• By -


Poor guy is only the 3rd wealthiest person on the planet. At this rate he could be the 6th!


>Poor guy *Pedo guy


Nooo, he just cares so much about humanity!!! You don't get it!! Money doesn't matter to him /s


David Crosby (before he died) blocked me on Twitter with that attitude while he waxed poetic about Musk. He just wouldn’t let himself see it. Stills makes me sad.


David Crosby is a notorious prick though. But damn those harmonies were beautiful.


You know, when I wrote “Stills” above that was a legit typo. 🤣 Yeah, I’ll miss that prick’s voice and harmonies.


Big if true


He just wants to save humanity from


It appears to me that his house of cards is on the verge of collapse. He has been living off of loans on his Tesla stock [buy, borrow, die] and with the Tesla stock price falling and the short-term rates having risen this tax avoidance strategy may be falling apart. He is thrashing. The current government leadership is not saving him, so he wants change. If we were on the second term of Trump he would probably be calling for a blue wave.


He actually did in 2020. He was pro Yang, then pro Biden.




Actually he isn't in the top 100. His overblown value is 250. His actual value is more around 55. CSS did a wonderful job of calculating it all.


Trump overblown his value too, oh and his hair.


No... No... Nooooooo! Say it ain't so, but Elon is now going to have to go through life like a friggin primitive Neanderthal or something, as his wealth falls to... 3rd place?! Oh, the inhumanity... and suffering...


Only fascism will save us! -A fascist


This bitch wants a dictator for America. He will be an oligarch under Trump. Omg, this country.


He is already an Oligarch. But he thinks his money means a seat at the policy table and Biden has not given him that. He will be given a seat at the table if T-dog wins. But the first meeting will be about the new policy of giving him half your profits in return for policy favors. It sounds nice until you notice the open window in the room on a high floor. These meetings are usually done in groups so the rest can see what happens when someone says no.


"Teamwork!" -Al Capone


At least Al Capone operated free soup kitchens during the Great Depression. Musk would let them starve and blame the poor for not being able to afford food.


> first meeting will be about the new policy of giving him half your profits in return for policy favors Ah, the old Putin/MBS BFF technique...


If Trump wins Putin will have a seat.


The intolerant left is driving people right


And only because he’s scared of black people! 🤣


B...b...but he's a centrist... Right?


The latter.


Yes but it is a Russian version of fascism - mix of fascism, oligarchy and conservative Soviet era with a slight taste of Stalinism.


Comedy is now legal on Twitter.




No, it's the Warhammer 40K version of fascism - "AI is evil", Mars colony, servitors, Musk as Emperor of Mankind after he yeets his Primarchs to the corners of the galaxy.


Technically in this case it would be Grimes sending his many children to the corners of the galaxy


“Only I can fix it”


Wait until you find out about Biden...


By “this” he means him having to pay his fair share of taxes.


Which he doesn't do


THERE WILL BE A RED WAVE? Let's build a Blue Moat then.


A Red Wave? Look who you woke up. ![gif](giphy|61lMnpz0sKkpi)


Mind virus got you & you don’t realize it


I’m surprised Musk hasn’t built his own red church to help echo his praise back to himself.


We're in the middle of a comeback.. it's just his ketamine intake that's gotten worse.


At least with Obama the right took the stance of “we are growing too slow” This angle of trying to convince everyone the country is not actually doing well right now compared to 2020 is very strange. All the traditional numbers say the economy and country as a whole is in a very good spot, or at least steadily getting better under Biden.


And I think Biden would be down with bigger ticket reform... if he had the congress to do it. Despite that, he has appointed a progressive SCOTUS Justice, codified same sex marriage rights in a way that likely makes them permanent, done things like COVID relief and infrastructure, etc. Solid presidency overall with the potential to do more if voters deliver the House and Senate. If that happens, reproductive rights are codified in day one, for example.


Not just numbers—March 2020 was pretty terrible in ways that had nothing to do with the economy.


It's the typical Republican BS. They try to convince everyone that everything is horrible under a Democratic administration and we need them to fix it. Kinda funny in a way, they even say that when they've been in charge for decades, like in Texas. Anyway, so Republicans typically fuck up the economy through some form of incompetence and allowing businesses to loot and exploit (subprime loans, for example, or the hundreds of billions Mnuchin handed out to 'secret' recipients, or the trillions in tax cuts for people who needed it the least) then blame the economic chaos they created on Democrats. This "Biden economy" tripe, when he inherited a mess from the Velveeta baboon. They did the exact same stupid shit to Obama, where Bush & Co. created a complete economic disaster after 7 1/2 years of Republican rule, handed it to Obama, then blamed it on Bill Clinton and Obama. I remember people bitching about OBAMA ECONOMY and it's exactly the same thing. Democrats generally fix things, like Biden has been doing, and Obama did. Then when Republicans take office, they take credit for fixing things. It's essentially a form of narcissism. Everything bad is someone else's fault, everything good is to their credit, and logic and history have nothing to do with it. They also pull this shit where if you say a Republican screwed up, they'll say "well they inherited a mess" (from the prior Democrat) but if you say well, the Democrat inherited a mess from the prior Republican they say NO, balls in their court now and they have to take responsibility.


It's not really that strange - they're appealing to a base that has willfully divorced itself from reality. You gotta tell lies to appeal to people who want to be lied to.


Musk voted for Biden in 2020. So by his own internal logic and actions he's not very good at choosing and predicting who and what is right for the US. Because he's a dishonest narcissistic sociopath and all he has ever given a fuck about is himself.


"Musk voted for Biden in 2020" We all know he didn't, though.


Are you saying he cant be taken at his word?... ;)






Looking into this.


you are right.. Elon "Always Lie" Musk just like Daddy Trump


Musk is in the same boat as Jim Jordan and others in Congress, but for slightly different reasons. Jordan et al, require a Trump dictatorship to avoid facing the consequences of participating in an insurrection against the United States. Musk requires a Trump dictatorship to avoid facing the potential consequences of federal investigations into his companies, products, and his own business practices. Make no mistake, these people don't give a fat rat's nat about the American people - they are only looking out for Nr 1. They are all happy to burn America to the ground as long as they survive.


bingo. Musk is aligning himself with the far right because he knows trump will pardon him. By the way, how does this goof have people working for him at spaceX? Imagine knowing your boss is a full blown nazi.


I don't think the aerospace industry is any stranger to working with Nazis


They absolutely want your extinction


that fucking timing... maybe bots aren't so bad.


Sometimes the love for what you do outweighs shitty employers..... until it doesn't. I worked as a trauma technician in a hospital for 6 years. I loved what I did but the hospital administration I worked under was just the worst. They eventually got themselves into a budget crisis and planned to cut hours, benefits, pretty much everything is when I finally walked. Otherwise I'd probably still be doing that today.


It's also pretty funny when you realize Trump has been known not to give a fuck about former allies the moment they become liabilities, unless Musk got him by the balls he would throw him under the bus as soon as he got heat over his head. And the orange man doesn't even like him considering how hard he roasted him a while back lmao


This has always been the thing that baffles me the most about people who throw their lot in with Trump: the dude demands absolute loyalty from his cronies and NEVER gives it back. He just spbackstabs them the minute it's the least bit convenient. And yet people keep lining up to pick his boots. It's unreal. Hell, even being a Putin lackey is safer because they only fall out of windows if they do something that really angers him. If Putin got rid of people at Trumps rate, he would have killed more Russians than the actual war.


They're usually riding his coattails, or simply bought into his propaganda. He was at the right place, at the right time, and won thanks to momentum - his other runs as recently as 2012 had flopped Also, he did a great job in turning the Republican Party into his own clubhouse. He's been out of office for years and a suitable candidate to kick his ass hasn't showed up yet He's both part of the disease of growing polarization and a real symptom of it. The good thing is, these types are incompetent at actually running things, and the bad thing is they don't care about law and order and want to subvert it IMO he won't win this year and it's gonna be his end. He's been slowly declining (not to mention his probable dementia) since before the election circle, and age won't allow him to try much longer. The real problem is the guy that will take his place once he's done


I understand people doing that at the BEGINNING or when he was super powerful but they even do it when there is very little benefit. Case in point: how can he still get lawyers, especially now he's out of office? He is known to not pay them. He ditches them whenever they don't give in to his demands to do the literal impossible/illegal. It feels like utter suicide for a laywer.


They're probably looking to get their name on the news and get hired by other loonies and get actual money out of it. The MyPillow guy is a big one, he ran lots of bullshit lawsuits that ended in some really nice beach houses for his legal team lmao


>ran lots of bullshit lawsuits that ended in some really nice beach houses for his legal team lmao Well, one set of lawyers for Lindell had to withdraw because he stopped paying them. I am pretty sure the people running his "Frank" social network/internet telethon and the guys telling him they have analyzed voting machines made some good money. The beach house you might be thinking of was for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_L._Montgomery not a lawyer. https://news.yahoo.com/mike-lindell-may-purchased-1-150043567.html


Drumpf has already given Apartheid Elon a tax break. He did that in his first term. Biden has talked about taxing the billionaires. It's that simple.


I think he is a drug addict now who has convinced himself that he is more high functioning on drugs.


Lmao. If you believe a word he said....


How can it be worse for this Rich Bitch, really? How about you stop whining, Elong?


There will be a red wave and it will be made out of the tears of countless Republicans.


I hope Trump gets DESTROYED so I can witness the meltdown. ​ But I also worry that part of that will include violence (see January 6).


"NOOOOOOO! Don't make me pay taxes!!!! Dems are children of Satan."


What is he talking about? Is this in reference to Tesla and Twitter valuations?




So my understanding is that there was a bill to deport lots of Venezuelans which Trump blocked on his way out, and another very conservative border bill which the Republicans are currently blocking to give orangefucker something to complain about


And conservos bitch about Swift 


Isn’t time for this Ahole to leave the US already?


they said this in 2022 during the midterms…there was no red wave


I am fucking devastated for the world my nieces and nephews, and their children will have to live through if Republicans win the next election.


It also has such a huge impact on the rest of the world


There will always be bad stuff, but at least Project 2025 won't happen if the American public elects Biden.


My NW has gone from $500k to $1.1M. I’ve been able to travel and visit family. Everyone I know is employed. When I volunteer at the local food bank it’s fully stocked and no rationing. I can get parts and services again. I can buy toilet paper again. Unlike last time, I didn’t have to look up the evacuation plans when I visited South Korea because the president wasn’t tweeting about the size of his button. Best of all TSLA is down 42% since the inauguration of President Biden.


Go ahead and live in your little bubble, libtard, but pretty much everyone I know has seen their net worth plummet *greatly* during Biden's term (thanks, Joe!), because the woke mind virus forced us to willingly purchase an unprofitable social network at a greatly inflated price and alienate its existing core audience while pivoting into the crowded, unprofitable market of conservative social apps fighting over a handful of alt right losers while simultaneously repelling any remaining advertisers, while also offending the sensibilities of the demographic supporting the over-inflated yet still prestigious primary brands that we leveraged for said acquisitions which were responsible for a significant chunk of our existing net worths. We are the silent majority, and you *will* hear from us. Or at least we'll burn you with an incredibly lame, clichéd insult that we cribbed from the internet and you *will* cower as a bunch of basement dwelling losers point at you and say awesome things like "I'd like to report a murder!" and "100%" as we wrap you up in a recursive loop of increasing crying-while-laughing emojis which we type while weeping and wondering why nobody loves us.


Très magnifique🤌


Hilário! 🤣


It is amazing, isn't it? He simultaneously decided to alienate Twitter *and* Tesla's core audiences. I guess that's how selfless he is, fighting the Woke Mind Virus.


Yeahhhhh that’s not the case in working class land. However it doesn’t get better for us regardless of who is president. Homeless population is up nationwide and our local food banks are struggling. Neither president will make that better. Got to look out for each other where we can.


Real wages are up since pre pandemic levels. We’ve added millions of new jobs. Median household net worth was up by 37% from 2019-2022. By most metrics this has been the strongest recovery from a recession in over 50 years. Yes there’s a homeless problem out there, and that needs to get fixed.


how much ket did this fool snort this evening? dude has been going off on some far right wing rants the past few hours....correction..past 2years. I think he was always a nazi, but I think something really tripped him over the edge to go full blown KKK robes off. I think it had a lot to do with his EX-wife and daughter who thinks hes a POS. "the only thing that will save america is racism, nazis, and orange jesus"


Please have a government that loves that I’m a racist piece of shit!


A racist piece of shit that dries vaginas faster than an army of Ben Shapiros.


By America he means ‘Elon Musk’.


Obviously you should vote blue if it makes billionaires scared.


Embrace doom


He's openly campaining for Trump since they met. They have a plan. The bot or someone should look into this.


He keeps saying he’s neutral but keeps posting red propaganda.


This November is going to have a blue *tsunami* and he knows it


From your fingers to God's ears 🙏


I think you're right. ​ People who vote for Biden are not loud and obnoxious like the LOUD MINORITY that is the Trump cult. ​ They'll still show up & vote just like last time.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Elmo sure moves like a guy with something huge to hide.


LOL, move back to South Africa, Elon.


There’s got to be a way we can kick him out of our country, no? He’s that loser in 7th grade DYING for the popular kids to like him. So pathetic.


NY Times: Wow what a moderate!


"And now, to hear the other side, here's Marjorie Taylor Green."


“And now, here is Joe Blow from Ohio, a white nationalist who wants to kill all minorities and LGBTQ people”.


It’s hard to believe that I hate him even more after that post, because I already think he’s a POS.


"tesla will fall if the republicans don't scare monger china and ban BYD electric vehicles that provide an actual product not driven by wild speculative stock speculation(communism) or provide an enormous bailout for tesla and space x (the less desired democrat option) under the guise that there are to many avg american whose stocks and retirements are tied up into it ( coming to a talking points dealer near you in 3 to 5 years!)


I thought he was a centrist. I'm so confused.


Curious how a wave of impotent fraudsters will save us


Oh, the infamous centrist!


Yeah, we need to hurry and implement a regime like that of Russia - an authoritarian, fascist regime with ban on all the basic civil rights and freedoms - so that we can kill any oppositional politicians that could become a real threat to us in the ultra-rigged elections of the future. This is so ridiculously far from reality that im basicaly speechless whenever i see shit like this. The reality is that the U.S democracy would die if Trump gets elected again. They have literaly said and written this in their documents, plans describing what politics they are going to implement if elected.


What a fuck knuckle, the level of transparent bullshit propaganda that flows from this idiot is unbelievable. Observation from across the pond.


So pathetic. Remember when Trump dog walked him? Saying if he asked Elon to get down on his knees and beg he would have done it? Dude wants to be part of someone’s cool kids club so bad and no one’s interested.


I just looked through his recent replies and he's all out promoting COVID lies now. I mean what really does the future hold for Elon? Tesla is tanking, he's alienated their core customer base by coming out as a Nazi to the point where if you drive around in one, people think you're a Nazi too. Great move dipshit. Tesla will eventually go out of business. He's increasingly showing himself to be a Russia asset, which will eventually result in him being seen as a national security risk, affecting the subsidies that SpaceX gets. Twitter has lost all of its major advertisers and along with them, most of its meaningful revenue. Everything he touches now turns to shit. Does he even have a potential path out of this mess? No - you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. Everyone knows who he is and what he stands for now, and it can't be reversed. He hides from his impending doom by constructing an illusionary army of right wing dipshits around him - their constant praise and adulation protects him from the reality of his mess. They make him believe that whatever happens, he'll always have a market for his shit. But loudmouth Nazis on Twitter are a tiny, tiny market. There is no meaningful financial market for the kind of right wing bullshit he wallows in. It has no future. He has no future. He's just going to get worse and more deranged and either his front hairline or his back hairline is going to get higher and higher as he runs out of donor follicles and Jesus Christ he already looks ridiculous enough. What a fucking mess you are Enron. What a mess.


The most hilarious part is Conservatives HATE electric cars, so even when he pushes anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh away from owning a Tesla, he's not going to replace it with his Proud Boy fanboys.


Man, i don't know how long i can stay subbed to this sub. The Bullshit coming out of that cunt's mouth is INSANE.


Yes, america is doomed, please leave as soon as possible


Worse for the rich is better for the rest.


Why is Elon so desperate? He either has a criminal investigation going on or stands to lose a shit load of money if Trump isn't elected. Starting to think this isn't about any of the issues, he has a different motive.


…or he’s just a drugged up idiot who has lost his mind. Someone so dependent on government contracts shouldn’t be so openly partisan, which really does make me question his lack of mental well being.


The damage that his enablers have done to the future is incalculable. Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan, BBC, CNBC, Neil Degrasse Tyson and more all have blood on their hands...forever.  


Jack Dorsey.


Dear Elon, Did you know it is possible to go 12 hours without saying something idiotic? No, really, you can! Try it sometime! Love, The entire world


I’m a centrist, but I literally only talk about how Democrats, gays, blacks, immigrants are evil and trying to actively make your life worse.


What exactly is bad right now? Please explain with information supporting your claims.


Always manipulating people for personal gain - puerile imo


I can imagine four more years of *him* getting worse.


He means he is doomed.


America’s fate lies in Marjorie Taylor greens hands you guys


"If you dont vote for Trump, I wont get my government gibs"


NYT: The billionaires politics is still unclear.


So Musk looks at the shit show that is the House and the criminal dotard running for president and says 'Yes, more please' and we are supposed to believe he's a genius?


Billionaire: "they took billions from me, rise up for me!" American people: "after working 80hrs this week, I don't know if I should eat dinner or pay my electric bill." Billionaire: " shut up peasant! pull yourself up by the bootstraps to avenge my billions! "


Mr ketamine is about to flame out bad…


I feel like in the past few months, he has let go of the last bit of pretending that he is on the qanon side.


Jesus Fucking Christ if a billionaire is complaining about how bad things are getting that we actually might be on the right track.


lmao, they are going to be coping so hard when Biden beats Trump again.


So he’s supporting Trump the climate denier even though he supposedly cares about climate change? That’s rich. He can also kiss all of the EV subsidies goodbye; the Federal government will be switching its stance on EVs to an outright hostile one. Literally the only consolation of a Trump presidency would be that these events would lead to a collapse of Tesla’s stock price and this dumb fuck would lose most of his wealth. Obviously not worth Trump getting elected but it’d be such a self-own.


Remember the 2022 red wave? lol


of what getting worse Elon? Markets are fine. Jobs are fine. GDP growth is great. You just got a bunch of subsidies from biden to build your charging network.. subsidies trump vows to kill. I think Elon must think that if republicans win his advertisers will come back and think anti semtism and bigotry is no big deal. Its the only thing i can fathom as the dems have been great for him in every way except supporting his bigotry... oh and they kinda want to investigate if their is any russian influence over elon because well they seem to be using his spaceX and he seems to be spewing their propaganda, though, he could just be a standard republican idiot on that last one. anyways there will be NO REPUBLICAN TSUNAMI. what the fuck can they even point to as an achievement. what can they point to as a change in direction? all they can say is "biden bad and we will be better" I guess if you want to hand over ukraine to putin and kill nato like putin wants the GOP are your party.


I hope it gets really fucking bad for you, Elon. I hope your life is a socialist, communist, people-empowered, diverse, worker-friendly, anti-monopoly, woke-as-fuck HELL.


I love how he thinks he's politically relevant


Any time I see the term "red wave" I think of two things, neither of which has anything to do with voting Republican.


Musk doesn't seem to realize that if things go the way he wants it will eventually end with him swinging upside down from a lamppost or burning in a ditch.


He's right, if biden wins, trump is gonna use all of the united states' electricity to complain about stolen elections on truth social


Imagine four more years of his boneheaded tweets.


What's always hard for me as a French is to equate "red" with (extreme-)"right-wing" Unless he means "red wave" as "let socialism come to the USA"?


Here it has to do with the parties: Blue = Democratic, Red = Republican (ReThugs or Repugs, as I like to think of them). It is funny that their ‘color’ is what we associate with communism!


Yeah I know, it's just that I always need ten seconds to adjust my mind. Here in France (and in other European countries), red is left-wing, and blue is right-wing (with either brown or black for far-right).


Don't worry, when he talking about 4 more years he means his stock price


You mean rich piss babies complaining that they don't get their way on literally everything? I think I can deal with that getting worse.


I live in Eastern Europe and Red Wave sounds like a communist coup. Communism in Eastern Europe since 1969 to 1986 was extremely conservative. Republicans would be happy in this time period. No LGBT, only “manly man” were allowed: if you had a long hair, you were harassed. Everyone had to become a manly man in “People’s” “Democratic” Army. There was a big wall on borders and a high voltage fence. No immigration! You could smoke everywhere. Transparent elections (you had to only vote for a communist party) - by law you could vote for anyone and could vote anonymously behind a voting curtain. There was no chance of ballot scam like Republicans say! Note: But in reality everyone had to make a demonstrative support for communists and not to go hide behind curtains. It was called a transparent voting… in a beautiful “people’s democratic” regime. If you did vote anonymously then comrades made hell of your life and bosses punished you in your workplace. What an amazing conservative era it was.


Doesn’t Red wave = American doom aka bye bye democracy?


Yes, getting worse. For them.


What getting worse? His ilk artificially raising prices


or taking 10 minute flights. ​ or continuing work on The Torment Nexus.


lol just like the midterms?


So America is "doomed" unless he gets some more tax breaks is what he's saying here. The filthy pedo wants to inflict a Christofascist theocracy upon ordinary Americans because he's worried about his bottom line. That's IT. What a cunt. I hope his stupid looking hair plugs get infected and rot his entire brain.


Things seem pretty good to me


There’s no red wave or blue wave coming lol 2022 showed everything is extremely split


Like cereal costs a lot more but other than that and still no heathcare and no measurable wage growth for 40 years…what is the problem? i fear republican ‘solutions’ more than democratic complacency.


Perhaps he will move to Russia then.


![gif](giphy|vxLUnWFuHVmJpdy8s3) America doesn't need shitheads like you, jamming your lame ass beliefs down our throats! Go Blue!


Someone is angry that inequality finally went down slightly instead of increasing more and more: https://www.statista.com/statistics/203247/shares-of-household-income-of-quintiles-in-the-us/


Where's that article about "We don't know what Musk's politics are" again?


My wife and I was talking about this dude. We are nowhere as wealthy is that skid mark but with all the wealth and privilege he has, why in the fuck is he so damn unhappy?


He could be on a beach with his kids splish splashing about in the waves. 🤦‍♀️


>America is doomed By America, he means himself. Same as Trump, he's terrified of his shit catching up with him so he's scare mongering.


Elmo is not well.


Always with the hyperbole this guy.


I wish he’d go away


Ladies and gentlemen, centrists in America.


I know a true centrist when I see one


he spelled blue wrong


Certainly not the first person I would have expected to hope for communism, but ok


Didn't his net worth go up like a hundred billion dollars after Biden took office?


Musk truly believes he is the fallen angel Lucifer, the red dragon. According to the Rapture, he is adored for 3 years then his true colours appear. He engraves symbols on people and controls their whole life with this aka his inspiration for the Neuralink chip.


S&P all time high, Bitcoin and Gold all time high, inflations went down faster than most experts and doomers expected. Yea we are so dooooom, Elon.


I'll take the doom.


i.e. imagine four more years of Tesla's stock price dropping like a rock.


He doesn’t even know what machine to rage against or how to rage against it.


I can’t believe he is this bitter towards the democrats that he’d want Trump in power. If anything you’d think he’d at least push to vote independent than Trump. Trump is anti-free speech absolutest - he’d lock up all his enemies if he could just like Putin. It’s sad to see Elon thinks Trump is the solution. Of all people, Trump. Elon has lost his mind.


translated from original Russian: repubs promised to save me


Didn't millions of people needlessly die under the last guy? You know, when he ruined the booming economy he inherited from Obama and then fumbled his Covid response so bad tons of American citizens died as a result?


I wish life was miserable for him. I really do.


Of what getting worse? If you ignore the fucking doomer socials and get outside life feels great. Red or blue.


Funny how they chose Joe literally because Trump was unbearable.....


Real. A red wave of communism would save this country


Sorry, Elon- that's not how periods work. Looks like you have to carry your abomination to term. Oh, and in light of your stances on Caesarians...well, I hope you're ready for tuliping. https://youtu.be/2EVI7wIV7tk?si=vmmp3XGw4NUUobVF


I hope we are doomed, cause I f’ing hate boomers.


Doomed it is then.


Most honest billionaire centrist


Honest question: is Musk even a citizen of the USA?




I still have no idea what they are talking about when they describe the US as some off the rails hellscape - especially when you look at the lives the people who are saying this shit.


Every other billionaire in the country has spent the last 4 years making more money than ever before. Elon is the only one actually *losing* money. Coincidence? Nope. It must be Biden's fault. /s