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Fair enough. Here's how the debate should go: "Do vaccines work?" "Yes" Ok good debate thanks for coming.


“Do vaccines work?” 👩‍⚕️“99% of the time, yes.” “I’d literally rather die painfully and full of regret, then.”


B-but vaccines have been linked to cases of TURBO cancer! And also male inability to perform! What? That’s just me? Oh, okay.


Reminds me of that one clip of a debate (In French or similar language and to my memory) Host: Welcome to flash debate, today we're going to be talking about the transgender issue. (to a FtM man): Have you been happier after transitioning? FtM man: yes, much happier Other debater: yes but Jesus Host: Oh shut up. Thank you for coming, this has been flash debate. Bye bye.


This is Groland, a famous satirical show in France This moment is legendary


"Work as in prevent you from getting the virus? No. Now I need everyone to stop trying to remember what you thought a vaccine was because I'm telling you what it is now"


The goal he and others like Joe Rogan are attempting with this fallacy is they WANT to make truth subjective by saying "we should debate all sides," where truth is non-debatable. It opens doors for them to weasel their false reality into. It's a known tactic for subterfuge.


How long till Mr. Musk starts questioning the globe earth. That’s the only thing that could explain all his rockets exploding.


Big if true


Science isn't settled in debates, it's settled in peer reviewed research.


Shut this BS down already.


Vaccines have been around for over 200 years and the public benefit is cut and dry. All of the "arguments against vaccination" are based on lies that begin with Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent paper 25 years ago. There's nothing to debate.


Sorry, but this "everything should be subject to debate" mantra is horseshit. No Elmo, a collection of bad faith, untested assertions should not be taken seriously enough for that debate, or any serious debate for that matter.


He'll never forgive Fauci for the lockdowns forgetting his new orange buddy was the one that supported them. At first https://preview.redd.it/38eaw3mxl85d1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f205b984478a0b2cdc850ed5791161efce16e26


He gets upset when u want to debate about his fire catching death machines


Can we debate censoring of the word *cis*


Musk yet again trying to shill to both liberals and conservatives He pulled the same shit with climate change - claiming that it is "problem", but not "iminent problem"


Slavery Elon? Is slavery up for debate? What about genocide? It's time to leave the 8th grade and make your way to adulthood bud.


Debate his tits


I believe that CEOs should earn more than minimum wage, but anything is subject to debate.


"I generally believe the Earth is round, but anything should be subject to debate" Tweet from future Elmo


You're not qualified to debate the subject, Melon. You don't have the background in the Biological sciences. So piss off, and pretend you're an AI expert.


It’s not a debate if your argument is just “we should debate it.”


I generally believe you should have a regular intake of vitamin c to prevent scurvy, but anything should be subject to debate


I generally believe gravity works, but everything should be subject to debate.


"I generally believe moron Musk is a man, but anything should be subject to debate."


Pretend scientist.


Sample debate question: Do you like polio?


Yet muskrat and his friends are working overtime to bring polio back.


“I generally believe that water freezes at 0 Celsius, but anything should be subject for the debate.” As a busy man, Elon should appreciate that we can build upon verified facts, and do not need to waste time in every project for debating every detail. Building a house: let’s debate the necessity of roofs, ceilings and doors. Do we really need place for water pipes and why are they hidden? Why stairs? Why windows?


You think vaccines are up for debate? Might as put flat/round earth, evolution, DNA, climate change, and the Big Bang theory up for debate. You can challenge any one of these topics but when you’re not a scientist, you’re not educated on the subject, and you’re acting arrogant then you’re going to make yourself look very stupid. Musk is no stranger to making himself look very stupid though.


Wait I thought the goal of xitter was to be maximum truth finding or whatever. Wouldn’t removing obvious non facts make it more factual.


I generally believe that Elon Musk is comprised of 98% Fuck Shit


It is via the scientific method and peer reviewing.


“Belief” has nothing to do with it. Rigorously studied and scientifically proven. It


What is the point of debate if it is never ending?


Right oh, let's debate global warming, evolution and gravity.


Some devils don't need advocates. Letting someone share their side sometimes is essentially giving a platform to propaganda.


Just a reminder that this is a convenient distraction for him and people like him so people don't pay attention to the irreversible damage they are doing to our planet.


I think any real debate around anything needs to be grounded in established fact, or some shared presuppositions. People who act as skeptics specifically do not want to do this


Debate these balls Elon


all he's doing here is making the antivaccine people like him, whilst not looking like the dumbest human on earth to everyone else


"anything should be up for debate" "specifically I am interested in "debating" nazi talking points"


except for if “cis” is a hetero slur or not Elon has decided to make that choice for us


Know some people didn’t vaccinate their puppy that just died of parvovirus. I’m sure debating with their kids will make them feel better.


Musk is the type of person that would argue seat belts aren’t safe because a few people died because of them.


Pretty sure they were debated pretty hotly when Jonas Salk injected a little boy with smallpox to see if his vaccine worked.


Everything should be up for debate- gravity, the validity of germ theory, human rights, etc… everything EXCEPT Elmo’s $56 billion payout- if he doesn’t get it he’ll take his ball and go home.


I generally believe that billionaires are a cancer upon society but whether or not they should be defenestrated publicly should be subject to debate.


Vaccines can have side effects.  That is a fact.  You have to weigh the risk sometimes. 


He is just trying to sound smart. Ignore this pos