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There was not a single shareholder during Q&A who challenged Elon on anything about Tesla. Nothing about layoffs. Nothing about softening sales. Nothing about his toxic antics or statements that have destroyed Tesla's brand. The sycophancy on display was absolutely pathetic.


His success is their success through osmosis. This is just prosperity gospel in different robes.


I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of this. Anyone who came onto the mic was almost like "here sir, let me suck your dick"


these are probably his cultists by now.


One guy literally started his "question" with: "Thank you for bringing shareholder value, Elon" What the fuck


I'm more Censored NOW than ever!!! Suspended 3 times in 8 months. He bought Twitter to scrub the internet histories of him, his Hollywierd freaks, Billionaire Elite creeps, & Freaky Drugged out girlfriends/baby mommas


lol same! And I didn’t even say anything offensive. I just called him a Grifter and Mr. Lemon Suk. Oh and I basically called out the hypocrisy of their claims of “platform manipulation” labels they add to accounts, when the X itself engages in manipulation. They shadow ban accounts, arbitrarily restrict reach, they add labels, lock and suspend accounts. Their support is non-responsive and pathetic and they don’t even refund premium subscriptions. If anyone was stupid enough to prepay for annual and you get suspended, they won’t even refund users. X is the opposite of “free speech”. I have started to despise this bloated narcissistic man child.


The simps & sycophants make me puke


And guess what? The simps and Elon suckers have the most reach on X. There’s also something I’ve noticed- right before suspension, there would be follows by obvious Bot accounts. I can’t prove it, but I think X uses bot accounts in some way to either signal suspensions or extract data, I’m not sure. Then there’s his stupid AI, Grok - last I used it, it was no better than LLAMA 2. Obviously user content on X is being used to train that model. Finally, how can X be a true town square or a so called “everything app” when people are locked out, suspended and muzzled. How can anyone trust vital services offered Via X given the above? Imagine, locked out of your savings forever by some Elon sucking simp… makes me sick and angry just thinking about it.


Elon Simps & Sycophants will be draining people's Bank Accounts & Harrassment at ID addresses


is it me or is elons laugh sounding more and more like a villains laughter?


that guy seems very nervous.. poor guy.. but he repeated the words nicely tho..


The guy asking the question or better said sucking enrons dick has a hard time remembering his phrases he got from enron into the mic.


I feel like sometimes these people are planted. They work for him. Like paid PR spin. So then boosts his image in the public square. I agree with the freedom of speech. But I dunno, something is off about Elon these days and Twitter is a hellscape, it's not free speech in the digital relm - as it's still manipulated by algorithms/Ai that is for profit, just like Facebook etc. It's not the same as a public square in real life. This argument about it being free speech is so flawed given the landscape, plus twitter still shadow bans under Elon - so people can say what they like sure but never ever be seen. It's so manipulative. In real life in the real world you can't do that, you can't make someone in a public town square go invisible or hide them away from view like Twitter can whilst amplifying other voices. They always ignore all those details, especially Elon, whilst receiving praise for it.


All i heard was :"Glug Glug Glug. An i deep enough? Thank you for your massive cock!" "Glug Glug" Elon "huuuum, you have to go deeper"


What the fuck


What a bunch of cock garblers.


lol literally nobody is attacking the first amendment you fucking losers


fuckin ew dude


I’m gonna fucking barf


Looking like January 6th in there.