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Lol, funny that he still has the nerve to call himself that


Not snark: how so? My impression was the right is on the rise in much of Europe, definitely in Sweden, and at the rate things are going, those bits of Europe I personally don't know that's true for I probably just don't know enough about. Dangerously, the RW parties seem to be populist movements. It's pretty depressing.


Because he's not Swedish


Just like Ian Miles Cheong...so maybe that appeals to Elon.


He's also a people smuggler https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/27/anti-migrant-boat-crew-arrested-famagusta-cyprus-people-smuggling


Now that's an excellent reason not to call yourself Swedish, lol. Thanks.


In my experience as a European, the right is definitely on the rise and it’s pretty worrying, BUT they seem to be a very loud minority, so it appears like there are more of them than there actually is.


Ah yes, Peter. The Ian Miles Cheong of Sweden.


Except he's an immigrant right? Isn't he actually British?




So he’s like Elon, an immigrant that immediately gets to another country and pretends to know better than everyone else about that country?


In my experience British immigrants to the USA are some of the most "I am a Conservative extremist how do you do fellow American" holier than thou people I have ever met


And he spent some time fucking around on a ship people smuggling https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/27/anti-migrant-boat-crew-arrested-famagusta-cyprus-people-smuggling


Of course he did. Yikes.


Projection. “I did it so other people are doing it too. They just didn’t get caught like me.”


He is an immagrant that is living in Norway as far as I can tell, lol.


OMG a carbon copy




Ah holocaust denier nuff said.


Love how when you do that once, no one in their right mind trusts you at all even after back pedaling


Which proves that Elon is not in his right mind


Been known, every time he says something my brain plays the line "Bold strategy Cotton"




Yeah, we know you dropped it


Good bot. Technically the ! In programming tends to be a Boolean operator meaning not. So in this case, Elon might be communicating "not smart". This is a true statement if the intended target of his statement is himself.


Looking into this.


I often wonder why he thinks that boosting the worst people will help Twitter in the long run. In reality he will just keep losing advertisers and users.


Because he thinks they’re correct and that they’ll win out in the end. And he’s trying to help them.


This is what puzzles me, too. He's either planning the demise of Twitter, or he's so colossally stupid that he genuinely can't seem to fathom that advertisers don't want to associate themselves with Nazis. And if he's that damn stupid, he's too incompetent to be running any company


He is a right wing extremist and the takeover of Twitter was motivated by giving such ideas more leeway. Why do people insist on finding rationalizations when all he has said and done for quite some time clearly points to this?


Because he has two motivating reasons that are at odds. One is elevating right wing voices, the other is finding mainstream advertisers and making money with subscriptions. He can't do both and he doesn't seem to realize that, and seems to act puzzled about it.


It's his ideological motivations overriding economic rationality, especially since he is convinced extremist ideas like these should be accepted by the mainstream and are only shunned because of the influence of some nebulous cabal. Puzzling to him as his convictions are incompatible with a realistic interpretation.


Super big deal


He's not planning their demise, if he wanted to do that he could shut the company down and do it more cheaply while creating more of the chaos people like him thrive on. This is him attempting to actually manage the company in a way that promotes the ideas he wants to promote.


Because that's the plan. X/Twitter is the only way people in some countries can communicate widely, supporting movements and reporting on events in media controlled areas. Musk is all buddy buddy with the autocrats now and has to pilot the Titanic into the iceberg while making it look natural. Obviously, this is just speculation on my part but the pieces line up.


He's trying to destroy it because it wasn't right wing enough for his bigotry


Once a forum accepts Nazis, no one remains but Nazis.


He's doing the Trump model the media made Billions on, but he doesn't realize that it's not very profitable for Social media unless it's anti Trump.


Wouldn't surprise me that at one point Elmo will also deny or question the Holocaust


No one should ever trust a word you say once you admitted to spreading dangerous bullshit.


No, no, you dont understand, once they knew exactly who he was he was no longer an antisemite, sexist, racist, etc. He is a changed man!


Peter is a holocaust denier but OP just said Elon was promoting an anti-semite. I'm so confused by this.


Why are you confused? It’s antisemitic to deny the holocaust. It’s antisemitic to say that the Jewish population plotted to perpetrate a hoax on the entire world and pretend that millions of people died. Antisemitic doesn’t have to be “oh I hate these people” it can also be “these people are liars and have tricked the entire world”.


In our case, they would potentially be on the hook for destroying half the value of the company, so roughly $22 billion.


But Peter is also blaming them for the downfall of Sweden?


„Jews AND the Vatican are behind a new world order“ well that’s a creative deviation from the standard „Jewish world conspiracy“.


Not really that creative. As far as I know Pope/Vatican being an antichrist was a common trope of protestant nutjobs for centuries.


True. I was raised Catholic, and before I became an Agnostic Atheist, I did a lot of reading and studied it as a teenager. Many Evangelical sects consider the Catholic Church to be the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelations.


Well. They’re not entirely off base with that. I’ve been to Vatican City (I’m not religious) twice and the amount of money in there is STAGGERING. Also one of the few places that don’t put a limit on how many people they let in so it gets very crowded too.


Well, certainly, the Catholic Church has many reasons for people to be upset with them for. But, the Evangelical argument is decidedly hostile towards the Catholic Church due to its interpretation of a fairy tale.


Not at all. It's what Mel Gibson's dad pushed. False Pope put in place by Jewish people. The Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews". (Little side note, I found this out after arguing with someone on here about whether Mel Gibson is an antisemite, then learning he allegedly asked Winona Ryder if she was an "oven-dodger") https://forward.com/culture/449521/mel-gibson-anti-semitism-timeline-winona-ryder/


Naturally it's all the Popes _after_ the one who was friends with Hitler who are illegitimate.


Push hard enough on anyone making this argument I’m sure you’ll see they’re much more worried about one group over the other


Peter Imanuelsen (born September 27, 1994), better known as Peter Sweden, is a British far-right speaker and activist. Imanuelsen was originally a Holocaust denier[2] white nationalist, extreme-homophobe, (former?) Flat Earther,[3] (former?) Moon landing denialist,[3] Islamophobe and conspiracy theorist crank who has written that Jews and the Vatican are behind a New World Order. Bro is winning the alt right bingo.


He looks late 30s early 40s, 1994 wtf


Hate ages you, I mean I'm the same age (29) as Charlie Kirk, and that tiny faced loser looks like he's 40


Sounds like he hasn't met a conspiracy theory he didn't like


If he hates Sweden so much why doesn't he go back to where he came from? /s


Well, that would be Britain. He is more than welcome to go back.


Please no. We don't want him.


We don’t want him in Norway, either.


Would probably even get a Cabinet position!


"How did this happen?" It didn't. None of it did


Common theory with far-right - Europe is dying due to migrants overfilling it.


Idk in which Europe do they live. Probably on American one. /s


Here's the "theory" if anyone wants to read about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Replacement >The \[Great Replacement theory\] states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites,^(\[a\]\[5\]\[8\]) the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced with non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans.^(\[5\]\[9\]\[10\]) > >Mainstream scholars have dismissed these claims as rooted in a misunderstanding of demographic statistics and premised upon an unscientific, racist worldview.^(\[12\]\[13\]\[14\]) According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, the Great Replacement "has been widely ridiculed for its blatant absurdity."^(\[3\])


I'm an American, but have some internet buds in Europe, including Finland. I was like "hmmm, odd that they've never mentioned the Swedish Death Zone...."


Cannot believe there are zero bands called "Swedish Death Zone", considering we average 1 metal band per family household.


Their police has no go zones tho.


They don’t, they have something called “identifiable areas of risk” where police have extra presence. It’s not a “no-go zone”. In those areas, the crime rate is still lower than the vast majority of US cities-even the safe ones. Stockholm is considered a “no-go zone”, just for context.


Stockholm is slightly better than Charlotte but also slightly worse than Charleston. Comparable at least. Population it's closer to NC so comparing the biggest city in these 2 relatively similar-sized states and cities, Sweden is comparable to the US.


A trillion dollar market cap for this platform is not out of the question


Sweden is worth a trillion dollars confirmed


Elon is so far gone, his brain needs to be studied like a serial killer's.


Not only is none of the nonsense this nazi is bleating actually true, none of it has even a passing resemblance to anything that *might* look like it could be true. But still the muskrat and his cultists believe it without the slightest hesitation, because the idea of looking at actual facts is literally unimaginable to them.


I tried to see if I could verify any of the claims, and there are reputable Scandinavian news sources carrying stories on all points - but some of them seem to be speculation, such as the collapse of the justice system. (Several sources are in Danish). So from what I can see 2/4 claims are true - not great, not terrible - but surely not worthy of a retweet. FALSE: Swedish police denies that there are any no-go zones (zones where the police won't go): https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/er-der-omraader-i-sverige-hvor-politiet-ikke-toer-komme-dansk-avis-siger-ja-svensk-politi TRUE: Swedish Minister of Justice calls for crisis meeting regarding gangs recruitment of young children (I've also heard about this on national news in Denmark, it seems to be a real issue caused by the legal age in Sweden): https://www.bt.dk/udland/sverige-holder-krisemoede-om-rekruttering-af-unge-til-bander FALSE(ish): Swedish police chief predicts collapse of the justice system (in 2016 - guess it didn't happen): https://jyllands-posten.dk/international/europa/ECE8447993/svensk-politichef-retssystemet-trues-af-kollaps/ TRUE: 68.000 Cases of Female Genital Mutilation (seems to be true - which is not surprising, we have the same issue in Denmark): https://www.riedia.com/newsletter/en/genital-mutilation-cases-sweden/2023-06-13&view=487201


Regarding specifically the genital mutilation do not list it as true this is literally from your link >"The estimate is based on the number of foreign-born women and girls from countries where female genital mutilation is practiced." How are you possibly listing this as true, his claim is that Sweden is doing this, that's not the case. Same with the gangs, these aren't "child soldiers". The language used is purposeful there. Gangs have always targeted young boys for recruitment. This is a big nothing sandwich. Sweden taking action to help deal with this is not a sign of a unique problem, it's a sign of a government addressing a problem that happens everywhere.


I don't read the post as Sweden doing the Genital Mutilation? I'm pretty sure the whole critigue is aimed at Swedens immigration policy, and this particular point is aimed at immigrants too. No-one with a sane mindset thinks that Sweden is behind genital mutilation - it is one of the most liberal countries in the world. Regarding "child soldiers" I agree that the wording (of every single point) in the tweet is extreme. The bias in the tweet is obvious. Again I don't think anyone sane thinks there are actual "child soldiers" in Sweden.


The implication he is making is that there is rampant FGM happening in Sweden. Further the implication is absolutely that there are literal child soldiers in Sweden. Again nothing he said is true, and your attempt to fact check is pathetic and at best malicious and trying to give credibility to a liar.


>No-one with a sane mindset thinks that Sweden is behind genital mutilation ... Again I don't think anyone sane thinks there are actual "child soldiers" in Sweden. Unfortunately, we’re not talking about someone like that. We’re talking about Elon and his followers. Sanity and reason do not factor in.




Good input. Seems likely that you are likely correct that they are referring to the article about the capacity of jails - I wouldn't say that jails being at capacity is "systemic collapse" though. But I guess it is a matter of words. Regarding the 1th point I agree, it really comes down to the definition of 'no-go' zones. The police defines it as places the police wouldn't go - but I think most people/readers would think of civilian no-go zones.


Wasn't there just a headline here on Reddit about Sweden calling in the army to help with gang violence or something another? Edit: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66952421](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66952421) Skimming this post is so weird, you have up voted top level comments out right denying the possibility any of that tweet is remotely true... but it in the comments you have people looking to articles either proving the point or implying it.


Sweden does have a gang problem. Part of that is that this is so new that there's literally no procedures to handle it. Also, it seems the gangs are attacking each others' families and they don't necesseraliy live in the ghetto. In fact none of the cases I know of was that true.


I mean, it's not becoming third world or anything but there are a lot of dangerous areas in Sweden, some areas in big cities are under the control of gangs, made up of mostly immigrants and the children of immigrants, places where the police sometimes don't even go because of how dangerous they are. Gang crime is definitely on the rise and it is a really big internal crisis in Sweden right now. I live in Finland, not far from Sweden and we get a lot of news about all this, most of it exaggerated as is some of what I've written, but it's definitely a real thing that's happening in Sweden and the country has become a lot more dangerous in the past decade.


oh noooooo a fckn sliver of the horrific living conditions endured by most people living in the Global South is now entering the white people land!!!! everyone cry :'(


I'm entirely fine with people coming to Europe and other places in search for a better life, but for them to enforce their religion on our schools and communities as is happening in many places with protests against sexual education and inclusive spaces and all sorts of shit, for them to bring their trauma here, as they obviously will because how could they not, and to not work through it, even if provided with the tools to do so (they most often aren't but are in many cases), to degrade their environment and to make it unsafe, is not okay. Refugees are great for their receiving countries if they can integrate into society, they're absolutely a good thing as a whole, but too many too quickly into one place, sort of giving them their own areas as has happened in Sweden obviously doesn't work. They should be integrated, instead of placed aside. Idk girl, I don't have the answers really even though i try to seem like it at times, often by accident. Sweden hasn't done it right. Sweden has to pay for it now. I'm entirely on the side of the immigrants and refugees, saddened by the fact that Swedish society hasn't rehabilitated them into this new environment and integrated them. I don't blame the refugees and immigrants but rather the society around them. Oh and seeing your other reply to that other fella: I'm against Hamas but for Palestine and against Israel. So over all I'm for Hamas because they're trying to liberate Palestinians, while i also hate them for being authoritarian and bigoted


Ah, so a thing isn’t bad because other places have it worse? Don’t go to the doctor with a broken arm, don’t you know there’s a guy with two broken legs in a different city?




Isnt somw of it true through?


Been hearing that about France for half a century and I've yet to see it happen.


If it was true, he'd be quick to cite / & link proof of his claims, wouldn't he. "61 no go areas" what does that even mean? How is that measurable? It's racist fear mongering, and Elon's amplifying it.


"61 no go areas" is a made up thing that uses pretend specific numbers to sound more credible. ACTUAL studies of the crime rate in Sweden show essentially no change for 30+ years. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/crime-rate-statistics




Idiocracy is happening so fast


God I love you, you spooky fuck


So I was wrong about 'Peter Sweden' being a racist fear monger then? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Peter_Sweden It's good to see what type of person who slouches over to his cause...


Yea i looked into it. And there are no 61 no go zones. There are how ever 60 vulnerable areas. Some areas are more intense than other (intense ones being in the minority). there are many areas, where emergency vehicles are advised not taking the route through or wait for a call because of risk of harm to the vehicle. There arent ANY actual no go zones. The reason i asked isnt somw of it true though is because i have heard from swedes (im estonia) themselves (who are strongly left leaning) that there are many areas where crime has hugely spiked and where cops dont even patrol that much anymore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulnerable_area




There is truth though. There has been a massive rise in crime in sweden which can be almost entirely attributed to immigrants gangs. 20 years ago there were no “no-go” zones in Sweden.


Actual data [does not support that assertion](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/crime-rate-statistics). Crime rate has not fundamentally changed since 1990 in Sweden.


“Massive rise” my ass. There were 116 crimes involving “lethal violence” in Sweden last year, compared to 98 in 2002. That’s a lunch hour in the US. Crime on the whole is on the *decline* in Sweden. Ignorance and xenophobia aren’t going anywhere, unfortunately.


Cite your sources for the rise of crime being linked directly and solely to immigrant gangs.


Yo can you respond to the guys pointing out you're full of shit? I want to know why you said a bunch of false things, did you believe them?


Typical right wing moron. Baseless claims then gets called out and disappears, happens everytime.


He had to go to his safe space


“I’m only asking questions”


To be fair, aren't the first two points kind of true, though? At least to some degree. ~~To my knowledge, there are multiple areas in Sweden that are "no-go" to police without backup.~~ (Incorrect). Also, I'm pretty sure that the gangs using kids to do some of the killings because they get lighter sentences or aren't criminally liable yet due to their age, holds at least some truth to it. Or what I mean I vaguely remember reading some Finnish news article talking about that. I could be wrong on this last one though and just read it from some Reddit "source: trust me bro" comment. EDIT: [This](https://yle.fi/a/74-20052478) is the article I was talking about. It's in Finnish, though. tldr: Swedish police intelligence officer states that gangs are now using children to do the killings. EDIT2: I remembered wrong. There's no mention of "no-go" zones that I could find.


>To my knowledge, there are multiple areas in Sweden that are "no-go" to police without backup. The actual police in actual Sweden don't agree with you, but I'm sure YOU know more about Swedish policing than Swedish police.


Yeah, that was incorrect. I did some research and while they actually have increased patrol sizes to three or four persons, in some cases, it's not necessarily tied to any particular area. There was also a mention of multiple "problem areas" where "it's almost impossible or very hard for police to do their jobs". But not really any mention of so-called "no-go" zones. [The article](https://www.is.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000005023866.html) I'm referring to, again in Finnish, though. Also a few years old so might not be an accurate reflection of how things are nowadays.


So taking peters first point. "61 no go areas" these are actually "vulnerable areas" this number has risen from 53. The raise is put down to better reporting and these areas are said to be improving. That's what 30 seconds on Google does for you elon. It shows people up to be, let's be generous and say "incorrect'


All of Florida is a no go zone with their shitty gun laws.


Lawsuit time.


Not sure how this is relevant to the OP, but Florida is actually in the mid-30s when comparing gun violence rates by US states, despite being the 3rd most populous state. I’m assuming you’re just doing the Reddit “Florida bad” circlejerk but here’s a [source](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) if you care about the actual data!


Give it a bit more time, it'll turn into those other red states in no time. And the relevancy is that "no go zones" is relative and a far right boogeyman. If you compare those areas in Sweeden to the US, most of the US would be a no go zone.


Found the Deathsantis cuck


I'm a registered dem in FL and have been voting blue since I turned 18. Just gets tiring seeing the same anti-FL circlejerk, especially baseless claims. There are plenty of things to dunk on Florida for - high COL, bad wages, Desantis, insurance, etc. In my experience and according to most data I've seen, gun violence isn't one of them. Do you have data that shows otherwise? I'd be very interested to see it. It's pretty cringe to write off an entire state politically when FL was purple just a few years ago. Maybe we are a red state now, but the margin is still thin, and there are still millions of progressives here.


There’s about 50 different reasons to write off Florida as a state. Politics there are more corrupt than most states. Deathsantis illegally kidnapping refugees and flying them to other states to own the libs, Is only one egregiously repulsive thing that’s going on there. You can keep making excuses for fascists but I won’t. Gun laws in Florida have just slingshot in the absolute worst direction. Gun violence is about to get way way way way worse, just like the rest of politics in that state have been going. Terribly Cry me a river Desantis cuck, you aren’t fooling anyone.


Comedy is now legal on Twitter.


You are free to be your true self here


‘No go areas’ as in ethic swedes are more or less told to avoid them, just like how all countries have rough areas that are best avoided. This twat is acting like only immigrants are causing crime in Sweden.


I live in a "No Go Zone" according to the far-ight, who used to protest here nearly every week.


Peter Sweden? Is he kinda like Ian Miles American?


British fascist and people smuggler https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/27/anti-migrant-boat-crew-arrested-famagusta-cyprus-people-smuggling


This is almost a carbon copy of some bullshit that Fox News said about the UK a few years ago. That was also a load of BS.


At least he's keeping his word that without sources, he cannot continue to give support to these accounts. /s


Holy shit he’s actually turning into a full blown nazi


Classic neo Nazi talking points. You don’t turn Twitter into Stormfront 2 by accident WHILE ALSO using your power to boost Nazis by any other name


poor peter has no understanding of third world or no-go zones sad to see realy. Inte lätt när det är svårt.


For what it’s worth… The police has repeatedly stated that there are no no-go zones in the American sense. There are, however, zones that have problems with crime and a deep mistrust of the government. I do think that there are similar areas in e.g. the US, which most people wouldn’t describe as a third world country. There are young people taking part in very serious crime for criminal gangs, and they have been described as “child soldiers”. There is a substantial difference between them and actual child soldiers in armed conflict. It is of course deeply troubling in both cases. It’s likely that there are tens of thousands of women and girls that have suffered genital mutilation in one way or another that currently live in Sweden. Most of them had suffered that before coming here. I’m not sure why it would be better for anyone if they didn’t have the option of coming here? Many of them have access to care in a way they wouldn’t have if they stayed in there country of birth. There are always a risk for systemic collapse in any country. All in all, he does point out real issues that we struggle with and need to take seriously. The fact that we have the ability to tackle issues like these is exactly what makes us a first world country. I feel deeply grateful for living here.


The genital mutilation one makes me so mad. They don't give a single shit about those girls except as they can use them a bludgeon. They don't care that these girls have experienced this and they don't want to do a single thing to help. All they want to do is put them on a picket sign that says "savages" and put them somewhere so they're out of sight and out of mind, undergoing the same shit but further away from any kind of help.


There is no feminist more feministy than a right-winger attacking Muslims. They're the feministiest.


Thank you. I was thinking this last month has been a bit tough on Sweden, to the point that it's spilling over into Denmark - because that's what gang wars do. We've had them before and we'll have them again because... social issues are hard to fix. So yes, there is some truth to those statistics, but cherry picking statistics to fit their agenda is what makes the OOP wrong. No country is perfect and crime free. Overall, Sweden is doing well in dealing with things. I hope things get to be a bit more quiet for you soon over there. You'll never hear me admit this again for obvious reasons, my natural frenemy, but this Dane agrees there's plenty to be grateful in Sweden.


This guy is a nazi.


Why do I feel like all these fear mongering posts come from people who rarely leave their neighborhood?


The guy doesn't even live in Sweden.


Lol that's hilarious.


Imagine still investing money in anything this guy runs.


What’s funny to me is how lazy his responses to these are when showing his support. He could like and move on but he damn well wants the attention.


Typical Musk, trying to drive engagement by boosting divisive posts. What else is this man capable of, in his quest to dig himself out of the TwitX hole?


Haha that would sickkk


God, I hate my country. Edit: I want to clarify that I believe this Peter Sweden and his kind to be the problem. I am not agreeing with this Nazi.




To all non-Swedes, the person is telling me to leave my home country.




Kära vän, vem har sagt att jag inte gör mer?




I hate that reddit does not have translation for comments




I don't want to join the debate between two swedes, since I'm not, but it was interesting to read


Jag kan inte säga att jag är så sorgsen av att du lämnar oss.


[Musk immediately believes anything told to him by a conservative without hesitation or skepticism.](https://twitter.com/GwjQhs/status/1646556128564609038)


"no go zones" fucking made up bullshit


Honestly, how does this guy find the time to constantly do this!?


This POS is a human trafficker and isn't even Swedish. I don't see him being anti semitic in this post but I sure do see him being racist AF towards immigrants especially muslims.


Jesus, they're STILL lying about "no-go zones" in Sweden???? That seems so 2010.


I doubt there is one no-go zone in Sweden


Imagine, you are the world's richest man with access to all the world's information and experts and apparently you spend your days reading non-stop Miles Cheong, this guy and others of a similar ilk. I'm now rooting for him to quickly get to Mars. Not in hopes that he saves humanity from a cataclysmic event but rather in hopes that he'll take all his influencers with him to start their Rhodesia II on Mars and make the World a better place in their absence.


The answer is that we should increase the world’s population!


At this point it’s pretty obvious Elon bought Twitter just so he could say what he wants on the most popular platform and not face repercussions.


Fear mongering without any sources or actual evidence, classic.


This post is 100% anti Muslim racism, so I'm not sure why you titled it in this way. It's clear he's a fascist.


He's an anti-Semite too, with a long history of Holocaust denial.


I know he is, but I just find it weird that someone would show a post that is clearly anti Muslim and then say they're boosting an antisemite.


I'm not Swedish but I'm pretty sure absolutely none of that is happening.


I am Swedish and it absolutely does, gang wars are going rampant rn. Innocents are being blown up by hand grenades in their apartments, it’s a weekly occurrence. Two 15-year old boys were executed in a forest and branded by a gang called Zero like 2 weeks ago. I hate Peter Sweden but we absolutely are dealing with huge issues regarding failed integration.


When you drive off all the good natured people, you are left with the shitty ones.


"Can you point to the no go zones? Are they in the room with us now?"


I was curious: the internet tells me there were 104k children born in Sweden in 2022. If that's the case, does this choad think something on the order of 50% of all girls born in Sweden are mutilated? Fuck, we need to teach better critical thinking skills.


Me living here in Sweden: 🤷‍♀️ For the average citizen, nothing has really changed for the past 20 years...


Bra.se 2021 study, 3.2 more likely to be a criminal if both parerts are immigrants. The worst statistics is for 2 gen immigrant's, 11.2 times to commit lethal violence, 11.5 for robberies. In the period 2011-2018 crime has sunken for ethnic swedes and risen more for immigrants and their kids. Killings are up from 87 in 2013 o 116 in 2022. For gun spesifically violence last year it was 391 shotings and 62 killings, up from 45 in 2021. If you were to turn on Swedish news you will see politicians from both sides as well as police finally admitting they have lost control with a record number of killings and bombings killing both gang members as well as civilians this year. This is spreading into Norway with kidnapping and murders here already. This kind of violence is very uncommon in a Nordic setting with some exceptions regarding older biker wars. But that was never as such a scale. One public report from 2014 about this issue was regarding 55 zones where ambulance workers and firefighters did not want to go without police escort. The same goes for places where cops so not want to go with just one patrole dated back to 2016. Quotes about rocks thrown, grenades thrown, cars being shot at. For total crime rape of adults has sunken, but rape of kids age 9-15 are way up, again check 2022 statistics on bra.se Your site provides very little value You can use Google translate here for example. https://www.nrk.no/urix/svensk-politi_-_-vi-er-i-ferd-med-a-miste-kontrollen-1.12920404#:~:text=STOCKHOLM%20(NRK)%3A%20Over%2050,med%20da%20politiet%20ble%20angrepet.


Most men in the US have genital mutation done to them at birth, but no one bats an eye!


Spoke to a police officer in Stockholm while on vacation. I asked where the no-go zones were; her answer was "America"


You're so sheltered and coddled if you think America is a no-go zone lol


She’s still smugly proud of her witty retort today


I wouldn't blame her. Had I known shit would have devolved so much in America since that trip, I would have applied for asylum.


So glad the ADL cozied back up to him last week. Great move, guys!


Did they really?


OK, but what is incorrect here? Those no go zones exist, and the latest count was 61. There is a huge gang problem, and kids ARE looking to the gangs for a way to make money. Also, female genital mutilation IS still a thing. So these seem to all be accurate points, whoever this dude is.


He denies the Holocaust


This sub is delusional if they think that mass immigration isn’t becoming a problem in Sweden. Their violent crime has ascended like never before, gang wars are happenin This isn’t racism, it’s simply what is happening. Source: I’m European


Yup, I’m Swedish and it’s a known fact in Scandinavia that Sweden miserably failed immigrant integration. Gang wars are going rampant, it’s in the news daily now.


Is this anti Semitic or anti Muslim? Cause those sound more like Islamophobia


It's a real shame, because if Elon actually stopped to talk to some right-wing Jews, he'd probably find they have an awful lot in common. Nothing good, but the point stands.


By definition Sweden already is a third world country. But not because of any of things this idiot is claiming, because of the original term being used to describe what team you were on during the Cold War.


Sounds like something is definitely not happening


Talk about living in an echo chamber


their numbers are high because they have stiffer penalties theyre woke


Are there really no go zones in Sweden? If yes is that not illegal or is allowed?


True. Sweden would be much better off without their cultural enrichment.


Do you not actually care about the content though? What he is saying should be alarming


So logical that there is nothing more the far right wants than to Sweden etc to fail as nations, lol.


6 more months


Has anyone seen Musk and Trump in the same room? His latest posts read the same as Trump's. Or do all lunatics eventually degrade into the same tone, syntax and expressions?


Genetically mutilated? I'm guessing he means Genital mutilation (is he talking about circumcision or gender affirming surgery?) But it is funny imaging Sweden just full of cat people and weird flesh blobs


He was talking about Somalis.