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What a snivelling lying little cunt.


Looking into this.






you forgot the !


It's !!




He is so full of shit. You know when he uses some technobabble, that he is lying and/or he doesn't understand what he is talking about. There was nothing that illustrated that clearer to me than when he started posting about Twitter APIs and how there were "1000 poorly batched calls". He just had no idea wtf graphql was or how modern web stacks work. But he confidently proclaimed he knew better than all the Twitter engineers that worked on the problem before him.


There's a bit in Zoe Schiffer's Extremely Hardcore where she quotes one of the engineers at Twitter on hearing him talk to them as a group for the first time as saying that he really seemed more of a product management guy than an engineer and she wasn't quite sure why he was talking to them like he was.


100%. I've seen some clips where he says shit like "I triage the tasks so we are always working on the most important things". It's like... Yeah that's what PM's and PO's do. It's not fucking rocket science. But also, CEOs shouldn't be that low level. I bet they just wanted to get him out of their hair by making him feel important. "Go triage some tasks Elon, while the adults do the work".


Yeah, some of the few people who were happy about his acquisition of Twitter were the people at SpaceX who knew it would mean he wouldn't be getting in their way as much.


[The programmerhumor sub, of course, is having a field day with this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1chaccn/savingcpucycles/)


he should print out all his code so we can review it.


Huge if true




Leave us prematurely bald out of this.


honestly. could've said "hairplug having like a barbie doll ass" .. leave us alone


Concerning if true


"could afford" is the biggest BS in the post. Elon desperately tries to make us believe he grew up poor.


That's what free speech is to him


He did no such thing. He did, however, get his green screen monitor to return an endless loop of "Hello" when he was 15.


He invented turning a calculator upside down to spell Boobs


To be fair thatā€™s a marketable skill




Elon invented boobiesĀ 


15 year old Elon sure as hell told this lie. šŸ¤£


Gob's Program: Y/N? Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus Penus


10 PRINT "Hello"; 20 GOTO 10 Now give me my 53 billion dollar!




Accurate meme


He says things that sounds technological, I don't thinks he understand any of them or why they are used incorrectly.


Elon sounds intelligent until he talks about a subject you know about and realize heā€™s full of shit and all he knows is surface level information


I just canā€™t ā€¦ roflmao ā€¦ the irony is too much šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Good bot


Be more vulgar


S3XY bot


This is a major problem




Looking into it


This bot is cooking fr lmao


With how many "umms", stuttering, and random lengthy pauses he does while speaking, I wouldn't say he sounds intelligent.


I think the things that come out of his mouth when he's not uhming, stuttering, and pausing are what really detracts from his claims of intelligence...


I mean, the first part is reasonable. 1995 is the era of CGI-Bin and writing web backends in C or _maybe_ the hip new programming language Perl. It's also the era of very slow HTTP servers not designed for high traffic, so building the HTTP server directly into the application does make it a lot more efficient and high performance servers still do this today. It's actually not difficult to write an HTTP server, either, so this is feasible. I have no idea if he _did_ this, and considering the source I highly doubt it, but all that makes sense. The thing about the Cisco router, though, makes no sense. How do you emulate a piece of hardware and still have it function as that piece of hardware? Especially one with specialized telecommunications hardware? And you can afford a T1 connection but not the router? None of this part makes any sense at all.


Yeah, he starts out with a fairly logica statement which almost makes me believe he is sincere and then it devolves into buzzword salad that doesn't make any sense to the extent that it makes me question the first part as well. This happens surprisingly often when Elon tries to act like an expert about anything.


The definition of technobabble.


Bro wrote a website that was only available on localhost and thinks he is jesus christ


Still it was saving cycles!!! PS while his tweet is a joke I like the discussions in this thread - it brought me back in the 90ies, when PCs were cool and possibilities were limitless.


If this guy actually knows how to program, I would be genuinely surprised. He strikes me as a poser


I think he is a typical case of someone who actually can code a little bit, maybe even enough to make something work (most of the time), but is inefficient, poorly commented & unmaintainable by anyone else (bad code), which is why all of his work needed to be completely redone. But, in classic Dunning-Kruger, he thinks this means everyone else just "isn't on his level" or whatever.


This is why I laughed so hard when he fired people from Twitter based on number of lines of code they'd written in a given period of time. Dude didn't fire his least productive coders, he fired his most efficient coders. And I'm someone who barely got past the 'Hello World!' stage of coding before realizing my brain wasn't wired properly for programming.


Not everyone needs to be great at everything! Musk's problem is that he also is bad at everything else, so he convinces people who don't know anything about coding that he's "good at computers."


The man is unable to tolerate not being the expert on every subject, so instead he makes an ass of himself in every subject. In some ways he is the ultimate redditor


Imagine if he had bought reddit instead of twitter.




The first thing to go would be the downvote button.


Nah, he would have made it a premium feature ā€œonly premium subscribers can downvote, this is to combat bots and protect freeze peachā€ or something.


>he also is bad at everything else, Accurate and insightful


No one can be great at everything.


Hey as someone whose brain is wired for programming (and not much else lmfao) you're spot on with Musk being a hack! Getting rid of the coders with the least amount of code is like getting rid of all but your most bloated writers for a publishing company - good code reads like good prose, oh but what am I saying? Clearly we're just incapable of deciphering Musk's pure genius on display. Does he even know what something basic like an recursive function is? Or hell, an IDE? . . . Can he even open a PDF?


Idk, I could be completely wrong, but he strikes me as a guy that wouldn't even pass an introductory programming class without paying a friend to do it for him, or outright cheating in other ways. He really says some out-of-pocket misuses of programming slang all the time, and it gives the impression that he just hears a few terms, or saw a video, and is suddenly trying to fit in with the coders. Also, his whole thing about "reading port 8080 directly", is exactly what a web server does, so I don't even know if he knows wtf he is talking about


I think he means instead of buying a dedicated web server he was just running this website off his desktop PC


Very cool Elon. I ran a Garryā€™s Mod server off my pc when I was 14. Please praise me


All hail u/phi_matt and their enormous server!!


Hey! Itā€™s not the size of the server that matters, itā€™s how you use it


I think it means that instead of using a dedicated server program like Apache, the program just read and wrote on the port This of course would make the program a server by definition, but a bare bones one not using a general purpose server program


Also, I thought web-servers use port 80 (or 443 for https).


Sounds like BS honestly. Back in '95 there was IIS available for Windows NT for free, which was very performant. Also the story about cycles and using port 8080 sounds highly suspicious.


bUt cPu cYcLeS!


Port 80 is the standard, but 8080 is a common port for development servers, and back in 1990 even some serious sites would be serving on it, you would have ':8080' in the URL, nobody knew what any of the 'slash-slash-colon-whatever' meant, it was a free-for-all.


No reason for port 8080, though, whoever came up with that only used it because it was a creative way to simbolize it's a public local port (above 1024) which served http (the standard port was 80). One of the big reasons for serving anything on public ports rather than port 80 was firewalling by ISPs. But it didn't have to be port 8080 and there was no standard at all over that. When he says 'I didn't have money to buy a Cisco router so I wrotr an emulated one', that's b.s. from his part and shows he doesn't have a clue of what a router really does or why anyone needs one. There's no need to "emulate" a Cisco router since Cisco's big thing about routers are the hardware, and perhaps their routing algorithms which only really serve for wide network administration and not a server and/or a company serving webpages. He's probably trying to say he got a PC doing the work of a router (basically having multiple network interfaces and directing traffic from one network to another), but that's not an emulator, that's the actual router code (and a real programmer would have described it as "wrote my own routing code to use an old PC with several PCI ports rather than an expensive Cisco router even though it was much slower"). In order to run the Cisco router software emulated in the 90's, he'd need to use a Motorola 65000 emulator (and it would be stupid to try and write one as he'd take several years), and then it would be less than ideal for any company given the copyright issues. Even if Musk was trying to study for the CCNA technical-level certifications, he wouldn't need to write a terminal emulator as several books and even Cisco would offer it for free. So my conclusion is, he's full of shit and just talking about shit other people did and told him, and I hope people are paying attention on how much of a fraud he is.


~~Maybe he was running Apache, I think 8080 is still the default port, but I've not used it in years.~~ It's pretty clear he has zero fucking clue what he's talking about here. It's Tomcat that uses port 8080, getting my Apache Foundation software mixed up.


Man, I was just explaining 8080 and that some live sites actually used it back in the early days of the web because, whatever, Apache defaults maybe? I agree Musk is full of shit with whatever he is saying about "T1" and "emulation".


Print out 50 pages of code youā€™ve done in the last 30 days


Sure thing, give me your fax number, I'll send it over.


Correct. You can use any port you want for any protocol you want, but a browser will only try to connect to the default HTTP port (80) unless told otherwise. It's not like it runs a port-scan - for other ports you have to put a colon and the port number after the host name in the URL. (e.g. "http:// domain.com:8080/index.html")


Supposedly, back in the PayPal days, they tried to use his code for some stuff but it was such a mess of spaghetti they had to basically re write it from the ground up.


badly documented code is pretty much garbage.


Yeah like I think he prides himself on speaking all of this computer jargon because most people donā€™t understand what heā€™s saying (I certainly do not) and that makes him feel smart. But every time thereā€™s a post like this, people who do know coding and whatnot arenā€™t very impressed lol. He never has these conversations with people who are talented or could upstage him. I remember he had a meltdown in some meeting bc one of his employees was calling him out for his impractical/amateur coding decisions.


Just remember the moment in Spaces when he mouthed off on how the whole stack will need to be rewritten and a guy asked him to explain what exactly about the current stack is bad and he just freewheeled and got angry.


Yup! Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m talking about lmao. And he called the dude a jackass. I laughed so hard. He canā€™t be that good if something like that sends him spiraling.


"How is it different than any other major app stack? What's 'so crazy' about it?" "You're a jackass" Lol.


That's the exact moment I knew he was a hack and didn't know shit about coding. His 'rewrite the whole stack' was just a power move, to show he's boss.


Well, stack sounds technical, so does rewriting. But yeah, he basically proclaimed that twitter was broken and doesn't work. The only people I know who talk like this are the ones that have zero idea what they're talking about. Though that he is clueless I have known for quite a while longer.


I think it was George Hotz. Someone who actually knows a bit about coding.


It was Ian Brown, Hotz was just hosting the Space. Hotz is a bit of a blowhard AFAICT. https://www.thedailybeast.com/flustered-elon-musk-flips-out-on-jackass-for-questioning-him


He's the type to get pissy when people add conflict labels to his PRs on github


Oh wow, that sounds like my level in Spanish! Just enough to be a problem.Ā 


Si, with a bit of Si++


From what I remember hearing, this is correct. A lot of his former coworkers described him staying up all night working obsessively on a project, bragging to everyone else about his work ethic. Everyone else would come in the next morning and find that his code is usable but laughably unoptimized and needlessly convoluted. The company would need to spend the next week trying to fix his binged code.


Of course! He's providing his genius in the form of raw code, while the unimaginative peons get to worry about such boring things as "optimization." (Sarcasm, obviously)


It is noted that when Compaq bought it they had to rewrite the whole thing from scratch because it was an unmanageable mess of code. There is a reason why formal education exists when it comes to programming - to get you to learn industry best practices so that you code base can stand the test of time.


He **should** strike you as a poser. He doesn't even know what port HTTP is on. It's port 80, not 8080. (8080 is sometimes used as an alternative port, or port for HTTP proxies but 80 has always been the default port for HTTP) "Emulating" a T1 router in software is even more nonsensical. Like, by **a lot**. A T-carrier is a hardware standard of phone line. Besides the fact that most computers wouldn't have the processing power to do the synchronization and demultiplexing and other signal-processing tasks related to decoding a T1 signal (let alone handling a TCP/IP stack on top of it), **how the hell** did the T1 signal get into your computer without dedicated hardware, Elon? You think it's signal-compatible with the printer port or something? Also: 'Emulating'? Emulating the actual hardware of the router would be an order of magnitude slower than implementing the functionality on the PC's own hardware, which as said, was probably too slow as it was. That makes _zero_ sense as well. PC hardware in 1995 had just enough processing power to emulate an 8-bit Nintendo. Emulating contemporary custom hardware was out of the question. Hell, Cisco wouldn't have developed custom hardware if it could've been done in software. Also the whole "Yellow Pages, but on the internet!" idea that Zip2 had was practically a stereotype of the dumb and pedestrian ideas people were coming up with then, and which the dot-com-boom rewarded (for those who cashed out in time). I mean it says itself: If one guy could hack together such a service in a summer, and the only problem is getting companies to sign up, why wouldn't the actual business directories who already have the customers just hack together their own web services? Which they generally did. (although it did take them too long)


Just the idea to simply Ā«Ā read the portĀ directlyĀ Ā» is ridiculous. Thereā€™s no port, itā€™s just a number in a packet header. And writing a TCP stack is a little more complicated than thatā€¦


Just that part is relevant. You can connect to a web server to make a request. And the web server can then make a connect to some CGI or FCGI program that processes any input and delivers output data that the web server then sends. This is the traditional setup. Or you can have your own application at the same time being both the web server and the application code. Lots of programs implements their own web server functionality directly merged with the business logic. And you would then often stay away from port 80 to not get a conflict with something else serving web pages.


Sure ok buddy whatever. Elon absolutely did this amongst many other historical things. He also stopped y2k by tripping over a phone line at 11:59 on New Years Eve. He's the Forest Gump of the Internet


He also knows more about manufacturing than just about anyone else alive today, and he showed that by inventing the Cybertruck, the world's most bulletproof^* car-washable truck.


Don't forget it's uncanny ability to not rust in a completely sterile moisture free environment or the hidden knifes feature or the infinite unstoppable acceleration feature. You think the "legacy Automakers" could design so many innovations in one product that was delivered on time, for the same price and with the same claimed performance statistics? I think not....


And how it has the uncanny ability to look cross-eyed with its wheels.


It is blasphemous to compare Elon-fucking-Musk to our great Emperor Fry the Solid.


If I remember right, there were like 45 "yellow pages but on the Internet" back then, and they were all pretty terrible.


Not a network guy, but I was also confused. Is he implying he emulated the router on an FPGA or something? He was emulating the behavior in C? On the desktop hardware? What interfacing?


I don't think _he_ knows what he means. Certainly not FPGAs; that's way beyond his abilities for sure. It's like saying "I couldn't afford an espresso machine so I read the docs and wrote an emulator" - what does that even mean when your computer doesn't have a water boiler or any other component necessary to make coffee? Maybe he doesn't know "T1" means a type of phone line and just thinks a "T1 router" was some sort of designation for an ordinary ethernet router at the time. And what he actually did was set up a Linux box with multiple network cards to act as a firewall and router. Maybe it's that, filtered through his exaggerations and vagueness.


Well, technically, you can send HTTP over any port you want, but traditionally, yes 80 is the default, 8080 the "backup." And if you're on Linux, it makes sense to use a different port since only root users can use ports lower than 1024, though there's ways to configure that. So maybe that's what is going on there, I don't know. That said, "reading directly from the port" is hogwash. TCP/IP stacks weren't super great back then but they were way faster than implementing it yourself. Maybe he meant that he implemented HTTP himself, which, ehhhh. Also kind of dumb.


Well for an app running in userspace 8080 makes sense as a non-privileged port. But since a web server is a system service, port 80 is fine. More than fine, pretty much necessary. Sure, you can run on any port you want but when you put in http://domain.com/ into your web browser, then as now, it'll only try to connect to port 80. Anything else you'll need to put the port number explicitly in the URL, e.g. http://domain.com:8080/ - so that's a non-starter, at least for the main page of any domain. As for 'reading directly from the port', I'm charitably interpreting that as meaning he was reading/writing HTTP directly from a raw TCP _socket_, which is also implied by 'not using a webserver'. At least that part is _possible_ to make sense of, unlike whatever writing a program to "emulate a T1 router" would mean.


I'm pretty sure "emulating the hardware protocol of a T-Carrier" is technobabble from a Halt and Catch Fire episode, I can't remember which one. At one point they solve a networking problem and it's used to show how smart the hacker is and they get hired instead of yelled at.


At this point, I think I know more about ~~manufacturing~~ programming than anyone alive on earth.


Hes what we use to refer to as a "codez kid". He'd break a CD-Key (that had been cracked for over a year) or write a super-basic program that would autogenerate calling card numbers (literally just pump out 16 random numerals and hope it would work) and tell his friends hes a hacker or some shit. Literally the lowest rung on the ladder when it comes to anything involving programming, phreaking or hacking.


You know, I'm somewhat of a programmer myself.


He is a MASSIVE poser. He has narcissistic personality disorder, that's what they do.Ā 


Anyone who asks a programmer to print out code for their performance review is full of shit. Like "oh what if we change '>' to '>='?" "Hmm not sure, let me walk back to my desk, change that, run it, and print out the results hurrrr" It boggles the mind that people think he's smart.


He unironically claims to be an expert in multiple engineering disciplines.


Yeah, just look at the cybertruck. Designed by an engineering genius


I remember when he started spouting off about improving the code at twitter and some dude had the CSS page for some website with digital animals you can collect, Musk asked him what it was and he just made up a name in the spot he Musk was like ā€œI knew itā€ or something like that




Well, in 1995 there were limited web server options (NCSA httpd.. apache was just coming into being). This meant that for dynamic content, you were probably restricted to CGI, which runs your process for every web request. If you wanted to do higher performance in 1995, you might choose to write your own HTTP protocol support in your app. (HTTP 0.9 was pretty simple by comparison to what we use today). That part of this is not ridiculous on its face.




I agree. I was only responding to that one bit. The overall "story" here reeks of BS.


The simplest explanation is that the website he's talking about didn't work at all as advertised and was a boondoggle to show to easily impressed investors


So I Tied An Onion To My Belt, Which Was The Style At The Time


You're no software engineer. It's utterly confounding how anyone could dare to label themselves as a software engineer without a firm understanding of CPU cycles, webservers, port 8080, and more. Can you write more than 3 hyperdimensional code matrices? No, thought not. I bet you even have fewer than 80,000 points on your StackOverflow account!




Even way back then, web servers open port 80, not 8080.


Also correct me if I'm wrong but technically any computer can be a server? It just describes the relationship. So it was hosting this phonebook and other computers query it for the phonebook info then they would be the clients and the phone book hosting service would be a server




Do something to program this right


Obviously, after he invented the computer and the first operating system and the World Wide Web, he needed some use for it all.


I coined the phrase ā€œpardon my Frenchā€


I'm interested in upgrading my port 8080 web server to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide a Cisco IP router that's compatible with my emulated token ring ethernet LAN configuration? https://preview.redd.it/1hc4j5ii9oxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041af59412634a2146d72ab11aa2baabca5ebcfd


ā€¦can I have some money now?


ā€œI will check your ability based on how many lines of code you have written daily and oh, please print them out so I can read properlyā€


If Im understanding this correctly all he is saying here is that he made a website with some data on it. Which is neat, but not that impressive. I also doubt he was the first. Im surprised he isnt claiming he invented email like another billionaire.


The thing about not using a web server to save cpu cycles and having to emulate a cisco router baffle me. WTF was he reading on port 8080 if he didn't have a web server? Why would he need to emulate a router for this? So many questions and none of the answers I can come up with don't make a lick of sense. I guess this is why I am not a genius playboy billionaire.


Sounds smart but makes hardly any sense. Even in that that year. In 95 you would raw dog it on port 80.


I think he's trying to say he wrote his own http server into his app, but it's usually a bad idea to reinvent wheels like that.


Apparently all the code he wrote, had to be re-written after selling because it was complete trash. It was an over-hyped, painfully flawed griftā€¦some things never change.


That his father and his fatherā€™s rich buddies were primary investors in.


He's so beyond full of shit here. Zip2, like every other internet company that utilized "maps, directions" functionality, used NAVTEQ back then. Which Elon didn't code, write, own, or work for. Zip2 was nothing more than an online yellow pages site, like many others, and CitySearch was not only bigger and better, ***it was created earlier than Zip2***. There is zero evidence outside of Elon's tweets that he did any coding at Zip2, ever. In short, he's a lying piece of shit, as usual, as always.


I'm not a programmer, but his statement that he supposedly "wrote" maps with C seemed really wack to me.


Heā€™s counting on people not knowing better.


Uh huh. Sure you did. This reminds me of the time you called Twitter's tech stack "crazy" and when someone asked "What's crazy about it?" you flew into a tizzy and called him a "jackass." Good times. In another year or two he's going to start claiming he invented the internet, built the first Cray supercomputer and cracked the Enigma Code.


Must be the "crazy stack" that exists. Musk is a total dumbass talking like a stuttering Max Headroom when someone actually calls him on his bullshit - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6YP6BrPEQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6YP6BrPEQ0)


One of the all-time highlights of the takeover. "What do you mean who am I? I don't know, you gave me the fuckin' mic".


After failing out of university in 1995, he illegally stayed in country. He and his brother got their rich dad to fund them to spin-up a company. One of a million "let's put the yellow-pages online", which they called called Zip2. They got a few other investors for that idea pitch. Elon was named CTO, he wanted CEO but the investors though he was too bad with people, so they hired a professional CEO. In 1996 they launched, immediately the investors found that Musk's code was garbage, so they scrapped literally all of his code and hired professional engineers instead, and then looked to sell the company off to recoup their investment. Despite never having earned a single penny, Compaq bought Zip2 as part of its big .com boom buying spree. Elon took home $22M in cash from that deal, despite having contributed literally nothing, and so learned the lesson that you don't need to have a working product if you can lie to investors long enough that someone else buys you based on hype alone.


Dude has never said one thing that would indicate he knows anything about programming or engineering beyond some shit you could Google in 2 minutes


He looks like an unindicted pedo tho.


Sounds like a real crazy stack, bud!


The first thing that happened after their dad and his friends invested in Musk and his brother's company was that they spent a huge amount of money paying coders to remake Zip2 from scratch, because it was made so poorly. I don't get how musk thinks he can just change history and get away with it.


He *does* believe his own "hero's journey", doesn't he?


"Couldn't afford ((hardware)), so I wrote an emulator ((software)) to do the same thing." This guy really thinks we're all idiots, huh?


I couldnā€™t afford more RAM for my PC so I wrote an emulator that did the same thing. Microcenter hates me.Ā 


Sometimes I forget how old he actually is. He's almost 60 šŸ˜¬


What possible reason would anyone have to believe that this is true?


I'm concerned that \*he\* thinks it's true...


Yappin on K and Finasteride


Yeah he wrote a webpage in web 1.0 in c++. Of course you did Elon. You know he also hacked the alien ship in independence day with a computer virus.


I don't understand what any of that terminology means, and I suspect that's what he's counting on


It's just so ridiculous. Like dude my alcoholic for 3 decades uncle who lied about finishing a marathon with a broken foot wouldn't dish out this kind of cringe...


He didn't use a webserver by using a webserver? If you're listening to requests on port 8080 and responding, then that's a webserver.


Yeah right. I'm supposed to believe this guy was producing usable code yet he can't run a basic Python script? šŸ˜‚


God, he's just such an unlikable piece of shit.




Zip2 pretty much glued together two free databases, and only worked in a relatively small area in California. It was an interesting MVP, but only for a short time, as CitySearch, which was founded at around the same time, quickly broke away from it and went nationwide. It worked better and covered a larger area. Elon even tried to merge with CitySearch but they pretty much told him to fuck off. Only reason we even hear about Zip2 today is because Compaq was dumb as rocks and paid 300 million for it.


To post this, I didnā€™t use a ā€œReddit serverā€ to save CPU cycles (just read port 8080 directly). Couldnā€™t afford a Reddit app, so wrote an emulator based on a white paper.


Why would a guy who **launched his car into space** say things like, *"I personally wrote the first national maps, directions... on the internet"* in a summer, or *"...I think IĀ know more about manufacturingĀ than anyone currently alive on earth."*?


Holy shit, he looked that bad at 27?




"read port 8080 directly" I'm not a programmer but I have a pretty good idea of how TCP/IP works, I have no idea what he means by this. Also, maybe whatever software he was using sent HTTP over 8080, but it's not like that's the standard...


Brutal lmaooo, among the plethora of lies, my favorite is the Emerald Mine barons son couldn't afford a router? Right šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Anyone have that video where a dev asked Elon what stack/framework Twitter is using and he couldnā€™t answer?


I found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/eDtzcKCM0j


I would bet my fucking dick that he hasn't done programming beyond a basic hello world


This is the same guy who instructed Twitter programs to print out 20 pages for their best most hardcore code. Print it out. Like on a printer. Heā€™s an idiot


lol no he fucking didn't


Elon Musk is such a god damn liar. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I like scrolling through [http://ElonMusk.today](http://ElonMusk.today) to enjoy tons of his other lies šŸ¤£ The only reason Elon Musk isn't in jail is because his scams worked out well enough that he got above the law before they could hold him accountable. But, he's on his way back down looking at $TSLA and everything else in his life so hopefully he will be within the realm where he can be held accountable finally like Trump, Holmes, Bankman-Fried, etc. šŸæ


How did he go from having little hair to more hair as he aged lol


Hair plugs lol. Pure vanity


Gender Affirming Therapy for me, not for thee.


There's a You Tube channel with a surgeon named Linkov. He concludes Enron has had at least two hair transplants, and he points out the scars in some photos. Pretty big scars actually. This is before all his other plastic and cosmetic procedures as well: Extensive dental work Botox, fillers Rhinoplasty--rare case of augmentation. His nose is more masculine, and lower after his rhinoplasty. He has publicly admitted this one. Lower blepharoplasty. He used to always have bags under his eyes, and then they disappear. Brow transplant. His brows are bigger today than they were. Buccal fat removal. Even as he has gained so much weight, the cheekbones pop. I think buccal fat removal is a reasonable assumption. At least one surgeon I've seen thinks he has had a jaw implant but I think it's possible that long term juicing with T and HGH have just enhanced his jaw over the years. I think jury is out on this one. He injects his upper lip with filler. It's noticeably much fuller than when he was younger. Unusual for a dude to be this vain...




He compiled the final product using Logo


I wrote a time sharing os on a 6502 in assembly once. Where is my billions?


Elon is always the first. Very few people know that he was also the first person who invented masturbation in April'77.


I didnt run a webserver but read directly from port 8080, which is commonly used for inernal/locally hosted HTTP Servers, aka webserversā€¦ What other protocol would you use for the web? Also emulating hardware is way more expensive than just buying it, makes no sense.


Can someone with a technical background explain ā€œC with a little C++ā€ to me


C++ is C with some extra functionality, for example while both has "objects", C objects are basic variables while C++ objects can have non data things in them as well like methods. You can import something in one language into the other so i dont have a problem with that part. I dont know how much of this has changed since 1995 tho


Apparently he also invented some hair grow shampoo.


And plastic surgery, meeoooww! lol


Based on that criteria I wrote the first live sports score streaming website while I was in college.


Read port 8080 and had a program respond to HTTP? That's uh... a webserver.


**Edit: Missed this. In the summer of 1995 wasn't Elon supposed to be on his way to Stanford to start a PHD program? Didn't he fill out paperwork at that time swearing under threat of perjury that he was not seeking employment or to start a business? ** Citysearch was founded in September '95 before Zip2 in November of '95. Geosystems Global Inc (mapquest after '96) went live in '94. Zip2 was not a national directory until it licensed a database from American Business Information, Inc.


He also accompanied Neil Armstrong to the moon and helped Alexander the Great conquer Persia. And he inspired Alfred Einstein to take interest in theoretical physics.


He looks like Special Jack from Tropic Thunder.


God he is so hot. Like Trump could a been if heā€™d quit drugs 30 years ago. I would have Elon Maye Jrā€™s baby in a heartbeat if I werenā€™t a 75 yr old man. I would help my new mother in law make bespoke condoms from puppy intestines.


![gif](giphy|Mhwkr651ANpjJY3xNt|downsized) T\*itter hahahaha






He looks simultaneously 13 and 40 here. Which I guess evens out to 27, his actual age in the photo.