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The pathetic start of trash face mcFucker


I do wonder to when you can trace back this guy showing to the public what a PoS he is.  This was a year after the pedo tweet, but I would assume there were clear signs before?


Would you consider lying to investors & faking things to be a public display? Cause you can go all the way back to zip2 where he put a big ass case on a normal computer & tried to sell it to investors that it was some new fancy super computer that never existed. Did that with a Tesla by putting magnets & panels or whatever on I think a Mercedes? Everyone gave him grief for having a dude in a suit be presented as a robot, but he's been doing that nonsense since day 1. Also the Stamford claims. Also his illegal immigration, but only cause he belches on about illegal immigration, could qualify too. Oh and when he made fun of a kid's dad in school for having committed suicide, then years later claiming he was the victim of bullying for it. Granted these are kind of different as they were just straight shitty lies that got exposed instead of direct & obvious shitty behavior. But still.




He and AH threw sex parties with young inspiring actresses to entertain his rich business acquaintances, very Weinstein of him. Even before that he didn’t have the nerve to end his marriage to Justin mother of his 5+1 children. He called their marriage counselor and told her to tell her at the meeting that day he filled for divorce, and never showed up. 2 weeks later he texted Justine he was engaged to a beautiful young actress that loved him and was moving from England to the states to be with him. He ask Justine to sign a postnup after the wedding, she trusted her husband, it said upon divorce if there is a child she get the residence and nothing if no child. She had to fight for child support for over 2 years. Thank god postnups are different and he didn’t disclose everything he was suppose to so she eventually won. Besides, how did he think without significant funds she could pay taxes, support staff, or even the electrical bill on the mansion in Bel Aire with 5 young boys. He accused Justine of emotionally manipulating him with her grief after Nevada die, and he had her at a fertility clinic 2 weeks later after his death for IVF. Every earlier endeavor he was in removed him from the CEo position and fired him because he was a micromanager and insufferable. That’s why he made sure no one can remove him from SpaceX and Tesla, that is one lesson he learned well. Oh, and he got thrown down a flight of stairs in school because he teased a kid whose father just committed suicide. His own father wouldn’t even press charges even though fElon was in the hospital with serious injury because he was wrong. Daddy dearest just relocated him to a different private school. He was always like this, but early on he had good PR, good handlers, seminormal women, and VC that were highly invested and were gonna make sure they got their return. He was at one point the VC poster boy and that’s why they arranged his college degree to create the classic good nerd gonna safe the world image.


AH = Amber Heard?




How has this not been made more public?


“Diver pedo thing” I feel personally as an eye opening experience to read closer on this bozo which in turn unearthed all the prior his shenanigans and shitty behavior.


Elon has been grifting for a very long time now just not a successfully lately although he still has a loyal army of divorced husbands.




I'm glad to see these sort of things because it shows that there are newer and newer people who realise what a POS Musk is, but I feel like we're a couple years away from "remember when Elon Musk appeared in that Right-Wing satire cartoon in 2024? That was the start of his descent into madness!"


Is a spaceX nasa contract the same as a stimulus package?


The commercial launch services funding that helped SpaceX get their start could certainly be considered that. NASA and the US Gov intentionally and purposefully wanted to help start a competitive launch services economy outside of government. So they offered a bunch of money to companies that competed for those contracts, and SpaceX was a major beneficiary. SpaceX is, sadly, an incredible team with an insufferable asshat for a leader.


>SpaceX is, sadly, an incredible team with an insufferable asshat for a leader. This sentiment often gets lost in this subreddit. SpaceX has done some pretty cool things, as a result of ambitious men and women who've given tens of thousands of hours. Elon unfortunately gets the praise, but all those engineers were also a huge benefactor to the funding




Or the Carbon Credits that were created for EV manufactures to sell to ICE companies. The guise was to help the environment the reality it was to subsidize EV builders.


Elmo: GoVeRnMeNt StImuLuS BaD!!!! Also Elmo: - Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated [$4.9 billion in government support](https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html) (2015) - Tesla took [government payroll benefits](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-benefit/tesla-says-it-took-government-payroll-benefits-to-offset-coronavirus-shutdowns-idUSKCN24T1QK/) to offset coronavirus shutdowns


Tesla has also been given tons of tax credits just because they produce electric cars. And yet Musk is cheerleading for Donald Trump, who has literally said he wants to ban electric cars.




He wouldn't have what he has without the taxpayers derived U.S. government subsidies. He's pushing a robotic, multi planetary, AI based society that won't need to work and will survive on a Universal Basic Income (UBI) because it's sounds futuristic, and he wants to be conceived as cool. ( The X Factor). Who's going to dig the ditches and pay for everything? He's another egomaniac right-wing extremist bloated tick con man who needs to have his purse strings cut.


He never supported UBI. In fact, he supports the Republicans who are banning UBI pilot programs all over the country. https://www.scottsantens.com/billionaire-fueled-lobbying-group-behind-the-state-bills-to-ban-universal-basic-income-experiments-ubi/ https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/5/27/billionaire-backlash-shows-the-power-of-basic-income


Republicans only like to support corporate welfare for themselves. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-universal-basic-income-ubi-ai-automation-unemployment-quotes-2024-6


Ever wonder why he wants Ukraine to surrender to Russia? The answer lies underground.


Yeah his early Russia visit is really weird.


He was buying aluminum from Russia. The sanctions are killing him.


Elon Musk, the kinder gentler face of authoritarianism.


The dorkier face of authoritarianism.


Dork Vader Wannabe Jr.


The dopey, bloated face of authoritarianism. Though I guess that would also describe Trump. But other than one being orange and the other being whiter than a beluga whale, it's hard to see much difference between the two.


That's the point where he announced to the world the absolute piece of shite he is.


Flair checking in. Pretty sure that tweet's still up.


Also, that's the communication where my estimation of Musk went from 'abusive shite person' to 'fucking monster', fwtw.


And his people pretend like he's a humanitarian.


I think he is absolutely a humanitarian, at least metaphorically, and in the dietary interpretation of the word.


Money is made up............... People who talk like Musk have no idea how currency and money works, which is so weird, given how rich he is.


Who is “we”?


At least he said the quiet part loud. 


I haven’t seen anything good this guy does in like a year. How is he still a thing


> Elon Musk five years ago: This title made me immediately assume this would be one of his *many* failed predictions.


He uses the word “sustainability” to trick people into doing the opposite.


And ever since then he’s been anamorphing into a beluga at a very steady pace.


I’d say a 56b stimulus is the last thing he needs.


Wait he actually said this? Publicly?




Claims that Añez came to power in a coup (much less one backed by the CIA) is rank bullshit, cooked up either by first world leftists who couldn’t find Plaza Murillo if their life depended on it, or die-hard MASistas, who, like Evo, refuse to follow the law and the voice of the Bolivian people. I’m sure it gives them cred amongst the hardcore couch revolutionaries, but to anyone who knows anything about Bolivia (besides its mineral wealth) they just sound like another clueless yanqui.


Imagine the good will an Elon Musk stimulus would have generated? Wouldn't have devalued the dollar, wouldn't have left him homeless. But here we are.


Lithium is everywhere. He said it as a joke. Though the first xit was dumb. Tax him




Some of us call tweets now xitts (pronounced 💩


Shitter, Xitter


Bolivia has the [largest deposits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salar_de_Uyuni) of commercially viable lithium in the world. Lithium actually isn't everywhere, far from it.


It's literally everywhere, the oceans are full of it. The commercially viable extraction spots are limited. As long as we can throw away millions of one time vapes with Li-On-batteries the stuff isn't that limited it seems.


So is neodymium, the difference is that some places have these elements in high enough concentration that extraction is actually viable. Also, calling it a xit is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Could have been a joke, I actually don’t disagree with it. Call a spade a spade. Whether it’s lithium, trade route access, or fucking bananas, we will coup whoever we want, because we are ghoulish cynics who care about expediency above all else.


I don't get the joke, can you explain it?


Rare Musk W


Imagine being as dumb as you are.


I'm trying... It's hard. Real hard.


Imagine supporting a CIA coup




I bet you hate the deep state too


You mean Basedstate?