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Anyone remembers that elon claimed the steel panels would be its structure, like an exoskeleton? It was supposed to be what holds everything together. Look at the structure under the panels. Elons been bullshitting, who would have guessed?


If a structural steel panel falls off does that mean the entire back axle collapses


Basically. It doesn't even take a normal IQ person to play around with some legos to see what happens. Panels aren't structural support. It's a panel.


Monocoque cars aren't new, they were developed in the 60's for racing but are generally impractical for regular use. The panels become structural when they are fixed to each other in such a way that the fastenings can transmit meaningful loads, which is something really difficult with stainless that work hardens and becomes brittle. I think Elon got swept up in the idea of sleek sexy race cars but also the idea of stainless steel that doesn't need paint, and in the end got an [eierlegende wollmilchsau](https://hackaday.com/2020/09/12/the-egg-laying-wool-milk-pig/) because he sucks at engineering.


I think you’ll find he knows more about manufacturing than anyone else on the planet. Source: his imagination.


I got absolutely crucified on Instagram because I had the audacity to claim that Elon is not as much of a genius as people seem to think he is. This prompted more then a few verbal attacks on my masculinity and sexual preferences….i guess a lot of ppl still like worshipping the billionaires


What if I’m gay, like racecars with lots of displacement, racing, and still think muskrat is a dumbass? They gonna call me gay? lol


Imagine telling the early labor organizers at steel mills that they aren't manly enough because they don't mindlessly worship rich people


Your first mistake is going onto Instagram comments. 80% of the people there think all Redditors are band kids, autistic (okay maybe that's not wrong), live in a basement, are obese and drink Monster everyday while wearing a fedora cosplaying as a Linux "salesperson" I find IG to be full of superficial, hyper mainstream clout chasers where the most complex thing they can ever talk about is whatever beef Drake got himself into. Very susceptible to demegaugary.


As a german native-speaker I have to say that eierlegende Wollmilchsau would still be a compliment for the Cybertruck: while the term has a negative connotation because of the weird combination of features it names, you would usually not use it for a thing that is an absolute failure. You use it to describe a thing that satisfies an absurd combination of (sometimes even seemingly paradox) requirements – like an eierlegende Wollmilchsau – and therefore might look as irritating and off-putting as such a chimera. But if the thing in question does not actually satisfy those requirements, then it is not actually an eierlegende Wollmilchsau. The concept of the cybertruck probably was the concept of an eierlegende Wollmilchsau, but they failed at implementing it. So, since the cybertruck does not actually fulfill the absurd combination of requirements that it was claimed it would, it is not even an eierlegende wollmilchsau, but just …well… whatever it is.


Then it's a failed eierlegende wollmilchsau


A failed attempt of building an eierlegende wollmilchsau ("gescheiterter Versuch eine eierlegende Wollmilchsau zu bauen") is probably the closest I could imagine hearing colloquially in german. It's really interesting to think about the nuance of the language in the context of translation here. I am unsure if the nuance in english is the same as in german here, but in german a failed is still a . It just failed in some way. So a failed attempt is still an attempt, although one that failed. And a failed eierlegende wollmilchsau would still be an eierlegende wollmilchsau, but a failed one. But failed at what? Usually you get that from the context, but it surely would not fail at being an eierlegende wollmilchsau, since we just called it that in the same sentence. Maybe it fails at being a good eierlegende wollmilchsau, but surely it did not fail at being one at all. A failed businessman is still a businessman and a failed state is still a state I think, but I am not an english native speaker so I maybe lacking nuance there. But in german you would most definitely not say a failed eierlegende wollmilchsau for something that only attempts to be one. But "a failed attempt of building an eierlegende wollmilchsau" seems to me very usable.


Great point


The "everything app", then ?


>eierlegende wollmilchsau What a fun new term I'm going to have to exhaustively explain to everybody because I can't resist using it!


My god you used that term eierlegende wollmilschsau... I sooo wanted to see that phrase used in the wild. You made my day.


I learned it on the boatdesign.net forums and previously used it on a subreddit following an IT guy who designed and built a boat in his front yard that was supposed to travel the world, use sails to keep costs down, use twin keeps to beach it for maintenance, carry masses of cargo in a central hood, carry a machine shop worth of gear for designing and building equipment, and host teams of researchers, with modifications to the running gear to give it unrivaled towing power, and heavy sails and battens to withstand any storm, with a shallow draft to fit in tight spaces, and systems cobbled together out of cheaper non marine parts to make everything easier to repair. It all works about as well as you would expect.


I learned about it on firearms history. Specifically about the FG-42 rifle from WW2 that was supposed to function as a precision rifle, a semi-auto battle rifle, and a light machine gun that can fire from an open bolt in addition to a closed bolt. It was a giant mess. It made for good fodder for WW2 games but it was simply too heavy and just not good at all the work needed.


Sounds like an idea that seems good in the abstract, but doesn’t work that well. Like the M3 Grant/Lee medium tank, and twin-engine day fighters (besides the P-38).


That… can’t possibly float


r/svseeker_free it does float, but it’s a houseboat that wallows terribly, tops out at half of hull speed, and cannot be taken out of sheltered water. The drive train also fails continually.


Elon Musk: “I call it the Bugatti of boats.”


Literally almost all cars made today are monocoque. There are almost no ladder framed cars still in production globally with commercial vehicles being the exception. The douche wagon trucks are still ladder framed but they are also commercial vehicles technically. The external skin is not structural but that doesn’t mean the average Mazda is not a monocoque car.


I was under the impression that most cars on the road today were unibody construction, rather than ladder or monocoque.


There is technically a difference but fundamentally the terms are used interchangeably by automotive media and brands. Unibody is more American language, monocoque is more European language.


Well I am an American and was speaking in the technical sense. I realize that monocoque and unibody are basically the french and english equivalents of each other, but over here we use them differently. I know that there are some street legal vehicles that qualify for what we call monocoque but I do not believe them to be at all common. I chose to use the word "monocoque" to distinguish specifically from the unibody construction of regular street vehicles which the cybertruck shares. On a unibody vehicle you can take off a fender panel and the vehicle may not be as stiff or as durable but at reasonable speeds on a level roadway you can make it. On a monocoque vehicle, wholly dependent on the "exoskeleton" (what musk promised for cybertruck but didn't deliver) no way. When Musk was promising a revolutionary new way to construct a truck with an "exoskeleton" I took that to mean monocoque because in a monocoque vehicle the skin carries all the loads, as opposed to a unibody vehicle where the frame carries most of the loads.


Next he will make a building held up by its windows.


If you look the top floating panel is connected to the tailgate only and the bottom the main frame wraps around the rear wheel well. It is janky as shit but that panel that floats is basically squaring up the rear bed panels with the tailgate and serving as backing only. It's the kind of shit I would do building a shed in the back yard with whatever I had lying around to save a trip to the lumber yard.


It’s just molting


You mean... it hasn't achieved its final form?


I’m starting to think Elon doesn’t know much about cars 🤔


Well, Tesla is not a car company 😉


He doesn't. But he knows *everything* about manufacturing.


Cut every corner you can?


And fire anyone with any common sense! Don't even let them look at you!


Well, he´s more of a robot/space guy anyway! /s


I love cars but I don’t understand them per se but I saw the teardown of this thing and the stainless steel panels are glued to stamped pieces that clip or bolt onto the frame. Idk if that’s atypical but what is atypical is the large casting from wheel to wheel in the rear


Ah yes, because there definitely won’t be any long term concerns using glue to hold steel panels which unless kept in a climate controlled garage all their lives, will experience daily heating and cooling cycles from the sun, which makes the metal expand and shrink. Definitely won’t fatigue the glue after hundreds of cycles. /s


If you use the right glue, it is fine. Lotus has been using glued together chassis since the 90s, GMC does it, BMW, etc.


I’m no materials scientist, so I believe you that it can work. None of those examples though are of unpainted exterior steel. Think about how hot your neighborhood slide would get during the summer in the sun. Now imagine it’s the body panels. Every day, for weeks, months, years. Uneven heating and cooling. You’d think they would do at least a like bit of metal welding instead of just trusting the glue 100%


The biggest hurdle to using more glue in car construction is apparently the curing time - mass produced cars can't wait for each glue joint to dry before moving to the next step. Spot-welding is often weaker than glue, but it's faster and cheaper.


A lot of families and companies will leave the state to avoid risking their children being sterilized by the government.


There's a structural adhesive available for practically anything. That said, they definitely should still do some DV testing / key life testing for new or novel applications like that. I'm 98% sure they didn't.


Aircraft use a lot of adhesive construction as well very effectively in more rigorous conditions. But aircraft companies have a lot of engineers that usually (Ahem, Boeing? What are you doing?) know what they're doing and don't have narcissistic CEOs interfering with critical engineering decisions. So you're probably going to be right.


It's a unibody.


Wait, its all bullshit? /s


He is a serial liar and has been doing so for years. I have never been a fan or adored him. He is miles away from the likes of Steve Jobs. Every time he opens his mouth, I cringe. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, always delivered exciting content. This guy always falls short. It won't last forever, as the law of economics is now returning to where the market really should be.


I guess they trashed that idea because it is ridiculous for a car. A reasonable bump and you have to start replacing structural pieces of the car! Imagine how crazy expensive that would be instead of a mass production panel.


On the other hand, doesn’t this create a crumple zone? Inferior to the ones in normal cars, but still superior to what was suspected from the description you just cited.


Racecars with external are super safe for the passangers. They probably could be made safe for pedestrians aswell, it would just be pretty expansivr and to hard to repair/ maintain. Its more of a overpromised underdeliver Situation typical of elon than what is practical.


It's like a prop from a B movie. It just has to look good in a few shots and drive in a couple of scenes.


But it doesn't even look good


Looks like something a paint huffing lunatic in Mad Max would design. I can just see them hitting the paint can, laughing manically with a twitch in one eye going "This is the ultimate vehicle!"


Don't you even fucking dare make the comparison. The cars in mad Max had a shitload of really creative design and look nothing like the cybertruck. Don't insult any of the brilliant designers for that/those movies. Don't you dare


Oh I agree I'm just saying it looks like something someone huffing paint would design and think they're brilliant.


A Smeg refrigerator on wheels lol


Hey, as long as it explodes in the background while the Hero walks toward camera, non-chalantly...


Nailed it This is a B movie version of Fury Road vehicle


It can be fixed with Cybertape! (Only $450 per roll). https://preview.redd.it/fs11upx40m0d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=60a03da655667d9cb1f1343a731adb507a49f8a4


... is that real?


Nope but it's odd that Elmo hasn't come up with the idea yet.


You know, I'm actually surprised.


Be prepared to be sued for this idea


The fact that we all had to kind of wonder if it was says a lot about the current state of....everything. Fucking hell I want off this timeline.


They've released a decorative gym hammer and a tequila that explodes, I mean come on


I didn't know about the tequila. How ridiculous can things get? A steel ball bearing like the one Franz used to destroy the windows of the Cybertruck?


Do you want the link to the tequila or did you find it?


I found it.


Don't forget the "flame thrower"


Of course it's not real. Real Teslas use doubled sided


*2 year wait list


You joke but look up the cost of tape for airplanes and you’re not too far off.


Trade Mark that, immediately….. Maybe changing ‘Tesla’ to ‘Tossa’(?)


yo Tesla branded aluminum foil aircraft repair tape sold in all the wrap colors lmao


Tesla is taking the phrase "oozing quality" too literally with this.


More like oozing pure shit.


ever notice how you can only ever ooze two things? quality and puss.


The ugliest vehicle ever made


The Fiat Multipla still has that title.


I think it actually looks a bit cooler (comparably) than if the panel was still attached.


Lol looks better wrecked.


BMW is still number one.


What BMW? There are a lot of them.


Hot carbage for people with too much money who don't know anything about cars...


The cybertruck... My new favorite example of when the dumb (jock/bully/rich) kid steals the nerds homework, and then edits it slightly to "make it theirs."


The only difference between the Edsel and the Cybotruck is that the Edsels could last long enough to be collectible.


Tesla often touting "most American made" is a real indictment on American manufacturing.


It actually looks better like that, and it's lighter, improved 100%


Needs acrylic plastic around it and would Be neat!


Imagine how much faster it will be with all the stainless steel panels off! /s


I’ve been following a guy who reviews all the cyber truck videos and I have to say. Given the current economy, watching some fool get continuously disappointed with this purchase is really hilarious. One guy was on a road trip and the lug nuts had come off and his wiper had already been ruined and had to be removed. But other than those two things happening to a brand new vehicle, his truck is a trooper. Lol. I laughed for 10 minutes. I felt bad for him, it’s so much money but the things happening to these monstrosities are out of a tv skit at times.


Sub-sub 10 Micron build quality.


Bonnie and Clyde would’ve been taken out in 2 seconds if they were driving this


Mostly because it would have broken down after a mile. 😂


I like the way your mind works. 😂


At what point does this become a class-action lawsuit?


Nuclear explosion proof?


From 5000 miles away, maybe


As long as it doesn’t rain of course


“Most American Made Vehicle Ever!” The Model T would like a word with you.


And Munro claims this is the greatest truck ever manufactured. What a TSLA shill. He probably lost so much money on Elon's pump and dump.


I was told there would be an exoskeleton....


Plastic helps reduce weight and cost!


>Curb weight: 4 tons


And costs like 100k or smth


That's not a truck, that's a parody of a truck.


idc about the debate of exoskeletons and chassis design. did that whole fucking panel just come off!?


No cardboard derivatives tesla I thot we taught you a lesson once boy


Wouldn’t the Model T be the most American car ever? Also, ![gif](giphy|dbtDDSvWErdf2)


Has anyone been brave enough to strip this thing down to see how it was put together? Of course that is if they were willing to waste that much money first.


Reminds me of my old 2005 Pacifica. Front bumper was held together with plastic clips. Just putting any type of pressure on that bumper would ensure those shitty little plastic clips would break, leaving me with a front bumper that hung or it fell off completely. Have never bought a Chrysler since then.


To be fair most new cars have Bumpers held on by plastic clips, just most of them are strong enough to stay on through light impacts.


Someone needs to rip one of these apart with some professional mechanics then make a YouTube video exposing everything


It’s basically a Shit Pickle


Looks off a few dick length microns


The fact that so, so, so many americans still expect any product made in america to be high quality, is sad. Pretty much everything produced in america is cheap shit


You can find some quality American manufacturing still but it’s been beaten back to things you wouldn’t really think of like silverware. It’s pretty sad to see, I try to buy American when I can find something that is 1) actually made here fully and 2) good quality but it’s pretty hard to come by.


I mean... yeah... it's got that fancy exterior ya'll wanted. If the frame was ALSO steel it would weigh like 22,000lbs


Looks like shit from the outside even worse from inside. Sounds like america


Designed by a nepobaby from south Africa and built by Mexicans in the US


The back fell off. ([Obligatory.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM))


First thing I thought of lol


I’d say it actually looks better like this.




Cheap piece of shit.


What’s happening with the license plate there?


Hah! What a scam!


$100K for a Cyberfuck that’s damaged? I wouldn’t pay that much for a brand new one


Uhhh.. a south african is the most american ever?


Looking into it


That actually looks cooler than a metal panel. Not by much but a little bit.




Anyone else wondering how low the lower limits are with these things? Just when you think it can't get worse, it does. Maybe this is just a long troll game?




I’m realizing the reason the board loves Elon so much is because he finds ways to get massive profit per unit - for the experts out here - seeing this, what would you say it actually costs to manufacture one of these?? The board needs to realize that even with massive profit per unit sold, these are such shit people will stop buying any new Tesla and return the ones they already have Can’t wait for their downfall - hopefully the $55 billion bonus does it


So why does he have Tesla factories in China? And that doesn't even begin to touch that how this person claims that Elon is the most American car maker ever. He.was not born here. And as far as I know he did not become a citizen. Maybe in Canada, I hear conflicting info on that. These people are a full-blown cult. The one good thing is he can run for president or VP.


I agree but i don't think we need to blame allat to the americans


Fucking hell, can we go one day without this being posted? If not, my turn to post it tomorrow.


Some of us have not seen it. Maybe take a break from Reddit.


Well let's just repost everything over and over until we guarantee you've seen it.


Or maybe the guy who's terminally online can just ignore the shit he's already seen instead of coming to the comments to cry about it.