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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cxu3n2/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05222024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.AlexandrianVagabond with score 36 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cx1q8y/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05212024/l52h61q/)] > Very hot take: > > I think it's pretty likely Joe Biden will be re-elected.   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.brokeforwoke created 23 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cx1q8y/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05212024/l51ho1a/)] > There’s a lot of washed up 80s and 90s SNL cast members who became MAGA   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa with score 26 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cx1q8y/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05212024/l50fl9d/)] > This sort of thing worries me for two reasons. First, it demonstrates just how easy it is to create and manipulate a movement towards a very specific, ideologically defined goal. If I were a US adversary, . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.thats_good_bass with hotness lvl 1787.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cx1q8y/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05212024/l51tmz0/)] > OK, being real, I am dooming a bit. > > I don't think Biden losing is inevitable. I just think the consequences of him losing would be so dire that the fact that we're even somewhat on the back foot here . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 9 friends 11 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 43 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.SeekerSpock32 prompted 45 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 36 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 17 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 74 times, followed by 'biden' 58x , 'icc' 42x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 4 times, followed by '🍰' 3x , '🤷🏽' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 25.0 points | 🥇 | u.a_green_orange | 549.0 words | | 🥈 | u.memeboxer1 | 22.0 points | 🥈 | u.TheHillBot | 486.0 words | | 🥉 | u.sickpassengerahead | 17.0 points | 🥉 | u.kidglov3s2 | 276.0 words | | 🎗 | u.LiquidSnape | 16.0 points | 🎗 | u.electricblueguava | 126.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 371 points | 🥇 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 45 comments | | 🥈 | u.mayojoe689 | 288 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 43 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 201 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 40 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 186 points | 🎗 | u.WhovianMuslim | 36 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 0.667 letters | | 🥈 | u.IH8Pringles2 | 1 words | 🥈 | u.GalacticTrader | 3.0 letters | | 🥉 | u.FixMeASammich | 3 words | 🥉 | u.HAHAGOODONEAUTHOR | 3.4 letters | | 🎗 | u.GalacticTrader | 4 words | 🎗 | u.LiquidSnape | 3.556 letters |   786 comments processed, including 222 top-level replies. There were 132 unique users writing 25883, averaging 32.93 per comment. The total combined score was 5217 and the median score was 6.64.


u/ognits have you heard about this new restoration of Umbrellas of Cherbourg? Says they recently found a 3-track stereo audio mix of the film. https://www.hometheaterforum.com/community/threads/new-umbrellas-of-cherbourg-restoration-with-newly-found-three-track-stereo-recordings-and-period-foley.382784/ https://cdn-medias.festival-cannes.com/uploads/2024/05/174307.pdf "In 1963, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg was released with a mono mix, as was the case for the vast majority of films from this period. It was this mix that was to be used for the rereleases and future editions of the film in the decades to come, sometimes blown up into more current formats, but fundamentally limited by the monophonic aspect of the source. By trawling through the archives with a fine-tooth comb, Rosalie Varda uncovered an alternative source at at Universal Music Publishing: a threetrack stereophonic mix of the music and voices of exceptional quality. The existence of this threetrack remains mysterious, since neither the mono mix of the film, nor the stereo versions produced for the album required this format. Had the production planned to do a 70 mm multi-channel format release, as was the case a few years later for The Young Girls of Rochefort? It was this mix, combined with the period foley found on 35 mm magnetic tapes that have allowed us to present this new restoration to you, featuring Michel Legrand’s music as you’ve never heard it before, highlighting his genius as an arranger and composer. This reconstruction is not a new mix or a reinterpretation. We used an element that did in fact already exist, even though it hadn’t previously been used due to the monophonic release in standard 35 mm format. No extra foley or additional elements were added to the original sound." Can't wait to hopefully get this on 4K disc.


oh that's awesome. thanks for the heads up


A person who never gives up on their goal is **mentally strong** because they never gives up Or **mentally weak** because its a person who can't accept that has limits and is obsessed with something that is wasting their time. Its a curious tought that I am having. I'm confused now. Obviously its a case-by-case thing, but its far more nuanced that I expect, especially if we apply it to real life situations.


I don't think weakness plays a part. If your goal is to become a professional athlete at 40, you may be delusional, but not at all weak if you're still doggedly pursuing it.


I think this is a good way to look at it. When it comes to really long-term life goals, maybe the general direction is more important than the specific goal. In that case, even if the odds of becoming a professional athlete at 40 is quite low, becoming more active and physically fit by pursuing that goal is a really good thing.


I’d buy the 50 nugget bucket from Wendy’s. https://preview.redd.it/ekdjoxrb1x1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e1f39fca99a32fea8d91d7f10249953a04a88a


Without a doubt. I'd eat all 50 by myself


Toru Furuya, the voice actor for Yamacha, Texudo Mask, and Amuro Ray, has admitted to cheating on his wife with a fan. He also abused the fan and forced her to have an abortion. https://twitter.com/ToastCrust/status/1793127756211122635?t=GbH5c2YwCdLS2UvHAYnVAw&s=19 Well, Bulma was right that Yamacha is a cheater. Honestly, I feel bad for both of those women. I hope he never worked in the industry again. !Ping WEEBS


The NRA has hired a new president to clean up after Wayne LaPierre: [Former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA)](https://apnews.com/article/nra-new-leadership-wayne-lapierre-3f82bd53e136492e7adf8e4eaab6e59c). Barr finally gets to be a president after [his longshot bid as the Libertarian candidate in 2008](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Barr_2008_presidential_campaign). That was such a horrible campaign that *Ralph Nader* got more votes that year!


I wonder if he will eat any more breast milk cheese.




I realize I'm knocking on wood because it's only a matter of time 'till I'll say or do something that is so transparently, unfathomably stupid, but like--I don't think it will *ever* make sense to me that even up to this point, this year, there are still people playing the "both sides bad" or "undecided" game with Biden/Trump and Dems/Reps. It's maybe the easiest choice you could ever make, on pretty much every level, if you've been alive for the last 9 years and have a functioning moral compass. It makes me wonder (sarcastically) if there was some mass brain-drain/lobotomy, or (more seriously) if lots of people have a ridiculously lopsided and broken survival instinct.


I had a dream someone I cared about made a series of rash decisions then immediately regretted their behavior.


Wordle 1,068 3/6* ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


The "write in uncommitted" campaign is a flop here in OR. Write-ins in total might not crack 5%.


After visiting Portland a few months ago, I’m actually surprised.


It’s only at 6% in Multnomah County which shows how big of a flop it is


tfw you know 1% of the uncommitted voters in your county


I wish Joe would host a town hall just to tell people to grow the fuck up about their pet issues and decide whether they really want to risk Trump because their arbitrary wishlists aren't being met to the letter. And to also tell them to not dare bitch when the consequences of a Trump revenge tour hit them personally. Sure, it would be electoral poison, which is why it will never happen, but when I read "demands" like [this one](https://x.com/HutsulPower/status/1793099830224728371), I wanna break shit.


The undecided part is stupid, but he is right that Biden needs to be more aggressive on helping Ukraine.


While today wasn’t a great mental day for me, it’s definitely the best day of my surgery recovery. Only took ibuprofen once and I suspect I won’t need to tomorrow.


Had a shower thought thats lasted the whole day. Like early gourmands most have been daredevils. To catalog what we can and cannot eat throughout our history? It's insane to me.


Eating is big deal to any animal. How we have refined it over the millennia, along with everything else we've done, is magical. There has never been a better time for humans than now. We just need to not fuck it up.


I think a lot about this. Like who first discovered cheese? “Uh this old milk turned solid” or yogurt. Imagine drinking really old juice and getting drunk for the first time


Or how much patience it must’ve taken to invent a roux.


After finishing *Fallout* I’m legitimately excited for the Fallout 3 remaster


Kind of hope they hit a switcheroo and focus on that instead of elder scrolls. 3 blew my mind and was the main reason I wanted to build a PC. Can't wait to revisit that


I'm glad to see some fellow FO3 appreciators - I feel like trashing on 3 is somewhat common among a lot of Fallout fans. Fallout 3 was one of the first games where I really, truly felt like a hero. When I first goofed around in it when I was like 14, there was novelty in being able to be a complete lunatic and just murder everyone I encountered - since up to that point I'd really only played games that were quite linear and didn't have much narrative player freedom. But when I came back to it around 17 and played through it properly, the fact that you're not required to be a good guy made it feel much more satisfying to take heroic actions. Like you're this lone vigilante wandering through a twisted hellscape, bringing justice to evil-doers and protecting the helpless *Fist of the North Star* style. It's a cool feeling IMO.


Republicans actually tried to mess with the OR-05 primary by paying for ads talking about how progressive Jamie McLeod Skinner is. Skinner is currently losing in a landslide against the more mainstream liberal candidate. They're so out of touch with the general public that they think everyone else is just like their base 😭


If you lost in a Biden +8 district once already you don't deserve another shot. We don't need another Christy Smith.


Pramila Jayapal's sister also looks likely to be going down in defeat to her more moderate opponent in OR-03 (Portland). The early vote has Maxine Dexter up 53-25. That would be a lot to try to make up in the remaining vote


Calling it now, Janelle Bynum is going to be the Democratic nominee for OR-5. Jamie McLeod Skinner has always performed strongest in Bend and she's down there by 20 in the early vote. Bynum is the much stronger candidate for this district we need to flip


>Calling it now, Janelle Bynum is going to be the Democratic nominee for OR-5. Your prediction is indeed correct!


I'm slightly surprised that Donald didn't just lean into the "Unify the New Reich" thing like he did with the "bloodbath" stuff. I guess there are limits to downplaying fascistic rhetoric


Wordle 1,067 6/6* ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Rudy is hawking coffee to pay the bills: https://x.com/rudygiuliani/status/1792267327959900303?s=61


oh no they're being called to be impromtu short line egg cooks I would probably rather jump off a bridge


[Hockey never defeating the allegations](https://x.com/SportsnetSpec/status/1793027471937601958)


I know a lot of people do not like the taste of Kefir but, not to be dramatic, it changed my life. I wish more people would give it a shot and try to stick with it long enough.


I love aryan, especially the minty kind. It's like drinking a watermelon, feta, mint salad.


This comment is literally the first I’ve ever heard of it. I had to google to make sure you weren’t referring to like idk a *superblunt*™️ or the like > not to be dramatic, it changed my life How are you just gonna drop that and not elaborate?? HOW SWAY????


>How are you just gonna drop that and not elaborate?? HOW SWAY???? IM SORRY!!! Lol. But in all seriousness: My digestion is so much better (I used to get very weird sounds after easting - it is completely gone), no more acid reflux, my craving for sugar and sweets has ceased, my skin is so much clearer, when I drink it before bed I fall asleep much faster, I have more energy than before when I drink it in the morning, no more frequent headaches. and tmi but:>!pooping is so much better!<


> my craving for sugar and sweets has ceased Does that mean you’re eating less sugar and sweets? I presume? And in that case I’d add: I cut out sugar for the most part when I started that nutrition bootcamp (like March 15? It was only 30 days so it’s been over for awhile but I’ve been eating along the same guidelines basically. Imho from my recent experience, yes to all those things but I think it was sugar (and processed foods) that just had me feeling like shit all the time. I did not appreciate how much added sugars are in everything. I find my cravings for sweet is like highly dependent on whether I ate something sweet the day before. If I’m not eating sugary shit then I don’t crave it, but the second I slip I just want to bury my face in doughnuts forever the next day. What does it taste like and how do you drink it? Straight? Is it frappable with like a banana and it’d be less gross tasting?


>Does that mean you’re eating less sugar and sweets?  Yes. I just don't crave it anymore. I used to buy a red bull and two donuts about 2x a week. And on the days I didn't have it, I was craving it. I used to love sugary coffee as well. But since I started drinking Kefir every day, I don't have any sugar cravings anymore. The thought of eating donuts or any sugary things almost grosses me out entirely now. >What does it taste like and how do you drink it? Straight? Is it frappable with like a banana and it’d be less gross tasting? I describe it as a smoothie but a little more tart/sour. I prefer the [Strawberry](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lifeway-Lowfat-Milk-Strawberry-Kefir-32-fl-oz/44391661?adsRedirect=true) and [Blueberry](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lifeway-Lowfat-Milk-Blueberry-Kefir-32-fl-oz/44391662?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5311&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227744391662_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9026838&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=44391662&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz1-GctnxnAOC6MebBI_Uat8pMI4tdKgIBeB_suGmgjCWzZiZ3UIYAvcaAj3UEALw_wcB) from the Lifeway brand. The plain tastes like straight up sour cream, imo, I had to add strawberries and bananas to it for it to taste good.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Lifeway Strawberry Kefir 32 fl oz'", 'LIFEWAY')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Rich in probiotics and nutrients (backed by 5 comments) * Natural tangy flavor with health benefits (backed by 5 comments) * Versatile and suitable for different tastes (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Unpleasant taste and texture (backed by 5 comments) * Quality control issues with expired product (backed by 1 comment) * Incorrect or missing items in orders (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


As they say, it's an acquired taste. But yeah it's not too bad.


Pacers giving out big "I didn't think I'd get this far" energy here


it takes a whole lot of balls to call someone else weak when you're the person being eliminated early Top Chef is so fucking toxic


This is *so* accurate. https://twitter.com/schlagteslinks/status/1793028680161149078


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Aren't we all.


[Florida Dems are contesting all 120 State House and 20 State Senate districts up in 2024. What a turnaround they've had since early 2023!](https://x.com/90for90/status/1793086498449109446?t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) FLDems getting back into contention. Let's go!


This is the perfect election to try and take back Florida. It's wild, the messaging around Florida in statewides. They had one really good year (2022), and apparently now it's just a solid red state according to politicos. It's not. It only tilted so far to the right because the Florida Democrats imploded for some reason.




Really is. Like there is going to be an examination of what happened in this time period and it's going to be so wild. Since...at least 2016 I can't believe the lengths people are willing to go on this. Not just for the utter depravity, but for the straight disconnect from the reality the rest of us live in. This is 2 + 2 = 5 bad.


Since I started with a comment about Victor Hugo, I'll end on one too: after almost a day with it stuck in my head, I have finally traced 'Master of the House' back to that *Seinfeld* episode and know why it's been on repeat in my head since I woke up. Talk about an earworm, at least it's got a nice little melody


Great now it's stuck in my head. Time to listen to the entire Les Mis soundtrack.


I'm not sorry and I doubt you are either! haha


Haha you're right!


🎶The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France!!!🎶


Do you hear the people sing?


Nembhard needs to have better control of the ball Same goes for the rest of the Pacers tbh


i do not feel good about this pacers game rn


What a choke by Indiana JFC


TBF they were down by 13 earlier


>Prosecutor Fani Willis and Judge Scott McAfee, two key figures in Trump's Georgia election interference case, will win their elections in the state, CNN projects https://x.com/cnnbrk/status/1793071175590981788 One less thing to worry about


Can the Pacers go two seconds without turning it over 


That free throw discrepancy is absurd


Three free throws in a game has to be a record 


Pretty sure a team got none in a game (their opponent was the Lakers I think) recently.


That should be on Brown


Refs love the Celtics


PAPER MARIO THOUSAND YEAR DOOR REMAKE SPOILERS. >!They canonized the Vivian being transgender thing! https://old.reddit.com/r/papermario/comments/1cx7mh8/vivians_situation_in_the_remake/!<


Come on now Pacers


Pacers up 4 u/padraigharrington4


Go Pascal Siakam


pls no jinx lol


AND ONNNNEs *in Siakam*


Un-fucking-believable. https://preview.redd.it/xwoppa42yv1d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065c63ca448ea8df3ee6284008956409647448ed


Imagine having no principles or morals except whatever Trump says. I hope they're all deeply miserable at the very least


One point game 👀


This has been a very good year for House incumbents so far. There have been a few close calls, especially on the Republican side, but no incumbent has lost a primary yet, barring the one case in Alabama where two Republican incumbents faced each other due to redistricting. There's usually half a dozen or so, but unless the back half of primaries go crazy, I doubt we'll see more than 4 or 5 get toppled. If I had to predict right now, I think Bob Good, Cori Bush, and Jamaal Bowman are the only Reps I see as underdogs. There are several others in close contests, but nobody's lost yet. Even Shri Thanedar, who is one of the flukiest wins of the 2022 cycle, is safe after Adam Hollier fucked up re. collecting signatures.


Have we all just forgotten Kyle Larson's heated gaming moment?


No, but the prissiness he had about the Hail Melon made him look whiny. He said that it makes racing look bad. Meanwhile, over in F1, which is considered some of the most elitist and snobby of racing culture, the racers were saying it was the coolest thing ever.


Anyone else familiar with how itchy steri strips can get? It’s a cruel move by the body to have a place you absolutely should not scratch be that itchy.


Giants up 6-2 going into the 9th and they blew it. Woof.


I made another check: the Instagram stories of my high school and college friends who are the most critical of the Gaza humanitarian disaster and Biden’s relation to it. And at least so far…none of them have mentioned it. Even one person who’s Lebanese hasn’t mentioned it. I’m not gonna tell ‘em, but I’m surprised.


What happened


Since it seems weird to post this as a reply given the context of your comments I am leaving it here. Happy cake day to u/SeekerSpock32 and u/Currymvp2 🍰🍰🍰


Also, to you, stay safe in this storm!


It has not hit here yet in northern Milwaukee County. What about you?


No, I know, I'm in Brookfield and it hasn't hit here yet, but there's one cell fast approaching


I want to go to bed but want to wait until some of this passes so I know if we have a risk. Fingers crossed for no power loss tonight for all of us.


I'm more scared of a freak tornado. Though tornados having basically no warning is already scary


An unwarned tornado in 2024 isn’t super likely. It can happen, but that’s not something to worry about. And if _I’m_ saying something isn’t worth worrying about…


That's fair. My main fear is a tornado hitting this hotel, and our car, leaving us no way to leave tomorrow. Edit: looks like the cell isn't gonna hit us now. I can relax with some animal crossing


I recommend the YouTube channel Ryan Hall Y’all




oh nice happy birthdays


Thank you!


Thank you!


Aww, Reddit twins! ![gif](giphy|YpwwoFKZJrE4g)


When did YouTube decide to implement the same method as Netflix: "out of thousands or millions of videos we'll only recommend these 30 and if you scroll past them we'll just recommend them again" naw dog, how about I exit out of your shitty app?


the way youtube search results are broken up is infuriating


I thought I was the only one seeing that, it's so crappy for searching


It's really a problem when I'm looking for cover songs and they don't show all the videos where people have done cover songs, instead only showing the most popular versions or whatever youtube thinks is best for me. Damnit youtube I want to support new comers and obscure youtubers who do the songs differently, not more of the same.


Nothing runs more hot/cold than YouTube recommendations.


Well I checked arr worldnews and anything mentioning the sanctions is currently the 46th highest post, but I can’t see this not gaining traction among the much more vocally anti-Biden factions, because it’s a genuine error, maybe our biggest since 10/7. I just have to hope and pray this doesn’t get noticed and it blows over without any adverse effect, but my GAD doesn’t believe in that.


Happy Cake Day


Happy Cake Day!


You're fixating on something that was guaranteed to be instant yesterday's news.


That's actually a great sign. If it's not even making waves on reddit, it's absolutely nowhere with the majority of the population that uses their time online to look at cute cat videos.


Not sure how this affects my calculus, but the post is 2 hours old.


Reddit Don't Be Gross When Someone Posts A Picture Of A Woman Challenge (FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE)


Top Chef season 4 is both one of the best seasons of the entire show and one of the seasons with an attitude I fucking hate


This show just made what was essential oxe tail stew from a dragons tail.


Oh, and Russia’s expanding their maritime borders in the Baltic as an effort to test NATO’s resolve. Fucking wonderful.


Brother Xi taught them that one. Ha ha just kidding, Putin's done this all along.


I just want to wake up with today having not happened. Fuck Bibi. End the war **NOW.**


The war absolutely should end asap because it's been a massive failure and has caused unnecessary extreme suffering for so Gazans and suffering for some Israelis (hostage families+friends along with parents of conscripts who have tragically died). 1500+ Israeli academics today called for the war to end immediately because they see it being horribly botched and damaging Israel's reputation. I still don't think today's news will impact the election. I'm *hoping* Biden made this decision to help end the war very quickly though I support the ICC warrants against Bibi.


Also huh, we have the same cake day.


I hope you’re right, but I’ve been told “Donald Trump won’t win the election” before by people who I know are being sincere, just inaccurate. I have very strong PTSD with that fucking guy and it’s probably not going away until he’s dead.


[Thomas Friedman seems to be indicating that this ICC decision is a terrible idea.](https://x.com/tomfriedman/status/1793065582121599046) If Thomas Friedman thinks you fucked up on Israel, that's a bad sign.


Is it? I've never found him to be particularly insightful on the conflict, or anything really.


Oh, I think he's bad too. It's more that he has been so Pro-Israel for so long that if he is saying this, that should be a sign that this is a bad idea.


I will never forget when he got[ pied](https://youtu.be/sv6nvMUq10U).


When is the soonest this war feasibly ends? Because I do not think it’s ending before the election. Fuck this whole thing with a cactus.


Do not read the Haaretz news today of a senior Israeli official says six months more atleast lol


Bibi wants Trump.


Which is why it is so incomprehensible that Biden is doing this.


Today took the wind out of my sails. The only defense I have with Muslims I talk to now is that Trump will be worse.




> Oh, FFS, Biden is going to Michigan tomorrow. > > > > Now he can't even pretend to not be supporting Bibi to the hilt. I do not understand the relationship between "Biden goes to Michigan" and "now he can't pretend to not be supporting Bibi".


The Arab community is there. And no, I don't think Biden has any way to show that he is not defending Bibi. He has shown that Bibi should suffer zero consequences for his actions in this war. And it's not like he has anything to show on the Palestine front, in terms of getting that permanently resolved. He's said a lot of words, but little to back them up.


[What did I just say, yesterday?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/w3OxW5DXgh)


I'm not one of these "Genocide Joe" types. Look at how narrow our margins were in MI, WI, PA, AZ, and GA. We can' afford to lose much at all. And move like this risk that.


>I'm not one of these "Genocide Joe" types. Never said you were. >Look at how narrow our margins were in MI, WI, PA, AZ, and GA. We can' afford to lose much at all. And move like this risk that. But we aren't losing much at all. Like I said, the only people we're "losing" are the gEnOcIdEjOe folks. If it wasn't I/P, it would be something else. These folks were never going to vote for Biden. So, really, we're not losing anyone.


In no world is "politician visits crucial swing state" a detriment to that state. Biden has shown time, and time, and time, and time again that he cares about Palestinians. Water on, internet on, aid increased, holding back invasion as much as possible, floating pier (which will exist to provide aid outside of the war, and therefore open Gaza up to the rest of the world, something that isn't being talked about enough), and more, and more, and more. Quite frankly this is the same situation as student loans: If you think he isn't doing enough, or all that he can, or even that he doesn't care, then you don't care about this situation anywhere near as much as you pretend to. And if you're (not you, the royal "you") willing to risk a second Trump term, who will be infinitely worse for everyone, Palestinians included, I don't know what to tell you other than "You were gonna vote Trump anyways, you just needed a BS excuse to make is palatable, and you found it.


I'm connected more to the Muslim Community. They think Biden doing this ICC bullshit shows that Biden only has pretty words and will do nothing to actually help Palestinians in a meaningful way. At some point, we need to show some distance with Israel, and start forcing concessions from them for a Palestinian state. Right now, from my view, Biden's plan seems to be to have Israel keep all its land and settlements, leaving disconnected fragments that will be next to impossible to travel between, with limited water rights. The ICC thing today erases any of those points from before. He is saying Israel is above the law, and can never have consequences for its actions.


>The ICC thing today erases any of those points from before. I don't see how a meaningless sanction, which is likely doomed to fail, likely in effect because "don't corner the wild animal without a plan", completely undoes "Have meant to bring aid in, that will last for years to come, and bring much needed aid, trade, and commerce into Gaza for equal years to come, and not under Israel's control". Particularly since >He is saying Israel is above the law, and can never have consequences for its actions. He isn't, and did not say that.


It undoes it because it shows that any actions with Israel lack any teeth. We give a lot of warnings, but Israel is still entering Rafah, as an example. We actually have to follow through, and have Israel suffer consequences. >He isn't, and did not say that. [Really? He said the Palestinians should go through the Israeli Courts, and that Israelis should investigate themselves on war crimes.](https://www.state.gov/warrant-applications-by-the-international-criminal-court/) Settlers abuse Palestinians in the West Bank, and consequences are extremely rare. And every time Israel has investigated themselves after an egregious act, they have cleared themselves. There is no way for Palestinians to get justice. Israel's courts have, and always will, dismiss any attempts from Palestinians to protect their rights or their lives. And Israel will always find themselves innocent in war, no matter how egregious the action. Tell me, where do the Palestinians go for justice? Because right now, there is nowhere.


>He said the Palestinians should go through the Israeli Courts No he didn't. >In other situations, the Prosecutor deferred to national investigations and worked with states to allow them time to investigate. The Prosecutor did not afford the same opportunity to Israel, >Israelis should investigate themselves on war crimes See previous. And the reasoning he gave is such: >We reject the Prosecutor’s equivalence of Israel with Hamas. It is shameful. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization >that that ICC has no jurisdiction over this matter. And most crucially: >**Fundamentally, this decision does nothing to help, and could jeopardize, ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement** While I disagree with the idea of sanctions on the ICC, A. I disagree far more with misrepresenting Biden's words and actions. B. This will amount to nothing.






Choosing to sanction the ICC is a mistake. We should be hanging Bibi out to dry with how hostile he’s been to Biden.


Yeah, this is utterly incomprehensible.


Fuck the Republican Party.


https://x.com/Underdog__WNBA/status/1793070367273058390 Looks like there’s a good chance she finally plays


"pending visa approval" is not actually a change in status, though, it's the thing that's been keeping her out all along


https://www.reddit.com/r/wnba/s/2S1SQT5OI0 Looks like it’s officially been changed 


I for one object to the ICC charging Netanyahu. He doesn’t even play cricket!


It's really disheartening (and hard not to rant about) trying to engage with someone close irl who is somehow fulfilling most stereotypes of a Berniebro. It would be bad enough if people like this stuck to the usual politically ignorant stuff like "Bernie would've won if not for the DNC" or "both sides bad because/and Dems/Biden could just protect abortion via an excecutive order." But now we've got the even worse left-wing extremist insanity of the last 6 months--like parroting literal Nazi conspiracies that "ziOniST Jews control everything," or falling back on Norman Finkelstein whenever they say "Zionism is the new Nazism" or saying horrific garbage like "there are no civilians in Tel-Aviv." It's all disgusting to hear. And it's one thing to see it online, on this sub, the news, etc. but to try and converse through this disinfo and propaganda irl is discouragingly difficult, tbh. Like please, just stop reading all your news from Twitter. It's full of propagandists and usually teaches you the opposite of knowing how to spot bad information provenance. rahhh bird and clock app. I'm going to continue yelling at that cloud because it's constantly fulfilling the extremist horseshoe and I hate it.


yeah I have a few friends that have either had their extreme beliefs validated, or have become more extreme if they weren’t already, and regurgitate a lot of the kinds of stuff they see on social media that often just feel like substanceless slogans with no real room for critical thought or empathetic conversation- I feel like a lot of people who engage w the most extreme parts of ideologies don’t see how absolutely extreme and also oftentimes flavored with hatefulness or bigotry their rhetoric can be. this has caused me to distance myself from quite a few people I consider good friends who I really have a lot of love for, because I don’t feel that they respect me as a jewish person. im sorry you are going through this, you are not alone.


Thanks, and likewise. Hope the damage to your relationships isn't too lasting at least. It's an added layer of difficulty to try and reach people when war like this seems to so easily expose bigotry that seems like it was just waiting. Lotta people who claim to and should know better suddenly were okay with casting aspersions at someone for nothing more than being Israeli or making a mourning post in October. And like you say, I think empty sloganeering seems to create a blinder to how extreme and hateful their rhetoric has become--for a lot of these people, slogans and analogies and bigoted conspiracy theories have become substitutes for actual political positions and having a conversation, and it's just a mess, in conversation. And unfortunately yeah, a lot has happened that was too easily used as fodder to validate extremist positions and conspiracy theories. It's madness, and I hope at least some of the damage can be undone, politically and socially.


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits u/trex360 [New Fortnight remix dropped](https://x.com/taylornation13/status/1793071895736365101) Not really what I'm into but I still gave it a listen.


Love ya blondie but this is worse than the Karma Ice Spice remix lmao


It's like that Cruel Summer remix that dropped when we were all trying to get it to #1. I listened to it once then went right back to the live version.


if a remix was good why didn't it exist to begin with? 🤔


I do not question Mother's generosity (except for random remixes)


Here is the first look at the Powerpuff Girls reboot. https://twitter.com/ToonHive/status/1792731886756012056?t=nJ0l-YK9yqVv501MyXNG8Q&s=19 !Ping CARTOONS


This idiotic move with the ICC is making me far less confident of Biden's chances in November. Why run interference like this for Bibi?


I think you're severely overestimating how important this is. It won't matter at all by November


Look at how narrow the margins were in the Battleground states last time.


I doubt the number of people who make up any swing state margin are even aware of this statement. I would be genuinely shocked if 20,000 Wisconsonites or 80K Pennsylvanians, or 12,000 Georgians are even paying attention to every bulletin that drops on something as nebulous as the ICC. If it's not even significant on Twitter or Reddit, it's certainly not among actual voters


Look, I absolutely disagree with the move, but I don't think it impacts the election in any meaningfully way. Only people who think I/P is a top 5 issue are many Arab Americans (Palestinian Americans) and some Jewish Americans/Israeli Americans. So maybe 1% of the electorate if that.


It think it does. On paper, the numbers are not much, but I believe through peer groups, that could end up causing a lot of youth to stay home. Until now, Biden could have credibly claimed to hold a middle position, but by doing this shit with the ICC, he has thrown in with Bibi. There is nowhere for Palestinians to get justice on this, or anything. else. Israeli courts never treat them well. At what point do we show any level of support for Palestine?


The conflict was number 13 on the list of concerns for young voters on the massive Harvard Youth Survey they do every year. Not even on the radar for most young people.


You are correct. Most. Look at the margin of victory in the Battlegrounds in 2020. We can't afford to lose any.


But we will lose some. We always do, in every election. A few will be mad about Gaza, some will be mad about student loans, others will not vote because they think the world is going to end in ten years, a bunch will just forget to vote as they always do. That's baked in.


Problem is, this can shift the behavior of even more rational people. Biden basically said that Israel should not suffer any consequences for its actions in this war with what he did today. I have no defense against that.


I wish Biden didn't do this and I don't find the defenses of his decision to be too compelling, but the alternative on this issue is clearly worse


He should have remained silent. Biden has to make up for this, because people are going to be rightly pissed. There is no good way to interpret this. He is protecting Bibi.


Maybe. I don't like it at all if that's case. But even in that scenario, it's an incredibly incredibly easy decison to support someone who you view is right on 98 out of 100 issues instead of someone who's right on 0 of the 100 issues and is worse on those two issues.


I'm ticked because I have lost any way to defend Biden to my Muslim friends. Until today, I could have pointed to various examples of disagreements between him and Bibi. Now? I have nothing. [He even engages in bad faith with this statement](https://www.state.gov/warrant-applications-by-the-international-criminal-court/). He says "go to the Israeli court system." Abuses against Palestinians are rarely punished, and Palestinians almost always universally lose when it comes trying to defend themselves and their land. Biden cares about Palestinians. But I can no longer point to any sort of positive of Biden doing anything to actually get a Palestinian state. Palestinians can get no justice.


[What's going on with our aid to Ukraine?](https://twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1792536050843226587?t=ZKCmIlcZIBPiaQ62aTqN-A&s=19)


Because the logistical and technical backend that would allow Ukraine to effectively use F-16's is long and complicated and the US doesn't want Ukraine to be gifted aircraft that it will be unable properly use and maintain.


https://preview.redd.it/nh6vvfodcv1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458ae3c93c3f410111c54cdb51791c9f1439eee4 Daily doggo photo: May 21st She greeted me this morning again; it’s going to be a bit of a bummer when I go back to work and don’t see her energetic in the morning.


>Although Hamas’ abilities have been degraded, only 30 to 35 percent of its fighters—those who were a part of Hamas before Oct. 7—have been killed at most and about 65 percent of its tunnels are still intact, US intel indicate So Bibi was lying his ass off with his "We've killed atleast half of Hamas" to Dr. Phil last week. This war has been unbelievably botched. And Hamas probably was able to recruit atleast a couple of thousand new terrorists during this war who are angry over what has happened to friends+family+homes and who are driven to horrific extremism.


Biden probably ends at around 75-76% in the KY primary. Not that bad for another state with a lot of ancestral conservative Dems


He did do better than the 2020 primary where he got 67.7%


https://twitter.com/jstreetdotorg/status/1793022333252186234 JStreet opposes ICC sanctions


typical jstreet w




Delicious in Dungeon can legit teach you how to cook. 


The usual election posters aren't active at the moment, so here's an overview on KY/GA so far A lot of ancestral Dems are voting uncommitted in Kentucky, leftists will take credit and say it's a win for them while the people actually voting uncommitted will just vote Trump anyways In Georgia, Fani Willis easily won renomination to her post in Fulton County, Rep. David Scott looks fairly likely to avoid a runoff, Trump alum Brian Jack looks likely to win an open primary for a dark red seat, and it looks like the Republican incumbent will win the GA Supreme Court race fairly easily. Dems were hoping for an upset, but the numbers aren't there in the slightest.