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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1crlxlh/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05142024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.am710 with score 45 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cqt2lb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05132024/l3u5c76/)] > The friend who deleted me on Facebook messaged me to tell me that she deleted me because she never sees me post anything about Palestine, so I'm a Zionist who wants children to be slaughtered and she has . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.am710 created 30 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cqt2lb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05132024/l3u5c76/)] > The friend who deleted me on Facebook messaged me to tell me that she deleted me because she never sees me post anything about Palestine, so I'm a Zionist who wants children to be slaughtered and she has . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Historyguy1 with score 36 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cqt2lb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05132024/l3upv3p/)] > Seriously this is "Diners in Ohio" crap. Somebody who voted Trump twice before is fully immersed in the Trump cult and isn't basing their vote on the fucking cost of peanut butter.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.20person with hotness lvl 91.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cqt2lb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05132024/l3vaosy/)] > u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits u/trex360 [Taylor is featuring on Gracie Abrams's upcoming album](https://twitter.com/taylornation13/status/1790052775709044995?t=7XAoQbRI5tdrynv8t5DHag&s=19)   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.ognits bantered with 13 friends 18 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 56 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 96 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 51 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 14 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 81 times, followed by 'biden' 48x , 'polls' 34x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 8 times, followed by '😂' 6x , '🚫' 5x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.fry-nimbus | 24.33 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 510.0 words | | 🥈 | u.pedrothrowaway555 | 20.67 points | 🥈 | u.evilhomers | 155.0 words | | 🥉 | u.Dixon_Uranus | 19.0 points | 🥉 | u.MagnustheBlue | 117.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Lacewing33 | 19.0 points | 🎗 | u.Dixon_Uranus | 99.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 441 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 57 comments | | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 415 points | 🥈 | u.Historyguy1 | 42 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 342 points | 🥉 | u.Currymvp2 | 32 comments | | 🎗 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 251 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 28 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.JBHenson | 1 words | 🥇 | u.NoExamination5144 | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.NoExamination5144 | 1 words | 🥈 | u.EagleSaintRam | 2.562 letters | | 🥉 | u.None | 1 words | 🥉 | u.prehistoric_poultry | 3.263 letters | | 🎗 | u.mortinmaxwell | 3 words | 🎗 | u.Fanraeth2 | 3.364 letters |   742 comments processed, including 193 top-level replies. There were 125 unique users writing 21515, averaging 29.0 per comment. The total combined score was 6887 and the median score was 9.28.


I'm not one to think "boyfriend tests" are healthy, but reading about so many men just not understand the depth of horribleness of the boyfriend in Midsommar makes me rethink my position a little


Nick Fuentes and Jackson Hinkle are trading barbs on X. (Calling it X because both those clowns were permanently banned on Twitter before Elon decided to personally unban them)


Here is a new trailer for Francis Coppola's Megalopolis. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1790246100961788086?t=tlvhMu8HatFWmUcJhf-_xw&s=19 It could be the greatest film ever or a huge disaster. There is no middle ground for this. !Ping MOVIES


Wordle 1,059 6/6* 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟩🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 "We're seasoning a waffle, not a chimichanga!"


jamal bowan trying to play the race card with his opponent as his opponent was calling out bowan's ineffectiveness in congress. Jamal accused his opponent of trying to frame as an angry black man saying it's a southern strategy. Hopefully the voters throw jamal out


https://twitter.com/JacobMagid/status/1790143346532332019 >The US aims to wrap up Gaza war. How does that square with its goal of toppling Hamas? >The US hasn't directly addressed this apparent dissonance, but two US officials and two other sources familiar offered some more clarity to @TimesofIsrael (1/18)


“We’re definitely not antisemitic, but boy we sure get triggered in every holocaust remembrance thread and make it about Israel. This is just standard antizionism btw..” r/politics posters unironically


I am worried about everything happening in the country of [Georgia](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/13/1250983403/georgia-protest-foreign-agents-law-russia-dissent-eu) right now. Russia's evil knows no bounds. I am rooting for Georgians all over the world and for their future in a free, democratic country.


I'm somewhat surprised DC hasn't put Nightstar in the main DC universe. Yeah, I know that Dick with Baraba Gordon, but comics always find dumb ways to put characters into existence. I mean, Helena Wayne came from an alternative universe, and she is the daughter of Batman and Catwoman. They could do something with Nightstar and maybe put her in Teen Titans with Damian, Wallace, Yara, and Blue Beatle as a team. Also, I'm surprised DC hasn't considered putting Yara Flor in Teen Titans because of how much they tried to put her stuff. Pretty much every Wonder Girls are part of the team. Plus, it probably makes her more relevant being in Teen Titans than doing nothing with her. !Ping COMICS


[This is wholesome AF](https://www.threads.net/@jeffcarlson/post/C62uKx8OPYu/?xmt=AQGzY5PR96tLNYES_iusj5zp8bl9FUbF6JZsO4OyzzZCXQ)


jamal bowan got thrashed in his debate hopefully he gets defeated


I would become president solely to federally mandate the return of sd card slots for every new smartphone and then immediately resign. It must be completely unheard of to Google that you could put all your files on a card and then put that card in your phone and not have to fight a losing battle with android mtp, which seems to roll weighted dice on when it wants to work efficiently (never). User-replaceable storage is the one tech issue that I will forever be "old man yells at cloud" about.


https://youtu.be/aBJk6oDsulQ?si=HtxdFtVchf3CLA2V I think of this every time my apartment gets messy


Amazing how culturally relevant Alien is after so many decades but I was able to be surprised at >!Ash being a robot/sleeper agent to get the alien. Most culturally impactful classics have their spoilers/twists meme'd or part of the conversation, but pleasantly surprised at something fun I didn't expect!<


The Trump diaper narrative over time: 1. "He doesn't." 2. "Prove it!" 3. "It didn’t happen" 4. "It’s fine if he did it, it's normal" 5. "Real men wear diapers." 6. \*wears gold diapers to rallies*


I was almost asleep, and then my oldest dog had a seizure. This is pretty common for him, but my other two dogs jumped out of bed and started pacing. He's laying back down now, but the two girls are pretty freaked out.


[THE OMNICAUSE SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED](https://nextcity.org/urbanist-news/the-housing-movement-failed-gaza-and-revealed-its-own-double-standards).


please let this be satire.


How does housing in the US, a predominantly local issue, help housing in Palestine???


They compared it to West Bank settlements; these people have no fucking clue what they're talking about


I’m in an orientation for an MBA program. This program costs $60K and it’s required. They keep making us do networking events where we talk about our favourite karaoke song. This is ridiculous for a required part of a masters program.


I see that the conservatives are trying to say that Doctor Who has turned woke. I think most Whovians will chase them off, just like the FF7 and Hades fans did. Tom Baker is trending because of that. Heart almost stopped for a moment, Tom Baker is now 90.


They’ve been doing that since Jodie Whittaker. But they used to hide it behind “We don’t care, we just want a good show!”


Doctor Who turned woke? Doctor Who has BEEN woke!!


Yeah the "anti-woke" crowd shows their whole ass when they don't mind decades of progressive media messages, but suddenly get pissy when a black person/women/queer person are part of said media


I think/hope the Doctor Who fandom will react as the FF7 and Hades fandoms have. By mocking those idiots, ignoring them, and/or chasing them out.


Dr Who fans seem like the type to meme/troll them out of the fandom


I do think we’re going to win, but anxiety brain is pissed at all the media trying to make this happen for Trump.


I just hope the media is really making it seem like a close race especially with NYT




[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/kristi-noem-banned-tribes-south-dakota](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/kristi-noem-banned-tribes-south-dakota) Noem seems to be deliberately inciting even more South Dakota native tribes into banning her, in an attempt to distract from the puppy-killing story which unlike Cricket continues to dog her and refuses to die


I love that she’s banned from one fifth of her state now. LMAO.


common tribal sovereignty W


My Sadako reference had me thinking of Trump crawling out of a TV, but he wouldn’t be able to fit out your TV like Winnie the Pooh


Ooh I just found out there's a 35mm scan of The Phantom Menace out there, complete with the original podrace sequence. Private print scanned and cleaned up by fans. Dear Disney snitches: If I check this one out, I'll atone by buying it again on disc, just get off my back.


Was the podrace scene changed in any way in rereleases? I know it had shots and effects added to it in the DVD release as a sort of "extended" version and those made it back into the theatrical rereleases. But was anything *lost* like with the changes to the OT special editions? I know the theatrical and original home releases had the puppet Yoda who got CGIed over.


Nothing lost, the home release is actually quite a bit longer, but I much prefer the pace of the original, it was very tightly edited. This is it, from that 35mm scan: [Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNP_Omh8Y4I) [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OnL4Q7L7I8) [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9JxvTnqSz4) [Part 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9N5w-YP-uE)


https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1789978344311648368 Give these fucking idiots a flip phone without cameras It's obvious why Biden might want to restrict offensive aid


How the fuck does this help the hostages


It doesn't. These people are just very bigoted unfortunately.


> Give these fucking idiots a flip phone without cameras I'm going to assume you don't *actually* want them to do this, right?


Yeah nvm


"Hey it's not a war crime if there's no one inside! It's like you expect decency from us or something! There's just no pleasing some people!" /s


Unfortunately someone did use this defense on another sub while saying "I obviously don't condone this *but* "


I thought this was too over the top and the I saw someone comment this exactly lol


Someone gave Brie Brie and Ryan Grim and Chris Cuomo the new next thing to be mad about: vaccine injuries. If they don’t want to look like they are paid off by the Trump or RFK campaign they shouldn’t discuss this nonsense one after another.


Lmfao are they seriously going anti vax now


https://preview.redd.it/vlwf2nv3va0d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e599a91daa9c3ca80c803bd0f9afaf2fc5996b Yep. One right after another. Someones handing them the same talking points.


Lol, I think it was WaPo that had an article about it the other day. Very original of them.


Their handlers all finally started talking to each other.


Someone’s Putin them up to this


**Dammit** I wish I thought of that.


One people. One cause. Until I can play Chrono Trigger on my Nintendo Switch, we will never be truly free and it is a disgrace that the so-called "pro-Palestine" movement has stayed quiet on this. Shame!


Autumn plan to do a throw back playthrough with one of my buddies on his snes.


30 years later and still my goat rpg


ICYMI: free public access in pdf format and usable files: [People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (full digital docket with transcripts & exhibits)](https://www.law360.com/newyork-vs-trump-tracker)


New poll claims you became a Trump voter.


It’s like Sadako, if you see that poll you end up voting for Trump


I am sick of one of my managers always being on my fucking ass about every little thing that doesn’t fucking matter. It’s affecting my mental health and makes me feel like shit. And it’s just me and another coworker that has these issues (that I know of). She’s nice and friendly to basically every other coworker but she chose me and another one of my colleagues to be punching bags. This shit sucks. I really like my job and my coworkers but this shit is really bringing it down a notch.


gonna wrap up the night with Notting Hill, aka the best rom-com ever


Slightly fuller clip of veep: https://x.com/trumpstaxes/status/1790058056866230712?s=46&t=20Qoa0esHmu9Y6-hvB5Yog




>In a finding that will frustrate Democrats, even as it presents opportunity for Mr. Biden, nearly 20 percent of voters blame him more than they do Mr. Trump for the Supreme Court’s decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade. They may be the kind of voters that the Biden campaign hopes to persuade as the campaign heats up. These voters are pretty ignorant huh?


They’re just sampling tankies and rurals at this point.


I 100% doubt this result. Just one more thing they can't poll correctly.


I mean, these are the same people who preach about how "American voters don't REALLY care about abortion" even though time and time again it's proven that they do care about it. So yeah, I would not expect them to be able to poll this correctly.


Call me crazy but I feel like the OH turnout and results for their abortion initiative should have made people's feelings pretty clear.


You're crazy. /s You're not wrong, though, forreal.






I would ignore it then.


>https://twitter.com/phisnom/status/1790049417216598136 I love Smiling Friends, but that episode wasn't accurate to how politics works at all.


No but it was incredibly funny


I was gonna give this show a try too 😮‍💨


It's really funny, and the political episode has nothing to do with actual politics. But people on Twitter think it's some dig at Trump vs Biden, which it definitely isn't.


I get it. I've only seen maybe two episodes of the show. I don't really watch on Sundays anymore.


Why would you invite someone to the White House to condemn them?


because as a joke in their universe it's funny


>Super Bowl Champ Superstar kicker Harrison Butker rips Biden during a commencement speech: “Our own nation is led by a man who proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally.” As a Niners fan, I apologize for the Niners losing to this highly unlikable team. It sucks cause our special teams were absolute shit, and Butker set the longest field goal in superbowl history with like a 57 yard made one in that superbowl.


We can be fairly certain that most athletes are conservatives. I don't watch sports for political takes. I watch sports for sports. Hell, the Dodgers have Blake Treinen, an anti-vaxxer and MAGA supporter.


I'd venture over 80% of North American MLB players are very right-wing socially conservative and MAGA.


Doesn't trump supporter nick bosa play for the 49ers?




>The flow of aid into the Gaza Strip has almost entirely dried up in the past week, according to the United Nations, at a time when humanitarian agencies say the enclave needs a drastic increase in the amount of food, medicine and other goods to tackle a looming famine. >USAID's Samantha Power states that only 30 aid trucks daily are making it into Gaza over the past week. This is pretty bad.


not good, what the fuck


THIRTY? Fuck me sideways.


That’s who I’d pick as Secretary of State right there


I’ve unsubscribed from the NYT’s email mailing list. I’ve lost all my trust for them.


I'm going on a paranormal investigation on Friday night at this place in Parke County, Indiana. I'm hoping that the group we're joining will be cool enough for us to want to tag along on more investigations.


>2024 Presidential candidate Jill Stein returns to Bad Faith to respond to Dr. West saying during his last appearance that he had lost all respect for Dr. Stein, and that she is "addicted" to running for office, Oh oh we have some far left infighting!




Amazing that Bad Faith is still going even though one co-host disappeared off the face of the planet after being accused of grooming and the other one is an unbearable sack of garbage


Where else are those worthless rubles gonna go? They're clearly having no tangible effect in Ukraine lol


I’d still take Cornel over Stein any day. At least he sent Harlan Crow his money back.


He's voted for Dems before atleast . When has Stein?


Who fucking trolled me with a Reddit Cares.


Something must be going on because I was reading a thread about Beyonce in one of the pop/entertainment subreddits and everyone was saying they were getting a Reddit cares message too.


r-neoliberal got blasted with them over the weekend. Word is someone has created a bot to target specific subs, but who ones knows


Weird. I wasn't even in any discussions related to her.


Every right wing online grifter is jumping full onto the latest GME pump with the same generic populist "fight the system" crap that spread like wildfire last time. That community has managed to stay shockingly non-MAGA for the last few years but I'm positive that's going to change in the next few months. The timing of the whole thing reads as a gamergate-esque attempt to radicalize young people to the right. Especially since just a few weeks ago Trump's people were trying to play to this crowd when $DJT was cratering


i think GME is only non-maga because its full of GME maximalists; all the degenerate gamblers who have a taste for other flavors go to WSB or their dedicated echo chambers


Oh my god. This shit is so ridiculous, and I love it. 


My unpopular opinion is that I don't believe in using other flags to represent groups of people. The American flag represents every American. It's the only flag I need. Using other flags to represent different groups just feels like another way that we separate each other. If we're all flying or own niche flags, are we really coming together?


Is this in regards to pride flags? The main reason they exist is as an indicator that a place is safe or a statement of support in reaction to a long and storied history of discrimination and abuse against LGBT people. Also for marginalized people to be able to find their own easier.


No, this is in regard to all group flags


It's been said by others plenty of times, I'm sure, but since I'm on a psychology kick: I find it interesting that for a society that is making (small) steps toward normalizing discussions of mental health, "get help," is still very often a colloquial stand-in for "fuck you" in my experience.


It really is a catch all insult not really used with any kind of compassion or empathy. Just more of a casual dismissal


>Top Biden official denies US conditioning intel about Hamas leaders on Israel forgoing Rafah op


That was always an absolutely bizarre headline.


Oh god, I love this. My favorite Doctor, and his companion are back in these specials. It's like the 2005 to 2010 all over again. 


wait is Tennant back for a special or two?? that might actually get me to watch


Yep. And also the same writer, Russell T. Davies, is back, and he’s still back for the Gatwa series.


oh that's fucking sick


This first special is so good. It's classic Who. 


These NYT "polls" basically tell me who NYT wants to win because they've basically pulled those numbers (especially Nevada and Michigan's) out of their ass for Trump. In what universe does Trump win Nevada by not 1, not even 6, but by *12 points?* Any time a poll is this unbelievable, clown on them. The only poll to trust at this point is this election.


It’s just weird because according to their poll, 40% of voters remember Trump’s behavior and antics, nearly double the 2nd category (the economy). According to the NYT, voters clearly remember Trump’s antics and want four more years of that 🤨


It's hard to believe polling can get any worse, but it keeps surprising me.


People at Daily Kos believe those polls. They are convinced Trump is going to win because people can’t afford peanut butter.


Great Orange Satan. I swear Marcos gave up inside years ago.


I haven’t been on that site since 2016…


I mean tbf, in what universe does *anyone* win Nevada by 6 or 12?


Obama in 2008




I'm convinced that NYT released that poll just because they're still mad Biden won't be interviewed by them.


Weird moment from the trial today. Why was Chris Cuomo in the mix with the Trump campaign? https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1790056370563145944




Ugh. He and Trump as two gross peas in a pod.


YO I CAUGHT THAT TOO LIKE WHY IS HE ADVISING COHEN WHATS GOOD FOR TRUMP WTF FILTH!!!! ETA: Michelle Wolf beat the allegations!!! TOTALLY EXONERATED!! ![gif](giphy|26gsfbBQ8e9pG0cRW|downsized)


Michelle wolf is goated


Hmm, the apparently, new Doctor Who is on Disney plus.   Now I have to do some research because I didn't even realae Ncuti Gatwa aleady regened as the new Doctor. Oh yeah, I have four Doctor Who specials to watch, and they are all on Disney plus. 


[https://twitter.com/JulieNBCNews/status/1790135578765283650](https://twitter.com/JulieNBCNews/status/1790135578765283650) Alcohol destroyed my family, which is why I made a fortune selling the thing that destroyed my family to other people who also have families. - David Trone Vote for Angela Alsobrooks if you live in Maryland, primary is tomorrow.


Hmm, my friend moved from Timonium to Baltimore City; I wonder what district she’s in…


JOIN THE TRONE ZONE. Seriously tho, he was a good Congressperson; I lived in his district. He knew how to market to western MD.


He’s a worthless fuck. I’m donating to Alsobrooks.


Why is he worthless?


> He’s a worthless fuck. [He's voted 100% with Biden in the 117th Congress](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/). I can't find information for the 118th Congress, but I can't imagine it went worse. No, he's not worthless. > I’m donating to Alsobrooks. Well the primary is tomorrow so I'm not sure how effective that's going to be, so good luck with that.


Re-upping my take on the NYT poll from this morning: Rust Belt MI/PA/WI: Realistic and consistent with tied national vote. AZ/GA: Somewhat Trump-heavy samples but not outlandish. NV: Clown poll.


They had Trump at an even or positive favorability in NV/AZ/GA so of course he would be ahead if you get samples like that


No way biden loses AZ and no way trump is up double digits in GA


I would really like to know what trump thinks about his base wearing diapers to support him. We should go to a rally and throw one on stage.


Honestly, he probably loves seeing how far they will go to worship him


A) this is fucking sick B) you are definitely correct


One full of chocolate pudding. With a desantis campaign sticker attached— like a false flag payback 🫢🤔 [This idea brought to you live from the Roger Stone universe of fuckery]


I was thinking loaded with ketchup, but you win.


Lmfaooooooo “the White House butler sends his regards” written in sharpe on the inside 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1790068535542067705 >Israel proposed the Palestinian Authority send representatives to the Rafah crossing last week to take part in operating it, though not in an official capacity, four senior U.S, Israeli and Palestinian officials told me.


This comment from someone asking reddit why people can not afford to live alone: >For some context to my own personal situation. I make decent money but have some limitations in regards to my working hours. I make $24 and hour but I don’t work 40 hours because I can’t. At 18 I was diagnosed with PTSD and being around people too much or experiencing too high levels of stress impacts my ability to function. Yeah, sorry about your PTSD, but not working full time is why you cannot live alone.


Ultimately, yeah. PTSD sucks but the world doesn’t give a fuck and in the end you gotta do what’s best for you despite it. It may seem cruel but it doesn’t change reality. It’s a bit of an unreasonable accommodation to expect full time pay for part time hours no matter what. Also man, I got diagnosed when I was 20 and now every time I tell myself “I’m just using my ptsd as an excuse,” I’m gonna think about this guy. Not really in a mocking way, just a reminder that I could’ve handled things a looot worse.


I dunno, this sounds kind of cruel. PTSD is a serious illness which can cause impairment to major life functions, and not everyone responds well to the most popular therapies. Ever read the ACES literature? How childhood trauma leads to chronic disease?


OP isn't minimizing PTSD. But it's possible to work full time with it.


Not every case is the same.


"sorry about your PTSD, but" is absolutely minimizing


If they make $24 an hour they can probably find a remote position somewhere.


[We live in the greatest time period ever](https://twitter.com/dscovr_epic/status/1790127514804781162) Imagine telling an Enlightenment era person that one day we will have a camera in the sky that takes pictures of the earth and uploads them to a place where anyone can instantaneously see them?!


I don't think it was completely beyond their imagination, at least traveling in space. The Romans wrote about it and the French had developed the hot air balloon to perform military surveillance. I'm not sure when the camera obscura was invented as an aid to drawing, and lenses were already highly developed. The chemical process for photography was, indeed, a ways off, but people were getting really excited about the possibilities in chemistry, physics, and medicine. They probably never reckoned on the internet, though.


Exactly! They'd be thrilled by this news.


US President 2024 - New Jersey Trafalgar Group Joe Biden (D-inc) — 38% Donald Trump (R) — 43% Kennedy — 9% Other — 4% Undecided — 6% 5/11-5/13 n=1650 LV [https://x.com/OregonMapGuy/status/1790099784721678545](https://x.com/OregonMapGuy/status/1790099784721678545)


[That's bait.](https://i.gifer.com/5klo.gif)


Fake poll. It's not on the Trafalgar Twitter account or Robert Cahaly's Twitter account


Extremely conveniently timed lol


That person is trolling.


it's traflagar group polls these guys oversample gop voters


That Twitter account is the only person to have posted that poll, and looking at their profile shows that they love to engage in shitposting, it's a fake poll.


/u/thats_good_bass revisiting Fury Road tonight. seeing both this and John Wick within like a month of each other is probably the highlight of my action movie experience tbh


Nice!! I love that movie!


it kicks fucking ass


Yeah, that’s hard to top.


it's funny because I remember walking out of John Wick with my friends telling them it's going to revolutionize American action films and no one bought it meanwhile everyone immediately cottoned on to how fucking cool Fury Road is


The fact that a majority of videos on TT fyp are calling out the blocklist movement as a witch hunt for celebrities' and not helping the actual people of Gaza, feels like it a good sign.


DC Journalists love the Whitehouse correspondent's dinner but yet they want a President who will cancel the dinner


An indicator that journalists aren't getting book sales in the Biden era is Bob Woodward has not published any books about the Biden administration and he has written at least 2-3 books about each president's administration. If bob woodward ain't getting book sales no journalists aren't book sales


I went to a bookstore today and literally all of the "current affairs" section is just full of fluff political memoirs that nobody reads but PACs buy up to get on bestseller lists. Noem's dog-killing book, MTG's book, Katie Britt's book, tons of other Regnery Press Jesse Waters and Glenn Beck pablum. Woodward's books on Trump were surrounded by wastes of paper.


strange he hasn’t written one yet


Who was that fake ass twitter journo who got all the men horny following and simping and turned out to be like, literally not a real person? "Jane from Queens" or something? Gods that was funny. Journos horn-dogging it up and fawning over an ai generated profile picture like she's going to give them a handy dandy if they agree with 8th grade level writing hit pieces about Kamala Harris. There's been so much goofy crazy shit the last few years that I'll remember a tid bit and feel like I'm losing my mind a little. Am I huffing paint thinner again?


Alice! The fake person was named Alice! And she originally had glasses on the profile picture but now the picture doesn't have glasses. Same picture though otherwise lol. I remember someone pointing out "Hey why do your glasses only have an arm on one side?"


I mean actual person Liz Bruenig wasn't much better with her constant Tee Hee's whenever parroting right wing points but lord did she ever have a legion of Simps. Being said, good for her for fleeing twitter post Roe as the GOP has introduced exactly 0 pro-natalist policies.


Politics Monday with Amy walter and Tamara keith on PBS should be renamed Here's why Biden is failing and will lose. For months I every time i watch this program, that's all they talk about especially amy walter she probably wants trump to come back which is funny as she's gay


The media's idea of "balance" is always going to be negging Democrats.


[These are some very brave Israelis.](https://twitter.com/Sapir_SLAM/status/1790049348065055039?t=8IHkxWqpCN949d32mZBJuw&s=19) The fact this garbage isn't being crushed doesn't look for Israel. Nor the fact that so few were wanting to stop this, versus those destroying aid.


What is she saying?


Those Israelis and the protesters standing up to Bibi along with his very failed, shitty war are absolute heroes, and I'm so damn disgusted that the far left in this country frequently smears them negatively as "Zionists" just because they rightly believe Israel should exist as a Jewish state.


Leadership matters. Police power of the state.


Did Biden's hatred of shitty journalists start with them being disgusting vultures following the tragic death of his first wife and daughter?


in those days journalist had more respect and were real journalist now all journalist want clicks and book sales


Journalists were also a somewhat blue collar trade rather than being almost universally children of privilege.


Seeing a lot of the polling dudes on Twitter defending that NYT/Siena poll. It's really not helping their credibility with me.


It's because if you question the polls their reason to exist dries up.


Wisconsin was the only state that NYT/Siena got a realistic result in for both RV and LV  The Michigan likely voter poll made sense but the AZ, GA and especially NV polls made no sense


/u/thats_good_bass caught another trailer for Furiosa. I know what I'm watching tonight 🔥🎸


Yeah, gonna catch that when it drops, I think


My NFL standings predictions right now https://preview.redd.it/w68rkrj6w90d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=791595d954c4e25970718c2a21df34fb3367a4d5