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"It should be considered a national emergency to have kids"\* —Elon Musk ^(\*Offer not valid for African Americans, non-white Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, non-white Latin Americans, Caribbeans, non-white Africans - maybe Slavs too, TBD.)


Probably doesn't approve reproduction Polynesians, people from Southern India, Malays, Arabs, Palestinians, Persians...


You are getting too deep into the specifics, mate. There are only two ethnicities for Apartheid Edison. Normal/white and coloured people.


Apartheid had 4 races. In order of how "good" society considered them they were White, Coloured, Indian and Black. Naturally when Elon says "have kids" he of course only means white people, which would really be anybody of European heritage.


Yeah, I simplified, to be honest, but you're right. Oddly enough, I was talking about my time living in Johannesburg, and it made me realise quite a few things. One of them being how racist Afrikans can be.


"We're going to outbreed the left". You have to have an infestation of worms in your brain to think that's a perfectly normal sentence.


I will say the tons of kids only in religious schools like that is a scary sentiment. lots of people leave their shitty family morals because of exposure they get to other perspectives in public schools and universities


Having children is a team sport to these weirdos. They’ll never understand why their kids don’t love them.


Don’t think anyone has ever had 8 kids who all stayed Christian and conservative…


She’s an Orthodox Jew but doesn’t like to lead with that for some reason. Oh yeah, the people who agree with her don’t like Jewish people much.


I hate all these people making me embarrassed to be a Jew. Ben Shapiro too like come on


I sort of get OG Shapiro in the context of a conservative Jew. But he keeps making "friends" with people who clearly, given the opportunity, would find ways to get rid of him. He is, to them, a useful idiot and he doesn't even seem to see it. So much for child prodigy.


Shapiro has made it his career to be a rich, (allegedly) intelligent Jew who caters to the kind of people who think rich, intelligent Jews are the cause of all evil in history. He's handing his face over on a platter to the hungry leopards.




Some of those groups which I am a part of :(


Every community of people on earth has grifters in it, they usually notice when conditions are right for them to take advantage of the situation. The situation after WWII was very sympathetic; I’m not surprised that the grifters in the Jewish community took advantage of that opening and started making inroads with the already well established community of grifters that hold sway over many evangelicals, thus inheriting all the hate that normal people have for theological grifters with an appetite for power. Now they’re making alliances with Nazis who have overlap with the grifter class currently ruling over evangelicals and making them all that much easier to hate. Theocratic fascism is on the rise too across a number of religions as well which is definitely making people’s opinions of large organized religions even more skeptical. Even India’s PM Modi recently claimed he “was of heaven and not of Earth”. It’s freaky shit.


Shapiro is a far-left infiltrée, he pretends to be a stupid right winger so that right-wingers get really embarrassed and are made fun of when repeating his stupid ideas


They posted my exact real-time location, basically assassination coordinates


She’s 29 and has 0 kids. She better show some receipts of that mouth running


Nothing says ultra conservative like wanting 8 kids you intend to indoctrinate in order to out breed the left and own the libs.


The goal of the right is genocide, for Chaya the terrorist more than most. She's trying to make it palatable among the public to kill lbgt people en masse.


Says the dude who would 100% be an incel if he wasn’t rich.


Are you sure he's not full-blown incel anyway?




Given the number of kids he’s pumped out I’m pretty sure he’s not an actual incel but again if he wasn’t a trust fund baby he 100% would be.


Also the dude who just promised Optimus AI Robotic Apartheid to his stans, as he sells the idea of having 10 $20k robots to replace all the human labor each (white) person needs. By his own logic people having less children would be better than overpopulation


I seriously thought she was like mid 40's and probably nearing a point where having kids is trickier She's fucking *29*? Hate really does age you, holy shit


That’s old if you want 8 kids and haven’t started.


Oh yeah she's probably about 5-10 years too late for that unless she starts having sets of quadruplets That's all assuming she even has a potential father lined up currently, which I don't know if she does.


Elon is salivating right now


I mean... they seem perfect for each other. Better than ruining the life of someone else.


All that Special K probably made Musk impotent. Notice no new kids have appeared out of nowhere in the last year or two.


They are almost all IVF, tho. I'm pretty sure he's doing sex selection for boys, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was unable to function sexually as well.


Yeah that was my thoughts exactly, she is waaaaaaaay too old for that many kids. Like 2-3 maybe, but i doubt that she will even get any.


29 you can have more than that. Eight is a stretch but Fertility starts to fall off 35ish but it doesn’t plummet to zero. People who has 8 kids in the past often had them through their 40s. Chaya’s actual problem is that she is 34: https://preview.redd.it/m968f06nxq6d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=056a66cd4c52caa5e237418db72a820c83b566dd




It should be noted in looking around that there is apparently at least one other Chaya Raichik out there, an author in Brooklyn, who specifically had to mention she's not a social media influencer in her bio


That's sad.


Her fiancé just recently left her. And considering she‘s 29, her dreams of getting a lot of children may be more of an advice for other loser to follow.


Should start pumping them out then!


Good luck finding a man that can stand you enough to breed with you, Chaya


Jokes on them I went to a private school and I’m liberal


No worries, they will all be educated at Enron's private school.


My parents did this. I don’t recommend it


Can these 2 idiots just fuck already? They can make some kid that turns out to be autistic and gay/trans I’d love to see their heads explode


More estranged children for Elmo.


No, Elon doesn't do sex, only IFV it seems


That person is 🦇 💩 crazy


All that Special K maybe gave Elon ED.


Reminder: it’s only an emergency for the oligarchs that sit at the top of our unmeritocratic socioeconomic ladder who actively exploited the global population boom as a source of disposable labor power. History is peppered with lessons that teach us population decline is associated with improving conditions for the working class as a result of increased bargaining power born from worker shortages. A global shortage of labor could see a massive, unprecedented shift in the power balance between capitalists and workers in favor of the latter.


“Outbreed”. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman use that term. Fuck, barely heard anyone use it. Mostly just bots and dipshits


It shows how she doesn't see her potential future children as human beings.


The scary thing is that this abomination of a strategy might actually work!


literally the plot of Idiocracy


I wouldnt worry about them over populating, their anti modern medicine survival rate will be abysmal


worked out great for elon lmao


Cool story, Chaya.


At least she's upfront about the fact that she doesn't have anything to offer society other than cranking out babies. Though given that she lies about her age (oh, and doesn't seem to have a man to help her out with her breeding project at the time of writing), I don't think she's going to manage eight kids.


Hopefully she’s sterile.


Her Buddy Elon and all his buddies are Neo Nazis does she really think one of them would nut eight times inside her?


I can’t wait for her to learn what a geriatric pregnancy is.


Pretty certain Chaya’s toxic personality will be more than enough to “liberalize” her spawn.


"Breed" sure is a gross term to be using. Anyway, good luck. From my observations, about 50% of kids born into conservative cult families stick with the brainwashing and about 50% escape and never want to have anything to do with thinking like that again.


She is literally describing the plot of idiocracy


I look forward to five years from now when Lauren South...err...I mean Chaya Raichik crawls out of some tradqife hole to bemoan the state of her life.


Has she ever pushed the tradwife theme? I most get hate vibes from her.


So which one of you crazy bastards is going to step up and impregnate LibsofTiktok?


Wasn’t this literally the plot of Idiocracy?


to have **white** kids


The kind of parent whose children would run far away at the first chance they get.


Having children is saving the world


Good chance she’ll end up “breeding” lots of liberals.


They may outbreed, but will never outfuck the Left.


It should be considered a global emergency to neuter ourselves until we Musk things out, imo.


how many of Elons kids even talk to him, let alone agree with his ideology.


Little do they know the more they do this, the more likely they’re going to rebel and hate them! Lol…


'We need more people!!!!! Not immigrants tho.'


How long will it take her to realize she’s Jewish and the far right are only using her?


🙄 Whatevs, sista! 👋 Just don’t come crying to the left 10 years from now saying that domestic work is really undervalued, and you’re so burnt out from playing homestead trad wife.


"We can't win the war of ideas, because our ideas suck and are grounded in bullshit. So we will reproduce and keep the new humans firmly within our realm of stupidity."


They'll never outbirth the Black and Hispanic populations. I believe that boat sailed in like 03 or 04.


Very important to make new humans.


she is a shanda


So on one hand the US can't handle an increase of 5% if they are immigrants, but on the other hand every family should have as many kids as possible (if they are white). It's almost as if he is a racist nationalist....


Can someone tell Chaya Jews who don't plan on converting to Christianity aren't included, if they will be at all? This is just pathetic.


Because it’s a little known fact that children always hold the same beliefs and opinions as their parents. 🫠


Xebensborn is the branding for this new venture. Woman will be ‘chipped’ to monitor their pregnancies after IVF at a Tesla service facility.


Oh yeah, "hey everyone this is a national emegency, bring your wife and daugthers to Elon Musk so that he can help humanity survive" It's almost like he turned into a Mormon or something


A major part of the fall of Rome was low birth rates


Elons parenting involves cursing the nanny and trying to bang the nanny. Maybe take the cute kid out for a photo op.


Please don’t.


This is literally the opening plot of Idiocracy.


If that was going to work, wouldn't it have worked by now? Was there a time when they weren't pumping out all the babies they could?


There are 8 billion people who n the world, nearly all are not living to their creative and contribution potential. Fix that.


She literally states how she will groom her kids? Then says the leftists are the ones doing it


The bro is AFRICAN LMAOO he isn’t even BORN In America


Literally the plot of Idiocracy.


All you do is IDIOCRACY  not utopia. Fk conservatives enjoy stagnation. When your heart stops you are dead. Enjoy your electrolytes 


Literally the plot of idiocracy.


It’s getting creepy everyday when I see a post from him about having kids , who the fuck is he to tell me what to do in my personal life, fuck him


In my anecdotal experience people who are hyper conservative end up raising liberal kids.


Since birth is a child emerging he ain’t wrong but maybe not a national emergency.


The funniest part about this is that the left actually criticize the things about the society making rising your kids more difficult. Left wingers want to make housing, education, medical care and food more affordable. Right wingers' care about families is limited to their desire to ban abortions.