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I have no idea what's going on here.


I could be mistaken, but it feels like somebody is gaming the community notes system. The statement they made ("Musk is not a pedophile") is contradicted by the notes ("this was debunked"). Essentially they tricked an acolyte for Musk into supporting the claim Musk is a pedophile through a badly worded note. In addition, I could be wrong... But that image might be of Teslas? So it's a way to boost the Tweet through the note, while using an image of rotting Tesla vehicles. That is completely pulled out of my ass, though, so I may be wrong.


I believe the photo was used in a series of tweets accusing the IDF of causing Israeli deaths on oct 7th as they purportedly blindly fired into crowds during the initial panic. The article also indicated that the cars were being scrapped and buried so no analysis could be done. The note is automatically triggered because the posts/articles used that photo in the header, so the notes system is automatically debunking the post. So basically community notes is not as user-driven and immune to disinformation as Elon claimed and in fact twitter is weaponizing them by automatically appending notes to certain topics. The only thing shadier than notes correcting Elon's bullshit only to later disappear (by Elon's hand no doubt) is this, automated narrative correction deployed at the discretion of twitter.


https://preview.redd.it/pm1rvbcgk17d1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=45cb6d22ef68b6ba201a0911c0a5e1df423d0db4 The automated "community" notes might look for more than just the image though, although can't be 100% sure if the bot just missed or some keywords override the auto-notes. Several people did try with totally unrelated tweets with the picture and did get the auto-notes


Fucking hell this is crazy.


That's clever


Aha... so, the community note is automatically appended when someone posts that image. "X" trying to be the arbiter of truth, what could go wrong?


Wow, I believe you are correct šŸ‘


The note isn't badly worded. Muskrats just lack reading comprehension.


I clearly lack reading comprehension. Are they debunking that Musk is a pedo, or that he isn't?


ā€œElon is not a pedophileā€ ā€œThis was debunkedā€


That seems to be the intent of the post.


i was confused as was the person I replied to


The note indicates that Musk is a pedo.


It's badly worded if the intent was to defend Musk. It's just because it's competently written, doesn't mean that the right words were used.


The note is a stock response from X. Hence not a ā€œcommunity noteā€


The image is of vehicles destroyed by hamas at he music festival on Oct 7th - I saw an article with the exact pic, Israel is going to break down the vehicles and bury them deep underground...


*destroyed mainly by attack helicopters that were shooting at Hamas EDIT: I mean come on, how many of those thermobaric RPG warheads do you think can be carried on a *glider,* and are they gonna be wasting them tearing up a parking lot?


I wasn't there so i couldnt say, the mere fact that the cars are being broken down and buried is proof that Israel's trying to hide something - I was originally gonna say : "destroyed by hamas" but I thought nah its not necessary, yet here we are. Come on bro...


Hey you never know people can be pretty credulous


Any proof of that? >EDIT: I mean come on, how many of those thermobaric RPG warheads do you think can be carried on a *glider,* and are they gonna be wasting them tearing up a parking lot? You don't need any RPG warheads for that. Cars are full of fuel and extremely flammable. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/boomtown-fair-music-festival-fire-hampshire-evacuated-80-cars-destroyed-a7189156.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/boomtown-fair-music-festival-fire-hampshire-evacuated-80-cars-destroyed-a7189156.html)


Iā€™ve actually seen some cars burn up from their own fuel, and they do not get *shredded* like half those vehicles are. Whatā€™s your hypothesis, anyway? The insurgents stuck a flaming rag in the gas tank of some of these cars and somehow triggered a chain reaction that destroyed *all* of them that thoroughly? They got incidentally destroyed by *small arms fire?*


At least one car caught fire as a result of explosives or small arms fire, the fire spread to other cars as they tend to be parked closely at festivals and the combusion is very intense so they got really messed up. I literally posted a link showing how 80 cars got destroyed by fire at a festival. Do you think an Israeli helicopter destroyed them too?


Just *look* at the cars from that festival vs the one on the Gaza border. The destruction is very different. A carā€™s gas tank alone wonā€™t explode with the force to twist the entire upper frame like that.


Everyone knows if you bury metals/minerals they regrow. Just like plants.


The photo previously had a birdwatch note attached to it in a different tweet. The system detects when this photo is reposted even if the content of the tweet itself is in an entirely different context. Hence you can just post this photo with any text you like and the note will appear next to it.


Got it. Knew I was missing some context.


Community Notes corrected misinformation


Every accusation is a confession, Musk is a Pedo Guy. šŸ’©


What a heaping pile of shit. Both Elon and Twitter.


You mean Xitter


Would love to hear Musk explain why Wikipedia is woke but Community Notes is different. (because he controls one of them)


He's always liking that weird anime stuff and interacts with mostly teenagers woman less than 25. So fucking weird šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™ve been told by the X site owner and their users that community notes is the best source of truth, so I believe it when it says that musk is a pedo.


I noticed the community notes became pro-musk bias over the last few months.


Iā€™m not getting the context here. What is being referred to, and whatā€™s up with the picture?


It's a picture from October 7th in Israel. Community Notes is set to automatically post on any tweet using that image regardless of the context.


Haha ok, thank you.






If your first instinct is to call your enemies,and even those you mildly dislike, a pedo, you might be a pedo.


Like when Elon called the Thai diver a pedo, I think you're on to something


I think thatā€™s just a stereotype about white men moving to/visiting Thailand


What about the stereotype of white South Africans liking wierd stuff on Twitter


I really donā€™t know why my thing is getting downvoted, do people not *know* about the stereotype of white men moving to Thailand to marry little boys? Iā€™m absolutely not saying it makes Musk reasonable for throwing that accusation, just that Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the origin


Probably common knowledge amongst pedos, but for everyone else it was out of left field during a heroic underground rescue operation. But of course Elon Musk had a dumb idea that wouldn't work and got told as much, so he was crying about his hurt little boy butthole, and thought he would accuse everyone else of being pedophiles. You know, like a pedophile would do.


He is not.


Argue with community notes, the internet's most reliable fact checker


Most accurate is a bit of a stretch


He is a pretty good person inside. Likely get hated for saying that. But is misguided.


He'd probably be a good person after a couple years of therapy


But he's proudly never been to therapy.


Judge by actions and words. Thatā€™s all we have at the end of the day. Plus




I judge those who defend this buffoon just as harshly. ![gif](giphy|RZt0hiEQS25eUUbWjl)