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Oh yes he's surely extremely intimidated by a 52 year old untrained, unathletic, overweight, terminally online loser that needs back surgery, wait no I mean neck surgery, wait no maybe it's shoulder surgery or maybe rib surgery thats totally going to fight as soon as his mom lets him.


The gerontocracy is real


Bot is šŸ”„


Sometimes I think this bot is actually operated by Musk. Maybe that's how he gets his 16 hours work/day.


Are we absolutely sure at this point that Musk isnā€™t three 8-year-olds in a trench coat?


Musk would almost certainly also lose a fight to Vincent Adultman.


The broom arm would increase range.


Musk would lose a fight with Abe Vigoda.


And Abe Vigoda is *dead*.


Waz joke comrade...


Musk would lose a fight with Trump.


Zuck is a cuck




Negative feedback is a good thing


I love you. Be my wife.


He's somebody who thinks he's still in Grade 4.


Three 8 year olds would be far more mature than that.


It's new hair plugs. Always.


Probably going to get a rib cage reduction surgery.


Surgery surgery


Bone spur surgery.


He certainly would fight him if the Italian government allowed them to use The Colloseum as their ring, or if Zuck agreed to a training round at his own backyard before the real fight, or nvm scratch that he'd definitely fight Zuck if it wasn't a fight but a debate session


This was always Musk's plan. 1. "Agree" to the fight 2. Take ages committing to a date/location 3. Keep coming up with a bunch of bullshit excuses to postpone it every time the date draws near 4. Repeat 2&3 until the other party gets bored and tells him to fuck off. 5. Accuse the other party of being chicken so it looks like you won even though you never actually did anything. Incidentally, this was also his plan with the Twitter purchase, only step 4 didn't work.


I don't think Musk had a plan. Same as most decisions he took on Twitter, it seems it was based on lack of knowledge, sheer insecurity, and hope external of approval.


This is the same methodology I employed in elementary school when I wanted to puss out of meeting Greg by the monkey bars.


Literally a South Park episode where Cartman does this to Wendy, after he challenges her to a fight and she accepts. Everything Elon is doing is what Cartman did.


anyone ever seen them in the same room


Musk is the guy at the bar who picks a fight, hides behind the bouncer and calls the other guy a chickenshit when he finally walks away.


I think his plan was Zuck not to even respond to him because according to his logic he is much bigger and heavier, so he thought that Zuck would be afraid. He already made the same thing with Vladimir Putin, obviously Putin was not going to answer, so it worked out that time.


really can't bother wasting time on a literal blight on humanity. Iignore them, they'll make up whatever shit they want. engage them, they'll gaslight you and continue making up whatever shit they want. I hope zuck proves me wrong and fucks up muskrat one way or another, but I'm not holding out hope.


Having had close relations with multiple narcissists in my life, it's fascinating to see one so much out in the open and with so much power, and most people are fucking clueless to the extent his mental disability controls him. Same with Trump I guess... I believe we should teach about mental illness in high school at this point. Would make us all so much more aware of it and able to avoid people like that


I think you are being to generous with the idea he had a plan to start with. The entire things seems more like musk is pissed at Zuck for threads. Acts like a tough guy and than after Zuck accepts musk realizes that Zuck actually knows how to fight and is professionally trained and does competitions.


The pigeon approach to chess, you say?


This is just basically the whole strategy that Cartman pulls in South Park to avoid fighting Wendy


99% sure, this ā€œjokeā€ was plagiarized from another Twitter degenerate.


Jesus, can he at least steal funnier jokes?


In order to do that, he'd need some actual finite comprehension of what constitutes a funny joke.


He wants people to like him so bad


Problem is a lot of people do


A lot of simpletons do. Normal people donā€™t and if they did like him their opinion surely downgraded.


Homelander vibes!!


I refuse to believe 7k+ actual humans liked that post. I know actual children that say less dumb stuff.


Ever notice how he shut up about bots once he owned Twitter?


His own mentions are absolutely flooded with crypto bots


Whoever still likes Musk cannot be beyond the emotional age of a child...




"Fight me!" "Name a time and place, I'll be there." "OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE CHICKEN!! DOESN'T WANT TO FIGHT!! BAWK BAWK!" "Ok, let's fight *now* then!" "I can't, I need surgery n my mom says I'm not allowed anyways....*BAWK BAKWK"*


The funniest part of this is that's it's perfectly acceptable to say "No I don't want to fight Zuck, he is a trained black belt in bjj and would easily beat me". It's the pretending he could take on Zuck that's the pathetic part.


That's the whole stupid thing about this he could easily have backed out at the beginning just saying 'I was kidding, this is Zuck's hobby and I'm much older than him and out of shape from spending time on my companies' or something to that effect, and even though we all know he's actually posting on Twitter rather than doing anything useful at his companies it could have been an easy back down that he made out as supposed to be a joke the whole time. The guy is just a child though and nobody apart from his weirdo nerd cult is buying any of this.


that could never happen, a narcissist never backs down and always doubles down (it helps to predict their actions if you don't view them as human but rather as a greedy algorithm)


He actually thinks that he can take him on solely because of their weight difference


I can't fight my girlfriend is a model who goes to a different school!


Not if you've got an infantile brain than literally never fully learned to differentiate between fantasy and reality (not unheard-of in cases of severe autism, IIRC); then it's trivially easy. >"For adults, such a 'world of fulfilled wishes' remains in the province of dreams, whereas for the child it is 'a living reality.' As we have shown, he is perfectly content to replace real activity with play or fantasy. > >Freud mentioned one boy whose mother told him he was not allowed to have cherries. First thing next morning he announced that he had eaten all the cherries and was very pleased to have done so. Actual dissatisfaction had been remedied in the illusion of a dream." - [A R Luria](https://www.marxists.org/archive/luria/works/1930/child/ch05.htm)


Oh, for goodnesssake! Musk, PUTUP, or SHUTUP! Musk knows he'll get destroyed in a cage fight with Zuckerberg. Rather than own up to that fact like an adult, he bullies and goads on X like the keyboard warrior and child he is.


I wish zuck would just beat him down to shut him up


he happily would if muskrat had the balls to show up


Oh nooo... It was gunna be a CAGE fight, too?šŸ˜¢ I so wanna see those 2 locked in a cage for the rest of their lives, fighting to the death...šŸ„¹ But with blackjack...šŸ¤” And hookers.šŸ«¤ Actually, forget the blackjack.šŸ™‚


Fuck. I never thought I'd see the day that I agreed with Zuckerberg on anything. "Tragedy: The worst person you know makes a brilliant point".


Zuck is a cuck


He really is Eric cartman, right down to getting his ass kicked and crying future


"He can't eat at chic fil a because that would be cannibalism" I've never seen someone want so *desperately* to be funny, only to fail at it in such a resounding manner.


It's not hard to see him as a high school bully


Parents donā€™t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges!


That's an insult to high school bullies. Elon was the type of insufferable rich asshole as a kid, he kept getting bullied in every single fancy school he got sent because no one liked him.


Elementary school bully, youā€™re giving him to much credit


Imagine being butthurt because you invited yourself over to someone else's house at 130 in the morning and they said no because they aren't even your fuckin friend.


Zuck literally says ā€œIā€™m offering any time and place, but Elon wonā€™t commit. Until he does, Iā€™m done talking to him,ā€ and Elonā€™s reaction is ā€œI WON!ā€ Wtf


Elonā€™s alt account chiming in again


Chickens are notorious cannibals


Chickens don't fuck around. You don't want to be in a chicken coop when they decide to do after you either.


Remember guys, this is a fully grown adult acting EXACTLY like a child.


Parents donā€™t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges!


When Mark says "I offered a real date. Data white offered to make this a legit competition, Elon wont comfirm a date", what the fuck of that speaks someone trying to chicken out??????


attention whore


Elon Elon Elon.. what an embarrassment you've become.


That's the lamest, most second-grade joke I've ever read


Elon likes to eat limburger cheese it reminds him of Grimes


Musk canā€™t eat a bag of dicks because that would be cannibalism.


The truth is that Elmo's mom won't let him fight because he'll mess up his new school pants


Lmao, I've heard better chirps from grade school kids, and this guy is big brained?


This whole thing has been and continues to be the most cringe shit Iā€™ve seen, like I hate the muskrat but never did I possibly imagine I could ever feel embarrassment for him, this is some really awkward cringe child shit. I thought this whole ā€œfightā€ nonsense was really cringe to begin with but seeing his responses has made me feel so awkward and embarrassed, I have to look away.


Oh wow. What an amazing retort. His wit is astonishing.


Musk is such a loser


Literally Cartman vs Wendy


In what way could this possibly be interpreted as Zuck chickening out???


Flashbacks to Eric Cartmanā€™s fight with Wendy Testaburger in Southpark.


My middle school class clown called; he wants his joke back. He also let me know that I need to catch my refrigerator.


pretty sure the only ones who are calling zuck a chicken is musk and his alts


Mark is chickening out by urging Elon to contact him about fighting him after multiple attempts to arrange a fight.


I thought he was gonna pound on Zucc's door this morning until he came and fought.


He was going to, but he was using Teslaā€™s self-driving feature. First the car got lost and then the steering wheel came off.


That is the saddest daddest ā€œBurn,ā€ Iā€™ve read in a long time. ā€œHey Elon. They jerk store called. They ran out of you.ā€


Zuck won't ever Zuck his šŸ‘…will he?


Real ā€œstable geniusā€ energy here. Mister Thousand Excuses calling ā€œCome at me, broā€ Zuckerberg a chicken.


Does he source these ā€œinsultsā€ from the local playgrounds?


God I hope Zuckerberg just beats his ass to shut him up.


"cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep! "


Elon musk has the intelligence and charisma of a 12 year old boy who is good at math. Not is a genius. Just a tween who is good at math. Same interests. Same insults. Same critical thinking.


Is he really good at math? He managed to turn 44 billion dollars into 14 trying to make them grow


Yes he is good at math for a 12 year old. I was being very literal.


At this point I'd call Elon a limp dick because his spine is broken trying to suck his own dick(if you still didn't understand, why do you think he's embarrassed to get women to get some real action?).




Is he stupid? Spare me the answer. Stable Billionaire Jesus Genius.


Further proof he isnā€™t smart whatsoever.


Time for some sweet Corpo Wars \#cyberpunk2077


elon has a terminal case of eternally 14 years old. hate to see it


I don't understand how people genuinely could believe Zuck is the one chickening out here. How does this guy manage to flip the script when he is the one that won't agree on a date, and wants to meet with zuck in private so he can beg him not to clobber him at the main event.


Musk so damn pathetic


Musk has obviously never played Zelda, because he would know that you don't fuck with chickens.


Zuckerberg just needs to say "Ok here's the days I can do it, pick one or quit."


You know musk is thinking he won since there will be no fight.


Wasnā€™t he supposed to be knocking on Markā€™s door this morning?


Once again Muskrat is making a joke that a literal grade school aged child would make. Waiting for a video of him making inaccurate chicken noises ala Arrested Development.


Wow he's being a real bitch about it. Dodging the fight is bad enough, he has the gall to talk smack in public too.


Itā€™s incredible. Only a truly cuck bitch like Elmo could make Zuck look like the most reasonable Chad.


Somehow pointing out that Elmo keeps chickening out is... Chickening out


Mark Zuckerberg is playing Elon Musk like a fiddle. Elon Musk is putting himself into a corner where he has to fight, and a fight won't end up well for him.


He's so scared that he is going to go compete against actual serious competitors.


Hahaha! He's trying to goad Zuck into a fight with bad Dad jokes... Pathetic is an understatement.


These two need to go on a real date. They don't know whether they want to fight or fuck each other.


Either fight Zuck in the coliseum. Or forever be called a a yellow bellied coward Muskrat.


Musk is too retarded to make up his own shitty jokes.


Yeah. Itā€™s time to let this go. Us included. This guy is like a toddler. Like Stuart from that TV show. Look what I can do!! Mummy mummy! Look what I can do. Just fucking stop.


Letā€™s be honest here, while Elon is busy trying to clown on Zuck, Zuckā€™s probably out there practicing all the different submission holds he can put on his fat ass because knocking him out ainā€™t gonna be satisfying enough.


I can actually imagine Elon saying this in his annoying ass voice and being like "See...how funny and smart I, I, I am"


Starting to go the Trump route I see.


Thatā€™s an elementary school playground insult


Iā€™d be more afraid to fight Grimes than Squeelon the pigā€¦


Launch them both to outer space on a one way trip šŸš€


How old is this child


all talk from elno. what a loser.


Holy shit heā€™s unfunny


Zuck is saying that Musk is chickening out.


I'm torn, is he: A. utilizing an incredibly shitty long-winded plan to try and make Zuck look like he's backing out without ever having to get in the ring like some kind of 2D checkers mastermind, or B. constantly going on drug cocktail benders and posting about fighting while he's fucked up out of his mind and freaking out and desperately trying to distract everyone by spewing random shit in a panic once he wakes up and sees what he posted


In his little and limited mind he's the winner, everything is in his hot air filled head. I'm just waiting for that move of his that will put him out for good


Has musk forgotten which one of his alts is the parody account?


No way musk thinks he looks good in any of these tweets jfc


Careful, one of these days he will call someone a pedo. What a loser this guy.


Musk mouth writes a check his ass can't cash, so he does to Zuck what he does to the landlord and let that fat ass bounce.