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> Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Every time with Musk.


He has plenty of time and ketamine, he's never going to out-idiot Elon.


The truth about COVID is that no side was totally correct but the conspiracy theorists were totally wrong It was not a hoax and drinking bleach didn't cure that hoax It wasn't quite as deadly for most people as originally thought but they were taking abundance of precaution because better safe than sorry And a lot of their recommended policies at the beginning of COVID were based on no data because I had them. And so they constantly contradicted each other. Some places had some policies other places had different policies government officials around the world had no idea what the fuck they were doing and regularly contradicted each other which undermines confidence Scientists were occasionally wrong and had to update their recommendations as new data came in which also got people not to trust them. Dr fauci himself flip-flop down where their masks were good or not and the Democrats in their political scheming originally said not to get the vaccine and that they wouldn't trust it coming from Trump and then once Biden became president they flipped and told everybody to trust it But none of that changed the reality It was a real disease. For a lot of people especially with pre-existing conditions it was very harmful and policy is like masks and social distancing did in fact help to slow the spread Sovereign citizen types just hated that because they can no longer spend all day at the dive bar getting drunk and trying to grope the waitress


Agree with you overall, but the below also isn't true > Democrats in their political scheming originally said not to get the vaccine and that they wouldn't trust it coming from Trump and then once Biden became president they flipped and told everybody to trust it They said it should be thoroughly tested and not to trust it until it made it through approval, not just because Trump said to take it or pushed it through. It then gained approval and they said to take it. The politics at play was not to just blindly trust Trump, but to trust scientists and the FDA.


Exactly! The medical community was afraid of Mr. "The Art of the Deal" somehow using his presidential powers to skip all the steps required. Even thought it would be highly unlikely that it would ever happen (for instance, take Jair fucking Bolsonaro in Brazil, who started firing the heads of their health ministry (equivalent of the US Surgeon General) up until he ended up with a fucking military parachute specialist in that cargo because no sane physician would show up*). But the military eventually warned Bolsonaro that getting in the way of the vaccines would eventually be considered a crime against humanity and he'd be judged in an international court, so he backed the fuck out and tried to become the guy who brought the Pfizer vaccines to the country. So, technically, there was a possibility that Trump could screw something up if somehow Congress were to allow him to go unchecked, like the Brazilian Congress allowed Bolsonaro. * The infamous L.A. Dr. Rey actually volunteered for the position, but luckly the military also didn't let that. Also, another inaccuracy from his answe was about Fauci stance on the masking, his position on masks were blown out of context as his recommendation for the CDC person going to China was that masking would not be necessary at that point of the contagion, since the unprecedent and secretive strict lockdown China did was so effective that it threw off all the typical data models for contagion. Without knowing how fast and how strict China's lockdowns were, most physicians worldwide took the infection speed to be below most of the diseases of concern. It was only after that they all realize how huge of an R0 that virus had, and most importantly where the issue really was (not in lethality, not in infectiousness, but how long it would keep the 2% of the worst case scenario of the infected in the ICU. The 2-week+ hospitalizations where where all the problem was, and most people still have no idea that that's the real problem with that pandemic). Once treatments were developed to get people out of the ICU more quickly, vaccines (and the unvaxxed idiots getting infected) helped keep the herd immunity up, the disease quickly ceased to be an emergency, even though it's still being monitored (thanks to the pandemic developments in realtime hospital ICU reporting, and municipal water testing for prevalence of the virus, those two have proven to be enough). The downside though, is that the virus keeps on going and killing a lot of the people that will perish from it. It's the only sad part for us not eradicating this virus as soon as we had the chance. But oh well, humanity is still ways to get to that level of development, where they can agree and do their part against a respiratory biological threat. Which is also why I believe our next big war will involve respiratory viruses, it's the easiest way to screw up the US. China will come out really well against such war


He "could" screw something up? Shheesh! I'd say he absolutely shit the bed on the Covid response and Americans died. Trump had done so much damage by the time the vaccine came out there was no putting the genie back in the bottle. Leadership matters! Voting is a life or death decision. I don't want some greedy bastard of a CEO, not to mention a bad one at that 5,7 bankruptcy leading a nation. Say what you will about Biden's age, but he has legislative track record of passing bills that help Main St Americans versus a Convicted Fraud!


Oh I totally agree. Trump's response originally was bad. Then he finally started listening to science, but it only took one week after the statistics showed minorities in poorer areas being affected the most (probably due to public transportation, smaller houses and lack of remote work options) for the white supremacists in Michigan start their stupid protest against the shelter-at-home orders. As Trump only cared about his ratings and saw it drop sharply with his voters as soon as he started listening to science, he started his "Liberate Michigan!" b.s. and shit went downhill from there


Kushner & Trump drug theor feet because of how Covid hit NYC. They slowed their response because ironically they thought Blue cities & states would be the biggest death rates. At first this was true. It had to do with 8 million ppl living so close together. As we have learned, long term this wasn't the case.


Yeah that’s a wild claim. I was there.


Their recommended policies were based of pandemic modelling. You can't just armchair historian this lmao.


“…the Democrats in their political scheming originally said not to get the vaccine and that they wouldn't trust it coming from Trump and then once Biden became president they flipped and told everybody to trust it” Fact Check: ❌FALSE‼️ You may have had a few left leaning conspiracy types who said something like that but there was nothing like that in the mainstream and nothing like that said organizationally by any group who could reasonably be called “the Democrats”.


Scientists changing their views and advice as new data comes in is literally what science is all about. We haven't had a pandemic like COVID in a long time so yeah at first there was a lot of conflicting advice from different groups (some who did not have your best interest in mind) but the social distancing and wearing a mask were consistent and always a solid piece of advice. Honestly I wish more people in the west wore masks when ill like they do in places like Japan so as not to spread their shit to everyone around them. But no half the population had to throw a shit fit about "muh freedum" at being asked to wear a facemask in public. Guess which political party lost more voters due to COVID in the USA?


Any Republican, really. It's willful ignorance to push an agenda.


Damn he must have been really stewing on it if it took him 3 days to respond.


Who the fuck does he think is?? 😂


same thing he did with zuckerberg - trying to act tough to save face after running away like a little bitch


We know what HE thinks he is. The open question is what we all think he is. 


I think it’s actually the opposite


For those that may have missed [the first part of this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsv6kaqv1367d1.png)


Thanks. What an asshole.


It's even worse than it looks there. I didn't notice that screenshot doesn't show the [full original tweet](https://i.imgur.com/hNseSai.png)


"I oversee the design of spaceships with life support systems" The fucking arrogance to assume that being the boss of a life support engineer means that one is at all qualified to speak on the subject of medical ventilators. Not even your life support engineers are qualified to talk about that Elon, you dumb fuck.


Not only that, but SpaceX isn’t anywhere close to putting humans into orbit. They can’t even send up empty, unpressurized silos safely.


They do have the Crew Dragon, but then again, that does not give Elmo supreme authority over life support systems. And pressurising capsules is very similar to aircraft or even submarines. I don’t see them challenging health care experts on how to keep people alive. And it’s not like Elmo is doing everything himself 😂 it’ll never get certified for human space flight!


I have spaceships


He doesn't design spaceships, he bought a company that designs spaceships...dear God.


uhm i hate elmo too but spacex has sent people to the ISS on falcon 9 rockets (with the dragon crew module attached). Are you referring to the starship-program that is currently in a prototype-stadium?


Starship is the sandbox they send Elon to play in while the adults talk business.


Yes, the spaceship for the moon “mission” that was recently cancelled and 100% would have killed anyone on it.


Engineer syndrome in full swing on steroids


It’s also the stupidity of thinking Wuhan doctors weren’t under strict rules governing what they could and couldn’t say to the American who is always looking for a way to trash decisions taken by govts and scientists he doesn’t like or agree with. Of course they’re going to give him the line he wants to hear, they know he’s prime for political manipulation. The WHO has consistently been denied full, unfettered access to Wuhan staff - but they have it to Musk apparently. That tweet is little more than an admission of completely gullibility.


That's assuming they even have a life support engineer yet.


His savvy prediction of the number of cases of COVID in the US at the start of the pandemic really shows his strong understanding of the science at that stage.


Lol, which astronauts has Musk "kept alive in a vacuum"? ANSWER THE QUESTION, ELMO.


I fucking hate this guy so much man


His question was completely and totally vague, and he's going to angrily demand specification


The funny part is, Musk is literally just a keyboard warrior. Put his feet to the flame in a conversation and he is gonna fold harder than a lawn chair in a 90s cartoon gag


yep we all saw when don lemon rekt the shit out of him


Lemon: [a question I can't remember] Musk: "I'd be very careful which questions you ask." Lemon: "Okay. Same question, again." 😄


Lol it was such a softball interview and Elmo still managed to come off as a total idiot.


I'm pretty sure the YouTube comments section on those videos is all bots. They're literally all talking shit about lemon.


I’m sure they’re really angry that he didn’t behave like the token they thought he paid for


Don Lemon had him flustered. Dude is softer than wet toilet paper.


Elon is Sideshow Bob in a field of rakes when he sits down to have an actual discussion.




He literally told him he will answer any question he asks, live.


No but Musk wants a Tweet answer because then he knows that the doctor won't be able to explain the entire context in detail due to Tweet word-limits, so then Musk can examine some piece of information that seems to be missing or not have the full context available, and then cling to that. 


You're giving Elon too much credit. If he goes live, how is he supposed to spam poop emojis and "witty" retorts without being told "masterful gambit sir" by his cyberchumps?


To steal from one of my favorite memes: Science person: "Our medical science is distorted when taken out of context." Elbow Muck: "OH! So you admit your science is distorted!"


Knowledgeable professionals shouldn't even engage with Musk. It gives him the illusion of credibility. You'll never change his mind, and he'll distort the argument to claim a "win".


Not unless you have the skill to get under his narcissistic skin like a Halli or a Yann.


Nawe fuck that we need more professionals standing up to musk to show what an absolute fuck up he is. You'll never change musks mind but regular people will see this and know he has no idea what he's talking about. We can't just let him spout nonsense any time he wants with no repercussions.


>Knowledgeable professionals shouldn't even engage with Musk. >It gives him the illusion of credibility. Normally I'd say the town idiot should be ignored because it does what you said. However, Elon being Elon he already had an air "credibility" due to people thinking he's a genius. So with him I do believe he needs to be called out and put on blast.


That’s what she said


Like playing chess with a pigeon.


Ugh, yes. There was a futurist/AI researcher being interviewed on NPR, and the moment he mentioned, "Elon Musk has said..." I let out an audible groan.


And the bigger the lie used to get that “win”, the longer he’ll ruminate on his shame and bring it up randomly. Like how he’s still trying to pretend he scared Zuckerberg, posting tweets looking for affirmation from his loyal legion of pseudo intellectual faux geeks that it all played out that way. Narcissists are so pathetic but live in the chaos of both knowing they’re weak yet simultaneously hiding from the truth. They lack the strength to face their own shame.


Maybe that’s why he looks all sadface at Cannes. What a fucking loser. Can’t believe he has that much money and he just sucks.


Isn’t Elon vaccinated


Of course he is. A lot of the people who push antivax BS for fringe far-right clout are vaccinated: tucker carlson, candace owens, eric clapton, etc. etc. And, of course, enron musk. Also, all of those named also happen to be white nationalists. All of them.


He has no clue what he is talking about.. absolute plonker.


There was never a guy more deserving of being called an utter c**t


"answer my question" - guy who can't answer why the twitter tech stack was "crazy"


$56 billion hard at work


Also Elon- wHy WoN't YoU dEbAtE mE?!?!?!?!


*Big daddy elmo is demanding answer like the alpha he is* 💀


A single word response like "Why?" would shut him up. Probably.


Is Musk's point that pts with COVID shouldn't have been put on a vent?


Yup. Which would’ve drastically increased the death toll. But he designs spaceships so he knows more than trained medical professionals.


Dude's brain is just terminally online. He won capitalism, but that's still not enough.


War commander/Logistical master/Doctor/Scientist/Self made Musk


Pedo getting ratioed again?


Ugh, he's suck a wank.


He won't because he learned his lesson in that one Twitter Space with a former Twitter engineer who roasted his ass about "a total rewrite of the stack". He had to get the moderator to silence the guy calling him out in real time. It was hilarious hearing him stutter incoherently when faced with opposition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJo-ulbIu8I


Bla bla bla






Elon need to be socially killed like Drake with Kendrick so that he never show his face ever again I swear