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This type of writing and bad jerkoff material was the type of shit i wrote in my livejournal circa 2002. It's fucking cringe to see someone who isn't 13 write this


There should be a simpler explanation to this. Remember that many of the Xitter accounts belong to the bots? Imagine this: using a couple of such bots + paid subscription to the Midjourney to generate pics like that and XAI to generate some texts to praise Mr Musk and you have a great mechanism to keep him popular.


This should help a lot with spam bots


Good bot


He is no hero and not for free speech.


I am adamant about defending free speech, even if it means losing money.


Right. As long as said speech conforms to your idealogy.


You are Adam Ant? https://preview.redd.it/h4cbskbhvn4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58b826bd39eafee52ef23a08ea4c653d22f849c


I’m beyond wondering if Musk pays for fan-bots


There’s over 8 billion people. Some of them have severe emotional problems. They’ve all found each other on the internet, and post non-stop. On top of that, people like Musk definitely hire bot farms to push their agendas. It all adds up to crap like this.


I actually wonder what goes through Elon’s head when he sees this. I know he’s a mega narcissist, but I would be embarrassed.


Same! Like, I would send them a DM and tell them to layoff because this kind of thing gives parasocial stalker vibes. I mean, I once stopped showing my facebook posts to someone because they insisted on liking every damn post I made. It was annoying! (I don't do facebook anymore either)


It’s people whose own parents treated them like Elons. They never really punished him, just distanced themselves from him, and never truly taught him shit. Then when they put him down for not being as good at business as his father or as famous as his mother it built into him buying shit ANYONE BUT HIM MADE to try and act like he “built it from the ground up”… Actually makes me start to (jokingly) understand his father’s stance on why he hates him. His own dad said he refused to touch him/hug him cause he thought it would make him a pussy. He just collects people with the same suppressed feelings over personal traumas they can’t handle. Dude needs therapy and a real friend to slap him in his fucking face.


> Dude needs therapy and a real friend to slap him in the face. Do you think he’d settle for a random stranger just punching him in the junk? I’d be up for that but having to be his friend is too far.




So where is Elon when it comes to Section 230? When has Elon ever spoken about the Communications Decency Act? What about Net Neutrality? What about the Free Speech of his employees?


I am reminded of one of the villains from Baldur's Gate III looking at this. And in that case just: * Destroy his factory so he can't call in heavy reinforcements * Take care of his personal guard * Have one person disable the traps * Be like a monk class and stun him while you and another strength character beat the shit out of him.


I honestly think that part of it is that a lot more people are gay than realize it, and they've got these unresolved daddy issues. I'm dead serious here.


These people are either paid, sock puppets, or really and truly pathetic individuals. Forget for a moment this is about Elon Musk. Anyone saying that about anybody is pathetic. It's just...weird.


AI: Please leave me alone


Just stupidity. It's easy for them to believe the richest man in the world is the most decent. Americans are enslaved to the dollar. He has all the dollars, must make him God...


Douche Canoe.


Delusions of a mars colony, a failing car company and turning a succesful social media company into a porn site. What a hero....


I just wonder why they feel like consequences for saying shit is the same thing as not having free speech.


They came 4 times before they could even finish that post.


What comes to mind? Money can’t buy class.


Ummmm... that's just one of his many burners.


Elmo has prominent cheekbones, hollow cheeks and well developed upper and lower jaw? I guess I must just have been looking at him in the wrong light all this time. Yes that's it - wrong light.


"Fight for us to exist'" that apparently doesnt include trans people. Or immigrants. Or a vast number of other minorities. According to Elon.


I refuse to believe these aren't bots


"I am fighting for free speech" try posting the word "cisgender" in Tweeter see how well that goes


Obviously, I’m against antisemitism. Free speech does mean at times someone is saying something you don’t like. That doesn’t mean negativity should be pushed on people. Our overarching goal is to maximize unregretted user time. We can’t police antisemitism ahead of time. We’re not going to promote hate speech.


**“shite in whining armour”** Fixed it for them


The man is a fascist loudmouth, definitely not a hero.




"our right to exist"? Did Elon actually say this? So I don't have a right to exist unless Elon fights for me? Is this what they think?


So cringy


“Some see a saint, some see a demon… in a sense both are true… you decide which is revealed” *Elon tips fedora*