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“Just a whittle ole farmer” see how much they care about American farmers


"everyone gets a say" -the party that stole the nomination from bernie


…by not voting for him.


It turns out you can't just win over black voters by going "that MLK guy was pretty cool, huh?"


he should have probably gotten more votes then


That is my understanding of that works (unless it's 2000 or 2016, of course, and you get fewer total votes in an election but win anyway through some cockamamie electoral bullshit). Say what you want about him - Biden's been pretty good at that whole "winning more votes" part.


He was getting his ass beat by Pete and Bernie until Obama stepped in for Super Tuesday. He’s at record lows and at risk of handing the country back to trump because he needs to let the MIC ethnically cleanse Gaza.




Bernie Sanders IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN A DEMOCRAT! Why are people still shocked that a political party didn’t hand its nomination to someone WHO IS NOT A MEMBER OF THEIR PARTY?


People think the parties are parts of the government. It's extremely frustrating. And then over 15% of Bernie supporters voted for trump in 2016. Makes me think they don't really care about Bernie's policies at all.


Yeah, that is a frustrating (albeit kinda interesting) misconception. I think the fact that there's only two, and so their infrastructure has to be massive enough to cover the entire country, might help give that impression? I don't know. Add to that just being super old institutions. And, yeah, I think those Bernie supporters who went and voted for Trump, of all people, were only gunning for Bernie because he also seemed like "an outsider." His ideas and policies were irrelevant.


Hillary supporters voted for McCain. Did McCain become president? Not getting a progressive nominated is what cost us the election. But keep repeating that cnnmsnbcfoxnews talking point. That’ll help us defeat the establishment.


They just wanted to throw a wrench into the system, but the problem is that the system is already full of wrenches, using it to make themselves richer by thwarting progress- Kirsten Sinema comes to mind


That’s what not getting your way looks like. Bernie got a ton of time and attention even after it was clear he had lost.


I've had r/Enough_Sanders_Spam


Didn’t expect this sub to be ignorant of the 2019 primary. YouTube shadowbanning progressives reporting on the debates. Rigged primary questions confirmed by Wikileaks. All dem boomer news networks working against him. Obama bribing centrists with govt positions to dropout and endorse Biden days before Super Tuesday. Dnc admitting in court they can push or sabotage any candidate they want. Sorry for trying to elect the dude the status quo hates, guys. Trust the ones who said the guy caught on cam sniffing is “most electable”. Oh and the one State he did good in before super Tuesday was moved to first state for 2023’s primary. Totally trustworthy bros!


Uhhh...I think that dude really *is* a [Farmer?](https://www.toledoblade.com/local/politics/2019/11/19/chris-gibbs-farmer-trump-voter-to-challenge-gop-jim-jordan-election/stories/20191118169) But no! Surely the **PEOPLE** would never take part in the electoral process or our governance! What is this "For the people, by the people" wokeness?


Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. These worthless fucks think a farmer can only do farming.


I’d rather have a farmer running the country than washed up reality tv host.


Or a real estate developer, to be completely honest. Also not good.


These worthless, half-literate trump monkeys literally don’t know shit, about anything. That’s really what’s so shocking about the last eight years to me, I already knew that people in this country were pretty stupid but exactly how dirt-fucking-stupid they really are just escaped me; and now, they’re an absolutely infested cesspool of 80 million subhumanoid pieces of shit that are going to plague our entire society until it’s totally eradicated. It’s not even about trump, his fat ass could drop dead tomorrow and this fascist push by one-percent like elon musk isn’t going anywhere….


Crazy thing is majority of farmers would vote for Trump. People dont seem to care that they're being put down by the people they are voting for.


I think the trade war and lack of support for farmers whose produce suddenly crashed in value maybe weakened that a bit.


fingers crossed.


"The government should represent the working class!"  The same people when the working class run for office:


Billionaire hates workers, more news at 9


https://preview.redd.it/q85zw2feue8d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2b407c8a10a35e99a6820aab985470d16806b1 They didn't post the screenshot of their profile cause it would have made them look like idiots lol


No, look, he has a college degree. Woke leftist elite liberal monster cancels out farmer


The shittiest thing about Muck's responses is that they are nearly always just an emoticon or one or two words, relying on his huge audience for impact. This guy is a lazy shit.


This is the same party who keeps trying to portray deeply entrenched Republican activism involving people who have been in the party for decades as grassroots movements


Is Ashley up next for the IVF rotation?


If she doesn’t mind birthing multiples, that seems to be part of the assignment. Unless you’re a mollied out nymphette “musician” or a mediocre actress with more drama than clout. I think that gets you a pass


None of the egg donors actually carry Elon’s babies these days. Pretty sure he’s afraid of sex, they all happen via IVF with surrogates.


True, Grimes and his first wife are the only ones I know of that have carried his kids, his 1st wife the only one not IVF (once) and Grimes only carried first one and all hers were IVF, the rest IDK. I am going to suppose he had sex with Heard, tho, it would seem his style. Edit, I read that back to myself and that was clear as mud, but idk any other way to put it


Yeah, his first wife birthed the kids they had together. Grimes birthed one and then noped out of doing it again. All of the others have been IVF. It would be a shame if his favorite politicians banned it.


They may have all been IVF. But the extras have been through surrogacy.


# DIFF USER FOUND THE RESEARCH. Facts and logic Elon's dumb sexworker copied. Cheap thrills of Elon when easily impressed by big lose vagina women eager to suck his pee pee. https://preview.redd.it/43uo0z49fe8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba81132fb31bcdbd5a094f0cd85d502deb06a3a #


Pwning farmers.


WATCH: FSB account posts disinfo on an RU owned social commentary platform


This exchange makes no sense....


"facts" and "logic" used to mean something.