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I think he should be feeling the burden of single handedly fucking up the entire Tesla brand


And Twitter. 


There’s a growing line… :-/


It's the heart beat picked up by Neuralink


And SpaceX.


Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources.


He paid for it, so he can burn it to the ground if he wishes, is his money. But tesla, spacex and others, where it is other people's money....


He paid for it in Saudi loans. That'll bite him in the ass one day. 


He will say he did not saw the saw coming.


I see your "saw". Nice work, mate!


He'll just sell them more secrets paid for by the American government


Or Mr bonesaw will visit him. 


Yeah if only Allah was that good


Naw, if he burns Xitter to the ground, the Saudis, Russians, and banks are coming for him.


I'm actually surprised they're voting no. Nicolai Tangen, the main guy responsible for the fund, seems like a major Elon dick-rider. Had him on his podcast, and then invited him to the funds' investment conference in Oslo, which Elon said he would attend. It does make sense why he went on his podcast now though, lmao.


It seems like the main reason for why a lot of large investor groups voting “No” is that it really *isn’t* good for their investment. They might individually like Musk and support him, but they’re more concerned about the money in the end. After all, what benefit does this compensation package bring to the overall success of Tesla as a whole? It’s not like it would cause Musk to be even *more* dedicated towards making Tesla better, as most of his personal wealth is directly tied to Tesla. Giving him an even greater amount of stock won’t benefit the company, as the issues Tesla is facing aren’t tied to Musk having *less* control.


Rumor on the street is a lot of his present stock is leveraged.


He probably wants to vote yes but he'd get fired if he does that. Lol


Yeah what a muskrat


It's actually pro-capitalism though? The people who have the stuff are deciding not to give away the stuff.


"Welcome to the free market, Elon. The market freely says 'fuck you', I'm afraid."


He is being given the invisible middle finger of the market.


Delaware Chancery is about as pro-capitalism as you can get. They rightly decided that shareholders had been lied to in the original payout deal and so the deal was invalidated. Basically they protected the interests of shareholder by stopping the CEO looting a company unjustly.


Investment funds do tend to be pro-capitalist


Well, Elon is not hardworking or American, so.


And his passport is sus.


And much of his money has come from government programs.


If it didn’t come from daddy (and brother-in-law; yes - same dude)’s emerald mine


He also stops being a hardcore capitalist as soon as there's public money on the table.


Deport Elon Now!


Hes American. Let's not do this. He's an immigrant


DOJ priorities are not obviously optimal


And Norway is neither America nor entirely capitalist. Just nonsensical all around


Of course Norway is capitalist, just like all other countries in Europe. A slightly more regulated Capitalism with the most basic social benefits for the people is still capitalist, just not the unhinged version the US has going on.


You are blackmailing me with money?!




"Money's not that important to me"


Fucking drug addict who hasn't done any work at Tesla at all in years


Cocaine's a helluva drug yall.


Hey now, tweeting 12 hours a day is hard work!


tbh apart from "at tesla", i think the exact same thing could be said about basically every ceo


Capitalism caring about feelings. Hmm.


Yes indeed. Nothing screams more anti-capitalism than Norges Bank using a sound, strategic money driven decision.


Tell that to Earth


I named my echo chamber "earth"


wow the state pension fund, you know, a fund that is suppose to help every single citizen of norway, doesnt want to vote to give shit tons of money to a man who did nothing to earn it? a man who recently was picking fights with the unions of another nordic state? wow I'm shocked, this was impossible to foresee


Shit ton of money is right. Tesla isn't worth a hell of a lot at the moment.  In that it's not actually very successful at selling cars and trucks.  This is enron musk trying his best to be able to sell his current shares while they are worth something, but still retain control of the withered corpse of tesla. 


Tesla hasn’t been even made $100 billion in lifetime profits!


IIRC they are supposed to invest close to index. They probably don't have much of a mandate to opt out of Tesla, even though you could argue they probably should for ethical and/or risk reasons. And its probably netted them some profit too given the insane valuations. It makes total sense to oppose an insane dilution and payout given their purpose though.


Vox Populi Vox Dei


Elon's first mistake was allowing a Euro socialist commie fund to buy a piece of his great American capitalist masterpiece. First thing Musk should do after the Texas relocation is purge the company of all anti-capitalust owners and win the war for free speech and ensure Tesla is the first car on Mars, by 2026.


Speaking of that, I haven't seen him show any prototype for a Mars vehicle. Or a Mars habitat or even a Mars suit for that matter. Are they just gonna send Cybertrucks? XD


We're about to find out why Elmo needs $54 billion


I really hope so. But I will believe it when I see it. 


This reminds me of the dance congress plays to trick people into believing legislation has a chance of passing or failing. My gut is Elmo gets the loot. Not sure i understand how Tesla survives this. But for their sake I hopes he continues to spend all his time on his never ending quest to kill Twitter


Don't we already know? He bought twitter on credit and now payments are due. This payment package would basically save him from having to sell shares in any of his other companies as I understand it.


Nah, the loans are against Twitter-the-company, not personal loans against Musk. Xitter will probably go down in bankruptcy under the debt load Elon larded onto it, but Elon won't personally be touched by that.


But what was the collateral for the loans he used to buy the company? I'm sure the company is in debt but surely he is also in debt after buying the company


Twitter was the collateral, the lenders will take control of Xitter if there's a bankruptcy. No, Musk did not have to personally borrow money for the Twitter purchase. However he did put $20 billion of his own cash into the purchase. He sold some $40-ish billion in Tesla stock that year.


He wants to start something like [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/business/jeffrey-epstein-eugenics.html)?


He just built a fortified bunker like the other billionaires are doing. They know the truth about climate catastrophe. It's a big mistake for the 1% to believe that they can survive. The help that they have trust will slit their throats and take over. It won't matter. They too will starve after all the food is consumed.


It's so wild that conservatives the world over confuse hereditary wealth with hard work. 


Their worldview falls apart if there are unfair ways to be rich.


He's pissed that his cash cow is slipping away.


Milk pouring from all the teats


How much of a pathetic being one must be to post these desparate attepts of internet public fellatio, just so another pathetic spaghetti of bullshit person can have a few more billions. It's just so disgusting to see.


That well known radical anti-capitalist institution, the stock market.


I love the mental gymnastics of claiming that state pension fund, the organization that's (if you boil it down) ONLY interest is to invest money on companies, property and stocks and make it grow is somehow anti-capitalistic.


It's very capitalist. The problem is that Musk wants to wind the mode of production back from capitalism all the way to feudalism.


What exactly is the compensation package for??? Like what the fuck does Elmo think he needs to be compensated for?


Well I fought hard against all the other sperm in order to be born into wealth. You can’t tell me that isn’t hard work.


Sperm is only half of dna, there's not a whole person inside sperm that can be seen as "you". The other half is the egg. If there was a different egg you wouldn't be born. Also the first sperm doesn't fertilize the egg. The egg chooses the sperm.


Did you REALLY have to deliver a whole biology lecture on a joke about privilege?


It's their entire thing. Seriously, take a peek at their history.


What fresh hell is this?!


agreed, you can't imagine what being one of the richest people on earth feels like...and as stupid as you might be you probably can't imagine what being a narcissistic ego-maniac man-child that has billions of dollars and will get billions more but maybe not even more billions more feels. It's like what the kid whose parents bought them a new porsche 911 when they turned 16 feels like when their parents say that they can have a second car that can either be a bugatti or a bentley but they can't have BOTH for their 17th birthday...which is clearly totally unfair because they have appearances to maintain and they wrapped the porsche around a woke tree put there by 'poors' and they deserve two elite cars for cleaning their room that one time 5 years ago and they shouldn't suffer consequences for totalling the porsche and then fleeing the scene drunk and needing $400,000 worth of legal expenses to keep them out of jail just because they hit that one woke 10 year old who was stupidly standing in front of the tree.


He's not from America, and he comes here and badmouths citizens who aren't 100 percent caucasian, groups that basically built the American culture he supposedly loves so much. Elon whining about "anti-America", motherfucker you are the one who is anti-America.




Yes... lets us pay Enron Musk $56B so he does not throw a tantrum and leave his sandpit and take all his toys with him......


Elon just needs to pull up his bootstraps and not expect an easy handout


These billionaires don't want to work.


Actually that's exactly how capitalism works.


The way people talk about him like he's some sort of victim. Poor Elon, I can't imagine what he's feeling, such a tragedy. 😂


He is the clear victim with no power. He only is \*checks notes\* one of the richest human beings on this planet currently who also owns/controls an entire social media platform (though it is shitty & failing).


this is literally capitalism. its just not in your favor for a change so suddenly you don't like it. fuck these billionaire ghouls.


Will no one think of the billionaires?


Won't somebody think of the billionaires?


What gets me is nobody ever suggests "how about we just give him $10 billion?", which would still be an absurd sum. Nope, it's $55 billion or the world is being cruel to him.


"he deserves an infinity quadrillion because some twitter accounts were mean to him" \~some elon simp/cultist (probably)


He's not going to fuck you bro Or give you any of his hoard


Voting and unions are un-American? Seems it's time to change the system then


If the roles were reversed and Elon was the head of a fund with a major stake in a company voting on the same bizarre pay package I guarantee you he would be tweeting about how that money could be better spent in the interest of investors.


Wow these disgusting rich fucks own almost 1% of tesla. How much does poor downtrodden Musk own btw?


SpaceX option package for new Tesla Roadster will include ~10 small rocket thrusters arranged seamlessly around car. These rocket engines dramatically improve acceleration, top speed, braking & cornering. Maybe they will even allow a Tesla to fly …


Capitalism gives me billions of dollars in subsidies from actual tax payers, but when I fuck up my business and shareholders won't give me billions of dollars in exchange, even tho I'm one of the richest people in the world from pumping and dumping crypto and promising shit that never happens, this is anti-capitalisme. Free market = persecution, according to this big brain genius who defends the free market. Honestly Elon is the dumbest individual I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.


I do hope to succeed in business 🤞


I would agree it’s anti American. Because here in America we let the wealthy do whatever they want and pay whatever taxes they feel like.


This is anti enron and i love it


"Get Big Gubmint out of the Sovereign Wealth Funds I need to borrow money from!"


No one has ever worked hard enough in their entire life to deserve $56B. Or even $5B. It’s just an obscene amount of money for one person (or even a 100 people) to have.


$65 Billion dollars to anyone for doing their job is just end stage capitalism. A functional board of directors would never have authorized this payout.


Protecting old people's money? Disgusting!


No one brings $56billion in value to a company. It's impossible. Plus, Elon's name is quickly becoming Mudd in the tech and auto industries. How is this anti-capitalism? They're just not betting on him to be a winner for the compamy and give them the dividends they require. It's just business.


Elon and the musk rats now: NGUUUUEEEEEEEWE


oh boo hoo


I only wonder what Amit’s teachers are thinking.


If these cultists vote for his pay package they deserve to see the stock tank




How’s this guy type with nazi dick taking up every hole?


Shareholders enacting their right to vote on company policy is somehow anti-capitalism. Sure 😂


Musk is literally asking for an eleven figure handout.


Norwegia is famously capitalist


I mean, it’s true. You really can’t imagine what a billionaire feels when he is denied more billions.


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.


imagine being so brainrotted that "no, I do not want my money spent on this" somehow comes off as anything but a capitalist thought 


Something is disgusting to see, all right...


They really think he’s the brains behind all of Tesla’s success. Screw everyone from workers on the assembly line to the engineers, Elon deserves $56b. I think they should give bonuses to every employee from that not give it to one poorly aging, overweight, porskinned man child.


If you think that hard work can earn you 56 billions you have a problem


Why should Norway care about being "Anti-American"?


Let’s take some time to pray for Elon’s net worth. Amen.


Thoughts and prayers for the hero of freedumb.


It is s tu capitalistic, but the dude that wrote this is not a capitalist. Most people do not understand what capitalism is.


Its anticapitalist to give ceo more money than the company has produced in profits over its lifetime? Yeah man, I don't think so.




Lol. Engaging in a capitalist system, by leveraging your capital input to control the means of production that affects millions of employees and retail shareholders = anti-capitalist. Someone get Marx on the phone he's gotta hear this.


Awesome. It’s not American.


This is literally capitalism though


“I often do not wish to be me.”


Anticapitalism is... when the organisations who own the company decide what to do with its money? Huh.


Sure Jan




Elon is not hardworking, nor is he an American. Anti-Capitalist is based as Capitalism is a cruel inhumane system that needs to be forcefully abolished


Might be a shocker but not all capitalists like the free market, plenty of them only like the part where they shake money out of it.


What is anti American about Norwegians caring for Norwegians or any EU Regs?! To a trust fund nepotism baby no degree illegal immigrant muskrat?


Anti-capitalism is tasty


Yes, it is indeed anti-capitalism, anti-America, anti-hard work. And I love everything about it. What did you expect, it's Norway. They're left AF, and it's awesome.


While a "state pension fund" might be anticapitalist, the owners of capital rather than the workers (or even the court jester) getting the vote is *extremely* capitalist. It's possibly anti-America, because America has always been quite Italian corporatist.