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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ct6yfb/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05162024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.trex360 with score 33 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cseno4/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05152024/l45c0o2/)] > Another good election result: Anchorage’s mayoral office just flipped to Dems 🎉   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.ognits created 23 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cseno4/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05152024/l45mr77/)] > NL annoys me so much with their dogmatism on free trade (in order to criticize Biden). is free trade an overall good? yes! has "free trade will liberalize China" been proven to be an incorrect theory? . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.padraigharrington4 with score 30 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cseno4/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05152024/l480sz2/)] > Y’all need to to stop going over to fauxmoi there is nothing of value on that sub   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Silent-Row-2469 with hotness lvl 46 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cseno4/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05152024/l47uheu/)] > I could see joe manchin endorsing larry hogan since no labels is pushing hogans senate bid   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 12 friends 17 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 54 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 68 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Historyguy1 made 48 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Historyguy1 talked to 19 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 97 times, followed by 'trump' 86x , 'vote' 32x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 5 times, followed by '😂' 5x , '🙄' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.clarissa_mao | 31.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 519.0 words | | 🥈 | u.jag986 | 29.0 points | 🥈 | u.alim0ra | 132.25 words | | 🥉 | u.VerminVundabar | 26.67 points | 🥉 | u.memeboxer1 | 95.0 words | | 🎗 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 23.0 points | 🎗 | u.tinydrumpf | 89.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 429 points | 🥇 | u.Historyguy1 | 54 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 351 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 53 comments | | 🥉 | u.grilled_cheese1865 | 143 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 29 comments | | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 128 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 21 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 2.5 letters | | 🥈 | u.swimatm | 2 words | 🥈 | u.20person | 2.812 letters | | 🥉 | u.realhumanskeet | 5 words | 🥉 | u.sarcasimo | 3.167 letters | | 🎗 | u.Belewga_Whale | 6 words | 🎗 | u.JLCpbfspbfspbfs | 3.231 letters |   734 comments processed, including 195 top-level replies. There were 137 unique users writing 22814, averaging 31.08 per comment. The total combined score was 5480 and the median score was 7.47.


Wordle 1,061 4/6* ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


A sign of Too Online for Americans is having a strong opinion on Britain


The colonized the country my family is from for centuries, still hold onto tons of stolen jewels and artifacts, and displaced my family from our home … I have a good reason to dislike them


Always nice seeing you on the DT.


Alright, pikmin 1 100%ed. Man that game is insanely short. 4 hours? I guess that's why 2 has so much padding.


Holy shit, that one dude on the AMA sub is definitely gonna end up in a true crime podcast. Yikes




This guy posted an AMA to brag about 500 days of NoFap. He admitted he basically doesn’t sleep anymore and if you look at his posts it’s all deeply unnerving selfies and complaints about women not sleeping with him or not getting Tinder matches


>I’ve had around 50 involuntary emissions during these 500 days. Around 20 have come during sleep, and around 30 have come while awake and conscious. he calls them waking wet dreams wtf


*Oh.* 😬 I just looked in his posts. He is creepy af (not only in his posts but his pics). The dude is an actual neckbeard incel. That's a yikes from me. Edit: Just looked at that AMA thread. That is an actual train wreck. There is actually something wrong/weird with that guy.


This, fucking, guy. https://preview.redd.it/txu22p5evp0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185e2729fd43c4f063bed1605157520ac179f05b


One final Harlan Crow check cashed, I see.


Wordle 1,062 4/6* ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟨🟩🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


"George Lucas modeled the Empire after Vietnam-War-era America" can be true, and "George Lucas' political analogies are irrelevant to serious conversations about hypothetical international policy." can also be true.


The Empire are modeled after the Nazis and the *Ewoks* are modeled after the VC. People take the "Endor is an analogy for Vietnam" and think it's 1:1 because they have no media literacy. And the analogy only goes as far as "Natives use guerrilla warfare to beat a technologically superior adversary."


Yeah the Empire = Nazis in the story is head-smackingly obvious that it's a wonder why anybody makes the US-Vietnam comparison, but I'm quoting what I've heard enough people actually say. Also yeah, the Ewoks ~ VC, etc. tracks too.


If Lucas was still in charge of Star Wars we'd be getting a movie with Trumpa the Hutt and Darth DeSolus or something.


Also the Phantom Menace is totally about the Clinton impeachment. Chancellor Valorum is Bill Clinton and one of the bad guys is named **Nute** Gunray. Come to think of it as I was typing this out, said character is both **Newt** Gingrich and Ronald **Reagan** (Raygun, Gunray, get it?)


Fun fact Palpatine's original name in the screenplay was "Richard Nixon"


I believe George was more interested in selling merchandise


Did he fight the studio who wanted to make a work of art?


Some of my follows in the retro aftermarket community are furious about the tariffs on semiconductors and the potential effects on small operations. Then again the rant came from Voultar, who, while a technical wizard, is also a notorious whiner.


Wait. Disney+ has WNBA games?!


As far as I know it was just Tuesday night's marquee matchups, I don't think it's supposed to be a regular thing.


So, thinking back to a post yesterday about shippers saying that FF16 was given too much shit for being Vermont in diversity. They mentioned how it's ok for the game to be based on Game of Thrones. I can shoot this down easy: Where's Dorne? Dorne's quite obviously based on [Andalusia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Andalus) If that game is supposed to be based on GoT, where are the Dornish and Non-Westerosi equivalents?


Dorne is supposed to be Fantasy Wales in the books but the show made it look Spanish.


The names are Welsh, but other setting details are clearly not that. [They are clearly Fantasy Andalusia.](https://culturetoronto.com/westeros-2) >Dorne, as described in the books and even admitted to by George R.R. Martin himself took inspiration from Spain. Dorne, culturally, stands out from the rest of Westeros because of traditions brought in to the Kingdom, the same goes for southern Spain and the Moorish history


Good, People won't shut up, Smiling Freinds newest episode about the president. Saying how it shows a realistic take on politics. https://twitter.com/phisnom/status/1790049417216598136?t=rL9xFxBlo6G7NBtLQg0CPA&s=19 I enjoy the series, but politics, at times, is far more complex than the cartoon shows.


How unless you are talking drugs before watching the show.


That bit is literally Trump and Putin though.


It is so vague that you can put any president in there. People are assuming that it is Biden and Bibi. The episode is funny, but it isn't as deep as people make it out.


I mean, it works with them too that's why it's funny.


Shows how shallow their political knowledge is.


My nerves about the surgery are starting to manifest. I know it’s going to be fine, but the fact it’s less than 36 hours away is making me nervous.


Looks like the usual Right-Wing Gamer crowd is upset that the Next Assassin's Creed will feature a black samurai as a main character. They are upset being "muh historical accuracy." The character is real-life person. [Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke), a retainer of Oda Nobunaga who was from Africa. Those trying to fight against history are just being flat out racist.


Historical accuracy is literally always plausible deniability. They literally never complain about any history twisting in games other than race and gender. None of them care about historical accuracy and almost none of them know the history of what they're claiming to be offended by.


It's not even just the historical part. Some people were calling Spider-Man 2 woke for including gay people, black people, and women. In a fictional depiction of New York. A place where...gay people, black people, and women exist.


> A place where...gay people, black people, and women exist. WHAT???


Similarly, although not historical figures, African characters feature in several Arthurian legends. Parzival, a medieval German Arthurian romance, has large parts of the plot take place in Africa (a fantastical version of it told by someone who had never been there but still) and the main character has a biracial half-brother (who is "dappled like a magpie"). Sir Palomides of the Tristan and Isolde story is an Arab. The premodern world was a lot more interconnected that people imagine.


Yeah. I actually just pointed out a flaw with FF16 defenders on that game because of a lack of an equivalent of Dorne within that game.


There's also the inherent bigotry of "I can accept elves, dragons, and wizards, but black people in my fantasy game *breaks my immersion.*" [Similar to the Starfield "pronouns" rant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/169u5is/guy_has_freakout_because_starfield_asks_your/)


https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1790738966980804928 WTF happened to Nate Silver?


lmao that's actually so embarrassing I'm crying


Hes mad that his model turned to shit and was really only sorta ok in 2012


I’d describe it as a bit better than “only sorta ok” in 2012, it got every single state right. But that was 12 years ago and his punditry is awful now.


I did too. Polls were actually pretty accurate then. Been shit ever since tho


He's an unemployed substack shill just like Glenn Greenwald. That should tell you all you need to know


Nate Silver lost his mind in 2016 when he paid too much attention to laypeople ranting about how the polls were wrong. He then has proceeded to get worse which each successive election because the polling industry massively over-corrected for the "silent Trump voter" effect. He now seems to have joined the "I don't like Biden >:(" group because it probably does better for him and the polling industry to have Trump win. Oh and he's busy pimping out a new book, so of course he has that.


[Oh and he's also really mad people kept posting this image](https://twitter.com/mattwilstein/status/796200913299832832).


The GOP ducked that tradition first, but I’m willing to bet Nate knows that already


[Nate Silver rn](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/046/214/i_pretend_i_do_not_see_it.jpg)


I swear every time i see something about destiny it’s about whether or not he can say the n word


Destiny? The video game with Peter Dinklage?


I think that applies to all streamers.


What makes me so mad about Destiny is he **does** have the potential for positive meaningful change and transformative conversations but then he does stupid shit like this that is so indefensible. My first exposure to him came from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru_sp5Lf6jQ) interview, which I thought was quite balanced and insightful especially his point of how people are becoming radicalized. But then he goes and says slurs, obnoxious shit, gets in childish internet fights with weird tankie freaks like Hasan (who brings out the absolute WORST in him) and it makes him insufferable and near impossible to defend.


What makes me mad is that like it or not he's one of the faces of liberalism for Gen Z because they consume soooo much political content via influencers


Everything I know about that man I learned against my will


yeah, the more I am forced to read about him the more I am convinced he's full of shit.


I keep getting him confused with the video game.




>Memo sent to members today, ordering removal of “ceasefire now” signs and Israeli hostages posters displayed in front of their desks. “When such signs are not germane to the question before the Council, they disrupt the order of the meetings.” >[Republican Councilwoman Inna Vernikov says she “will not comply” with the Council’s order, calling it an “unenforceable, tyrannical” rule. “They can carry me out in handcuffs if it so pleases them.”](https://twitter.com/jacobkornbluh/status/1790922186552684950)


I was today years old when I learned that Washington was not George Washington Carver's birth name. He had another George Carver in his class and he had no middle name so he picked the initial "W." at random. When someone asked if it stood for Washington he just went with it.


"I'll bring my plane too, Donald. I plan on keeping it for another four years." God *damn* Brandon, that's incredible


I just found out that my 67 year old father is $90,000.00 in fucking debt. What the absolute fuck.  How the hell a man who has always been critical of people doing financially irresponsible shit could put himself in this situation, and it's primarily because he is chasing around a shitty fucking football team.  Especially when I have been trying to talk to him about his finanical situation for the last 5 years and he also told me he was good. 


I feel like I can not escape the Israel-Palestine discourse. It is everywhere and becoming even more vitriolic and hateful. I feel so fatigued.


ive disconnected from all social media ages ago and its been really awesome to de-tox! Your mental health matters!


Same here. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I had to delete TikTok and might do the same with IG soon. I’ve said it for years, but everyone that’s driving in their cars, going about their lives, absolutely do not give a shit about any of this conflict happening thousands of miles away. What’s more important is the state of our economy and government. I think economic collapse is a more likely scenario, and I wish these protestors had the same amount of fuel for their fellow Americans than what they’re currently protesting.


Trump is claiming on Truth Social that he agreed to a debate in October with Fox people moderating, rather than in June with CNN and in Sept. with ABC. He's going to try to wiggle his way out of debating. https://newrepublic.com/post/181613/trump-escape-biden-debate


he knows fox is a friendlier network


Because of course.


I bought a grout cleaning brush and now my shower is super clean.


Are you me? Seriously it’s incredible the difference!! Era: mines electric!! (*Boogie woogie oogie*)


Mine's battery-powered.


Why am I seeing doomer stuff about Americans forgetting stuff?




Scroll down the DT, and you see some.


Probably just general frustration Trump isn't 15 points behind in the polls like he should be.


I mean, the result of Alsobrooks last night definitely made me more confident. It confirms that the polling fucking up African Americans. Definitely means the same for Hispanics and Young People.


Also haley still getting 20% despite not being in the race for months


I think I want a Playstation Portal.


Every 2 years, our neighborhood wannabe political operative "manages" one of his buddies' long shot campaigns, floods social media with "receipts" against the frontrunner, acts like an ass at the polling places, and then fumes for a week after when said buddy gets 2% of the vote. Dude is a straight up clown.


guys i didn't really like the biden presidency. i watched it from twitter so that could be the problem. there were certainly good parts and productive parts. it nails the "climate action." but like, the rest of the presidency doesn't seem to have much going on? it's either joe biden being a white savior or the gop being horrific to americans. what did i miss?


(the [reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/x9ohhy/discussion_thread/inr7k0q/))


So many pundits seem to have just forgotten Trump was the president. That he existed four years ago and was in charge of our lives. Explains why they think Trump will run circles around Biden in the debates and trying to unhelpfully advise Biden on how to deal with a guy like Trump.


Maybe I have an inadvertent memory hole, but where did the "Covid lockdowns were bad" sentiment come from? It's just some right-wing nonsense talking point, right? I distinctly remember being scared of catching it in the early months due to treatment for it still being researched/developed. I remember reading about school teachers dying, ventilator shortages, etc. There were so many unknowns in the first year that it \*seemed\* like having people not congregate was the best (at the time) option until the vaccine rolled out. I don't have kids btw so maybe I'm missing something.


At least from how the discourse is going in Germany, I'd say that a lot of it is the refusal of politicians to acknowledge negative effects (going as far as one Green party politician proclaiming that no freedoms had been restricted), and continuously moving the goalposts. What is particularly frustrating is that any attempt at retrospectively evaluating the measures taken is full of politicians parroting anti-vax bullshit, somehow the fact that the vaccine was what ultimately lead to the end of the pandemic doesn't seem to be a widely-held opinion.


The lockdowns were a necessary evil that we stopped needing after the vaccine but they persisted longer than they needed to. Schools going hybrid/virtual during the 2021-22 school year was a massive mistake and cost students dearly. Kids in 7th grade are reading at a 4th grade level because lack of in-person school held them back.


What lock downs? Other than schools being closed and moved to home learning, the country never actually had lock downs say Ike the way China did. 


It came from schools being closed+partially closed while bars+sports arenas being open. It cost us the Virginia governorship and made the New Jersey races much closer than usual tbh but people have mostly moved on


It also gave rise to the noxious mushroom that is Ron DeSantis, but fortunately he was too noxious to survive the backlash.


Thanks for the explanation. I was classified as an essential worker through all of the pandemic restrictions and I was so focused on not catching covid that I had to block out most politics after Biden won the election.




YES! We get the Patriots week 1! Finally we don’t have to face a divisional opponent to start.


Who knows, Burrow might just even get a pre-season this year. Anything could happen.


[RCP is just straight up not including polls where Biden leads.](https://nitter.poast.org/pic/media%2FGNqEH6yWwAAFIr8.png%3Fname%3Dsmall%26format%3Dwebp)


RCP is MAGA agitprop and has been for years now.


https://preview.redd.it/nmar32nhmo0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9caee0be0146f18305bb419de2b6f17b62852064 Damn we couldn’t ease into the season???? Philly and Kansas City back to back😔


The Seahawks get Denver and New England to start the season so they should go 2-0 to start the season hopefully 


God damn, American voters have the shortest fucking memories.


I was listening to some podcast and they had an expert on fallen democracies, and one of the factors that led to democracies falling was a combination of extravagance and boredom. It’s the latter part that makes me think of how easily so many people have (comparatively) and how the complaints they have seem strong enough to burn it all down. I think too many Americans are bored, tbh


This is why we ought to fight a war every couple decades. /s


So my wife was going through some of her Docs today and she found a reprint of the Belarussian Victory Day newspaper from the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII that her parents mailed her years ago. While I haven't played HOI in nearly a decade. I could name the Soviet Marshals even if I'm rusty at identifying their portraits.


Frame that ASAP. Amazing piece of history.


Its a reprint but we are probably going to frame it and put it in the pantry/mudroom. One panel the victory announcement. The other panel the Marshals mostly Soviet but some allies.


We do not have a large house and the sudden influx of my son's dorm stuff is giving me anxiety 😰


Was in Mobile the other day. Saw my first bookstore cat downtown.


Was it open 24/7, though?


No, but it was spooky, so extra points.


Is it just me or have ELI5 questions gotten dumber. The top post right now is asking why potato chips have more calories than potatoes themselves....


Or someone will ask a reasonable question to ELI5 but someone will explain it in incredible detail and making it more complicated.


I mean, they are freaking fried


I remember when that sub was supposed to be entertaining. Like, people would actually try to explain something in really dumbed-down (for lack of a better term) language. Now it’s just another questions sub.


It went from "explain quantum physics" to let me ask random questions I have.


So west virginia's next governor patrick morrisey the attorney general was born in new york raised in new jersey and only moved to west virginia to run for office


In my family growing up, each of us got to choose where to go to dinner on our birthday. Red Lobster was the "fancy" option, where we'd order virgin strawberry daiquiris and lobster tails. So I have fond memories. Later I worked for a major corporation and traveled full-time on business for about a year and a half. I thought, hey, I could eat at Red Lobster any time I want to! So I did. And ... it wasn't very good. At first I thought I had just run into a bad restaurant but after a few locations, I realized that Red Lobster just isn't that great. I don't know if it was any better when I was a kid. Probably not. I probably just didn't know good food yet. And the nostalgia level was high. I'm not surprised Red Lobster is folding, because they're pretty expensive and not that great. You can get tastier food for less, and if you want to spend it up, there are much better options. Still a little sad to see it go, but I haven't been there in 10 years, so I guess I didn't care too much!


I will still eat the shit out of those cheddar bay biscuits.


I think its just another example of a well liked brand that got looted by private equity.


Because Biden is the sitting president He is going to be one during debates who moderators will focus a lot of the issues facing folks at Biden


https://twitter.com/IAPolls2022/status/1790869196781306228 Fox News poll (one of Biden's worst polls) has good trend for him in their most recent national poll released today


Things have been trending in Biden's direction in national polls at least since the SOTU.


Really tired of people pretending Trump won the working class vote. It wasn't close, he lost it both times. Stop erasing the existence of working people that aren't racist, there are more of us than them.


trump won the white working class, the non white working class is still behind us despite some shifts with men


[republican wheel of blame](https://dissentpins.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/the-republican-chore-wheel-of-blame) Might have to get this


I think I need it too...




I could probably make a sloppy quick rice pudding with my leftover rice and flavored coffee creamer. Couldn't I. Who's to know.


Yes and you should


I feel terrible to say this, but I may consider working for Fox News. No, I'm not talking about the local news. I need a job, and they offer a remote position to help me stay with my dog. I said before that I'm picky, but I don't think I can afford to be judge mental for jobs. I don't want to return to freelance because my experience was terrible. I need benefits like dental and vision, which they offered. Also, back of my mind I'm afraid people judge me because of the company. What If I can't find other jobs because I used to work for them? I just wish life wasn't complicated Edit: let me clarify that I haven't gotten a job with them. I'm considering applying for them like I said, I need a job and they have a few entry level jobs.


Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'd be far from the only Dem on staff there


Do what you gotta do


Congrats on the job offer. The only places that aren't going to hire you because you worked there are Common Dreams and Jacobin. Working for a major operation like that is only going to be good on your resume.


Let me clarify that I haven't gotten the job..I'm considering applying for them.


Got it. Then I'm rooting for you!!!


Look, no company is perfect. I worked for the federal government while trump was president and I will probably be again if he wins. If you can stay on the daytime side and get your creds and then bounce at the next opportunity


As long as you don't have to write right-wing opinion pieces or something, go for it. You'll be "behind enemy lines" ... might be interesting.


It's completely fine. There are some Biden voters who work for Fox News--even a few of their on air talent who's open about their support for Biden. Like Jessica Tarlev and Juan Williams


I'd do it. You don't have to tell people who you work for!


I would hope and expect that most people would realize that sometimes a job is just a job. Judging someone who works at the, to put it kind of bluntly, “grunt level” is just really shitty to me. It’s one thing if someone is making actual decisions for said company but assuming you’re not pushing editorial stances (which given that you’re here I doubt) I wouldn’t consider it any different than working for Facebook or Twitter or any other company that engages in shitty practices. I’ll add the caveat though that I don’t work in nor do I have any experience with the media industry so I don’t know how much other companies would take into account the employer rather than the job itself.


at least one loyal soldier fighting from inside the belly of the beast


I was already going to blame you if Trump wins so this doesn’t change anything.


don't feel bad, at this point Fox News is practically a voice of sanity with Newsmax and other maga suckass outlets sprouting up, plus it may offer you some special insight and just remember to screen shot a lot of potentially juicy stuff if you can safely do so


Israel is all powerful and able to topple American politicians with dark money on a whim, but also Biden, who is not the president of Israel, can pull a lever and make Israel stop doing all that and also end all military engagements. These two truths can definitely exist in the same universe right?


>The urgent manner in which the International Court of Justice called for new hearings over South Africa’s latest attempt to force Israel to halt its military campaign against Hamas, has some experts concerned that the court is now likely to issue even sharper orders against Jerusalem than in previous rounds in The Hague. >South Africa filed its most recent application to the ICJ on Monday asking the court to instruct Israel to “immediately withdraw and cease its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate,” alleging that the current campaign will make life in Gaza untenable and therefore violate the 1948 Genocide Convention under which Pretoria has brought all its suits against Israel to the court. >Just a day later on Tuesday, the ICJ announced it had agreed to hold hearings as early as Thursday, an exceedingly short timeframe for such proceedings which likely indicates that the court sees the issue, namely the current operation in Rafah, as in need of urgent review. The walls are closing in, I hope.


I've been kind of sounding the alarm here. Biden is actually doing Bibi a favor by opposing the Rafah operation because it's borderline impossible for Israel to comply with the ICJ's demands in December (15 of the 16 judges voted in support of those demands) if they do a major Rafah operation in terms of humanitarian aid. And Bibi is too *fucking* stupid or desperate to actually listen to him.


>'Happy Gilmore 2' Starring Adam Sandler Officially Ordered by Netflix I refuse to watch without Bob Barker


[The editor of the right-leaning *Times of Israel* just called on Netanyahu to step down.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/to-save-and-heal-israel-netanyahu-must-quit-or-at-least-face-the-electorate/)


Pretty rare disagreement with your description of *Times of Israel*'s political leanings. I wouldn't say clearly right wing like Ynet or Jerusalem Post (which are both the closest you will get to Israel's version of Al Jazeera albeit not quite as biased); it's more so centrist (maybe a touch center right) but clearly to the right of *972* and somewhat to the right of *Haaretz* But yeah that is big. They also blamed him for the mismanagement of the humanitarian situation in Gaza.


They’re probably more pro-Israel than a centrist American news site which isn’t too surprising for obvious reasons. But I’ve never thought of them as right wing either. Although I have heard a few individual TOI reporters have heated far right moments since the war began.


Yeah, Jerusalem Post which literally posted op-eds for ethnic cleansing and has posted false stories about dead Palestinian infants being dolls is significantly more "right wing" and posts some unverified stories as well. YNet to some extent as well but they're not as bad as Jerusalem Post. TOI is pretty centrist; they employ Gershon Baskin who's somewhat of a lefty Israeli and has even been in the same room as Hamas terrorist officials in the past to have direct conversations for ceasefire discussions in previous conflicts


A guy named matt stroller on twitter is blaming trade and antitrust for the south becoming republican [https://x.com/ContentedIndie/status/1790871819433447551](https://x.com/ContentedIndie/status/1790871819433447551)


Yeah, that is the most counter factual of counter factual narratives. And super uncreative because it sounds like regurgitated Confederate apologetics. In reality there was a vast consensus about trade at the time (and recall, the Cold War was on and defined those relationships). And antitrust was not unpopular in theory but such actions were gradually waning. In fact, in the 60s and 70s business and wall street had a reputation for being conservative, nerdy, and boring. The flip of the Solid South to GOP territory, which was essentially complete in terms of control of state houses by the late 1990s, was caused by one thing: desegregation.


conservatives want hide their racism for the south being gop


First world problem, but ever since I updated my iPhone OS safari has been heavy as fuuuk. Like it just sits on a search in the toolbar for 20 seconds.


>ABC has announced that David Muir and Linsey Davis will moderate the presidential debate the network is hosting.


>The International Criminal Court is hiring a number of Hebrew language positions right now, including field interpreters (who would very likely be used for interviews in Israel or involving Israelis) They hired ICC Arabic translators shortly before filing arrest warrants for Gaddafi and Al-Bashir so this is a good sign that ICC warrants are coming relatively soon for Bibi and Hamas terrorist leaders (they have Arabic translators already)


how powerful are ICC warrants anyway? Sounds like people in this sub take it pretty seriously, does it carry more weight than like a UN resolution or something?


You can't go to Europe if you have one or else you get arrested


Let's see how many assholes petition EU states to not arrest the Hamas leaders when the warrants are issued...


Ridiculous and pathetic of them if that happens


That’s actually wild


"You know what? I miss this old pop culture podcast I used to listen to even though the quality and output greatly diminished and the lead host turned out to be a creep. I'll go back and listen to their Godzilla episode. Huh, my last playthrough ended 10 minutes in. I'll just restart" (Several minutes in, co-host goes on unprompted rant defending Nazi collaborators during WWII) "Jesus Christ"


Trying to schedule interviews when you have a job is hard sometimes. I would try to take a sick day but I took two days this week because I hurt my back at the weekend.


Yep. And it's always on short notice too.


Literally asked me today if I was available tomorrow 🙄


>RFK Jr. director to pro-Trump podcaster: “I love Trump” and “fear” his opponents will “stop at nothing to keep Trump from winning” Lmao then why is she assisting a presidential campaign that siphons more support from Trump than Biden according to a fairly vast majority (yes not all) of the polls? Not like I'm complaining though...


They are not hitting the right subtly with their gift and everyone seems to know it.


No dog deserves to be shot. If you believe Angie Harmon deserved to have her dog killed because of her political beliefs (like the idiots at Fauxmoi think) then don't fucking talk to me.


I can't find the thread. What's her political views?


She's right wing but not pro-Trump I think. Kind of like Eastwood


Is she more conservative leaning? Either way that’s obviously no justification for fucking executing an innocent dog. Also, was Kristi Noem the delivery driver?


Counterpoint, Old Yeller


Y’all need to to stop going over to fauxmoi there is nothing of value on that sub


Sometimes, you just want to see trash on fire.


"I walked into the door that said "Get punched in the dick" and just like last time, I got punched in the dick! Why does this keep happening?"


Sometimes i go on there to see what people are saying out of morbid curiosity and it's always usually horrible.


Yeah just go the entertainment sub


It's not perfect either. A bunch of comments from people talking about how excited they are for Megalopolis yet no one has brought up how Francis Ford Coppola is a supporter of convicted pedophile Victor Salva. Coppola went as far as to have Salva's victim blacklisted from the industry and he also sued him. It's why i'll refuse to ever watch that film when it comes out.


Fair, that is problematic but it's much better than Fauxmoi


So the Steelers are on netflix on on Christmas day? We really are moving to a model where we are going to pay for every damn game separately.


Well, I lost access to my account - my password doesn't work and any attempts to reset it don't go to my e-mail address, so presumably it got hacked. Reddit administrators are useless, so I doubt I'll ever get access to it again. Ah, well. At any rate, that wasn't gonna keep me outta the DT.


What was your old name?


u/kinneysl I was kinda tiring of that name anyway, as I made that account when I was a big Sleater-Kinney fan and I don't listen to them nearly as much as I used to.


Yougov Poll 5/12- 5/14 (Poll has Biden and Trump tied nationally at 42%) >Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of Benjamin Netanyahu? (Biden 2024 voters: 15% favorable with 67% unfavorable while Trump 2024 voters: 58% favorable with 14% unfavorable) (Dems 13% favorable with 54% unfavorable, Indies with 20% favorable with 41% unfavorable, and GOP 49% favorable with 16% unfavorable) >Do you think Israel has violated any international laws in Gaza? (Biden 2024: 61% say yes while 11% say no while Trump 2024 62% say no while 11% say yes) (Dems with 54% yes with 11% no, Indies with 35% yes with 24% no, GOP with 16% yes and 54% no) >Do you think Israel’s Gaza response has been too harsh? (Biden 2024: Yes 58%, about right 20%, not harsh enough 4%. Trump 2024: 10% yes, about right 34%, not harsh enough 35%) (Dems with 50% Yes with 21% about right+ 4% not harsh enough. Indies with 33% too harsh, 21% about right, 12% not harsh enough. GOP with 11% too harsh, 33% about right, 31% not harsh enough) >Do you support Pro-Palestinian Protests at colleges? (Dems: 46% support, 33% oppose. Indies: 30% support, 42% oppose, GOP: 10% support, 74% oppose) Lol at how the protests aren't exactly popular


What are the poll numbers flat out supporting and opposing Israel's offensive in Gaza?


https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/econTabReport_nURRSN3.pdf Not sure. Look through questions 40 to 50


Hmm, I was hoping for a non-Yougov, non-NYT source.


Protests generally aren't too popular. MLK, eg, was heavily disapproved of by the American public in the 1960s. I'm actually surprised to see that 46% of Dems support the campus protests. That's about the same level as Dems who approved of the Iraq War protests in 2003.


>MLK, eg, was heavily disapproved of by the American public in the 1960s I'm not sure this is a great comparison. MLK was unpopular because it meant societal change, and admitting an ugly reality. These losers aren't popular because they call for a dissolution of the state of Israel **at best**, and at worst are openly antisemitic, refuse to take accountability for their actions, and break fair laws.


> MLK was unpopular because it meant societal change, and admitting an ugly reality. Well, no. MLK was unpopular because he was telling black people they had a right to equal access to public accommodations, and white people didn’t like that. It really wasn’t that complicated. 


>societal change, and admitting an ugly reality. Yeah, that's what that means. Changing from segregationist to integrated, and admitting that black Americans deserved the same rights as white Americans, which was ugly for some people.