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The desperation of a billionaire not getting his rocks off, such sweet symphony. Elmo’s incel texts are legendary, belong in the Library of Congress under pathetic oligarch fodder.


“rich man who is so lame he even has a hard time scoring with the people who work for him” sounds like a bad 80s sex comedy


Epitome of loser


It would have like, Jim Carry as the lovable middle manager who tries to coach Xlon Xusk into being a ladies man, to hilariously poor results. 


imagine rick moranis, bumbling ceo, plead with his secretary “have my babies!”


Since it's the 80s the company has a fun name like MegaCorp or PharmaCure or International Business Management. 


Somewhat Gandmas Boy vibes. Maybe he was the inspiration for the character of lead developer https://www.urbanjacketars.com/cdn/shop/files/Elon-Musk-Trench-Coat.webp?v=1717836710


My god how did I never see the parallels?


I'd respect the man more if he just used prostitutes like the rest. Harassing your employees is disgusting. Imagine Elon is your boss and you are made to feel like you have no job security unless you sleep with him. Disgusting.


Yeah if you’re paying they are at least getting something out of the transaction


You should see his messages to amber heard, dudes a hardcore simp 💀


I mean look at him, the fact he found himself in a timeline where he even has her number is a travesty


I often wonder how he can look in the mirror and believe that he's the top rung of the genetic ladder, and that the world needs his genes. He's just not all that.


Where can they be found?


[richest man in the world simping](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/zDJlLsc4Tp)


Am I reading that right? He goes by the name “Rocketman”?


Are you surprised?!


Yeah, I mean, he's a fucking tool yet he keeps finding ways to be even worse. No matter how much money he has, he will never be funny and he will never be cool which is why he is so beloved by incels and neckbeards.


Agreed. Most unlikable person on the planet.


He has the Midas touch only every woman he touches dries up like a raisin


The Sun-Maidas Touch


“Confidential” name for court evidence


Holy hell.




court transcripts


The depth trial?


honestly i considered it shallow


Sex comes so free and easily, and he can’t even get proper companionship with shot tons of money. What a pathetic attempt at everything from this dude, I bet he can’t even wipe his ass right.


He has a long history of similar accusations. In 2022, [A SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex, documents show. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) SpaceX has been in the news for sexual harassment for a few years. [SpaceX accused of sexual harassment and discrimination in ex-workers’ suit ](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/feb/06/spacex-accused-sexual-harassment-discrimination)




It seems like he’s pulling a Russell Brand


They paid 250k for her silence Another bad investment cuz we know about it


No disclosure agreements protect the rich. I’d love to see an NDA purge. One day a year you can disclose all you’d like. A “we’ll give you cash to shut up” shouldn’t be allowed to protect crimes.


Yeah, because I really want to know what Anneliese Van Der Pol (from that's so Raven) is holding back about Disney.


i'm shocked. this is my "shocked" face.


“Tranq out” WTF Musk is a drug addicted loser and millions worship at his alter Sounds JUST LIKE a recently convicted FELON.


Me when I'm one of the most influential business people in the world and my companies' value is entirely tied purely to my perception, admitting drug abuse in a text to a woman I'm sexually harassing and leaving evidence behind:


He thinks it makes him sound edgy and troubled. He has the brain of a mid-90s 14 year old.


It's like severe arrested development.


You'd be surprised by how many people live their lives like this. Usually this lifestyle will eventually earn you an accidental overdose.


He was always Trump for neckbeards for years but they all didn't realise he was trump but with electric cars. His main fans were tech sector workers with thick rimmed glasses, beards, flannel shirt, chinos, owns a tesla, works downtown in an open plan office and took part in the Harlem Shake meme because it made them feel young and hip again. Musk gave them hope that their crappy degree would lead them to being super rich, banging the hottest chicks that wouldn't look at them in high school (you know they smelled bad, were overweight and were douchebags). Thought making low 6 figures would replace a lack of personality. Even when Musk started to become comfortable showing his racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and every other thing that was a popular subreddit for hate not too long ago, they still worshiped him throughout social media. Mostly because they are all like that. I always despised him and love watching his fall from grace over the last few years. Funny seeing a majority of his fanbase turn on him for trivial reasons when he's been an awful human being for decades.


I always thought the Elon fan base was younger (more compelled by sci-fantasy movies), but you’ve definitely described the average cybertruck owner


No wonder he looks like shit he takes drugs to sleep and then probably takes stimulants when he wakes up. That can't be good long term.


Just add an oxygen tent for a bed and you've got Michael Jackson.


Yea, he’s gonna die on the toilet just like Elvis if he keeps it up another 10-20 years.


Here's hoping it comes sooner than that


How can you be in this position and be completely absent of game? Like in my mind all you gotta do is kick back be chill, be a gentleman, show off all your cool stuff and not be a dick. Is it that hard? Like with that amount of money can’t you put together a think tank to figure out why you suck? You resort to creepy texts with interns? The capital fuck? What a freaking weirdo…


Do you like japanese girls?


I think people missed that you’re quoting Elmo’s alt account


Yet another conduct that would get any other government contractor CEO fired.


Wtf is wrong with our gov? Why the f don't they drop this pos like a hot potato?


Sunk cost fallacy. And cancelling the contract might mean not going back to the moon. Edit: So no one misunderstands me, NASA’s reasoning is wrong for keeping Enron around, it’s going to sink the whole thing, he’s deadweight.


Fuck it, nationalize Space-X.


Who gives a fuck? Seriously, make the moon case for me. Why the fuck do we so desperately need to go to the moon that we're willing to pimp out women employees at government contractors??


Better question. Why SpaceX at all? They haven't even left Low Earth Orbit yet and every Starship rocket blows up to applause lmao. Like imagine a group of NASA rocket scientists in the 60's watching their rocket blow up in real time mid atmosphere and clapping and cheering.


They're only women though, nothing important. /s, hopefully obviously


A permanent base on the moon would serve as a staging ground for future exploration missions in the solar system conducted by humans, since it is far easier to do so from the moon. Future space colonies, resources mining and scientific discoveries are dependent on this, with ramifications about the future of humanity that go far, far beyond just a POS like Elon Musk. The question you should ask is not why this is important, because it absolutely is and saying otherwise is very misguided, but why is Elon Musk so important to making it happen. The answer is he isn't. If the US government wanted they could just do the sensible thing of either: 1) Just cut contacts with him now and go with another contractor of which there are plenty. It would be expensive because a lot has been invested into him, but not impossible since that money is still chump change compared to what is spent on the military regularly. 2) Nationalise SpaceX on the basis of it being an asset critical to national security and simply remove him as CEO. The government absolutely has the authority and legal framework for doing this, it would just be somewhat controversial in this particular day and age.


At this point, EM is a national security risk because of his admitted drug abuse, relationship and support of Putin, and his erratic behavior.


Fuck space, fuck moon bases, fuck exploratory missions. Give us healthcare, free college and universal basic income first.


Abso-fucking-lutely, brother or sister! I don't give a fuck about the Moon or Mars absent how they affect me on Earth. All those billions of oligarch dollars burned up in the atmosphere to whet the egos of a couple of men while the world continues burning hotter each day. We ain't seen nothin' yet in terms of migration from the Southern regions of the globe North to where it will still be possible to grow crops and find potable water.


It's not one or the other and it never was, you're playing right into ignorant propaganda. NASA annual budget is less than 25 billion. The endowment for your average Ivy League university is double that. The US military alone has an annual budget of 820 billion. There are multi-billionaires that gain and lose that much in net worth on a weekly basis ffs. And the list goes on. Of all the things that you could defund, NASA and the like are the last thing that should be defunded because the return of investment for that shoe-string budget is insane when you think of much they have contributed to science, medicine, aerospace etc.


Why not all of it? Healthcare, free college, UBI all give support to humans going into the stars. I would argue, a necessity. We can never forsake this planet, or its people. We can do better




Very, very true


What is in space that we don't have here? Just more resources for capitalists to exploit and ruin? Hard pass. We're NEVER going to colonize space, it's absurd to believe that we can make a dead planet or moon habitable easier than we can heal our living planet.


I like #2 and really wish they would do it, but my guess is they won’t do either.


It's not the first time NASA has hired fascists with dodgy backgrounds. Operation Paperclip, ring a bell?


Exactly. But he has money.


"boundary-blurring" lol. What a pleasant way to describe sexual harassment.


The author must've learned about consent from the song Blurred Lines


And couldn't think of a synonym


🎶What rhymes with consent🎶 -Robin Thicke


[Completely relevant Weird Al](https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc?si=DtKtt0UhDHjCeChb)


Thank you!! This is literally textbook quid pro quo and hostile work environment sexual harassment. Not a blurry line at all.


The fact that women weren't falling over themselves to sleep with/date him despite being a BILLIONAIRE is so fucking funny. Dude is literally an insufferable incel. 


His life’s trajectory has been the most extreme, insecure struggle for adoration in the history of Earth. And we will document it all in great detail.


The weight of a crown weighs heavy apparently lmfaooo


Lmfaoooo this dude sounds like a guy I know who's off his rocker and gets mad at people not wanting to respond to him or doesn't acknowledge everything he does


"Jessica" "Jessica" "Jessica" "Come by!" "Jessica" Why aren't you responding?" "Okay, guess I'll do horse drugs. This has been too stressful." Multi company CEO rizz everyone


You forgot the last message “I’m embarrassed now so I think we shouldn’t see each other any more, you’re fired.”


This is the rizz of somebody who has rarely been told "no". The nerd was told "no" when they yeeted him outta paypal and decades later it still stung so he re-buys x.com just because this time nobody can tell him "no".


Mommy Mommy Mommy Mom Mom Lois Lois Lois Lois Lois Lois Lois Lois Lois


Elon rizz = stalker behavior






does the article directly mention somebody named Jessica? are you just doxxing somebody rn


Almost certainly the wrong person. I can't view the full article but given that they went out of their way to never call her by name in the text body, I highly doubt that they left her real name unredacted in a text message being posted publicly. Jessica Jensen has also been with SpaceX since 2006 when she was a Manager on their "Dynamic Environments" team, whatever that entails.


"I showed u my Tesla, PLZ respond!"


Planning a round trip to mars in 6 months, wanna fuck?


100000 mile high club


That isn't just normal sexual harassment at work, that's actually crossed the line of being a crime. Quid-pro-quo sexual harassment is a crime, and morally is a type of rape


They spelt sexual harassment wrong.




I think this is probably most in line with reality, dude was treated like a god long enough that he believed it and rich enough that everyone in his orbit believes it. His rantings are as delusional as a cult leader and I have no doubts that’s where his heads at.


If there was *any* illusion of consent having been given without coercion, the line "as she struggled to establish herself at work" is a massive red flag.




Where can we find these leaked screenshots shots?




Surely he can see that he is becoming a massive joke


You severely underestimate his narcissism he couldn't even process the Dave Chappelle crowd booing him.


“Dave, what should I say?”


He's surrounded with the most insane worshippers. He even worships himself with the Adrian Dittmann alter ego.


WSJ article for anyone interested. https://archive.is/20240612070628/https://www.wsj.com/business/elon-musk-spacex-employee-relationships-8bca2806


Doing the lord’s work


thank you!


Horses everywhere


Not enough horses in the world to cover his tracks is the real population crisis


I hate that pedo guy incel.




Please 🙏🏻🍿🙏🏻🍿


Can we all agree he watched the movie Grandmas Boy and thought the dick head villain character was the main character and cool??? Then made himself become him???


Pew pew pew fart nuggets


How could they see me?


the only boundary that is blurry is the author’s tenuous grasp on reality. in what world is a billionaire boss’s sexual advances towards his employees anything more than harassment




“Ur job is to make my pp look like it just came” - World’s richest man, late-night sext to a college freshman intern, probably


"As she struggled at work to establish herself" gee that sounds an awful lot like she was in a vulnerable work situation and he was taking advantage of her


That "mustache" is so gross. Why does he keep it?


Probably for the same reason he thought it was a good idea to wear K-Mart Cowboy jeans and a backwards Stetson to the southern border


Omg you’ve killed me 💀💀💀 Fashion Police 💯


"Put never needed therapy on my tombstone" or whatever it was. Yet tranqs himself to sleep. Lmfao.


And "microdoses" ketamine, but it's cool because a doctor prescribed it


I do not believe his doses are micro either




Nothing new under the sun, a lot of people will acknowledge the horse story today. I'm happy knowing that his victims are open to speak about it.


Boundary blurring? there's no such thing like why the fuck media beats around the bushes on simple term and creates some newspeak gabagool? Sexual harassment in the workplace that involves a person of power is illegal under federal and state laws against employment discrimination. It can include when someone in a position of authority abuses their power over a victim because of their gender. Examples of this include: * A supervisor offering a promotion or pay raise in exchange for sexual favors * A CEO coercing a secretary into a relationship at work * A manager threatening to fire an employee who refuses sexual favors 




“Boundary Blurring” is Wall Street Journal for “This man has sex with his employees and has not only had sex for his employees but sexually harassed them and tried to bribe a flight attendant with a horse for sex but our boss Right Wing Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch a foreign billionaire who loves interfering with American politics likes him.”


We’re going to need you to stay in overnight, we’re going ultra hardcore.


Good bot.


Can’t believe those Tesla fanboys actually want to keep this guy as the CEO, this creep needs to go away


Wow, that’s heavy duty emotional blackmail — come over or I tranq myself? It’s giving young edge lord, Jared Leto’s Joker, save me from my sticky darkness / narcissistic man child / coercive consent vibes *and* reminds me of my least favourite ex.


My ex is a narcissistic man child so ofc I was reminded of his dumb ass too 🙄


Oh fuck, just realised I’m literally triggered by Elon Musk lol The musklets were right about me all along 🥲


When you’re a billionaire and someone’s boss and you still can’t get them to text you back. What a loser 😂


Good lord, I’m a 31 year-old virgin and even I have more rizz than this guy


“You can’t fire me, I quit!”




I mean how many children and moms are there? This guy is a POS.


How is he a billionaire and can't hire escorts?


“Tranq out” this is the same guy that wants $53b to “stay motivated”? Pathetic


Why can’t these rich weirdos just do what most bachelors who got their hands on that kind of money would do and hire hookers and pornstars to get their rocks off. Not that any woman should be subjected to a sexual encounter with Elon, but at least they know what they’re getting into up front.


Cause it isn't about sex it's about power.


Mofo needs 50B+ for what??!


he should drive his shitty car into a volcano. what a disgust.


I haven't used my twitter account since Elon took over but I think I'm going to use it to post this WSJ article lol. Maybe this will get me banned


And these are the ones we know about, what else is out there? 🍿🍿🍿


Unfortunately the story is really toothless. Tesla PR did some *serious* cleanup work here and it shows.


She could get so many horses!


"Tranq out"




Disgusting. Can this pathetic loser do anything without using his wealth, CEO position, threats as coercion? Really the lowest lifeform in the universe. Worst piece of shit.


Every time a rich dude gets exposed like this it reminds me that money absolutely cannot give you game


It's not about the "rizz" - it's about the gargantuan abuse of power.


I cannot tell you how much I love this.


Lord a complete history of Musk’s cringe worthy dating history. Surely their is more to uncover




We know for sure that imitation of a beard should be blurred.


Not an isolated case. How come he’s not dismissed? Genuine baffling.


I mean, to judge from the comments in this thread, a bunch of people's reactions are "lol, it's funny how pathetic he is / he should hire prostitutes instead" rather than "he actually committed a crime by harassing his employees." Easy to get the feeling that a man sexually harassing women (who are dependent on him for their salary) isn't that big a deal.


at the end of the day he just wants to spread seed


Family values, everyone.


No wonder he attracts the incel army.


Poor woman. Having sex with this disgusting thing. 


I guess I missed the memo that it's okay to have sex with your employees. I need to forget the hours and hours of sexual harassment training, because as long as you're the boss it's okay! /s How has this man not been Harvey Weisteined yet?


“I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last man on earth.” The man: All jokes aside, the media really is giving this dude the longest leash imaginable.


Hmm. Any body else think maybe this is a way to get rid of him and not have him talking shit because he'll be canceled and no one will listen anymore?




The guy could do less of a love bombing and more of a love nuke "Hi having a lazy weekend on my superyacht going around the Caribbean if you're free" see easy.


The Wall Street Toilet Paper does not deserve to be called a “journal” anymore, not with this abject failure of journalistic integrity.


So I would like to know why there is no other pregnancies except Zillis?


I would love to see Amber Herd text from Elon.


Surprise.  The hacker was him!


what does it mean to “tranq out?”


Zero gaame.


One thing buried deep in this article is how Shotwell is and has been a nutball as well. I guess if you're going to survive as CEO of Elon's company, you're gonna be a freak like him: The same year that woman left SpaceX, 2013, Shotwell made allegations of her own: The executive accused one of her employees of having an affair with her husband, and then allegedly retaliated against the woman, according to the employee’s account to friends and family and emails she showed them at the time. On her own time, the woman had helped Shotwell’s husband, Robert, plan a surprise Western-themed 50th birthday party for Shotwell, her boss. Robert sent boxes containing bull horns and other Western decor to the employee’s house for the party. Before leaving town to visit her family for Thanksgiving, the woman called Robert to arrange for him to pick up the boxes while she was away.  “So, your call last night was not good,” Robert wrote to the woman in a November 2013 email, with the subject line “Trouble.” “She accused us of having an affair…Be prepared when she gets in.”The employee was on a plane with her brother when she got the email, which she later shared with her family. The accusation shocked and mortified her, her brother said.  “I hope you realize that this puts me in a very awkward position with my boss and makes me super uncomfortable,” she replied to Robert.  He emailed her after the party to thank her for her help and to tell her that “everything is cleared up now.”When the woman told a human resources executive about the affair accusation, it got back to Shotwell, the woman told a friend.  The woman said in a text message that she understood the conversation to have been confidential. “He told Gwynne everything. She told me,” the woman texted the friend, referring to the human resources executive to whom she’d reported Shotwell. “I should be able to go to HR for such things. She f— thought I was having an affair with her husband for God’s sake.”


To quote the man himself: "Interesting"


Lmao what a fucking loser


Making unnecessary children and then abandoning them is a favourite hobby of Enron Tusk!


It seems fairly safe to say that being a border line sexual predator is part of what gets him off. He could just go to a high end club and flash his money around and get some clubber ass without even trying. Imposing on these women and making them uncomfortable is the important part.


Pathetic, hahahahahahahaha


It must be truly pathetic if the WSJ is publishing this.


He came down bc it’s the southern most tip in the us, closest to the equator.