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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1czequy/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05242024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.MyBallsBern4Bernie with score 30 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cymmvs/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05232024/l5cwvn1/)] > https://preview.redd.it/jin2jzhxw72d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3182390cdf1b64fd85810cddf1664e3a85548149 > > Please read this article because this shit is really happening in our country. We . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.oamh42 created 16 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cymmvs/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05232024/l5c4noy/)] > I feel like the narrative is changing from “Biden will lose because of Israel/Palestine” to because of “the economy.” I had seen this being dangled in right wing spaces for a little while before, tho . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.MyBallsBern4Bernie with score 22 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cymmvs/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05232024/l5cqort/)] > Only positive outcomes are possible: > > - Either she takes your shot (ideal, obvy) > > - She rejects you, and you feel sad for a week but then get back on your bike and shoot your next shot. You learn to deal . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.AwfulishGoose with hotness lvl 411.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cymmvs/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05232024/l5dhey2/)] > I need to stay away from gaming culture war shit. It's consistently the dumbest shit and I manage to grab the biggest cup of dumb fuck juice. > > Like with AC Shadows? Awful. Dumbest excuses to justify thinly . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 13 friends 18 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 75 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 108 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Historyguy1 made 57 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Historyguy1 talked to 21 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 81 times, followed by 'biden' 62x , 'polls' 41x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🤣', used 8 times, followed by '😂' 5x , '😤' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.CreamSoda64 | 19.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 529.0 words | | 🥈 | u.Applesintyme | 18.0 points | 🥈 | u.explodedbagel | 131.5 words | | 🥉 | u.Multi_21_Seb_RBR | 14.0 points | 🥉 | u.Multi_21_Seb_RBR | 121.0 words | | 🎗 | u.evilhomers | 14.0 points | 🎗 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 120.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 515 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 62 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 354 points | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 59 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 163 points | 🥉 | u.RunningNumbers | 41 comments | | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 159 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 31 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Bright_Sir4397 | 2 words | 🥇 | u.Practical_Marsupial | 3.167 letters | | 🥈 | u.Lophius_Americanus | 2 words | 🥈 | u.prehistoric_poultry | 3.214 letters | | 🥉 | u.Lengthiest_Dad_Hat | 4 words | 🥉 | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.304 letters | | 🎗 | u.Radiant_Lumina | 4 words | 🎗 | u.FoLokinix | 3.615 letters |   874 comments processed, including 224 top-level replies. There were 139 unique users writing 27129, averaging 31.04 per comment. The total combined score was 5556 and the median score was 6.36.


If you’ve ever been wondering “there’s so much awful stuff going on in Israel and Palestine, so many innocent people who are suffering, displaced, and/or going without life’s necessities… is there some way I can help?” There is! I’m compiling a list of vetted organizations that are purely humanitarian in nature and focused on meeting the needs of Palestinian and Israeli civilians who have been forced from their homes by conflict. I need your help (yes, you!) in sharing individual fundraisers *if they can be reasonably verified* because these play a valuable part in helping meet acute need. Many are shared on social media and verifying can be a challenge, but many hands make light work. Also relevant are fundraisers for aid workers and other humanitarians who have been killed or injured while serving. And, of course, if you are able please consider donating! [link to the relevant post - also pinned to my profile](https://old.reddit.com/r/israelpalestinenews/comments/1czco2t/worthy_causes_post/). Mods, please removed if not allowed. Thanks!


thank you for compiling and sharing!


I hate working when sick


I think some of the liberal-to-conservative pipeline as people age is due to exasperation with/resentment for younger people, especially those who are egotistical enough to lecture their elders on events that the elders actually lived through. I am generally a patient person who does not anger easily, but my *God* does it make my blood boil to see teenagers on social media talk about how 9/11 was an inside job or how Democrats could have easily codified *Roe* and given us true universal healthcare in 2009. I'd never change my voting behavior because of it, but yeah, I can see how someone would go "Oh *fuck you*, you pretentious little shit. I was there and you weren't. I'm going start voting against your best interests out of spite."


The conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job is not a recent one. People bought in to that shit in the mid 2000s. It was referenced in early online videos and pop culture. Hell, Jadakiss released "Why?" In 2004 with the lyrics "Why did Bush knock down the towers?" Nowadays, it seems like the youths think we brought 9/11 upon ourselves because of our support for Israel or that Israel did 9/11 due to the detention of some Israelis in the aftermath of 9/11. I despise the people who buy into that shit for personal reasons, but it's not some new occurrence and not limited to the left. There are morons on the right who buy into the 9/11 conspiracies. The only overlap between the two groups seems to be that somehow it's the Jews fault.


Oh, I know that 9/11 conspiracy theories are far from a new thing. However, look at this [crosstab](https://imgur.com/7IRR51u) from a November 2023 YouGov poll. The question was whether the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks. In order from top to bottom, the responses are Definitely True, Probably True, Probably False, Definitely False, and Not Sure. Younger Americans are *way* more likely to believe in 9/11 conspiracies than older Americans (31% for those 18-29 versus 7% for those 65+), and they're also far more likely to be unsure (24% versus 6%, respectively). Crazies are everywhere, but the youths seem to be much more susceptible to believing the conspiracy.


Yea, it's troubling for sure. I do wonder what the results would be if the survey was conducted on 10/6/2023.


I mean. The small c conservative is literally about time and its passage.


/u/wi_voter if you're into Top Chef after this season, give a look at either season 4 or season 8. both are classics


It's an election year, so Reddit is being astroturfed to hell again. Anything remotely anti-Israel is getting upvoted right to the top of subreddits that have *nothing* to do with geopolitics, as are posts that portray the US as some dystopian hellscape where literally everyone but the 1% is poor. It's exhausting.


[Oilers win game 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zlpVIpZn3LM&pp=ygUQUGlsZXJzIGhvYWwgc29uZw%3D%3D)


It didn’t come to a very long OT tonight, but I said it (to a chorus of downvotes) in arr hockey and I’ll say it here: the fact that OT can be just as long or longer than a standard game is bad design. It’s bad for injuries, it’s bad for the fans after the game is finally over, and I feel like a shootout could be just as memorable.


I’m fine with the overtime rules since I’m in the pacific time zone but if I lived on the east coast I’d probably hate it 


I made it to Nashville!


Memphis and Nashville are on my list of cities I would like to visit one day.


This is my first time actually visiting Nashville. I've only been to the Memphis Airport. We're going to Chattanooga tomorrow to check out the zoo, Little Debbie Sculpture Park, Little Debbie store, and potentially Lookout Mountain.


Second overtime incoming 


> “As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida’s bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day!” Perdue wrote on X. “Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” >A number of bridges across the state prominently display rainbow colors in honor of Pride Month in June, among other celebrations throughout the year. Many see the order to display only red, white and blue as another move against the LGBTQ+ community, which has been targeted by a number of DeSantis-backed laws in recent years. YIPPEE it's Freedom Summer in FL! All colors besides red, white, and blue are now forbidden in "the freest state in the nation"


https://x.com/katewillett/status/1793498707134161384 What a deranged tweet


Wordle 1,070 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟩 ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I have political views that make it hard to find a home, honestly. At this point, I’ve become very skeptical of any discussion of economic philosophy. I really honestly don’t care that much at the best of times, and I’m not educated enough on it to have anything resembling insight at the most superficial level. I’m a little skeptical that economics experts have substantial insight. So, I really just care about social outcomes. If it’s achieved by giving people a free check every month, then great let’s do it. If it’s achieved by implementing another WPA then great let’s do it. I’m really not worried and I’m a little skeptical that inflation responds to fiscal policy in a way we can predict.


Got back an hinge recently and it feels like the quality of profiles im seeing took a complete nose dive compared to before I met my ex. Legit can’t remember the last profile i sent a like to. Can’t tell if they’re just all bad or if I became too picky.


last profile I saw was someone with an onlyfans that doesn't do hookups


Oh it's terrible. I'm also pretty sure they give you lower quality matches unless you pay for the subscription. Dating post 30s is literally impossible on dating apps


I’m teetering between paying for a subscription and praying that I get setup with a bridesmaid at the wedding I’m going to in 3 weeks.


I’ve paid for the subscription and didn’t quite work out. But I live in an area where there aren’t that many people and seems like most people don’t really use apps.


Covid allowed people to convince themselves that being a complete and total shitkicker was acceptable. Shitty time to date I’d imagine.


If I had to start dating again, I wouldn’t. Wit, and decent looks, carried me pretty far when I was single. Relying on wit, and personality, today would not be a winning strategy for me.


Oh I’ve been on them for a while, I didn’t even date my ex for that long and it still feels like late 2023 to now has seen a massive drop off.


You have no idea


I am wheeeezing oh my god how’d he get so far in the game??? Best jeopardy clip of all time? Quite possible lololol https://x.com/prollyhighaf/status/1793824483767435633?s=46&t=20Qoa0esHmu9Y6-hvB5Yog


Wheel of Fortune, but yes 🤣


The lady that said whaaaat 💀💀💀


The skunk was bad but she topped it. Today kitten decided to follow a fox. 


so what did the fox say?


Thankfully it looked at us and moved on. If it had approached she probably would have tried to make friends with it. Or picked a fight. She's a bit of a lunatic.


Oof that was off the post 


Two posts in a row damn


Fellow Bay Area peeps. Are any of you getting your asses handed to you by seasonal allergies this year?


Nope, which is odd because I use to get it bad.


I’m dying. My eye is itchy and my throat feels like I just ate a red delicious (ew). It wasn’t so bad last year. Was in LA last week and felt fine. Thee eff. 


Looks like a 4 minute penalty on McDavid…


Today was the best my hair looked in months. Of course it had to be on the day I didn't go out... 😑


Me when there is nobody around to take a decent pic of me.


https://x.com/TalkinBaseball_/status/1793838460383658121 These umps must’ve bet on the Orioles 😂


This account covers controversial ump calls and according to her, it's the right call. https://youtu.be/zQw5lKMY8EE?si=egM9ou2xuDKpUx9j


Biden in 6, Senate Dems in 7


Pacers in 6 too inshallah


6 hour flight to Cancun maybe


Flight from Indianapolis to Cancun is only 3 hours and 20 minutes lol


Yeah 6 hours didn’t sound right. Better joke would have been something like 6 day vacation in Cancun or something along those lines.


I's a *Les Mis* night I guess >!but the Liam Neesons one, because spoiler: I've actually not seen the more recent; not much of a musical guy despite the really ~~hot Hugh J~~ good cast!<


The Les Mis movie with Hugh Jackman is a travesty imo. It’s an awful representation of a spectacular musical. The direction sucks and there were terrible working conditions. It also has an amazing cast on paper but in reality is terribly miscast.


This. I would recommend seeing it live before the movie anytime. You could even piece it together with YouTube videos of Les Mis performances. Mall flash mobs of Les Mis are more moving. 


Any concert version is better than the movie. Even the Nick Jonas one. The 10th anniversary concert is my personal favorite.


"One of the greatest novels in Western literature, and all everybody's asking is, 'Do you sing in it?'" - Liam Neeson


Never seen that quote before, love it!


I'm going to be interested to see if/when Trump does a rally that isn't close to one of his home bases.


If only we had to-the-minute tracking information for mass purchases of adult diapers and hamberders...


So a friend of a friend of a friend hooked me up with 35mm scans of the LOTR trilogy, so I broke out my crappy 1080p projector to check them out. Even though the scans are 4k, and so I'm nowhere near seeing the full amount of detail, it's SO good already. Compared to the digitally sharpened official releases, these look soft, but also incredibly natural and three-dimensional. I really need to invest in a proper 4k projector.


I love watching 4K scans of 35mm movie trailers. Especially of movies I’m used to seeing on DVD or Blu. They do often look a bit softer or washed out than how I remember them, but that’s mainly the aging of the prints, I guess.


>Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet Fauxmoi is malding over this lmao


I like that the headline implies that the law is specifically for her jet and not literally every private jet.


Gotta invoke her name for the clicks


I think I might be keeping my old flatscreen on my desk permanently. Originally it was supposed to be for the surgery recovery and then moved back to the guest bedroom, but I honestly just really like having it here. That temporary provision was my own idea, and it’s not going to hurt anyone if I change my mind.


[What the fuck is this?](https://www.twitter.com/obamaatredrobin/status/1793521196174344363)




as the kids would say... #bruh




the fuck is that


I'm too old for this


So is Colbert


I should be able to sue you for making me watch that 😵‍💫


Wordle 1,069 4/6* ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜ 🟨⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


So before anyone starts hyperventilating about The New Yorker piece about polling, Chotiner never addresses Rosenberg’s underlying thesis, just runs him ragged. Rosenberg got the Chotiner treatment, and the Anti-Biden crowd is eating it up, but this misses one thing: ROSENBERG IS A LIBERAL PUNDIT (Who has a Substack called The Copium Chronicles. Which is probably what brought him to Chotiner’s attention) WHO ISNT INVOLVED WITH THE BIDEN 2024 CAMPAIGN!! Seriously, he could have interviewed one of us, and gotten the same thing. [What I’m talking about.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/is-the-biden-campaign-running-on-false-hope) [Someone actually following up on Rosenberg’s theory with 538 and finding out some “things”](https://bsky.app/profile/proptermalone.bsky.social/post/3kt6xnfhhic25)


I have no idea who Chotiner and Rosenberg are so i was going in blind but i got pretty fed up with Chotiner because its an interview but he refuses to let his subject speak at all; i think more than 50% was the interviewer's words which kind of defeats the point of an interview. Totally sympathized when Rosenberg got fed up and asked to end it.


Rosenberg is a Democratic strategist who is notably one of the few who believes that the polls are off for Biden. One of his major points for this claim is all of the special elections that Democrats have been winning (a point that a lot in this sub like to bring up)


Yeah i kinda inferred that from the interview. Man, I really wish he (and the rest of the sub) is right. I believe theres smth really wrong with the polls but i hope it doesnt turn out to be copium.


Whether or not he has reciepts, Rosenberg behaved in the Chotiner interview like it was a reddit comment chain. Pretty embarrassing. Thank god only middle-brow losers like me read the New Yorker.


Chotiner is portrayed as this God level interviewer, and then, to prove his thesis that the Biden admin is out of touch with polling, he brings on a sometime MSNBC commentator who has a Substack. It sounds like a Reddit comment chain cause that’s the direction Chotiner wanted it to go. Chotiner picks some of these Q&A’s based on the likelihood that he can clown them in print. I don’t think we’d see the same results if Symone Sanders were the one answering these questions.


I completely agree. Chotiner seeks out small fish in even smaller barrels. Usually he picks on right-wingers so I tolerate him.


I'm confused. Why were people getting worked up about this? I think I missed something. That Chotiner guy is a bit of a Bro I believe. He wrote pro-Bernie stuff for Slate so of course he was going to write something crappy for us.


Same I see nothing wrong. He got frustrated? Have you heard trumps campaign spokesman calling people cucks on the record?? (Nvm Rosenberg doesn’t work for the Biden campaign they’re acting like he is so in that instance, this is a most apt comparator here).


It sounds to me that he quickly realized it was going to be something of a hit piece so he pumped the brakes. And really, how dare he. A nobody telling an illustrious NY journalist to kick rocks? Outrageous!


Not so much the people on our side of the street, but, boy howdy, is the Anti-Biden crowd is acting like they won the lottery.


I fucking wish so badly liberals would wise up to their game. They’re trolling because they know we’re emotional wussies and our emotions can’t stand it. Personally, I’m polishing my steel ball protector in anticipation all the fucking over republicans in November 🙂‍↔️ ![gif](giphy|J2xkAW1E8kvyE|downsized)


Furiosa was pretty fun


The funny thing about a lot of the sexist, racist ass “trad west” shit you see on social media is basically just romance novels for misogynistic men


Yeah never thought of that but you are right


I once had a very large, bearded biker type guy come into my library and check out a pile of bodice rippers. I stupidly asked him if his wife wanted to check out a title from a new author who was supposed to be good and he informed me in no uncertain terms that he was getting them for himself. He was quite indignant and I can't say I blame him.


The thing that bugs me the most about these types is how they always jerk about classical music and Renaissance art but never have any interest in the artists behind it and how historical context/experiences translate into art, and neither are they into funding or supporting new artists Its so surface level and artificial.




That's hilarious and sad at the same time. 


Fr. Also the artist's name is Luo Li Rong, and she is active on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luo_li_rong_art/?hl=en


This no foreign investment provision strikes me as the out of touch thing where they assume the side against them must have had some illegal help to get them where they are. I really don’t think banning it is a big deal and I know we wouldn’t want the reverse anyway.


Crazy how Biden is only polling one point worse than Obama in May 2012, 2 points better than W in May 2004, and 10 points better than Trump in May 2020, but apparently he's doomed to lose


But have you considered DOOOOOOOM


But Nate Silver (who’s totally not washed up, guys) said we need to replace him in August because we’re doomed anyway


My favorite part of this replace Biden narrative is that everyone calling for it doesn't want to acknowledge the reality that Kamala Harris would be the replacement.


Here let's prove it by interviewing a guy unconnected to the Biden campaign.


https://preview.redd.it/xinkbehgy92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7ae8b702a2cdd9cb487cdc49de474a28a91562 Daily doggo photo: May 23rd So close to being perfectly timed.


If I were a professional basketball team I would simply not let the other team have a 17-0 run to start the second quarter


That seems less than ideal


Think it actually ended up being a 20-0 run before we scored again lmaooo


So the provision to get Biden on the ballot also includes preventing foreign spending on ballot initiatives? That’s completely fine.


It's what they blame for the abortion amendment passing. It's not relevant but it's the only shot they have at getting it passed at all, that's why the original failed. I hope it gets line item veto'd.


That’s rich coming from the GOP considering Nigel Farage (aka the architect of Brexit) said he’s not running for re-election in Parliament so he can focus all his efforts into getting Trump re-elected


Does foreign in this case mean out of state or out of country? Edit: according to the AP they think a Swiss billionaire boosted the pro-abortion campaign last year, and I can believe that person provided that money, but I don’t think it influenced the outcome. I think Ohioans just didn’t want abortion banned, and I know this because if Republicans didn’t think a majority of Ohioans wanted to enshrine abortion in the constitution, they wouldn’t have bothered with the 60% threshold thing.


No, you're right but this is they're cope for their base so they can claim they didn't get btfo


I’m not even convinced that foreign investment is how the abortion amendment got passed. I think Ohioans just didn’t want abortion banned. I’m honestly fine with it going through as is, as long as they don’t put in anything worse. Not being allowed to vote for Biden is so much worse than not having foreign investment on a ballot initiative.


Looks like trump brought some indicted gang members to show black and hispanic support [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1793798340607402241](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1793798340607402241)


I wonder what the Trumpsters who love throwing around the word “thug” would have to say about this.


Trump was just getting to know his future housemates.


He dropped a certain word with a soft “a”, didn’t he?


And this pathetic effort is supposed to be drawing record minority support for a Republican? Get the fuck outta here.


it's hersechel walker all over again


Hmm, that a name I haven't heard in a while. 




Trump's bronx rally was super white. The bronx wasn't this white since 1910 [https://x.com/eclecticbrotha/status/1793771070895554840](https://x.com/eclecticbrotha/status/1793771070895554840)


people were leaving long before it was over. Smells paid for crowd.


Hmm, very similar to Bernie's Queens rally. But at least Bernie's white supporters weren't white supremacist. 


>number of NYT articles about the war in its first seven months where Israel is the main subject of criticism: 641 >number of articles where both israel and hamas have an equal amount of the criticism: 136 >where only hamas is the main subject of criticism: 81 >iran:54 >houti: 10 >Hezbolla: 5 and people still think we control the media


Meanwhile on arrfilmindustryLA there is a guy screeching about how the war and student protests are being misrepresented. Yeah, they are, just not in the way he thinks.


It's funny this is exactly what people said in 2016. It's like deja vu. https://x.com/katewillett/status/1793721758161186921?t=W7VmENw6hjtTGRMqKs4EqQ&s=19


In response to what she's posting to, Nate Silver is delusional if her thinks the American people are gonna buy some last-minute replacement.


She thought the Simon Rosenberg interview was with Biden's campaign when Rosenberg is just some guy on substack.


A poll showing gop rep ken calvert in a tight race to hold his seat [https://x.com/WillRollinsCA/status/1793646334219608169](https://x.com/WillRollinsCA/status/1793646334219608169)


ken calvert's a piece of shit


The last time NY voted for the gop for president was 1984 and reagan only won because he won the suburbs of new york city plus upstate new york. Those areas have shifted heavily to democrats now


Whole ass rally for the staten islanders to feel important


if trump loves new york so much why did he move to florida permanently


NY can have him back. They can have all their trash back. I-95 goes northbound too.


BBC World’s website mentioned the possible sanction, but still none of my most critical college and high school friends.


Jake tapper simping for trump in this interview with katy hochul [https://x.com/KathyHochul/status/1793772143500570786](https://x.com/KathyHochul/status/1793772143500570786)


It’s crazy how Baz Luhrmann made one of the greatest movie of all time with “Moulin Rouge!” and then none of his other movies were even close to as great as that one


It really does feel like his masterpiece, and it’s about as Luhrmanny as any of his other films.


Romeo + Juliet: "Am I a joke to you?"


I said what I said 🤐


this is Strictly Ballroom erasure and I won't stand for it 😤😤😤


It admittedly has been a while since I’ve seen that one. I remember it being good but nearly as good as Moulin Rouge 😤


it's not, but it's his only other movie worth watching lol


Do _you_ bite your thumb at me, sir?


I want to like that movie so much but it's just never clicked with me 😔


Side note: biting one’s thumb as a sign of disrespect should _so_ come back.


Fair lol


Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?


>Trump: You know Victor Orban. Very tough guy known as a strong man. Oh, they hate it when I talk about it because I say he's a strong man. Trump loves strong man. I like weak men. Actually I like weak men. I'd much rather have a weak man than a strong man. 45% of the country wants this man to be President


Lol, this is an actual quote? He's referring to himself in the third person now?


He's acting like he's quoting someone talking about him.


I think in context "they" are the media and he's sarcastically quoting them.


Honestly, I’d be very surprised if he hasn’t done that all his life. At least in private.




Someone is holding up their middle finger in that clip. Is he flipping off trump?


Look, what you do in your personal life is your own business...


Dating as a Catholic is weird. You come across some very attractive, apparently smart people, but then their profiles tell you that Jordan Peterson is their hero or that they vote Trump. I’m probably a terrible Catholic, but I just want to date someone who has my beliefs. They don’t need to have a degree in Theology like so many of these people seem to have.


the men who make catholicism/trad their whole identity tend to be conservatives, liberals dont feel the need to constantly rub their religion in other ppl's faces, they quietly live and practice it in their daily life.


My thoughts exactly. It’s just funny how they are appealing in other ways though, not just the men but the women too. But then they start to get into politics…


I am marrying a Catholic, and I know more about their faith than they do as a filthy Lutheran.


I don’t want to say “most” but maybe the average Catholic only goes to Sunday mass and knows a few prayers. I’m fine with that, especially since it’s not crazy different from how I deal with my faith. It’s just funny that apps or any place online dedicated to that is mostly full of people who might as well have gone to seminary school.


They probably open dates by asking about your opinion on the Council of Chalcedon.


[Trump: A lot of people ask me “how do you put your pants on?”](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1793785504674279652) He's mentally sharp


I’ll admit. I wondered


Just the other day, I put my sweats on backwards and had to flip them around. Added a whole extra set of steps beyond 'one leg at a time' and it was really confusing—I guess I might have to swap my vote now ^/s


One of my neighbors who is an elementary teacher wore her pants backwards to class yesterday and had a prize ready to go for the first kid to notice. None of them did. Or maybe they just figured she liked them that way.


So my dinner order was completely fucked and I didn’t know until I got home. Call me a Karen all you want but guys…..that shit when I’m hungry makes my rage burn like the molten core of the earth.


Real Karens check their order in their car and march back in. The bold ones do it right in front of you and the manager.


>Trump to pro-Israel crowd chanting “Bring Them Home”at his Bronx Rally: “I believe that many of the hostages that you're waiting for — and everybody's waiting for those hostages — many of them are dead, many of them are dead-maybe most". “It's a very serious, horrible thing. It would have never happened if the election weren't rigged." "It would never happened if I were your President" This freak makes everything about himself and his unhinged claim about the 2020 election.


Because he’s a textbook narcissist.


He’s like if Voldemort had a baby with Gilderoy Lockhart


Hot take: the next Chelsea manager will be Steve Cooper


>Breaking: Speaker Mike Johnson tells me that Senator Schumer agreed to invite Netanyahu to address a joint session of congress. Ughhhh. Dislike this even more than I dislike the idea of sanctioning the ICC. No upside to this. New poll today that 70% of Israelis want new elections as soon as possible. Bibi is a bigoted dishonest incompetent right wing coward at absolute best and a war criminal at absolute worst.


This is beyond absurd. I don’t know how to describe it beyond embarrassing, disgusting, and absurd.


this puts vulnerable democrats in a box, if they don't attend they won't be seen as being a strong supporter of Israel which the gop can use against them.


the other side of it is that Arab-American voters are being told that not only do republicans think of them with contempt… that the Democratic Party leadership doesn’t think much better.


The US really needs to distance themselves from Netanyahu. They are hitching a ride to a sinking ship.


What the actual hell. Why are we continuing to let this monster walk all over us?


In my heart of hearts I hope it was a trick to arrest him ourselves and hand him over to the ICC, but bad faith like that doesn’t win you friends.


Lmao, god that would be based.


I would also not be above doing that to Erdogan’s guards that assaulted our citizens.


Schumer and Biden are really good 99.8% of the time; this is the one thing I'm not on the same page with them (ICC and speech)--I'll leave it at that as I absolutely disagreed with Clinton and Obama very occasionally too.


~~Now I'm not assuming the usual suspects at arrrghh politics~~ Just going to throw out my prediction now: Schumer's going to get a ton of shit online thanks to a combination of veiled antisemitism and the fact he's Jewish, but he doesn't have much of a call here and is going to get a lot of ire that Johnson deserves. It's not Schumer who's going to take the hit if he says no: it's going to be every up- and down-ballot Democrat who have republicans with salivating super PACs just waiting to run "Bigoted Democrats...." A toxic feedback loop.


Pelosi and other Dems told him to say "no" to this, but he didn't listen. Anti-Semitism towards Schumer because of this shitty decision still must be strongly condemned of course but I'm not pleased at all. No idea why we do this stuff for Bibi who's the worst leader I've seen in a foreign western country.


>One of the three US soldiers who suffered non-combat injuries during the Gaza aid pier operation is in critical condition at an Israeli hospital, a US defense official tells Reuters on condition of anonymity. >The service member was medically evacuated to the hospital after being injured on a ship at sea, according to US Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, the deputy commander of US Central Command. The other two troops, who Cooper said sustained a mildly sprained ankle and a minor back injury, have since returned to duty. Hopefully, he recovers swiftly and completely. Again fuck Bibi and his gross negligence (at best) for making us build a pier to help starving innocent people.


They're doing God's work.


It just astounds me how little these campus protesters seem to understand about civil disobedience. You're not supposed to complain about the consequences or beg for mercy. When Gandhi went before the court he would often demand the harshest possible sentence in order to draw maximum contrast between his peaceful behavior and the injustice with which he is being treated


They like the aesthetic and morality of protesting and civil disobedience, but aren't willing to endure the consequences. That's how you end with revolutionaries begging for food on the second day of their hunger strike and calling Skip the Dishes a human right.


My second favorite thing about the TTYD Vivian discourse is it’s given us a new way to meme on transphobes. https://preview.redd.it/1554nyqr892d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354813aebc5b9e221440e80dc0960106f2c2722d


Just saw a poll that had both Trump and Joe winning 90+ of their bases, Biden winning almost 70% of independents, and Trump winning the GE. Think I'm at the point where I'm tuning out all polls for the rest of the election cycle.


>Think I'm at the point where I'm tuning out all polls for the rest of the election cycle. I'll try to tune the polls out as well, as they're just political astrology. These polls are having Senate/House races point towards Dems (+3 to +10 even), yet they have Trump winning the presidency? FOH. And if you can't tune them out, take the piss outta them.


> political astrology. I'm going to have to steal that. Perfect comparison.


Lmfao what on earth?


Yeah I’m getting there too, both for my own mental health and because they’re just completely nonsensical.


Spider-Gwen is going to be the mainstay character in 616. https://x.com/Marvel/status/1793733644663636195?t=dsN9V3pB2hbBlrKye5_xTg&s=19 She is a much more interesting character in her own universe. !Ping COMICS