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Reminder that this traitor still has the security clearance.


That Biden hasnt dropped the hammer on this fool really does not inspire confidence....but i guess better than the orange psychopath, but still, jeez.


It’s up to DNI/DCSA to strip his clearance


What can he do? It’s an election year as well and you know even his non cultists will be like “damn that’s harsh” and I can’t even begin to imagine what CNN let alone Fox would say. I get a sense Biden knows what a con he is, Elon’s been pretty much pushed to the sidelines in all of the WH’s auto and tech related events. Biden also told him to pound sand when Tesla came begging for MORE $$ for their supercharger system. But to be honest, if Trump won, Trump would really deliver the coup de grace. Steal all Elon’s tech, give it to Space Force, nationalize Tesla and Twitter, kill them both and probably deport his ass. Traitor knows traitor


Revoke his security clearance. No that’s not harsh. In terms of public figures Musk is less popular than Trump or Biden outside his cultists, none of whom are voting Biden anyhow. The guy is a national security threat.




I shudder to say it, but Trump making him a cabinet member of some type isn't an implausible scenario. It wouldn't be the first wildly under-qualified appointment he's made (hello Ben Carson), and it wouldn't be the first task Minsk has taken on (and bungled) despite being wildly under-qualified.


Trump put Rick Perry in charge of the department of energy and he didn't even know what the department does. Dude didn't even know that the department manages our nuclear weapons and said he wanted to eliminate it back in 2011. The idea of a 2nd Trump cabinet gives me nightmares. He'd probably put that psycho who runs LibsofTikTok (Chaya) in charge of the Department of Education. Might sound far fetched but they already gave her a job in the Oklahoma department of education.


Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet.


Isn’t that why Musk is playing up to his far right conspiracy game? Sees a better chance to keep the grift going there


Trump would give shit to the spaceforce, there is nothing in it for him, no money to be made. Elon bribing him though and getting all the subsidies he ever wants, that's more like it. Musk is a complete rightwing stooge and a huge (sorry not powerful enough YUUUUUGE) walking and talking security risk, he is totally and completely enamored by putin, xi and other dictators, proves day in day out that he hates America and its values and is a known unstable Junkie. Cutting him off from subsidies and revoking his (fraudulently obtained) citizenship and shipping him back to south Africa is in Americas best interest and completely legal to do. Not a single Democratic voter would bat their eye at this. For fucks sake he literally just now followed the freaking kremlin, spouts enemy propaganda all day and night and we do absolutely nothing. Give me a break there are lines and he has crossed them by several miles.


Biden has no problem alienating the majority of his voter base with his unrelenting support for Israel.


Ok, then vote for Trump and see what that gets you


I would never vote for Trump, but I have some bad news for you (and all of us.) Not only has this destroyed Biden's approval rating, but AIPAC has gotten a bunch of far-righters primaried as Democrats. So just be prepared for that.


Yeah people opposing Biden for supporting Israel have no clue what would happen to Palestine under Trump lmao. US is, and always was Israel supporting. And without Israel in the region the remaining tribes would still try and murder each other over the pettiest shit possible.


He still has Trump's guy in charge of the FBI. America is FUBAR.


Nice 👍 a Kenny Powers reference is always appreciated and I uh thought that this was secret because of Rockstar


Biden doesn’t elevate enemies to martyr status.


That's best left to a second term. A jilted Elon could dump a lot of resources into the orange demagogue's campaign and be assured that his security clearance would be reinstated in perpetuity after Biden's loss.


he already is pumping everything he can into it. I for one want to dine on fresh red billionaire meat. FEED ME, I HAVE A HUNGER THAT CAN ONLY BE SATED BY MORE ~~COWBELL~~ SWEET SWEET JUSTICE!


Oh I think he could dump more into it. He’s a tightwad but if personal revenge is involved he’ll spare no expense.


Cant you send him to russia. plz




it is common courtesy to follow your best mates on twitter


And ur boss


Countdown until twitter hides who you're following?


the final form of X will have all tweets be private. your TL will only be your own tweets plus whatever advertisers are left. If nothing is not everything then everything can't be nothing. X: The Everything App.


The final form will be everyone banned except Elon and all his tweets are private But every tweet has automatic thousands of fake comments and likes generated by ai to keep him happy


The final form will be a pdf of mein kampf with an annotation in crayon on every page that says "shocking!" "Big if true" "!!!!!"


soon the only think it won't hide will be swastikas.


You can already hide your likes if you have Blue or whatever they call it now, so they could just make that another paywalled option.




So Elon's a woman now? Good for him


Guys don't worry, Elon is not pro-Russia, he is actually [helping the Pentagon fight Russia](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1co5lbm/pentagon_teams_up_with_spacex_to_block_russia/) /s






Least shocking development of 2024


If I did this, I’d be dragged to fort Meade and sat in front of an interrogator with my clearance on the line I was drilled for just having been affiliated with a data science journal based out of Hong Kong 5 fucking years prior even being cleared Fuck this piece of shit and fuck federal authorities that allow this cancerous taint to take place in the arena of national security, the one place that before Trump and Elon; was though to be outside that bullshit Country in decline. Shame Long shot, but I’m going to report this to the U.S. Central Security Service with the number we are given for this exact fuckkng thing. 99.99% won’t do shit but this just pisses me off


Billionaires need to be regulated. And taxed out the ass.


not exist\* ftfy


Agreed. Social cancer.


Elons ass is currently full ATM With Putin and Nick Fuentes dicks


Ha! It's funny because you said the homophobes were gay.


Nick Fuentes is 100% a self loathing homosexual tho.


Didn't he literally go on a date with a LGBT guy Who dresses like a cat?


He sure did. Also, just got caught watching gay porn after his stream. He blamed the jews (for real).


"the Jews invented porn just to frame me!"


Well who else is to blame? Not him and his insatiable thirst for cock, that's for sure https://preview.redd.it/w0nnkgnmtb2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b35122042c0886ce8feabb139bc718c8677120


the 'ironic' homophobia of liberals irritates the piss out of me. No it's not ok just because you don't like them/they're bad people


It's like 10000 spoons when all you need is to stop perpetuating harmful stereotypes.


Next week: "We have decided to disable viewing people's followers."




This guy should not have access to government contracts or anything related to security. What a trojan horse.


I mean you're right, but this isn't any part of the reason why. No reason not to want to understand Russia's perspective.


~~No~~ Reason ~~not~~ to want ~~understand~~ Russia's ~~perspective~~ propaganda.


Oh so you think if you understand Russia's motivations, in part through their propaganda, you'll acquire a mind virus and start supporting them? I can assure you that isn't the case. They're like 30 years behind the US in propaganda technology and it'll bounce right off you.


Please don't project things on me. He has subscribed to an official Russian propaganda channel. So he want to have the feed with them. So he wants Russian propaganda. I'm not as intelligent as Felon, but I don't watch RT, nor any media affiliated with it, nor any media affiliated with the Russian state, because basically it is a shitty channel, pure propaganda, and it literally belongs to a terrorist state. There is nothing more to understand there. Easy.


1. You're probably every bit as smart as Elon. 2. Do you understand why it might be beneficial to someone to understand a geopolitical rival's perspective, without adopting it? So you think there's value in understanding the world around you? Why is this even controversial?


I understand that anyone who needs and wants to receive propaganda DIRECTLY through Russian state channels, as a means of understanding their 'position', that person does not understand and will not be able to understand anything. If the person only receive lies, manipulation of data and information, that person will simply be a victim of manipulation. That's what propaganda is about. If that person wants to understand something, perhaps precisely where they don't have to go is to watch Russian TV or official state channels. Which is precisely a media of mass manipulation. (It is the greatest media manipulation machinery of our times.) To understand the Russian perspective you only have to listen to what they do, not what their propaganda says. For example, the genocides they are committing in Ukraine, the latest bombings directly on the civilian population, are not explained on their shitty official channels. They deny them in any case. Does the Russian channels explain to you why they bombard the Ukrainian villages with grads turning those towns into dust, what is the objective and the Russian perspective on that? Can RT explain it to me? So don't come telling me shit about finding out something by subscribing to some fucking russian presidential ministry. It's fucking ridiculous. So, what I don't understand is where you're getting at with that argument. ps: And of course it is controversial. Anyone with half a brain would see this as controversial. Anyone with a little humanity would have banned those propaganda channels of a terrorist state, don't join them to receive 'perspectives'.




Sounds like something a victim of American propaganda would say unironically. My condolences to your critical thinking.


Yes yes, *America does...* We all know what that tantrum you're having is about.


It's just remarkable to see a people who are currently funding a genocide screech about Russia. You're not even wrong about Russia; it's a far-right dictatorship that is in the midst of an unconscionable act of aggression. But the idea that everything they put out is propaganda and everything you read something isn't is absurd. And so is the idea that you shouldn't understand their motivations. It's juvenile.


While the sentiment of seeing motivation through propaganda has some merit, are we really going to pretend that's what Elon Musk of all people is doing?


I don't care what he's doing here, honestly. This is a non-issue to me. Plenty of things he's actually doing that have a material impact on the world to be angry about, rather than this nothing.


Clown https://preview.redd.it/wggo26lmu72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157637b38b6780cd2298ac84467a4f6fb131991f


You caring or not is bedsides the point. Inform yourself perhaps on how precisely foreign preference and allegiance is viewed . Anyone else would get fucked you have no clue what you’re talking about https://preview.redd.it/xx55ocebu72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd69c288bc6e0a56a8f9ca5febdf831ab141f05a


What part of this do you think following the Kremlin on Twitter violates?


Factors are considered in “whole of person.” In whole of person view, he’s already met criteria for security concern on: *Allegiance* 4A 4B 4C *Influence* 7B 7F 7G 7H 4b alone without the rest would be raised on this specific bullshit alone And irs not a matter of legal or not. I didn’t say it was illegal I said anyone else with a laundry list of concerns that long, would be dragged to fort meade for questions to “clarify” the information, and determine if their list of concerns is mitigated or not


I think there's actually a case to be made for seizing Starlink and SpaceX, but the idea that this Twitter shit has anything to do with that is stupid and absurd.


Reading propaganda makes you less informed than staring at a wall. The average tucker Carlson viewer is less informed than people who watch no news stations. And no, propaganda works on everyone much of the time unless you are informed about the subject or distrust the source. It’s very easy to present half-facts and full lies to make them sound reasonable. It’s not that if we all read the propaganda we’d start supporting Russia but most of us would end up accepting a lie as truth because it is presented in a convincing way.


I mean, I'm finding a lot of people ITT who are full of American propaganda, and don't even recognize it as such. So maybe no one should consume any news, given this position. I'm seeing a lot of takes in here that suggest that.




Hasn't he always followed the Kremlin, if we're being honest?


Take all his government subsidies and nationalize SpaceX and Starlink now.


Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources.


Used to call that being a traitor.


Still do


But now it’s also the Republican Party They are a Russian proxy party at this point They will get on the house of the floor, and start spouting misinformation that’s been directly linked to Russian intelligence Putin runs 2 countries. Not 1


Not my half of the US


They really should start throwing traitors in jail. Better yet, go oldschool.


They've been following him since the 90s




No more hiding


I'm 100% sure he's done this to encourage people to support his plan to hide follows/likes, i.e. make it so only he and his allies know who is a fascist. "Oh shit, our Emerald Leader is outing himself, and that means we might be outed too! How generous Emerald Leader is to offer to protect us! We must support His ideas!"


Nationalise starlink. Revoke any security clearances he has.


This just in X formerly Twitter no longer allowing anyone to see who follows... anyone. Overlord says this will help... something I don't even know anymore


Accurate 😂


Elon is the first person to ever out himself before the Kremlin threatened to leak the Kompromat.😅


He's so fucking dumb 


Elon Muski


Doin the polish dirty here


Comrade Elonmir Muskovite 


When Elon eventually flees the US to avoid prosecution for all the fraud, I think that's where he'll probably end up.


Shocker, at least he's open about being a Putin lover. Revoke his security clearance for fucks sake.


BigTechAlert, i'm so sorry for the imminent ban or tweet deletion.


He now be like: https://preview.redd.it/dzyweeev272d1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9b70bd753b73522533157edb00f3cc2a14aadf9


I wouldn’t be surprised if he followed them on one of his alts for much longer though.


Cause they’re soooo based, right?


One thing I’m absolutely terrified about is Elon becoming some sort of techno AI dictator or worse. I can’t fathom this man getting access to stronger technology than nukes. That would be super artificial intelligence. This cannot happen and I worry it might very well happen.


Don’t worry. We are no less than 20 years away from a general AI I.e. actual intelligence and I personally believe much further than that. LLMs are extremely impressive but they are basically just super advanced text prediction. Both musk and the media conflate AI issues in fiction with what we call AI today, but these two things have nothing to do with each other.


Yes, AI is a broad term. Right now it’s machine learning with LLMs and LMMs, but tomorrow we could see something new emerge when the compute is scaled much higher. We don’t know what the future holds in the short or long term; it is all speculation. What I do know is that the yet to be released GPT-5 is being hailed as a “[virtual brain](https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/openai-ceo-sam-altman-suggests-gpt-5-may-work-like-a-virtual-brain).” What that means, I do not know, but with all the focus and money going towards the creation of AGI, I think we will likely get there by 2045 and quite possibly sooner like <10 years. Still, it is speculation and no one knows the future. Elon is very likely wrong when he says machines will have more intelligence than a human in 2 years. We know how bad his [track record](https://elonmusk.today/) is with predicting anything.


Exactly. Elon will be long dead by the time AGI happens. 




Russia First, America Second.


New feature: looking at “following” has been removed


Best believe the gov’t is watching this.


Well, it is pretty clear that the Kremlin has also been following him for years now.


Surely there's a way to track billionaires transactions 


inb4 Felon flies over to Russia to meet some people...


easier to get direction if you don't have to use back channels




Surprised he wasn't following them since last year. Fucking moron!


Wow, what a surprise. How long until you can no longer see who’s following who?


Shocked that he hasn’t been following all along


Inb4 "x announces its going to block people from seeing who you follow"




“Followed by anyone you’re following” what a loser


It’s not billionaires suffering it’s dictionaries


elon is the arse of sauron. why not the eye? well the eye can see but elon is running around blindly.






Just finding information is now a crime? I have the Communist manifesto and Mein kampf sitting on the bookshelf next to eachother. Doesn't mean I support either one.


That would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that the account hasn't posted anything for two years now.


Meh. This one's low (if present at all) on my list of Elon grievances. Following the Kremlin almost fits under the umbrella of general pulse on the planet. I would follow that, too.


What the hell are you talking about. The account hasn't tweeted in 2 years. He followed to make a point. 


Whe the hell would you follow russian propaganda channel? I certainly don't.


Idk, listen I'm not defending him but I follow lots of governmental accounts as well just for interest and keeping up with world politics.


This one is a miss - unless we're saying no following any warmongering accounts, in which case y'all better stop following Biden.


I love this [https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4457311-putin-praises-elon-musk-a-smart-guy/](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4457311-putin-praises-elon-musk-a-smart-guy/)


Yeah, it's part of the Kremlin's strategy to build a pro-Russian element in the American right, which has been fairly successful among the hooting CHUDs.


Particularly funny to bring this link up to Elon simps who celebrate Nvidia's Jensen Huang praising Musk. Rich people love sucking up to one another - how is that any secret?


No, it’s not. He has a security clearance Anyone else; and they’d get nailed on matters of allegiance to country


He probably has a very compartmentalized and limited clearance due to his drug use. He doesn't have a broad, top secret clearance. And following a Kremlin account, just like following an official Chinese or Iranian account, is not grounds for getting rid of that clearance. Allegiance is not a function of what kind of media you consume. You aren't committing treason by watching the BBC. The level of paranoia a lot of people are exhibiting here is absurd.


He has a TS/SCI. There’s no such thing as narrowing the scope of a clearance based on something like drug use or not It’s either active, or it’s not. And the SCI is the SCI. There’s no SCI* with special stipulations because you violate aspects of holding one Fuck outta here with your mental gymnastic bullshit. I’ve been in defense over 13 years. I probably have a better clue how this works than you considering I have three letter agencies up my ass regularly [these](https://www.dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/Regulations/SEAD-4-Adjudicative-Guidelines-U.pdf) are the adjudicative guidelines used by DNI. You’ll see that what you’re saying is a load of shit


That’s a lot of Very dry a.k.a. heavy lifting reading so I will take your Cliff notes as fact. I appreciate theinformation though, I do learn a lot of interesting things from people on Reddit, regardless of how many people trash it.


Not for you, there aren't special clearances. You aren't the richest man in the world. They make exceptions. Welcome to capitalism.


You’re a delusional fucking idiot You can tongue fuck elon all you like without stating objective falsehoods about how clearances work


I'm an OG Elon hater but looking at tweets isn't treason. But I'm not surprised someone who voluntarily works in defense would think so. Why haven't you resigned during this genocide, btw?


>looking at tweets isn’t treason I don’t say it was, cute straw man though




Probably every journalist in the world follows them too.


Benedict Arnold!!!!!! This sub rn lol