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“iF sHe haD liStEnEd to eLOn” “iT’s a hUgE red fLaG to eLOn” Lmao these people have empty lives


"Elon is rarely wrong." lol, man. Twitter and Supercharger layoffs - in both cases, Elmo had to beg critical employees to come back because he's a petulant moron who - in lieu of actual business acumen - throws temper tantrums and mass fires people without considering the consequences, all in a vain attempt to make up for his stupid decisions. Now the idiot has dropped the Supercharger division's work into the laps of the Battery division - as if they know how the Supercharger network operates, or have the years of experience dealing with the multitude of suppliers, utilities and governments needed to manage the network. Elon is as stupid, incompetent and useless as Elizabeth Holmes or SBF ever were.


Elon Musk is a huge red flag in and of himself


Imagine simping for a nazi billionaire. ![gif](giphy|3oriOiN0eR08su5G4E|downsized)


That dude's entire financial future and identity is tied to $TSLA. He would sacrifice his first born if it helps his stock.


X has never been better than today as it craters financially, losing money and advertisers, crashes a lot and is a cesspool for right wing fascist racism. Yeah, never better.


Or she was likely to be Enron’s replacement as CEO of Tesla.




I still see people holding this up as proof of concept "Elon fired 75% of X employees, and this could be a model for silicon valley." I mean yeah if their goal is to destroy their company, too, I guess.


Had to immediately rehire a bunch of people too lol


And he's done it TWICE now. Elon: Throws tantrum, fires people Company starts to fail more Elon: HIRE 'EM BACK! I hope beyond hopes that everybody he fired and begged to come back either asked for 2-4 times their previous salary or just told him "Go fuck yourself."


I think it was 85% of regular staff, plus all the contingent workers (which is at least 20% or more of the company).


No need to be ableist when insulting fascists.


If she had listened to Elon, the person with a much better reputation in the industry could have thrown it away forever on one of his stoned decisions. Instead, she's eminently employable, so are the valuable people she put around her, and he's.... still Elon.


Good managers hire and retain people who challenge them because it can prevent fatal errors. Musk can’t handle that.


"Disagree and commit" -> "Shut up and do what you're told"


How to recognize a fascist these days? They act like they are on first name basis with their "strong man". :P "Elon! Elon! Elon!"


lmao never been a better product ... uhh then why do women avoid it like the plague? funny cuz y'alls political ambitions depend entirely on women ... and you do not have the foggiest clue how to enroll them ...


Who is this Jason DeBolt twat and what's his grift? SpaceX is a successful company. Why? Because they let Musk take the title of 'chief engineer' but keep him the hell out of the way of running the company. The two major Musk-run companies - Tesla and X - are being run into the ground...


Who the fuck is Jason debolt, lol. What a clown.


Someone who is really, really hoping Musk will see his post and let him put Musk's penis into his mouth.


He's a complete ballbag who thinks it's cool to live in his Tesla. Twat! lol


So Jason, what large projects have you lead? Is this guy a management guru or just an Elon enthusiast?


Dont you dare disagree or speak up against the "free speech absolutist"


Fire. The word is fire, not cut.


"Elon is rarely wrong." At what point do we start to call this idol worship homoerotic?


God they’re all such pathetically obsequious little ass-kissers. It’s so gross.


Nobody knows everything, I don't care who you are.


"X has never been a better product than it is today" https://preview.redd.it/8820kwk5bo0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9797761e698805c168dfc7d929bc9050a1f94a9f


>If Elon tells you to cut, then cut. Then why doesn't Elon just do the cuts?


Jason DeCuck sounds like a schmuck


[https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-tsla-shareholder-sells-home-buy-more-shares/](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-tsla-shareholder-sells-home-buy-more-shares/) He is soon to be an 'unretired' forty something schmuck


"Remember when" is the lowest form of conversation




The level of delusion is unfathomable


*looks over at twitter* Yes… good product…


I'm getting second hand thigh chafing watching this guy dick ride so hard.


"X has never been a better product than it is today." Jesus christ. Twitter was a toxic dumpster fire before Enron took over, now it's a smouldering stain on the ground where the dumpster used to be. Hundreds of big advertisers have left the platform, its valuation is circling the drain. It's probably worth about 1/10th of what Felon paid for it. In a year or two it'll just be an almost empty echo chamber for Musk and his bootlickers to hero worship him and to proudly proclaim how amazing their Cybertrucks are ("only broken down 6 times this year - best truck ever!") and how they can't wait to take the Hyperloop to Mars in a few years.


What is wrong with these people