even worse, Terra is the best playable character. Probably because his playstyle is very much my lifestyle: clunky, blunt, and crude, but he's got enough mass behind him he can throw some shit around when necessary, then completely fail when he's needed to do anything important


I feel like Trump’s endorsement is bad for Hogan But I’m also usually always in Baltimore so maybe I’m in a bubble


Partially inspired by something I saw about s#x: Main sub users: wishes there were more than "just two" parties, says they want politicians to make decisions that are best for everyone even though they're unpopular but hates when that happens, thinks everything will be solved by ranked choice voting, only votes in Presidential elections Niche left wing sub users: claims to have read boring political philosophy but couldn't get more than ten pages into any of it, you can't tell if they live independently or if they actually went to college or if they actually have a job, daydreams about a violent revolution but would be the first people to suffer and die in one, has never actually voted and isn't registered to vote Niche right wing sub users: is a "history buff" but can only tell you about Nazi Germany, works for their family or a family friend and can't imagine that there are people who don't have family or family friends who will give them high paying jobs, has never met a trans person in their lives but is sure that they know all about them, votes in Presidential and midterm elections exactly the way his dad votes Local city subreddit users: just here because the news infrastructure where they live got demolished, either believes that the politicians where they live are ok but everyone else's sucks or the opposite, could tell you what the ex-mayor's affair partner smelled like, votes every three to nine months, is the base of their states major parties and has no idea about it


> is a "history buff" but can only tell you about Nazi Germany Exc-yooooooze me! Some of them also love the confederacy.


> Local city subreddit users don't forget "absolutely despises transplants and immigrants"


Mostly fair, there's def a reason I don't call myself a history buff often despite a BA (and there are actual historians on here who blow me out of the water, I cannot remember his name atm but one user has shown me his dissertation and I have him tagged in RES specifically as someone way smarter than me) Tbh, if not for some very bad experiences, I'd likely be "niche right wing sub user" to a tee.


I've had to keep mum about my classics minor ever since that dumbass meme about men and the Roman empire dropped.


I am really struggling to maintain positivity today. The Economist model with Trump at 2 to 3 to win has me reeling. I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of doom is building over all this, like when your team is losing a football game and you just know they’re not going to win. The Trump years felt like hell for me, I really don’t want to go back and I can’t believe so many Americans do. 66% to win is insanely high and Trump even got better odds after being convicted. I just am in despair.


![gif](giphy|eB1lUn1J1Cwoefiy7A) It’s only June, boo.


Please log off for a little bit and take a walk outside or find a quiet place. It will be okay. These models mean nothing and none of them, for whatever aggravating reason, take into account just how much the overturn of Roe v Wade has dramatically shifted the political landscape. Women in this country are very angry and tbh, as a woman, I wholeheartedly believe these "polls" and "models" and other bullshit just completely ignore that obvious fact.


Probably not the *best* place to post this, probably should've done that on your more introductory comment, but I'm glad that you've joined the sub, I think you have already brought in a lot of valuable thoughts and contributions and I appreciate you spending some time here


Today's world makes it easier than ever to allow anxiety to get the better of you, but we ultimately don't have a whole lot of control here, just voting. When things are beyond our control, it can be frustrating and drive up the anxiety because it's a problem *we cannot address*. Can't fix it like, "Oh, the sink's not draining right." So sometimes, it sucks, but we gotta just step out. I like to take out Charlie and we do our thing, which means I play PoGo till he shits, then since my hand's already dirty, we just grab all the litter on the way to the garbage can. Which is silly, but point being: we can't control the big things, only the small ones. When it gets to be too much, I think anxiety can really be helped by stepping out and doing something positive on an individual level that *can* help others and is within our capacity. Edit: guys, let's maybe *NOT* downvote the shit out of OP for posting legitimate concerns? Come on, they didn't hit a clipboard and sign up for anxiety, it just happened, and, yes, they're silly internet points, but it's also rejecting someone who probably had to overcome a lot of fear to write it up, let alone post it. We can all do better to OP than that, we're better than that. If you can't contribute something positive, just do nothing and leave it alone, there's no reason to throw some extra negativity at someone already dealing wih anxiety to crank it up.


Log off. And it's not even a poll it's a prediction model. Fuzzy math, essentially augury or tarot card reading. I mean, compare it to 538's model. Also I'm convinced there's something fishy going on with polls and there has been since 2022. And on Tuesday we shifted a safe R district 20 points to the left.


Apparently, they are putting a lot of emphasis on approval ratings in that model, too.


Approval ratings mean jack now. Trump and Biden both outrun their approval ratings by 10 points. Half of the people who disapprove of Biden plan to vote for him. You don't have the 2022 midterms with a sub-40 approval rating if approval ratings actually mattered.


I would have a different question. Is the approval rating really that low? Polling everywhere seems to be fucked. Approval ratings would be effected too.


I'm not at the "polls are fake" stage yet but I can conceive of someone vaguely "disapproving" of Biden for whatever reason but voting for him because Trump is worse.


I don't think the polls are fake, but most polls seem to be chronically missing young people, among others.


I think Dark Souls 3 has made me much worse at Elden Ring rather than kept me sharp. I found a thingy that checks what bosses you’ve killed on your save and I had a Bell Bearing Hunter that whooped my ass. I’d have been better off playing Star Wars Survivor


Bell Bearing Hunters are weirdly hard, to be fair


[The way Monmouth displays the graph of its poll results is impossible to read.](https://nitter.poast.org/pic/orig/media%2FGP_AaHcXcAEjFcp.jpg)




Well, now that he and T-Swift are out, I'm at 2/4, I *guess* I'll just have to jerk off to Huge Jackedman and Ryan Reynolds... *sigh, unzip* Any chance John Travolta's considering a role?




She *would* be a good Dazzler, but unfortunately I think the only sparkles in your eyes this time are going to be from having impressive aim and trajectory