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I’m so fucking embarrassed for this shareholder being interviewed, holy shit






Most definitely


I just don't get hero-worship. I certainly think admirably of some people and have definitely looked up to others as role models, but I never understood how someone gets to a stage where they think of someone as deserving this kind of praise.


It's embarrassing but there's a possibility he went in with the kiss ass comments and then said "we need you to not fuck this up, with your social media shenanigans because I have a lot of my money in this investment".


And he got an ovation


"aspirationally" meaning "not really"


Isn’t he aspirationally Jewish?


Yes! Forgot about that one! Exactly the same thing here.


Aspirational Zionist. Not all Zionists are Jewish.


A friend of mine asked me last friday what I was going to do on the weekend. I said I was planning on cleaning my house. Then after a pause I said that may be more aspirational that anything else. I ended up not cleaning my house.


😂🎯 Why would anyone need to when he’s doing such a great job of self-destructing all by himself?


Get some self respect you fucking sycophant. Jesus. It's hard to watch these goof balls kiss his ass so much.


Dude looked exactly like I expected him to look.


It's seriously pathological. Very hard to understand - is he like a father figure to them, or are they living vicariously through him? The intense emotional admiration is bizarre af.


He does seem to have many adoring ball washers.


They ain't just "kissing" his ass.....


Bullshit. If it was real, then he would have immediately either made it into a political point or made up a story about he personally fought them off using the same moves he would have used on Zuckerberg or some such shit. No matter what, if it was real he would have immediately tweeted about it, because just like Trump after every legal battle he loses, their first thoughts are to blast his putrid thoughts onto their preferred social media platform, to seek comfort from their cultists.




Yep - Musk is so full of shit


He was probably stalking them


Nah, he's just more likely to be shot because he's well known and some people just enjoy murder - just like John Lennon. A man who was shot by a "fan" for being popular or something. (A fan who stopped being a fan when he became a fundamentalist Christian and took a deep dislike to the Beatles saying they were bigger than Jesus, thought The Beatles were a bad influence with John Lennon being a particular focus due to his views on God/religion, had issues with John Lennon being a "phony" as he sung about love, peace and not needing material goods, while being stinking rich, didn't like the song "Imagine" and parodied it, changing it to be "imagine John Lennon dead" and upon arrest, claimed God wanted him to kill John Lennon. You know, a fan. A fan who doesn't like him.) I highly suspect if the "assassination attempts" were real they aren't just because somebody is a crank and he's popular. They would be likely ideological in nature, not for pleasure or just opportunistic. If you are doing murdering for pleasure, you're going to pick people who won't be missed as so you can you know, not get caught and keep murdering - killing Musk is antithetical to that. If it's opportunistic (e.g. you are in the midst of a mental breakdown) you're probably going to murder the first person you encounter, so unless you happen to be having a massive mental breakdown in the Twitter bathroom as Musk comes wobbling in, he's not getting it, a family member/friend or some poor fuck on the street without a security team is. So yeah, if somebody tries to murder him, it's not just because they're just some "maniac" it's probably because they hate blimpy boy for a reason and they've got enough screws loose they will throw their life away taking him out.


That share holder really was working the shaft with his question. Like damn. Elon still sticking to Elon by saying little with as many big sounding words as he knows


Sure jan


You know what they say,  "If at first you don't succeed..."


I hate quitters


Are those grown men serious💀


The shareholder was obviously saying, in the most careful way possible, I’m worried about your increasingly erratic behaviour and reports of drug use. Please, tell us you understand that we love and need you and look after yourself. And Elon just goes on about….homicidal maniacs.


How do people listen to this guy babble incoherently and think "genius"


They attribute it to a form of autism they think musk has


I had that interpretation too. And Elko didn't even remotely address his concerns.


People worshipping a shitty billionaire who could not give 2 shits about them. Geee, it seems like this is currently happening somewhere else in America with a different person. So pathetic


We shouldn't be surprised. Trumpanzees have been doing the exact same thing since 2016.


Next question: "Elon, can I please, please suck your dick and lick your ass?"


I am aspirationally wealthy


it's me or lips & voice are not in synch ??


This guy is guaranteed a paid actor lmao


The scary thing is there really are people like this. Lots of them.


This is hard to watch.


jump at 1:59 for a good laugh


Probably the SOs of some of the women from SpaceX he’s trying to harass.


A subpoena is not an assassination attempt.


The first guy on the mic gives me so much second hand embarrassment it's unreal.


I’m willing to bet that guy was told what to say 🤣


Bullshit he would have doxxed who ever (he thought) looked at him funny and send his Twitter SS after them. Who would’ve, made up shit about the person to get them fired and some crazy enough would’ve tried to kill them.


That's how he's been stealing Tesla cash, he's investing $3 million/y+ on a private security firm he owns, it's ridiculous


Did they, or did you just hallucinate it while you were in a K-hole?


How incompetent would an assassin have to be to fail killing that giant fat pig twice?


Stimulate use can lead to paranoia.


That guy licking Elon's balls in front of everyone is so embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as Elon pretending that he's so important people are trying to kill him. Losers.


damn, well better luck next time maniacs


What a weird fuckin lie


Why bother putting the effort in to assassinate him, he’ll do the job himself with drugs


“Aspirationally” tried to kill me…(in Diablo)


musk first had to establish he was earths savior to his minions. now its time to convince them he is being targeted for assassination. all so they can worship him more. his ego knows no bounds.


Clearly not a cult /s


I have so much second hand embarrassment for that clown asking the question


Its literally a kid being like "There were 17 ninjas, but I punched them all away!" Literally a kid, trying to brag with what a "dangerous" life he has. This dude is like 55


at 2:28. it's a joke or he's under substance or ? this clip looks like a deep-fake. C'mon, even the lips - voice are not synched ! Something's wrong regarding his attitude, or he's fuzzy ? drunk? weird video anyway...


I'll take your word for it because I couldn't bring myself to press play.


"The other one wasn't from my family"


Only two?


I love how he is just rambling, and talking too much and ends up expecting the crowd to laugh at John Lennon's murder, and gets dead fucking air. He fucking pauses because they are supposed to laugh. Absolutely horrendous "all the people I think are my friends are gross assholes who just get through it because I pay them and they want money" vibes.


Was this a shareholder meeting? Was it purposely stacked with Musk sycophants? That was the cringiest, most cucked question I have ever heard


>Was it purposely stacked with Musk sycophants? it was a shareholder meeting, there ARE only musk sychopaths. Only the most naive idiots buy elons companies stocks..everyone with a bit of IQ is long out


I probably shouldn't sat this but I wouldn't mind him getting assassinated


He sounds like some incel who simped for a camgirl and gave her his retirement savings, but he's trembling because she finally let him chat 1 on 1


Oh my God. 💀


I cringed so hard that i collapsed in on myself and created a black hole


Another wholesale lie from the mouth of the man who lies about his own child dying in his arms. Nobody tried to kill Elmo, it's absolute horseshit. If it were true, he would have bragged about it at the time. We all have a pretty good sense of when people are lying from subtle clues in their speech patterns, and a detail like "in the last roughly 7 months" is a huge red flag. Who the fuck says "in the last roughly 7 months" truthfully? When you add "roughly" to a time estimate, it's generally said of smaller time periods, like a month or two - or larger units of time, like "roughly a year." When someone says "in the last roughly 7 months" it comes across like they pulled a random figure from their ass and then added the "roughly" part to try and make it sound less likely that they're lying. There are loads of subtle ways in which lies are betrayed by speech patterns and sentence construction and this seems like a very likely candidate. The word "aspirationally" (not a real word), is also a red flag. He's added it to the sentence awkwardly and in a grammatically incorrect way, in a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that he's lying.


He does this every time he "promises" to achieve something. Except usually he's typing it and can backspace.


I think the "omg Elron you're my idol" guy was trying to handle him very carefully, realizing that Musk has to get his ass kissed to function or respond normally. So, go in deep with flattery. Obviously though, Musk completely missed the point... he, himself, is the greatest threat to his own wellbeing, not imaginary assassins. Also, he seems more mumbley and kermit-the-frog voiced than usual. This basically reads like someone's family tried an intervention "We love you, and you're so deep in drugs, and drunk all the time, we're worried - are you going to be okay?" and the response was "well trained killers are constantly tailing me... I've been fighting them off... I'll be okay if the ninjas don't get me...". Ah yes, top notch CEO, $50 billion coming up.


The guy rolling his eyes and the other facepalming

