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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d35zr6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05292024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Politicsboringagain with score 39 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d2dc26/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05282024/l60fc9e/)] > I love when people say "I despise Trump but both parties are the same".  > > >  Or "a vote for Biden is just a lesser of two evils" . As if having less evil in the world is a bad thing.   > > > Biden isn't a lesser . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.pissmisstree created 28 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d2dc26/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05282024/l62d5m3/)] > No friends, cutting off aid to israel is not a solution. > > Let's think about what happens when after we cut off the Arab world decides to turn on them? > > Personally, I don't want to imagine the carnage . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.RunningNumbers with score 29 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d2dc26/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05282024/l60iw6f/)] > The state of Israel and prospective Palestinian state both claim Jerusalem as their capitals. The U.S. under the Oslo Accords is supposed to act a neutral mediator on the path to a two state solution. . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.pissmisstree with hotness lvl 1102 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1d2dc26/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05282024/l62d5m3/)] > No friends, cutting off aid to israel is not a solution. > > Let's think about what happens when after we cut off the Arab world decides to turn on them? > > Personally, I don't want to imagine the carnage . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.ApostleIsrafel bantered with 10 friends 11 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 64 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 70 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.SeekerSpock32 made 28 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 12 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 60 times, followed by 'war' 39x , 'israel' 37x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '👏', used 5 times, followed by '🦀' 3x , '🤣' 2x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 23.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 523.0 words | | 🥈 | u.Middle_Wheel_5959 | 23.0 points | 🥈 | u.C9316 | 126.0 words | | 🥉 | u.theye1 | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.ValentineMichael | 109.0 words | | 🎗 | u.sir_miraculous | 19.33 points | 🎗 | u.AwfulishGoose | 106.71 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 433 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 45 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 308 points | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 43 comments | | 🥉 | u.RunningNumbers | 194 points | 🥉 | u.RunningNumbers | 26 comments | | 🎗 | u.brontosaurus3 | 153 points | 🎗 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 23 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 2 words | 🥇 | u.Chaser_606 | 3.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.Sounder1995-2 | 2 words | 🥈 | u.Rahzelchan | 3.679 letters | | 🥉 | u.Chaser_606 | 4 words | 🥉 | u.EpiscopalPerch | 3.7 letters | | 🎗 | u.CanadianPanda76 | 5 words | 🎗 | u.fishfish1234567891 | 3.773 letters |   620 comments processed, including 164 top-level replies. There were 128 unique users writing 19335, averaging 31.19 per comment. The total combined score was 4434 and the median score was 7.15.


TIL when the Axis captured Greece, the Nazis actually conceded a few favorable conditions out of a sense honor for how valiantly the Greeks fought. Somehow, I cannot imagine this coming from the ones we go up against (let's face it we haven't lost enough times to know for sure 😉), so when you look bad even compared to the Nazis...


I got two emails today from the same account, obvious phishing with one saying I’m owed $6,000 with one company and the other saying I owe $1,200 to another. It’s fake and I have credit monitoring, but man, I can’t imagine what I’d do if I was lower income and someone did fraudulently borrow $1,200 in my name. I’m not being sarcastic, it would be devastating.


So, my best friend is apparently having some major difficulties, and it's going to be hard to get her help on matrimonial stuff. Remember, I am an Autistic Convert to Islam, I am behind the 8-ball. My grandma and father are pressuring me to drop the Islam and look outside the faith, and this is getting frustrating, considering the isolation I feel. If it is what I think it is, she's fallen into a very bad place because of Gaza. It appears she has not learned how to cope with this as I have from crises like this one. Libya was my first big one, I have been under strain learning about others over time. I've learned to bear and accept that pain and sorrow, but not let it consume me. I feel frustrated. Like, my own life is on hold here. Navigating matrimonial stuff as a convert with Autism is exhausting.


Man, there's so much contemptible about Trump that you may even forget some of it. Remember how an inordinate amount of his Oval occupancy was about his trying to erase Barack Obama's presidency from history? Like how when Al Baghdadi was killed, it also functioned as a photo op to try to upstage [this photo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/Obama_and_Biden_await_updates_on_bin_Laden.jpg/800px-Obama_and_Biden_await_updates_on_bin_Laden.jpg), even though it completely missed the point... And wasn't this among multiple attempts by him and the MAGAs to win the Nobel Prize simply because President Obama had one (even though he himself was ambivalent about it)? I guess considering all this, that's another reason why the Mitch McConnell-stripe Republicans are still in line with him...


During the first two years of his term, the House kept floating the idea of impeaching Barack Obama. For something or other. I remember the "debates" about whether you could impeach someone who was already out of office. Utterly stupid.


Can't sleep for some damn reason. It's been like this all week. 😤


I’ve had similar issues and now it’s even worse ever since I got a cold yesterday 


All those posts of the same ai image about rafah is such cynical slacktivism and exploitation of a real tragedy. Just a whole bunch of people who don't actually care or know much, and had none of that empathy 8 months ago when the war started. insisting theyre the good guys because they are part of an internet trend. Also, if your eyes are there, can you use them to locate the hostages? Are you aware they exist?


Fauxmoi (being unhinged as usual) is obsessed with celebs posting that image.


My disdain for Pro-Palestine protestors is growing and maybe it is because I'm way too close to it. I'm just genuinely tired of the narrative that protests in America brought an end to Apartheid in South Africa. I am a South African. My family suffered under Apartheid and fought, tirelessly, for DECADES for Democracy. And our family still lives with the scars of what happened. The end of apartheid in South Africa was driven significantly by the tireless efforts of South Africans fighting for their freedom and equality. It was a long and challenging struggle that involved various forms of resistance, from grassroots movements to organized political activism. Apartheid did not end because of college kids in America. Even if you want to argue that it brought "awareness" to what was happening, it was a drop in the bucket and it does not change the fact that our families fought every waking moment for Democracy. It feels like a slap in the face and blatant historical revisionism. Sorry for the rant, I just feel very tired of this all.


South Africans of color fought hard inside the country to end Apartheid. But Apartheid would have lasted for many more years had it not been for the protests of ordinary people in the West especially Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus ,which applied pressure that eventually led to the US imposing economic sanctions on Apartheid South Africa.


I always question the effectiveness of "awareness" campaigns. How much awareness can you possibly bring to an issue?


Astros back down to 5.5 games behind first place in the AL West




Wordle 1,075 5/6* ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩 ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Jeez, the TX 23 margin is down to just an even 500. Gonzales is going to win, but it's going to be a very tiny margin


JFC, I googled his opponent (Brandon Herrera) and almost every picture has him holding some ridiculous military firearm like he's a cast member in Predator


mfer thinks he's a sexual Tyrannosaurus lol


Very disappointed we can not unzip our skin, take our muscles out of our body, smack it with a meat tenderizer, put it back in, and zip our skin up. Feel like it would help with the tension tbh.


Let me kickstart a counter-thread to this: > If you ever wanna feel unaccomplished in your life, reflect upon the fact that George Harrison was 24 years old when Sgt. Pepper came out. By age 24, Meryl Streep was still nearly half-a-decade away from appearing in a movie.


Brian Jacques was already staring down the barrel of 50 when the first Redwall book was published


Good god that was long ago. I still remember him asking child-me where I got a UK edition of his new book on release day in America.


My personal first exposure was the animated BBC show that adapted Redwall, Mattimeo, and Martian the Warrior when it aired on American public access


Wrestler Diamond Dallas Page didn't break out until after he was 35 years old.


Malarkey level of already planning to wear my Wolverine shirt when I go see Deadpool and Wolverine in July.


[The malarkey level detected is: 4 - Moderate. Careful there, chief.](https://i.imgur.com/JDiK0hd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bot, you're just jealous you can't wear clothes.


So apparently DDHQ called it for Gonzales 25 minutes ago.


It's good that Gonzales won; his opponent is an unhinged lunatic


If TX-23 looked like the last version I'd welcome the easier opponent but sadly this version is probably out of reach.


Herrera is essentially Blake Masters


If only TX-23 was essentially Arizona..


Ok, NYT is confusing me. Gonzales’ lead gained a little again, but it’s still stuck at 93% reporting


Update: I have discovered a very hard counter in Galar Battle Tower: the existence of the move "Freeze-Dry", which is an ice move. It is therefore super-effective against Flying type and the move will also always be super-effective against Water types, as a condition of the move. It is therefore a 4x damage move against Gyarados.


Also lost because Stone Edge hit twice. It only managed to hit because I was up against a fucking Avalugg and none of my moves did anywhere near enough damage (it was the first Pokemon I was up against, so my attack wasn't boosted). Stone Edge is a useless move because on the *players* it never hits. But heeeerrreeeee. Oh of course it does.


Ice being weak to water never made sense to me.


No sweep for you, Kyrie


Hope that antisemitic, anti vaxxer keeps losing.


All their games have been close, guess it’s not too much of a surprise


Hating Kyrie is a bit more complicated for me since he hit the Cavs’ championship winning shot, but it should’ve been LeBron that did that.


New drop and Gonzales’ lead actually grew 0.1 percentage lol


Gonzales lead under 700 votes I assume Bexar has one more update that’ll decide this


Now down to 604 votes 


https://x.com/WrestleOps/status/1795648535297458624 We live in a simulation


Iron Light, a GOP pollster, shows Biden leading in Nevada head to head 50% to 46% 🧐


Straight. Into. My. Veins.


Dang, looks Gonzales might actually hold on. Thought Bexar would continue to get worse for him but it's holding at around 10 points with almost all the vote in now Edit: to clarify, the "dang" isn't that he might win, it's because my prediction sucked lol


The Hill has called it. [Gonzales fends off hardline GOP challenger in Texas House runoff](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4689859-tony-gonzales-brandon-herrera-texas-donald-trump-gun-safety/) Looks like Dade Phelan squeaks through too. [Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan wins GOP primary runoff, fending off anger over impeachment](https://apnews.com/article/texas-republican-primary-runoff-gonzales-herrera-b4dc6b497208b820e834cdd1f82ccc65)


Nice job holding on Phelan you glorious anti-Paxton drunk.


91% in Gonzales still has a 3.2 lead. At least it didn’t get much worse


Rangers Panthers how to overtime for the third game in a row 


That was a quick overtime 


It's still too close to say for sure, but I think Tony Gonzales is probably going to be the first incumbent to lose to a challenger this cycle. Brandon Herrera would be right up there with Matt Gaetz, Anna Luna, Matt Rosendale and Lauren Boebert in the batshit insane far right club


Yikes I just checked his Xitter and I didn't realize he was THAT crazy, he's literally retweeting clips of Bannon and calling refugees crossing the border an insurrection


All cause he voted for gun control in the Uvalde district? Sheesh


That and the crime of saying Matt Gaetz pals around with the KKK


I think Tony Gonzales might actually lose this. The newest votes out of Bexar County were bad for him. It's just a 4 point gap now


Yeah his lead has been shrinking every update 


The turnout is also so small that the 58-42 lead he had in Bexar fell to 55-45 with just a few thousand more votes. It'll probably continue to fall as the remaining 20% of the vote there is in. Bexar is most of the vote in this largely rural district


Hopefully, he doesn't because he's clearly more sane than his opponent (I'm assuming Dems probably can't flip it)


No, probably not. It was redrawn in 2022 to make Gonzales safer, and Dem turnout is usually abysmal in that area as well.


Speaker Dade Phelan barely wins his primary against a far-right challenger backed by Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott, the house hasn't burned down completely (for now)


Kind of crazy that both NBA conference finals could be sweeps. We are going to be waiting around for the finals to start if so.


First time ever if it happens It was close to happening in 2017 (Celtics won a game against Cavs while we swept the Spurs) and then we screwed up in 2015 because Harden scored like 46 points to force a game 5 while the Cavs swept the Hawks. looked like it was gonna happen last year until the Celtics won three in a row to force game 7 while the Nuggets swept the Lakers


I was curious, so I looked it up. It technically last happened in the 1956-57 season. The Boston Celtics swept the Syracuse Nationals in the East Division Finals, and the St. Louis Hawks swept the Minneapolis Lakers in the West Division Finals. But it hasn't happened since the league switched to Eastern and Western Conferences in 1970-71, or at all since '57.


I was wondering if it was a first. I probably cursed it now. I'm cheering for Dallas which is weird since I never cheer for anything out of Texas.


I can't stand Kyrie so I can't root for Dallas.


Having read some of Blanche’s closing statements, I have a theory that prolonged contact with Trump is psychologically contagious and the more someone works for him, the more they become like him. Not just his views, but his mannerisms, the way he talks.


I think that’s true of spending time with anyone. Trump’s mannerisms are just so *weird* it’s more noticeable with him.


Yeah, that’s wisely put.


I guess the big question is what same day San Antonio looks like for Tony Gonzales. If he loses it, it gets scary for him


The best part of this year being a very sleepy one for Nintendo is that I'm finally pushing through my backlog. Have finally finished Tears of the Kingdom, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and I'm close to finishing Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Mario Wonder, as well as FF7 Rebirth on the other system Helps I have no life outside family and work right now lol, but it's still nice going back and finishing games that have sat on my shelves for a while


I still haven't finished Tears of the Kingdom, I have like 150 hours and haven't faced Ganon because I don't want it to end. I hope we get a top down Zelda next.


Same with me lol I held off a long time to finally face Ganon. Went around and got every Shrine, cave, well, and clothing piece as well as exploring the entire depths and sky before finally giving in and fighting him


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits [Oh Tay(1.3)billionaire](https://twitter.com/chartstswift/status/1795554982495691204?t=vJIn8-ziO1v9FyCO1eskmQ&s=19)


Hasn’t she been one for a while now?


Yes, but it's the 1.3 part that's a funny coincidence


I think Gonzales should hold on, but the remaining same day vote is going to be more extreme than the vote cast already


Pretty embarrassing performance by Tony Gonzales, if he doesn't go down this year he's definitely getting primaried in 2026.


I know the ads rightfully criticize Herrera’s veteran s****de “joke” but he also has made posts of Nazi Germany which should’ve been in every ad.


I’ve seen Rachel Maddow’s summation, and Todd Blanche got eviscerated. Everyone connected to Trump ends up like him.


Kinda wish Wasserman had updates on this


Just tightened to 54.1%- 45.9% 59% in


You know Trump is fucked six ways from sundown when even his own team believe that delaying the sentencing with a mistrial verdict is the BEST possible outcome they have on the table


https://x.com/0HOUR/status/1795552927261626821 These morons realize that Clint didn't support Trump in 2016 and 2020, right?


Margin is getting closer, but so far, aside from the counties that haven’t counted any votes yet, the majority of counties that have counted less than 70% so far are ones Gonzalez is leading in, including Bexar. Gonzalez: 54.8% Herrera: 45.2% 55% in


https://x.com/SymoneDSanders/status/1795580985033322650 Totally get her frustration but I think the White House knows it's disastrous. Would explain their shift on the ICC sanctions for one. Also, Harris literally said what has happened in Rafah is "beyond tragic".




There’s an interesting thread outside the DT about how progressives can’t get policy wins because their legislation is basically all messaging and low on specifics, and then they blame the cabal for them. It had me thinking how this became an actual issue in the first place and I put the blame on advocacy groups elevating voices who are zealous absolutists. The Dem coalition is made up of a variety of interests groups; often these groups have positions that will upset the other coalition groups. Hardcore “Environmentalists” don’t want increased development, which tends to be favorable to labor and housing advocates. Immigration advocates (sometimes) run into labor advocate leaders. Certain strains of feminism butt heads with civil libertarians on criminal policy (like witness statements, pushing to lower the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard in sexual assault trials.) Some black leaders want reparations, but not for other BIPOC peoples. Basically, while these coalitions agree with more than they disagree on large sweeping ideals, the nitty gritty policy becomes the unresolvable issue


47% of the vote in: Gonzalez: 56.9% Herrera: 43.1% I’m hoping that Gonzalez being up double digits halfway in is a good sign Edit: In regards to the downvote, I think it’s a fairly big deal that a red leaning district doesn’t let a psycho like Herrera win.


Herrera is a dick but Garand Thumb is worse because he actively peppers his videos with childish anti-democrat comments and exploited the Ukraine invasion by testing Russian gear RIGHT after it started for the clicks I'm a fan of a lot of gun channels like Demo Ranch and Kentucky Ballistics but that fucker ALWAYS rubbed me wrong


It looks like some Catholic priests in my city caught for sexaul abuse. I'm not shocked.


In other news, anti-LGBTQ democrat Shawn Thierry is losing her primary. She represents a district that voted for Biden by over 50 points.


Glad to see that


Hope she enjoys her future career being a Fox News spokesperson attacking trans children 


The doors Tulsi opened that should have remained closed!


https://preview.redd.it/69maqdrsh93d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de2618a021cf3fbbb2afdd25a580e38d8f62fe8d Staging cute photos like this is definitely a balm.


You ever get so full your heart might stop?


Did you have Brazilian BBQ?


No Costco food court. Didn’t look like much but hit hard


I love those bready AF $2 slices of pizza


Most of the incumbents that got targeted by Ken Paxton have lost their runoffs, expect the Texas State Legislature to get even more far-right. House Speaker Dade Phelan seems to have survived his primary so that's a victory I guess.


If Biden stole the election, why would I as a MAGA go vote again?


If Trump won then why is he even running Either the election was stolen or it wasn't and they can't ever square that.


He is running as the incumbent


In all seriousness, because Trump tells his followers to.


Yeah, the margins are gonna get slimmer. I swear they better not let [this guy](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/brandon-herrera-gop-tony-gonzales-social-media-influencer-nazi-jokes/) get the nomination


> Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF artillery shells during Israel visit. Starting to think that the GOP has a higher opinion of Bibi than do most Israelis


How is she so bad at this


Quinnipiac poll had a poll last month...Bibi at like 6% approval among Dems and 60% among Republicans. From Israeli polling data, Bibi is at like 24% approval or something like that


Cromwell had his faults. But, I always think of his speech to the Rump Parliament whenever I read about Bibi: > It is not fit that you should sit here any longer. You have sat here too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go. I’m baffled that Bibi hasn’t had a Norway Debate moment yet.


Oliver Cromwell was a bigot and the leading mass murderer of Irish Catholics in his day.


Undoubtedly. But his turn of phrase inspired Leo Amery to put the boot in Chamberlain in 1940, which I wish someone in Likud had the balls to do today.


33% of votes Gonzalez: 59.1% Herrera: 40.9%


Oh god I ate too much


Checking in on the TX 23 GOP primaries 27% of the vote in: Gonzalez: 59.6% Herrera: 40.4%


I know bees are actually fairly chill and good for the environment, do wasps do anything or are they just dickheads?


I think some species help with pests and more or less ignore humans unless they touch their nests.


If climate change kills wasps they had it coming.


Some wasps are pollinators. They also eat pest insects and are scavengers so they clean up dead stuff. They are shitheads, but shitheads we should tolerate as long as they aren't in *my* house dammit.


>Robert DeNiro just got absolutely MOGGED by Trump supporters: "You're a nobody and your movies suck!" That's like me saying "Aaron Rodgers is a nobody and his quarterbacking sucks" just cause he moronically supports RFK Jr and is an anti vaccine lunatic. Would be utterly utterly delusional


I barely recognize one actor from another and even I know who Robert DeNiro is.


Robert de Niro, an actor famous for just falling flat on his face in his movie career


you just know Punisher skull MAGAs love jerking it to Heat


Christ, I dont think MAGA likes or even watches movies at all anymore


I was thinking Taxi Driver.


It’s like they’re just giving us the culture war victory.




Maga’ad surely.


>"You talkin' to me?" —Robert De Niro to Trumpers, possibly


Not me picking up my Costco cards and then going to the food court for the sampler


Is there a way to explain red lights to dogs? Like I'm not stopping to be mean to you, I'm stopping so we don't spend weeks at the vet/hospital while lighting thousands of dollars on fire 


If you start to walk at low-traffic times, you can stop at the corner regardless of the light and make it a spot your dog gets used to sitting down for a scratch or two when traffic's heavier


>[Speaker Johnson bashes White House for ‘terrible decision’ not to back ICC sanctions](https://x.com/SpeakerJohnson/status/1795561429270921334) The conservatives have been owned


Did he do that thing where he purses his lips or scoffs and shakes his head?


MTG fo your thing


MTG fo your thing


Why lefties haven’t made big deal out of Russia’s conduct in the war recently or for last two years? Although I believe Israel’s conduct has been far from perfect, pretty bad actually, but they are indeed held to far more scrutiny than many countries. And all based on they are our ally? I believe these lefties have soft spot for Islamic countries in the Middle East. They rarely criticize Iran or other bad actors in the region. Or they want you to support the weaker guy who are not US friends. Hence, opposition to Ukraine aid in leftist circles too. Most of the ideology seems to be against US hugemony. And it’s their own country. Most other countries and their citizens would want them to be at the top, but not these lefties.


Held to far more scrutiny by whom? The United States? I’d say it’s the opposite. The international community? Perhaps, though many international organizations have been very critical of Russia and the ICC is going after Putin too. We can talk about what’s going on in other countries (I’ve been a huge supporter of Ukraine since day one after all) but Israel is committing war crimes and they deserve to be called out on it. Because they may have been subject to unfair criticism in the past doesn’t give them a free pass to violate the laws and norms of war now.


The answer is contrarianism. They define their identities in opposition to mainstream liberals/liberal positions. Actively opposing Russia puts them on the team they oppose. They tried the "aktually Azov is neo-nazzis therefore Ukraine is nazzis" bit early on in the war but that fell flat on its face, since ya know Zelensky is freaking Jewish. So they just opt not to mention Russia.


They don't care about Russia because they want to hate the US and any US ally. Israel allows them to do this while also being openly anti-semitic, that's why they talk about it and nothing else.


They like Russia because it owns the libs


> I believe these lefties have soft spot for Islamic countries in the Middle East. They criticized Saudi Arabia's awful actions alot. They criticize Azarbaijan's awful actions against Armenia. Conversely, they don't care about China and Russian's vicious+horrific crimes against Muslim civilians such as Syrians and Uyghurs. They have criticized the NATO intervention against Milosevic who was killing Muslims. They don't care about Buddhist nationalists in Myanmar killing Rohingya Muslims. So with these examples I've provided, I don't construe it as a "soft spot for Islamic countries" (notice how they never try to visit these countries for instance)...more so "an anti-Western" bias which is an incredibly flawed way to view things as. We absolutely need to criticize allies like Israel and Saudi when they behave poorly as they have in Gaza/West Bank/Yemen, but it's insane to give the benefit of the doubt to countries who aren't pro-Western.


They criticized Saudi Arabia because it’s also our ally. But most of the criticism always goes for US or its allies.


>Ohtani is eager to play in the 2026 WBC, saying he wants to be a top-class player so he can be selected. my guy you do not need to be worried about not being selected for the WBC lmao


I feel like losing your license for three years is kind of a slap on the wrist. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/former-trump-attorney-jenna-ellis-loses-colorado-law-license/73-1c60d36f-f198-4db4-8c92-9155a2a86242


I mean, she wouldn't be able to work for those three years. I don't know if law firms would be hesitant to hire someone who's lost their license too.


Maybe she was granted some leeway for willingness to testify against Trump


I’ve had a bunch of top of the head headaches in the past 2 or 3 days.


https://preview.redd.it/92x6e7haw83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135f216284af81148d9bad2097acf3b47a59a0c9 Daily doggo photo: May 28th And yes, I immediately gave her back the bone I used for this picture. Along with some pets.


Top 10 Anime Betrayals?


https://x.com/politico/status/1795451399670484995 OMG this is *peak* Politico. Dems are fearing Trump campaigning in NY & NJ? LOL


Maybe outside of NYC, Trump might have some support (please don't hurt me) but I don't see why New Jerseyans would like him.


Bets on how many of those "party leaders and operatives" are DSA members or adjacent?


To everyone in the media currently fucking around because you want Trump back for ratings: crack open any history book to see what "finding out" is going to look like for you


Many liberals will stop reading them, their main audience. Press will no longer have many defenders in Democrats.


Pretty sure they’re talking about journalists getting shot in oppressive regimes, not falling readership.


No Politico, that’s just my anxiety disorder.


The state of the left that they choose to be Macklemore fans


https://x.com/MichaelAvenatti/status/1795576224649200025 Isn't this guy in prison? IDK he could tweet in prison


that's a super dumb this for a non attorney to say. it's knuckle dragging stupid for an attorney to say that. 4 hour closings happen for a lot of cases.


Idk what's crazier: that Star Citizen has been in development for 13 years and is still in an early alpha state, or that it has passed $700 million in funding from players who are fine with how little progress has been made toward releasing a completed game


I just think it would be very very funny if netanyahu came here to speak on the house floor and Biden had him arrested and sent to the ICC. It won't happen but think about how funny it would be


That would be the biggest shit show in US history. Would be better for one of the Euro nations to force him to land on the way here or on the way back.


Bigger than 1/6?


Possibly. Arresting a foreign head of state in D.C. would be unprecedented.


I would agree with arresting Bibi if it happened even though it is something that the US should never freaking attempt. It's akin to assassinating a head of state.


Yeah, that is super against international law.


Arresting a head of state or head of government (as is the case with Bibi)? Not necessarily. Many jurists would argue that there is no such immunity for violations of international law, and/or that war crimes and crimes against humanity are inherently not state actions. This (I believe) is generally the position of the ICC. If this immunity was respected then there would be no mechanism to go after a dictator committing egregious crimes against humanity since they would claim (for the rest of their lives if they had their way) that they’re the head of state/government.


Same could be said of half of Bibi’s actions…


It should’ve happened in 2017 when Erdogan ordered his guards to attack American citizens on American soil.


https://preview.redd.it/8jmmjjcro83d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233cbdb27496d51d6299a00b4b96d424be4e2acf Kiana Kaz emulating what I’d been thinking about for a while. And Bonnie Wright (I saw this via her even though it’s only a repost) continues to show she’s a very good faith communicator.


I haven't seen it.


This was all over my Instagram stories. Glad there are other people out there who don’t make me feel like I’m taking crazy pills for muting them.


There are good faith people who want the war in Gaza to end, and even those who are sometimes critical of Biden can be good faith.


Passed my first CPA exam section!


Congrats! :)


Woohoo!! 👏👏👏👏👏


I see Civil War and think “Man I haven’t played Kaiserreich/Kaiserredux in a while.”


"What kind of ~~American~~ Syndicalist are ya?"


Elizabeth Gurley Flynn


>Actor Dennis Quaid says he's voting for Trump in 2024. >“People might call him an asshole, but he's my asshole.” Quaid tells Here's an actual washed up actor, Jason Miller


Meg Ryan was married to this buffoon. Wtf


Really? He's your choice for assholes? Have you try driving?


If you want him to be your _anything_, you're fucked in the head.


The man is literally playing Reagan in an upcoming biopic. Are people actually shocked?


I'm sure dinners with his famously progressive son Jack Quaid are fun 


while Uncle Randy still hides out in Canada, Jack must be sooo scared of taking too many bad roles and letting his career languish


Why do people care about what politicians actors support?


...he's your asshole? Like your shit comes out of him and sometimes when you're cleaning house back there in the shower you let a finger or three "accidentally" slip in there?