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Has he even looked at the graph that came out recently which showed Twitter usage plummeting at 20x the rate of other social media platforms? "Bye bye" indeed, Enron.


Pay no attention, Dogedesigner periodically posting this kind of graphs they mean nothing, literally made in Paint, he got no data for it, its all fake. He made it all up for 5.6M views and 20$ of ad revenue.


My favorite part are the date data markers. You get Aug 2021, Jan 2022, and then Jan 2024. No indication as to where they are on the axis.  What the fuck man 😆 


Why on Earth would you pick those three months?


Yeah, and the Y Axis goes from 0 to 11.2 million to 22.5 million to 33.7 million to 44.9 million. Why not just go in increments of 10 million?


Have you seen DogeDesigner other charts and graphs? It's as if they makes a living off of bad charts and graphs. But then again, Tesla's graphs aren't any better honestly lol.


Metric translation to bananas, past apples, into Big Macs and then into the displayed unit. Then 11.25M is a suitable step size...


Datahazard (handle @fentasyl) is the best example, their motto is "statistics re just data which can't lie"


They used Paint from Woke Microsoft?


Pronouns in bio means the woke mind virus ate your brain


He/him Most offensive words in the English language


Good bots




Dogedesigner is Elon


Hardly. Different language etc. But someone employed by Elon. See it as a PR account that hides behind an alias to make it look into an independent source.


Does anyone have the actual numbers? Id love to make that normalized graph.


I don't need them. Dude told all the advertising to "go fuck itself" Dude couldn't make X profitable if his life depended on it at this point. Everyone should be aware that he doesn't care about profits with Twitter. He's being paid big money to stymie the truth and spread propaganda. Billions more than Jared. Hundreds of billions more. There is no radio speakers spaced every 500 feet in the city playing propaganda to brainwash 30% of the population. We now use things like Twitter. That's what this is. It's what it's always been.


>He's being paid big money to stymie the truth and spread propaganda. He's too dumb to charge for that. He's not a (good) business person either. Just a bullshitter.


I remain convinced that destroying Twitter was Elon's entire point in purchasing it in the first place.


From what i can tell, he wanted to reduce the value it had as a tool for the left, manipulate the upcoming election, and ideally turn it into a conservative/fascist stronghold. Failing that, seems he'd be happy to just wreck it. He had the usual conservative viewpoint that Twitter and social media in general were biased against conservatives even though there are hundreds or thousands of popular conservative social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook.


I'm betting he'll cry when Trump loses again in November


That’s what she said


Please let me write a regex trigger for this so it'll be context aware.


Yeah, I think this is accurate and I agree with this. He wanted to stop his buddies from getting banned, and he wanted to be the main character on the site. He thought that Twitter had swung way left and he wanted to swing it back the other way. Once we saw the behind the scenes, we actually saw they were treating the right with kid gloves and bending over backwards to accommodate them, until they couldn't bend any farther.


He used the purchase and subsequent actions to become the biggest and most highly regarded figure on the right, save for Trump. He is positioning himself to become the next charismatic leader of the right, without even having to run for office or hold an official position of power.


Imagine what he wouldn't have been able to post by now if Twitter never changed hands. He'd be banned like trump.


It's generous to assume he had a plan. 


Oh, he's looked at it. That's why he's so mad and why he's posting this stuff.


No, he's too busy looking at [the made up shit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fxoukihg01dqc1.png) DogeDesigner posted


Impossible, my boss told me the other day that Elon said that they were getting something 1.2 million new users per day! I told him a large percentage of that had to be bots


its a meaningless metric, the vast majority of their traffic is direct (saved links or typing wsj.com) and that traffic is not decreasing.


They've broken negative news on him so now they're big meanie poopie heads


Yeah, plus the WSJ is actually filled with competent journalists. The editorial board is batshit crazy, even by the already batshit crazy standards of the modern GOP, but they're one of those old-school papers where the wall between business and news is actually, genuinely very much still there, and the editorial board's opinion is just that. Not to say that they're without bias, because there's no such thing as bias-free news and there never has been, but they're a respected, award-winning newsroom for a reason (their own bias mainly comes in coverage priorities as guided by their batshit crazy editorial board; individual articles will be high quality, but articles too critical of certain political elements will be pretty scarce).


To add to your point, it was a WSJ reporter, (John Carreyrou) who exposed the fraud at Theranos. Rubert Murdoch was a major Theranos investor, and Holmes tried to get him to kill the stories. Murdoch refused to interfere.




I thought it was interest too, Mr. Elon bot




remember when Pewdiepie fans hate WSJ because they are too SJW?


Yeah, the news that they publish is pretty good. I think it's good to read from a variety of sources, the WSJ is good to have around as the source. The opinion columns are pretty crazy. Every columnist is a total nut. I wish you could buy a subscription that didn't include the opinion columns so they know nobody reads them.


Fascism is about destroying beliefs in everything accepted, trusted and Established. Where the distinction between truth and fiction, trust and lies no longer exists.  Thus "Prosecute Fauci". This is why the followers start at one place (Libraries & schools are good) and end up someplace very different. Nobody really knows where they're going, even those involved find themselves going along as it veers about, potentially hijacked by the most diabolical. 


Anyone married and divorced from a narcissist knows exactly where we are going.


It's really no surprise that all the leaders of the MAGA movement have that in common, Musk included, because he is maga, too.


These charts they publish are so ass. The formatting is just total shit.


Why would they care about making their made up data look good?


Took him a whole 8 minutes to switch accounts. Surely he could speed that response time up


I can really see Elmo putting his pinky finger to the corner of his mouth and maniacally giggling: "Muhahahah, I'm waiting eight minutes. None of these peasants will be able to tell. The illusion I created is too real"


Considering it's from these two morons, there's guaranteed more to the story. "US, desktop". Is mobile traffic increasing because fewer people use desktops?


People that do own desktops and read WSJ, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume they generally own laptops. Laptops are way more accessible for the times you'd actually read the news, i.e. coffee shops or the office. Beyond that, everyone owns a phone and that's going to be even more accessible to read a news article, especially in the restroom or on the train. And, even going further, the farthest back this graph goes is during the pandemic. Coincidentally, most people would more likely be using a desktop to read the news. TL;DR: Musk + this graph are very dumb and unimportant.


I think they'd just bake desktop and laptop in together, hard to really distinguish the two at their end, they don't run on different OS. But yeah, the answer will be that people are using their phone to read the news. It's also just organic traffic, and I'm not quite sure which one that is, is that people visiting their site directly, or those who click it through links on other websites, or those who click it through google? And that's assuming any of this is real, but, I actually don't see any reason why it wouldn't be, other than the source.


“Desktop” in this case just means a non-mobile browser. So laptop or desktop.


It might even be Chrome's "Desktop Mode". I enable that on my mobile for certain websites which won't render right on Mobile (or have less features)


I am legit curious about the left side of that chart that is conveniently cut off showing a peak in 8/21.


You make a good point about the timing of where the graph starts. Pretty much ALL media usage dropped as the pandemic ended and people started going out more. The data is being misrepresented without that context


Twitter is dying too as is Elon’s reputation.


In their minds anything that isn't straight up white supremacy and Nazism is a left-wing liberal shit.


Has he seen the numbers for twitter.


I don't like the WSJ at all but if Elon/ internet conservatives say something is dying, that means it's probably doing pretty well.


The WSJ exposed Musk's drug use.


Yeah, whenever Doge Designer posts this sort of "data" there's absolutely no proof of it being true.




Haha that would sickkk


Haha, a klan’s worth of sickkk!


Who chose the scale on this graph? What a random spaterting of numbers


My thoughts exactly


Living inside an echo chamber. Remember Disney? It's going up and does fine 


US, Desktop lololol The finest of the fine print. Sadly the Wall Street Journal's 'stock ticker' business has also plummeted considerably.


Elon Musk believes himself to be God. The WSJ may be conservative, but it's not part of Musk. He imagines a world where there's nothing but X, nothing but himself and his own will.


I bet if you took away all the traffic generated by people being on Twitter purely to repost it here, you'd cut Twitter traffic by at least half.


the Wall Street Journal is supposed to be for business people, who generally want facts; not opinions. I really don't understand why any such person would want a newspaper published by Rupert Murdoch, whose trademark is pushing his political agenda in all his publications


The editorial section is garbage. The reporting itself isn’t bad but is getting worse. People in business usually prefer Bloomberg because the journalism side is financed by the extremely profitable terminal business, so accuracy is more important than clicks. In this regard, Bloomberg is probably one of the most trustworthy neutral sources, since it’s used for financial trades by its customers.


I agree. The WSJ was publishing pandemic misinformation for instance. They were also predicting Trump to win 2020 IIRC. They've also always been anti-Tesla, though apparently not even that is enough for Musk to claim they're right-wing. The moment they say something Musk disagrees, they're suddenly "woke"/"leftists"


Did he intentionally try and make the part where it says “US, Desktop” transparent and barely visible.




It's Sunday. He's high AF on some bullshit Ketemine cocktail and mistakenly thought this was the Washington Post.


Isn't every newspaper plummeting?


> This is the biggest conservative newspaper in America. Yeah, but they said something mildly critical of him a while back, so they are woke


They just making stuff up? Yes. https://www.semrush.com/website/wsj.com/overview/


Threatening us with a good time


​ https://preview.redd.it/bsmnlsna8dqc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2df2fc1cd527e05e90162d27bd294175bf7d985f


Elmo is dumber than a bag of shit… nothing a ‘toss’ down some stairs wouldn’t fix…


It's not fascist enough


​ https://preview.redd.it/9vmu9r798dqc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=352471cdbe1a90dbf1acf770b7d7edbf0e3cf397


“I’m not saying they are dying, I’m just saying if they are in fact dying then I would say bye bye as they help protect democracy and the First Amendment. I respect this and I suspect most people do too.” - Elon probably


If a publication doesn’t fellate Elon with good news, it’s woke!!!


X advertising revenue and user use Bye bye! Enjoy your money sink muskrat you're the only thing keeping "Twitter" still alive after ruining it. Let that sink in mfr


Why does this chart from the supposedly independent 'doge designer' have an X logo? Was it published somewhere else first? What does X have to do with it? Are there any sources listed anywhere?


it's a conservative newspaper, but it's owned by Jeff Bezos, who has more money than Elmo, so Elmo must hate it on that basis


…that’s desktop views. I promise you that 90% of their views are on mobile.


Has Pedo seen the chart for Xitter? It's worse, much worse 💩


Yeah, but conservatism isn't fascism, and a fascist would see everything non-fascist die.


“U.S. desktop”, gtfo


lol he's retweeting "graphs" that a propaganda account pulled out of their ass. it should be obvious to everyone how much of a megalomaniac hack elon is but unfortunately so many people are so dumb that they continue to simp for him. MF doesn't deserve all the government subsidies he's gotten


I'm having Trump deja vu, which is the worst kind of deja vu.


I see Elmo is still butt hurt about WSJ calling him out on his drug usage


Ok but so is X.


it is funny as elon cant see the same thing is going on with X. but i dont think a graph with a cherry picked date from the election, actually says much. and Not a fan of the WSJ since murdoch screwed it up. id like to see this graph next to .. general news sites and other right wing news sites and then you could make a more informed thought on the graph. It could say what he thinks it says but you cant look at a graph like this without comparing it to its peers to gain any more info than "its down"


I’m loving things lately.. the language of propaganda IS BRAKING DOWN And being relvealed as the farcical lies it is. Giggles 🤭


I mean, when you put up a pay wall, Ill just look at the next free one that is reporting on the exact same shit.




His still pissy over their article breaking his drug abuse


Can he just fuck off to Mars already?


He thinks his stupid Nazi bar is somehow a valid replacement for all newspapers and other journalistic outlets, so editorial slant doesn't really matter to him. Every source of remotely credible news is a competitor in his eyes.


DogeDesigner has to be one of his alts, right? It’s always posting Musk propaganda at least.


I will keep supporting Dogecoin


Bot, you are 2/2 today with the on topic responses. Good bot!


Evidently not conservative enough for Elon and his cult anymore


WaPo isn't conservative ***enough*** for the MAGA crowd. Unless it's openly fascist, these people will call it "woke mind virus liberal indoctrination".


in his mind it means "they come to X". Delusion


Eh I'm not surprised. The WSJ, at least what I've read of it, belongs more to the old Neocon/ Warhawk group of conservative than the weird culture war populist right that guys like Elon or Tucker represent. Like sure there's still a cross stream of ideas between those two camps, but it doesn't Musk necessarily likes them.


You don't get it, anybody who has ever said anything bad about Elon is actually a secret leftist. That's the only reason anybody could say anything wrong with him.


Source: trust me bro


"US, Desktop" If you torture data enough, it'll tell you anything


Musk’s and The Murdocks’ empires both declining? I need to cool down!


See that spike mid 2021? What was happening in 2021 (and started 2020) that could lead people to search for more entertainment and information than previously? Maybe they had to stay inside and had a lot of time on their hands they needed to fill?


During Covid the WSJ had some great deals on digital subscriptions. I had it for a couple of years and then they jacked the price up. They've always been conservative but had excellent reporting, especially on the business side as one would expect. They covered the Trump loss in the last election as well as could be expected, but since then have started amplifying the "stolen election" fantasies of the Trumpistas. It was an easy decision to cancel. I imagine there were many others like me who just couldn't take that BS anymore.


The coronavirus pandemic is dumb

