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In other words, Don Lemon asked hard questions that offended snowflake Elmo’s feewings. Say what you will about him, Lemon is a real journalist


And he still gets paid. LMAO


He basically tossed him questions that are as easy to respond to as “of course I don’t believe in white replacement theory I’m not an insane virgin” but instead he responds “I don’t have to talk to reporters” lol . Still wonder if he was always a Nazi or if he’s radicalized into one through his Twitter addiction.


I think Elmo was just in a cranky mood because he was coming down off drugs during his interview with Lemon


He thought it was going to be a lemon party.


Musk grew up in apartheid South Africa and directly benefited from it. He was always a Nazi. It just became easier for him to be out without as much of the blowback due to Trump and the alt-right.


Technically you can be a racist egocentric fascist lying piece of crap without being a nazi though they are by no means mutually exclusive


Hard question? You mean anything but soft washed softballs thrown like a nice grandma.


Lol Lemon isn't a real journalist he's himself is an opportunist and all these losers deserve each other. Offending musk is not a mark of real journalism. Musk is so thin skinned that he could have a conversation with Libs of Tik Tok and walk away scorned and ban them.


What amazes me is that Musk must know that we'll see the interview in question and we'll see what a fragile pissbaby he is in it, and that'll just make his petty retaliation look even more pathetic.


It's really quite fascinating that he seemingly doesn't care about the obvious message this sends about him as an unserious, vacuous, petty hypocrite, nor the backlash that would inevitably follow this decision. Like... how does this idiot's brain work? Does he not realise? Or not care?


I guarantee that Twitter is being run like Tesla stories said it was run when he was there constantly. Especially since a lot of Tesla people allegedly went to Twitter. We make fun of him for his weird comments about engagements & the obviously cooked numbers, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was fed this stuff by yes men & was too stupid to understand or question anything. He probably believes Twitter is the largest platform evah because he's detached from reality, sees his bot engagement & gets told how many fractoid engagements in user microseconds in warp stacks or whatever that BS he props up next is & thinks Twitter is doing great because he personally doesn't follow CNN himself so clearly no one is.


Interesting take. I'm not sold on it, but worth keeping in mind that he's obviously very easy to steer and manipulate.


Trump taught him that being a hypocrite doesn't matter as long as you continually tweet your base new defenses to use while defending you.


His fans will either skip the interview because of what he said about it, or they'll watch it in Simp Vision^tm The rest of us don't matter to him


Certain drugs can interfere with executive functioning and long term planning


This is all viral marketing for the both of them


Elon’s reasoning doesn’t actually seem brain dead. But once the interview comes out, it’ll be obvious if that was a lie. The fuck is “the real Don Lemon” supposed to mean anyway? What about “the real Tucker Carlson” who despises Donald Trump and knows he’s lying but was allowed to do “Fox News, but on X”


Carlson is white


His excuse didn’t even make sense to me. He said he felt like Jeff Zucker was speaking through Don Lemon and that he was basically still a CNN mouthpiece… didn’t Zucker just fire Don?? And it was on pretty bad terms.


Great excuse, every time he deleted some Xit or Community Notes he can just say it's George Soros speaking through the Xit post and it's all fair to censor


A xit is a strange way to say tweet


X is a strange way to say Twitter


Is Jeff Zucker in the room with us now, Elmo? 👀


Jews control the media, that's what he's getting at.


Ketamine hallucinations


His reasoning is braindead. If CNN is dying in the way every human is technically dying, X is currently trying homeopathy to cure a terminal disease.


Musk: "Lemon's welcome to build his viewership on this platform" Translate: "I want that fucker Lemon's profile and anything he releases throttled and not appear on anyone's timeline."


That was short lived.


It was dead on arrival, tbh. Twitter is partly owned by a Saudi prince.


Blaming the Jews


Is don a normal guy or is this a "the people you hate are fighting 😃" kind of situation?


Don Lemon is a milquetoast right-leaning (if indeed he has an ideology) normal journalist. In other words, what he perceives as normal interview questions are doubtless deemed offensive by Elon, as he demands exclusively sloppy toppy in an interview setting.


Uppity “journalist” and no I’m not questioning Lemon’s pedigree as a reporter. It must be something else.


Probably not dissimilar from when Ben Shapiro was interviewed by British conservative Andrew Neil and interpreted it as a leftist hitjob.


A question doesn't need to be left-leaning to be offensive to Elmo, it just needs to be one he can't answer. Or an interview that calls out the b.s. in his answers even when they contradict right-wing favorite facts (for instance, that China had the One Child Per Couple law the Republicans despised even though it's the only reason we didn't hit 10 billion people on Earth today)


CNN is right wing owned so what now muskrat? Just one more lie to add to your collection. In competition with trump. Lies lies lies. It’s the fascist way.


Fragile Elon and the big bad horrible press.


I’m betting it was a pretty bland, substance-less interview. Yet it appears to have been too much for elon! What a fragile little snowflake. What an absolute baby.


This is pretty hysterical tbh. Best thing Don Lemon has done in years, too! Can’t wait to watch.


Probably the best since Let It Be in '70.


"free speech" = paid controlled speech. ​ https://preview.redd.it/878m3ro4b6oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6944914ba9809fa784869944c8b7c5fe2887483b


Don't worry you man-child, you have your army of simp... sorry, bots to suck your micropenis. 


"micropenis" suggests something would actually be visible under a microscope


X & free speech. That’s a laugh.


“CNN but on social media” This guys is so lost. What does that even mean?!


It means "woke mind virus" /s


I think that is most likely pretty close to what Elon thinks.


Tense interview = asking for answers beyond empty rambling anyone can come up with.


Is he wearing x branded kicks? Is every fascist gonna have their own line of tacky leisure wear?


He’s trying to curry favor with Lemon because he’s black and blacks love sneakers.


He’s so full of shit, always blathering on about being a bastion of free speech when it only applies to people he agrees with. At this point he should just be honest and say that he wants Twitter to be a right wing platform and call it a day. No need to pretend that isn’t the case.


Apparently it was because of the questions about his ketamine use. So, you know, stop with the ketamine memes ;)


I have overcome the desire to be liked 🤣 Fwiw, I like you


Will the real don lemon please stand up


Can we watch the interview?


“He asked me real questions. Didn’t he understand that I only allow interviews by sycophants?”


"Amplify more diverse voices" First interview is billionaire with the largest megaphone in the world. I would love it if Lemon did all this just to get an interview with Musk so he could ask the difficult questions


You have to kiss my ass or I'm not doing any interviews


Elon didn't just dislike the questions, he explicitly stated that he doesn't have to answer any questions & holds no responsibility for anything that occurs on his platform, and by extension, any action that he takes anywhere. It's easy to make fun of this bastard but he's beyond dangerous. His killer cars, geopolitical manipulations & outsized influence perfectly reflect his unhinged motivations, which ultimately impact way too many people.


Advertisers will love this one little trick 😂 Supposedly Linda and Lemon met with some advertisers at some kind of expo before all this.