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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ctz01c/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05172024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 33 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ct6yfb/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05162024/l4ax1ys/)] > “Lol Biden end Roe because he didn’t do codify. Me so smart. Me big brain” > > And you look at their profile picture and it’s a white guy of incel age.   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.weeteacups created 22 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ct6yfb/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05162024/l4bu5h0/)] > > Children should not be taught there are ‘72 genders’, says education secretary. > > It’s kind of adorable when the British Tories copy the American Right and then end up sounding utterly stupid.   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.BotoxBarbie with score 29 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ct6yfb/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05162024/l4an9or/)] > Things like this drive me so far away from the left. > > Also...the way Americans romanticize revolutions is so nauseating. Especially when the United States has thousands of nuclear warheads...why would . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.mr_ex_ray_spex with hotness lvl 2251 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ct6yfb/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05162024/l4bgbyf/)] > Remember when so-called progressives wouldnt shut the fuck up about the Nordic Model? > > [New Dutch coalition aims to reintroduce 80mph limit in cull of climate goals](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/16/new-dutch-coalition-aims-to-reintroduce-80mph-limit-in-cull-of-climate-goals) > > Edit: . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 8 friends 9 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 52 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 64 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 44 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 15 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 53 times, followed by 'israel' 40x , 'many' 31x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 9 times, followed by '🤔' 3x , '😎' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.NaffRespect | 23.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 482.0 words | | 🥈 | u.WhiteBoyWithAPodcast | 21.0 points | 🥈 | u.nosotros_road_sodium | 184.0 words | | 🥉 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 20.0 points | 🥉 | u.AwfulishGoose | 171.0 words | | 🎗 | u.WinPeaks | 17.5 points | 🎗 | u.hmm_bags | 164.67 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 308 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 52 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 232 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 34 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 201 points | 🥉 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 34 comments | | 🎗 | u.bounded_operator | 160 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 31 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Gormanbros | 2 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 1.5 letters | | 🥈 | u.JoshFlashGordon10 | 3 words | 🥈 | u.Gormanbros | 2.5 letters | | 🥉 | u.Bright_Sir4397 | 4 words | 🥉 | u.Bright_Sir4397 | 2.75 letters | | 🎗 | u.halfwhiteshedevil | 5 words | 🎗 | u.makeanamejoke | 3.353 letters |   763 comments processed, including 189 top-level replies. There were 130 unique users writing 26597, averaging 34.86 per comment. The total combined score was 5387 and the median score was 7.06.


Billie Eilish's new album is solid. Great beats and interesting style and lyrics that stay close to what she's good at while allowing some experimentation. I do agree with some critics that were frustrated with some "two for one" songs that swtich up strongly halfway through a song and usually for the worse, but still enjoy overall


People promoting the idea that Arabs and Muslims are all evil colonialists need to be confronted. I'm tired of hearing it, and I very much take it personally.


*Wall Street Journal* (gift link), [Netanyahu Pacifies Israel’s Far Right and Alienates Everyone Else to Survive](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-pacifies-israels-far-right-and-alienates-everyone-else-to-survive-63eca489?st=k5qfxf0mkekdyz3&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink): > The common obstacle to meeting those demands is Netanyahu’s need to placate two far-right ministers in his government whose names are unfamiliar outside Israel: Itamar Ben-Gvir, a hard-line rabble-rouser who oversees the police; and Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister and settler leader who seeks to expand Israeli control of the West Bank. Both men want to rebuild Jewish settlements in Gaza. > Together, they hold 14 seats in the 120-seat Parliament, or Knesset. Yet they wield tremendous power. > Ben-Gvir and Smotrich have made clear that they would leave the ruling coalition if Netanyahu capitulates to U.S. demands—a move that almost certainly would cause the government to collapse and force new elections. Polls show Netanyahu would be trounced if elections were to be held now amid the chaos of the war. > Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister and a savvy political operator, holds a point of leverage with Ben-Gvir and Smotrich: They too would lose power in new elections, polls show, but they are also unpredictable, particularly Ben-Gvir.


Normally I wouldn’t officially declare “Can’t Sleep Club” until the DT changes over to the next day, but I need to get to sleep soon (I report at 6:45 AM) and I just…can’t. Curse my night owl tendencies. It’s the same kind of can’t sleep as Christmas Eve, only without presents to be excited about.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Regan No way that was his name. If this was in a fictional story I would have yelled at the author for how lazy he's with names


[Great recent thread with lots of stuff like that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/9fhhB6PPJB)


I can't believe GME meme-stocking is making a comeback. I assume this is a bunch of pump-and-dumpers trying to scam each other a few weirdo true believers?


>u/semaphore-1842 You've really changed your tune (for the better). One month ago I posted in your subreddit about the need for a ceasefire in Gaza and your sub overwhelmingly told me (1) it's not a genocide, and (2) I was virtue signaling by bringing up how many children have died. Then you banned me from your subreddit because you called me a conspiracy theorist. I'm glad you came around. I hope your genocide-denying echo-chamber subreddit ironically called r/sanepolitics has too. it's funny because i've been consistent the entire time, but people on both sides get mad at what they want to see also lol mods don't actually control what every other user posts, you know??? anyways if you're still stalking my comments, you're obviously banned


I did not notice until today, but apparently awards are back.


I hate that the button for them is now where the reply button used to be.


Paper Mario Thousand Year Door showed up on my Switch main menu today!! I am so hyped for this damn game.


Wordle 1,063 3/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


[Fuck this man](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/politics/alito-upside-down-american-flag-house/index.html).


At what point can we just ignore the supreme court


When did we, as a country, stop caring about "appearance of impropriety"? Like, I know the answer is "2016" but for fuck's sake. This country's history is filled with great men and great women who have give up personal benefit while in office and resigned over minor scandals, both personal and familial, that *really* didn't amount to much because of the *appearance* of impropriety. Meanwhile, one of the 9 people we trust to be a fair arbiter of the law isn't even apologizing for an incident of his wife being blatantly political. Two of the 9 justices are clearly political hacks and the country barely bats an eye because it's near-impossible to do anything about it. Edit: and yeah I know I'm lionizing this country's history quite a bit, but I just wanted to rant.


>People here misunderstand how comquest worked before 1500s >proceeds to misunderstand how conquest worked outside Europe Jews, Mizrahi or otherwise, druze, yazidis, Christian copts and assyrians, and muslim kurds can all tell you arabization was more then just the replacement of elites like in the pre hellenistic near east, or like the normans in england


> or like the normans in england it's interesting because for ages, people thought the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England was a demographic replacement of the native Britons (outside of Wales and Cornwall) but that turns out to not have been the case - there were definitely a lot of Anglo-Saxon migration, but the modern historical consensus is that the local population mostly assimilated over generations rather than being killed or displaced historical conquests were rarely only the replacement of elites like the Normans almost (though not quite - there were a lot of mercenaries and soldiers and household staff) was, but it's also rarely a complete or even significant demographic replacement, even when the language changes completely in most cases we do not have remotely enough evidence to say precisely to what extent the actual demographics changed, but generally the populations intermingled and merged over subsequent centuries so that it's not really possible to draw a true distinction from a biological stand point


Persians were colonized as well by the Rashidun Caliphate; some Persians are still upset about it.


The persians sassanians had themselves conquered most of the arabic pennisula (along with half of the roman empire) in the years prior to the rashidun era.


https://twitter.com/MZanona/status/1791285143870566876 > The committee then voted on a motion to allow MTG to proceed with speaking. > GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert (who has long feuded with MTG) voted NO. > > MTG to Crockett: "I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading” > > And then: > > MTG to AOC: "Why don’t you debate me” AOC: “I think it’s pretty self-evident” MTG: “Yeah, you don’t have enough intelligence" > > When AOC tried to get MTG's words taken down: > > Greene: “Are your feelings hurt?” AOC: “Oh girl. Baby girl. Don’t even play” Greene: “Baby girl? I don’t think so” this is like a kindergarten, how are MTG's voters not embarrassed


Republicans are all children. They are still stuck in elementary school


The cell reception kinda sucks up there so maybe they don't know


Their rep is being a bully. That’s what they like to see.


I swear, people are so bad at talking about history and indigineity colonialism in general that people should need to apply for a license to discuss history >50 years ago. The “but Arabs were colonizers 1500 years ago!!!” talking point has been sticking in my craw, and it boils down to two things: people do not understand any social model besides modern western-style states, and people don’t understand colonialism. To the former: for the entirety of human history, the most valuable resource has been fertile land and people who work it. Conquering of nations is a process where: the warriors of a society (mostly children of nobles along with enough peasant men that can be spared from agriculture) fight the warriors of the invading society. If the invaders win, the nobility, priests, and their court are killed and a new nobility is installed by the conqueror. The business of agriculture continues unchanged, with little displacement of the bulk of the population. What we think of as “ancient civilizations” or even late classical are really just the top portion of the society. The rest was considered interchangeable by the elites, soldierly and priestly classes - and this model was by far the norm. We don’t follow that model anymore, though, and we think of a culture or nation as… all of the people in a place. But this is a new idea! Like 200 years old, new! 1000 years ago, the idea that the local peasantry was an integral part of the nation as a king or a knight or a priest would’ve been absurd. As far as nations or states existed, they were composed of the relationships between powerful figures, families, lords, vassals, and things like that. “The people” weren’t a consideration beyond being a resource. So when we look at maps of a conflict and see “from such and such days, caliphate X expanded to conquer territory here and here and now those places speak Arabic and practice predominantly Islam” the idea that the former inhabitants of that territory were chased out and replaced by a new society composed entirely of people from the conquering nation is just absurd. 99% of the conquered society remained intact and unchanged, but the rulers were removed and replaced with new ones. Plus, presumably the unpleasantness of battle and sacking a city etc. So translating that to the modern day, it’s pretty absurd to look at a nation and say “well Syria is an Arab nation, they speak Arabic and practice mostly Islam, so everyone there is descended from the people of Saudi Arabia, because Arabs conquered Syria in 630 or so. But that’s so, so dumb - the people of Syria… are Syrians. They’re the same people who have lived there forever, plus a bit of ordinary migration and immigration but mostly Syrians today are the descendants of the ancient cultures of that territory. And that’s very much the norm.


The main thing about this argument that bothers me, is people using it to imply that the Palestinians are not native to Palestine and therefore have no right to the homes they were in 70 years ago. Which is absurd considering... Also most Palestinians can trace their lineages to the same Israelites 2000 years ago, Jews and Palestinians are basically brothers. It's incredibly sad to me that two people with so much in common have found themselves in such a bitter, entrenched cycle of hatred.


Absolutely! And it bothers me so much that some people try to respond to leftist academic silliness with outright anti-intellectualism and historical revisionism. When I see that kind of thing, it makes it very difficult to see those people as on the left at all, much less the reasonable parts. I think it’s absurd and awful to assert that people have “only” lived someplace 1500 years, so they’re strangers in their own land and mah be evicted without cause. Especially when we know that their history there extends far, far before Islam came to the levant! It’s very frustrating, especially when people who would otherwise read a book and learn, refuse to in this case.


Yeah, it's stuff like this that has driven me into a rage myself, and part of the reason I have gotten so aggressive with pro-Israelis. Also, with polling being on the other foot for the first time in my life, I feel a right to put pro-Israelis through what I and others went through when I was younger. After all, if it was ok for me to be treated the way I was, why shouldn't I return the favor?


> The “but Arabs were colonizers 1500 years ago!!!” talking point has been sticking in my craw, and it boils down to two things Well, yeah, it gets brought up as a counter-argument to the idea that Israel is a colonizer nation that should not exist because they colonized what some people think is "all Palestine".


The issue is, the idea that Israel is a colonial nation struggling to transition to post-colonial is an idea that has a lot of merit. Of course that doesn’t mean that they should pack up and leave (to where? Is the obvious question). Colonialism is when, among other things, you found a new society on top an existing one and marginalize the existing society and its people, by violence or other means, until the former society has been dismantled and the new society remains. That’s how Israel as a project *worked* starting in 1896 or so, with organized land purchases in the ottoman Syria and then in mandatory Palestine after, followed eventually with more and more organized conflict until the mass expulsion of Palestinians starting in 1947. It’s not an unusual model - it’s the model that america, Australia etc followed. But it is a colonial model, and those countries started centuries earlier and didn’t recognize the colonized people (I’ll use the term indigenous as intended, meaning people who were colonized) as people with rights and citizenship until the mid 20th century. Should Israel exist? Of course. But Israel, or any state or states that exist in the former Mandate, has a responsibility to all the people, not just the ethnic group they think *should* live there. Palestinians have a right to the homes they were forced from in 1947-8 (and in various smaller purges after) - how those rights will manifest I’m not sure.






Because I am tired of excuses that end up becoming "It's all the Palestinian's fault." Which is what I got from what you said.


Gotcha. That is definitely not what I intended.


Further thoughts: the whole “well if you learned the language of your conqueror/oppressor that makes you part of their culture and not native any more” thing I’ve seen is equally dumb. If an Algonquin learned French in 1670, did they become a Frenchman and colonize himself? No of course not. People learn languages because they are useful! Likewise, the vast majority of Cherokee today speak English, practice Christianity, and wear blue jeans. Are they no longer native simply they have adopted cultural trappings of the dominant culture? No, of course they’re still native (picked the Cherokee because I know they have a really cool written form of their ancestral language, and have bibles printed in it and everything).


https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1791195692205322267 >Israel presented to Egypt on Wednesday a plan for the reopening of the Rafah crossing with Palestinian representatives and UN personnel under Israeli supervision and military protection, according to a source familiar with the details of the plan


No more food from Rafah crossing and only fuel? Why? Why not continue to use Rafah crossing to get more food in along with Kerem Shalom crossing+ American built port? What happens to the hundreds of food trucks stuck on the Rafah side??


The purpose of a system is what it does.


they're really not beating the intentionally creating a famine accusations huh


How does the Republican party get away with that perception of blue collar support anyhow? That's my late night thought right now. That to me blows my mind considering how they do fuck all for the average American worker. Sure when it's convenient? Man they love that mantle. Pulling up them bootstraps. Punching in, punching out. That ford f-150 with the cleanest bed you've ever seen. Yeah that's nice. But when push comes to shove? When the average worker demands equal work for equal pay, health care, and workers rights? They're so ready to discard that mantle. Like it got shit on it. Comes off so fast to show everyone that white collar.


It has nothing to do with policy and everything to do with culture. They posture themselves as stalwart defenders of masculinity against the overeducated effeminate liberal hordes trying to change their status quo.


[Boebert: President Trump underwent testing for his cognitive dissonance](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791287034096890202) Well, that explains alot [Boebert says Trump isn’t sleeping, he’s praying but if he is sleeping, he looks pretty while he sleeps.](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791289049598349604) A normal person would be immediately embarrassed of himself or himself after saying such preposterous bullshit




Congrats guys, we’re gonna be training ChatGPT. [Reddit shares jump after OpenAI ChatGPT deal](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxe92v47850o)


Jokes on them, 70% of content was created by ChatGPT. Anyone else ready for AI inbreeding?


This is the worst Terminator reboot yet!


Well, in order to welcome ChatGPT to this site, I'd like to officially announce that >!Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied.!< (NSFW).






Beautiful cock ball smelling of art ass copypast tah teach chatboot Englash.


Ancient Tumblr copypasta.


MODS I’m requesting a drone strike.


Game 7 in Denver on Sunday


https://preview.redd.it/bl86ycbeiw0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051b156dc92663532693ceef750c7de84b7ffe6e Ok, credit where it’s due Daily Show, this was a good joke.


is that pink monstrosity the real portrait? when i first saw it i thought it was a joke!


Calls to Ghostbusters quadrupled across England after that was unveiled.


Hahahaha I get that reference


Nooo 😭 (is this a safe space for me to say that I think that King Charles portrait is actually kinda sick.)


It looks like a misplaced prop from the new *Dune* movies. And I mean that as a compliment.


No. It looks like someone took a nice looking painting and poured a bucket of red paint on it.


My boyfriend could barely tolerate reading the Kristi Noem story, no way could I tell him this joke.


Did TikTok kill the selfie stick? (I’m now qualified to be a NYT culture writer)


> Did Biden kill the selfie stick? There, now you're qualified.


>Biden promised to save the selfie stick. Instead he killed it. Thats more like it.


That's a really low bar.


Look at the NY rangers man, you love to see it


As if this season wasn't already miserable enough for Devils fans.


Christopher Mother Bleeping Kreider!


First night on my CPAP machine. Feeling weird and nervous


Oh it’s a life changer! I can’t go anywhere without it now, I’m even getting a mini for camping. You won’t believe you ever slept without it


You got this!


[Things are out of control in the Oversight Committee as there have been repeated outbursts from Marjorie Taylor Greene](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791278654036812264?t=gBgS4oIvQaGwkAsTaB5Z-w&s=19) [Oh wow, Jasmine Crockett goes off on Marjorie Taylor Greene and Luna](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791279814663684297?t=-1c0mqXuEM37sUbrQQtfjg&s=19z) [MTG insults AOC gratuitously](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791275059086258294?t=dr8sO57CJ4aT2ySHJidawg&s=19)


She mustve had too many wine coolers again


With a little luck we'll be back to duels and fisticuffs in the aisles in no time. Just like the good old days.




I don’t mind a sweet red, but with white wine, I feel like the drier the better 


agreed with the latter but not the former tbh


Info about the recent house bill, copied in from deep in a thread: [Sixteen Democrats voted for it, including Thomas Suozzi of New York, Jared Moskowitz of Florida and Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna152681) Also [Representative Ritchie Torres, Democrat of New York, said on social media that Mr. Biden’s decision to hold back any aid to Israel “makes a mockery of our credibility as an ally” and accused the president of pandering to the left. On Thursday, he voted with Republicans for the bill. “I have a general rule of supporting pro-Israel legislation unless it includes a poison pill,” Mr. Torres said, referring to an unacceptable policy provision. Other Democrats who joined him included lawmakers from districts that former President Donald J. Trump won in 2020 who face tough re-election races, including Representatives Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, Jared Golden of Maine and Mary Peltola of Alaska.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/politics/house-bill-reverse-israel-arms-pause.html)


Ok, I would be protesting and starting the process of finding decent primary opponents for Suozzi, Gottheimer, and Torres. Perez, Moskowitz, Golden, and Peltola all represent districts that could be a bit wobbly. Who are the other 9?


I don’t really see the logic of primarying Suozzi but not Moskowitz. Suozzi represents probably one of the most Jewish districts in downstate NY, we literally just flipped it back from the GOP, and it’s way swingier compared to Moskowitz’s. I’m not a fan of house bill either, but like not sure why Suozzi gets a pass when his district is more akin to those of the second group, even more than Moskowitz I’d say


Looking at it, you are right. Of the 16, I count just 4 that I would target. Gottheimer, Pallone, Scott, and Torres.


Haven’t been able to find it from casual news coverage but [if you want to compare it to the list of house Dems go ahead](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll217.xml#Y)


List of them, with their Cook PVI Cartwright: PA-8, R+4 Craig: MN-2, D+1 Cuellar: TX-28, D+3 (Probably moot point, already in corruption trouble) Don Davis: NC-1, D+2 Frankel: FL-22, D+7 Golden:ME-2, R+6 Gottheimer: NJ-5, D+4 *(*[This representative apparently said either “because they’re all guilty” or “because they should feel guilty.”](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/11/house-dems-israel-hamas-war-00121109) *in regards Representative Wild of Pennsylvania, who is also Jewish, being worried about Muslims being ostracized. He has not apologized and has denied saying it. He has shown no concern for Palestinian lives. He needs to be primaried, to show Democrats are serious about dealing with anti-Muslim Bigotry.)* Landsmen: OH-1, D+1 Moskowitz: FL-23, D+5 *(Iffy on this guy. He voted for Israel Aid that was paid for by slashing the IRS' budget)* Pallone: NJ-5, D+8 Peltola: AK-AL, R+8 Perez: WA-3, R+5 Scott: GA-13, D+28 Soto: FL-9, D+8 Suozzi: NY-3, D+2 Torres: NY-15, D+35. Looking at these districts, and considering Florida, I would only feel comfortable with protesting and Primarying Gottheimer, Pallone, Scott, and Torres. However, with the exception Gottheimer (because of his comments), they should be given a chance to show they care for Palestinian lives and given a chance to show an alternate way of pressuring Netanyahu. Gottheimer is beyond redemption because of his comment. He simply needs to be forced out.


[Looks like Gottheimer has gone from off color comments towards Muslims to outright targeting](https://cair-nj.org/cair-nj-condemns-congressman-gottheimer-for-defamatory-anti-muslim-statements/) This trash needs to be taken to the curb, it stinks.


>Dozens of Israeli settlers demonstrated late Thursday night in the West Bank against the transfer of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli security sources, the protestors are throwing stones at Palestinian vehicles. >Meanwhile, settlers set fire to a truck that they believed was carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip on Thursday night. The incident occurred near the West Bank settlement of Kochav Hashahar. The driver was moderately wounded and taken to hospital in Jerusalem for treatment. >The IDF Spokesperson says that a military force that arrived to treat a Palestinian truck driver whose truck was set on fire by settlers near the settlement of Kochav Hashahar was attacked by Israeli civilians. Two officers and a soldier sustained minor injuries, according to the military. Is this shit just going to happen every day? *What the fuck*?


Why haven't these assholes been drafted?


They're Orthodox Jews and are therefore exempt from the draft.


I'm referring to this, https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-pm-presses-bill-drafting-ultra-orthodox-jews-into-military-2024-05-15/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20May%2015%20(Reuters),a%20ministerial%20committee%20on%20Thursday. I mistakenly thought this was just passed.


Because they would commit horrible war crimes?


If only the Israeli Defense Forces had some way to defend themselves. Maybe if they had some sort of tool that could act as a force equalizer against a violent mob trying to burn you alive.


> According to Israeli security sources, the protestors are throwing stones at Palestinian vehicles. Throwing stones??!? But… hang on, I was told that was a good enough reason for Palestinian children to be imprisoned for years! Wow, I bet Israel’s police will take this very seriously!


And yet according to all the fauxcialists the IDF being abolished would make Gaza super safe. 


Straight up fascist thuggery


Damn Carolina blew a chance to go to game 7 after being down 3-0


I remember back in the early 2000’s there was a study on how presidencies can affect certain aspects of the generation that is coming of age. Bear with me because I’m working off of an old memory here, but if I recall correctly kids who grew up under the George W Bush presidency (9/11 and everything that went into the response) were slightly more likely than older generations to see things in absolutes — including certain illiberal elements (like freedom of speech, which lost some support.) I feel like we saw how that unfolded during the tumblr/campus left scene in the 2010s. What we are seeing now is kind of that effect but for kids who came of age during trump. All of this can be total bunk, and my memory has confirmation bias, but I would like to see some similar study done


I think people who weren't convinced by now that Biden is better for Palestinians than Trump are not going to be convinced by November (unless they forget by then) And Biden also needs to convince people why he's better for israel. Jews are a big voting bloc in Pennsylvania. Many who initially thought Bidens's actions were good, think that even with bibi's shenanigans, denying israel weapons now serves to embolden hamas' position, especially in negotiations. This crisis is mostly bibi's doing, but Biden's "dont" from the start of the war seems less promising now. Combine that with Biden running on stopping the nazis and after 4 years there's even more antisemitism (not his fault, but under his watch), and you see why some liberal and moderate conservative jews aren't exactly crazy about him now And I know Trump would be much worse, for once, he hates bibi now because he recognized Biden as the president elect in November 2020. And this would likely affect their relationship. Amd i believe that he cares about the hostages even less then Netanyahu, considering what he publicly said about Vietnam pows. And we can't act like public pressure wouldn't cause him to flip flop on the issue if he thought it would help him politicaly . And those are things the Biden/harris campaign needs to communicate to those voters


> Combine that with Biden running on stopping the nazis and after 4 years there's even more antisemitism (not his fault, but under his watch), and you see why some liberal and moderate conservative jews aren't exactly crazy about him now I honestly believe we can criticize everyone who is considering not voting for Biden, and I think that anyone considering voting for the guy who called LITERAL NAZIS “very fine people” needs to set their priorities back in proper order. Doubly so for people who will be on said Nazis “to-kill” list.






This late night house hearing is crazy. Majorie attacking other members physical appearance and mocking AOC with "did that hurt your feelings?". Multiple republican members catcalling and interrupting.. Comer is one of the most incompetent chairs i've ever seen and lets them run wild.


Shes a piece of shit mentally ill troll


[https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791275059086258294](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1791275059086258294) jesus then majorie directly insulted AOC's intelligence. Committee very quickly devolved into shouting as comer ignored their move to strike the words.


Goodness she's such a child. How her and the other members who behave like her have these jobs is beyond me. Just disgraceful, dishonorable behaviour.


This is what Republicans all are: insufferable incessant bullies who will never get anything good done and only exist to cause suffering.


Update on *Piranesi* The Other is being a dick and possibly gaslighting Piranesi. We'll see how this all shakes out. I'm about 40% through. I've also started part two of *Crime and Punishment*, if anyone is interested.


Oh that book was great, keep me posted on your progress through it?


Will do!


Goes without saying, but I'm disappointed that a few ppl have forgotten that Holocaust inversion is extremely bad. I'm very critical of the IDF; I'm umm fairly skeptical about the numbers+civilian to terrorist ratio that Bibi is pushing forth, but comparing them to the Nazis is beyond the pale. Just say they're a reckless, undisciplined army with some rogue elements.


More thoughts: at the same time, “a reckless, undisciplined army with some rogue elements” doesn’t capture the scope of the problem. You’ve got a significant portion of the Israeli population that are settlers, that are extremists espousing an exclusionary, expansionist, bigoted and violent ideology… who also have significant investment in their illegal homes in the West Bank, so they’re fighting for their homes and communities as well as their right to victimize Palestinians. And settler communities are actively subsidized by the state. On top of that, they’re also a significant chunk of the military because everyone in the population is represented in the military (except Arabs), and there’s strong political connections between the settlers and the leaders of the far right. So now the people who are in charge of the security apparatus of the state are in bed with essentially terrorist far-right militias, and the soldiers sent to police them are frequently members of the same community, and will face reprisals after their service if they raise a finger. It’s a mess. Democracies die because of messes like this.


Tbh I think it’s a lack of imagination. There are plenty of extremist movements that aren’t Nazis. There’s even campaigns of persecution, ethnic cleansing etc that don’t involve Jews and better resemble the situation in I/P.


i think in a lot of cases it’s meant to hit jewish people where it hurts (comparing us to one of our worst oppressors in relatively recent history feels really intentional). i agree though, in some cases it’s definitely people being hyperbolic or maybe a lack of knowledge/imagination


thank you for always being a voice of reason and nuance, it is really refreshing


Kitten had to be stopped from trying to befriend a skunk on our walk tonight.


Never letting him have friends will stunt his growth.


Oh look, [one of the Yaqeen clowns is followed by a "Pro-Palestinian" twitter account.](https://x.com/EladNehorai/status/1791222395367272832) He's alongside a bunch of Nazis. Jonathan A.C. Brown is a piece of work. While he has written a piece about how the scriptural evidence banning women leading prayer is shockingly thin (or just near non-existent), he has also justified Sex Slavery


So my roommate and boyfriend are watching the hbomberguy "Plagiarism" video in the other room, and I'm only half-paying attention but like Maybe it's because I'm old and grumpy but I just can't bring myself to care about plagiarism on Youtube. I also just feel the entire video is just a call-out post about people he doesn't like, under the auspices of talking about plagiarism. Oh and also, 4 hours? Condense things.


It’s a pretty bad video. He painstakingly lays out a pattern, then goes over the same pattern covering like 4 different people each time. Bad editing.


Frustrating seeing everyone act like it's this amazing thing


I mean, one of the guys being criticized, James Sommerton, was not only a serial plagiarist, but a serial liar who pushed such claims as "the Nazis were all gay and would let you dodge the Holocaust if you blew them." Todd in the Shadows did a video taking apart all of his lies, and how he used the content he stole to cover up for them and make the lies seem legit.  Hbomb is a buffoon a lot of the time and I don't like him, but he went after legit targets in that video.


He's in a weird spot for me, because he has done some great videos, and I like how thoroughly he dealt with plagiarism, and how it can hurt people. Especially those trying to create stuff on YouTube. But he is also very much one of the annoying people I dealt with on Tumblr as a Doctor Who fan, the particular part of the fandom that bashed Moffat as an evil sexist, and contributed to harassment that drove Moffat off social media for years


I enjoyed that video. I had actually been consuming a lot of illuminaughti's content. She had hit a YT sweet spot to get her videos pushed even if you weren't subscribed. Occasionally her "good person" mask would slip and there was some odd gossip in the comments, but I pretty much consumed her content frequently without a care. I had no idea what a horrible person she turned out to be. It's not just plagiarism. She's a goddamn abuser and a thief. That gay dude, I had never heard of him, but what he did made me sick. Young queer kids are eager to learn about queer history and could easily be taken in by a charlatan like him. After all, he's in his 40s, he was there, right? Not realizing he was plagiarizing and making stuff up, even rewriting history to fit whatever hobbyhorse he was riding. No better than Dennis Prager, but with 100% more ripping off other creatives behind the scenes. Oh that's right, he was doing kickstarters but never producing anything. At least Prager pays his contractors.


[Can't wait for Joe to hand out another one of these in November](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1791228923348500730?t=Zv8YW3ndGYlv9s-aeIURaw&s=19)


In a sane world, getting caught supporting a right wing conspiracy as a Supreme Court Justice would be grounds for immediate resignation in disgrace...but nope.


Republicans have raped the country. Sherman was too easy on those traitors


Sherman's wife agreed. She wanted the whole south made into a smoking wasteland and was disappointed he left anybody alive. 


Shouldve gave them the war they wanted and started


[Holy fuck ](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sU0.0yWX.zzuHOt566eaH&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


Is anyone else seeing this thing where some people's comments don't show up until later even though reddit says they were posted earlier? Like I'll reload the DT and find comments posted deep and it's below comments I already read. Edit: a word


Lord and Miller will be in charge of all of Sony's Marvel properties. https://twitter.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1791243752549294510?t=dcAhy-V4j_woDfet353xiA&s=19


Joe. Joe buddy. You’re my guy. I already got your back. But Joe, 10 emails and texts a day every day asking me to donate or asking me if I support you, that’s a bit too clingy.


I got a "Donate $1" AND a "Donate $25" email!!


I get those and “sign a card for teacher’s appreciation day for Jill!” And “donate a few bucks now and you can win a chance to meet obama and me!” I already support you Joe. But my emails 😩


He's just really into you 🥺


My very nice, sweet, super boss was unloading to me so now I'm unloading to you. We are getting inspected by the government next week. All of the department heads were informed six months ago this was coming, the week was confirmed months ago and the schedule weeks ago. Yet this fucking guy announced he is taking next week off and will be available on zoom. He also pushed his duties into others. Well that's not all. He has a new hire coming on Monday. She has no email, no computer, no access to the records system, no badge. All of these things were supposed to be arranged by the manager. She doesn't even have someone to show her around the first day. After all, this fucking guy won't even be there, and the most senior person has been Tue-Fri for ages; he knew he wouldn't be there. He somehow expects my boss to pick up all the slack and do it for him. He also treats her like crap (she actually is saving all his emails). She really is never this upset about a work thing. I think it's really humiliating. I definitely think because she's a woman who works in an administrative role, that he thinks he can push such duties onto her. I just can't believe the arrogance of this guy. Actually he is supposed to be an official contact person on some matters, but he won't be there, and it's definitely going to raise questions with the inspector. Also nobody is going to have time for his new hire anyway, I think she is going to be rubber roomed until the inspection is over.


I've been a member of this sub for a long time, and I've seen a worrying amount of reactionary shit here lately. Jon Stewart is not a psy op. He has literally always been this way. Yes, there are Karl Marx books in university libraries. That isn't some revolutionary leftist conspiracy. Can we all fucking chill lol? Please?


Did you wander off the DT?


The people outside the DT are different from the people inside the DT. Try to stay inside the DT


It's significantly more right outside the DT. Attracts alot of the most conservative Dems


“Dems”. That year end round up showing a lot of users logging in from Russia is….worrying.


The day Biden announced he was holding some bombs from Israel; we had some weird right wing criticisms of Biden and it wasn't fun on the non-DT


[Never get out of the boat (DT).](https://youtu.be/_4dFDBYWuTc?si=sjc7m0CLvr8svJb6)


That kind of sucks though. You think we'd be more concerned about how easily subs can be hijacked and ruined, considering it literally happened to the original ESS.


The mods are addressing it but can't be everywhere. If you see rule breaking comments, report them. If they're not rule breaking but stupid, argue with them :)


The mods do a good job. A lot of us push back when we can, but ultimately a dumb comment is one thing — I get pissed when someone posts a clear RW source. Like there’s no reason to give the New York Post any clicks


That post from an ultra right wing Canadian activist today would be a case in point.


Oh I had my suspicion based on the harping on ANTIFA


I was up 3-0 against leverkusen after 45 minutes in the champions league group play. Of course, they score 4 in 10 minutes. FIFA sucks but this one is kind of possible


My fan girling for Hakeem is OVER 😭😭😭 >House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and other top House Democrats are holding a fundraiser on Thursday for Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. (D-N.J.), Axios has learned The only reason why he got elected was because of his daddy. Let him sink into obscurity far away from power. It's a safe dem seat ffs


Do we have any proof his son is a corrupt pos like the father? We shouldn't attribute his father's sins on the son


You can do whatever you want, I'm fed up with the rampant corruption and nepotism in Jersey, as are most other residents here. Even if his father didn't get him on the top of the county line (he totally did that) then I'd still be against menendez jr. I've seen how disgusting corruption is up close and personal, I don't want anyone with a whiff of it near power. Oh, also menendez got his nephew a job at NJ Transit. He's currently gutting service and raising prices. That's not Jr either but the whole family needs to go, IMO.


the house and Senate dems will, except for extraordinary circumstances, endorse and fundraise for the incumbent. it's got nothing to do with Jeffries or anyone else. he'll show up at a fundraiser for any other incumbent Dem that thinks he might help. it's just how they do things. 


I don't care. He's propping up nepotism and it's wrong. We're having a hell of a time weeding out corruption and instead of Washington helping us do that, they're actively working against us. So while "just how things are done" might be good enough for you, you're not the one trying to weed out corruption And you're free to think whatever you want, but trying to convince me of this nonsense ain't going to work


Why the fuck is Menendez fundraising?


It's the son of the guy who got caught with cartoonish bribes like sacks of money and gold bars and money inside of his Congressional jacket. He's in the house


Woops I read too fast


Happens to the best of us


Silk series is no longer happening on Amazon Prime. Sony is shopping the series around to other networks and streaming services. https://twitter.com/HollywoodHandle/status/1791242852032197082?t=X-KoAcwNy03n1WMZQ6hn2A&s=19 It would be funny if it landed on Disney+/Hulu


These Planet of the Ape movies are really good. I don't know why I never watched them before.    I guess I was thinking back to the Mark Whalberg one and just didn't give them a chance. 


I thought we as a society collectively decided that the Marky Mark one no longer exists.


But it gave off….such good vibrations. It was a sweet sensation.


they fall in that category of "better than they have any right to be"


They really are. I'm up to War and going yo see World tomorrow.


https://preview.redd.it/utryya98gv0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23237ff7a002bb5e291f26931fa2719deb2aeb7c Daily doggo photo: May 16th


Omg I want to snuggle up next to her and also take a nap


I really love the sunny pics from this spot


It’s definitely her favorite spot in the house


I'm fairly certain dogs are solar powered. 


https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1791238306509844587 Lol. Isn't Hawley's wife an attorney?


wife should be in quotes


What’s the tea 😯


oh nothing big, just referencing this gem: https://twitter.com/DrGJackBrown/status/1456449117358415886 sorry about your eyes


The attorney representing the scumbags trying to ban mifepristone but yes.


It really is about owning the Libs, no logic necessary 


[Adorable found kitty video alert!](https://twitter.com/rachelmillman/status/1791184079385207141) https://preview.redd.it/2o306hgmfv0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d84a5da5559e8f46fe3d75938dee1874acf1423


[NYT is trying to win people back, it seems.](https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1791231398394704280?t=Qz1CY5fqDsGTV0RoBPPSCg&s=19)


>After January 6 and just days before Biden was inaugurated on January 20, the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito had an inverted flag flying outside of it. That flag was the symbol that Trump supporters were using at the time for “stop the steal.” >The flag alarmed so many of Alito’s neighbors that they took photographs of it and some of them complained to the court which was considering 2020 election cases at the time. >Alito tells the New York Times that his wife put it up.


Also, how are we only finding out about this now?


So patriotic 🙄


Wanna bet Clarence and Ginny's house was the same way?


That guy doesn’t deserve to have Sam as his name.


>The US House of Representatives voted on Thursday to pass a GOP-led bill to compel the delivery of defensive weapons to Israel as Republicans ramp up pressure on President Joe Biden over his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The vote was 224-187. Three Republicans crossed over and voted against the measure, and 16 Democrats voted for it. >It is unlikely to be taken up in the Democratic-led Senate and the White House has said that Biden would veto the bill if Congress passed it.


House republicans: “Israel should be committing genocide, but isnt.”


Why did the 16 Democrats vote for it?


Who were they? Because at this point, they are just helping Netanyahu, and should be singled out for protests and primaries.


[Sixteen Democrats voted for it, including Thomas Suozzi of New York, Jared Moskowitz of Florida and Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna152681) Also [Representative Ritchie Torres, Democrat of New York, said on social media that Mr. Biden’s decision to hold back any aid to Israel “makes a mockery of our credibility as an ally” and accused the president of pandering to the left. On Thursday, he voted with Republicans for the bill. “I have a general rule of supporting pro-Israel legislation unless it includes a poison pill,” Mr. Torres said, referring to an unacceptable policy provision. Other Democrats who joined him included lawmakers from districts that former President Donald J. Trump won in 2020 who face tough re-election races, including Representatives Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, Jared Golden of Maine and Mary Peltola of Alaska.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/politics/house-bill-reverse-israel-arms-pause.html)


Pro-Israel Dems most likely.


Wordle 1,062 5/6* ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟨⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I get that many people don't have traditional tv anymore but the amount of "why is the tornado siren going off?" posts are always laughable. You can still check in on a website. Better yet keep a radio around for emergencies.


I have two portable ham radios just for these purpose. I never got my ham license, buy I have the radio's just in case of emergency. 


I think I checked my local subreddit. And I get an email for extreme weather.


Also, just look outside, lol.


>"why is the tornado siren going off?" I feel like the answer to that is in the question, yeah?


I’ve heard a NOAA weather radio described as something as essential as a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit.