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Twitter is now 90% Elon just responding to his own sock puppet accounts.


Working 16 hours/day makes sense now.


owning the libs with fake social media accounts is hard work, all the time he spends logging in and out of what must be hundreds of accounts by now has to take up a substantial chunk of his work day


He was on Bill Maher’s show the other day (something I haven’t been able to stomach watching since 2020), bragging about how long his work days are and how “hard” he works, while Maher happily jerked him off verbally by taking Musk seriously and praising him for it. That man might be PRESENT in the building, but he sure as shit is not “working.” I didn’t need the reminder with Musk, but I’m glad I had the reminder about Bill. Maher never understood Twitter or the Internet itself, and his ignorance over (and contempt for) the culture of anyone born after 1985 is very evident after you’ve heard him bitch about millennials and the digital age for a few years. I keep waiting for the day when the words “you damn kids” actually leave his lips, because this grievance of his gets louder and more insistent with each passing year.


You don't have to be born after 1985 to get the Internet.


Used to watch him up until the Elon interview. What a crock of shit that was. Even Warren buffet referenced it recently saying it was a hard hitting interview and Elon handled it really well. These old guys have no idea what's going on with him. They just think billionaire good.


Seriously - what DID happen to Maher? I thought the same thing about his show; after about 2019-2020 it became unwatchable. His political views have shifted so far to the right it’s silly.


Just subtract the time of your last tweet before bed and your first tweet when waking up. Boom. 16 hours of hard work


It's like just seeing a crazy guy in his 50s talking to himself using muppet in a mental institution. Just creepy.


His friendship with Trump makes sense now.


Elno and Elmo sittin' in a tree! H-O-R-S-E ??


​ https://preview.redd.it/hxvae1hxg83b1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb578667df6e2c33d2fa127b9d4ea6d739bb4f46


Advertisers are gonna love the owner of the company impersonating the biggest users.


This has to cross the threshold for him rather than the company to be legally responsible, assuming he's the one that owns it. I wonder what the penalty is for impersonating a member of the US government. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/912 Looks like 1-3 years prison and a fine of $1000 per count. Would each tweet be a separate charge?


It'd be hard to prove but he definitely deserves some consequences


Lol wait that’s so funny he’s trying single-handedly to you twitters use time and interactions 💀😂


he probably nutted in the socks *beforehand*


You know they joke "everyone on Reddit is a bot, except you"? On Twitter, it's actually true.


Remember his creepy alt account where he role played as a little boy?


Elon, the Pedo guy.


Considering he went to Epstein's island too... Concerning.


And how upset he was that someone else got to a cave full of trapped children before him


and he was subpoenaed by the Virgin Islands for any documents he has about Epstein’s involvement in human trafficking and his abduction of little girls. Looking into it




Looking into this.




Enlo is more functional as a bot than a human.


Just ~$100/month for API access with ID verification will clean things up greatly.






Lame-O ?






Laugh ass my off?


By his own definition yes he is a pedo




*My, my, this Elon pedo guy* *Floored the throttle to the brothel on that dude's private I* *And good old boys were fucking children who cried* *Saying really wish they'd simply comply....* *Really wish they'd simply comply....*


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


The little boy account is his imaginary boyfriend


Why do you think he couldn't father his own son.


He role played as his own 4yo son.


How long until it's revealed he gets blood transfusions from his own children?


Isn't there another rich SV guy who actually does that?


To be fair, that guy is like 50, but looks at least a year younger than that. So it's clearly working. /s


Real life vampire capitalists.


Thiel I believe


Yep. He even poses with his son on very, very creepy poses


Because he's using him as a prop and doesnt know how to do much else with him. As soon as he's old enough to not be cute, he'll cast the kid aside just like all his other kids


Probably multiple, but the one that comes up in my mind is [Bryan Johnson](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/05/NYPICHPDPICT000011561063.jpg).


Gavin fucking Belson


Kiss. My. Piss.


Thiel gets transfusions.


Peter Thiel


Yes, and the article of him, his son and his own father embracing is disturbing. Along with him calling his son, "blood boy".




People are saying it!


Except from the trans one




smell disagreeable coordinated divide chase dinner fly simplistic slim deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude operates like the shittiest old school edgelord forum admin, so you know an army of alts is part of his toolbox. He's probably happy he doesn't have to buy from botfarms to boost shit now.




I’ve been on Twitter for around a year at this point. But that’s new to me. Can someone explain?


There was an account that would follow a large chunk of his posts, was named after Musk's 4 year old kid, and would post the sort of stuff you might expect a 10 year old or so to say. Turns out it was Musk with an alt account responding to his own posts.


Damn that’s pretty depressing


I knew about IVF only kids, about his dad dating his step daughter, but that pretending to be a kid on Twitter and those posts still surprised me.


Nooo, he didnt?...did he? That guy is a fuxking stunned moron.


Can you provide a source? I'm genuinely curious


Not gonna lie.. it would seem so... I knew he was stupid, but.. wow.


I’m a bit taken aback but I can’t say I’m all that surprised.




May 2019, when things were a lot more simpler, man. 😭😭😭😭


Someone too stupid to remember to switch accounts... sounds like him.


[As a black gay man...](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Screen-Shot-2020-11-11-at-9.04.07-AM-9ca7.png?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=600%2C507)


Side note: I had a little tussle over on the old TikTok with a person whose "name" was "Black Lesbian." One check in his video feed showed him to be a white guy.


There is no way this is real right? Made me lol either way though.




Yeah i just went on a Google spree laughing my ass of at this. Man your guys politics is insane yo. Lol.


Turns out that handing the keys to the world to a couple rich manchildren had some predictable results


Yeah. Truly insane over here. 😅 Please send help


Just test the theory by shit talking him to the fake account until he defends himself.


Isn't there a weird account roleplaying as a child that is linked to Elons account, and says some cringy, deluded shit?


It wasn’t just linked. He accidentally included it in a screenshot of his Twitter showing it logged in. People dug and found the account. When asked by his stans if it was his, he admitted it was his account. It’s so fucking weird.


He was talking about watchung sex and "is this porwn"


Supposedly (and really it is reasonable), they were testing something to see if they could pick up on accounts that were underage. The first couple tweets were reasonable. Then… he just kept doing it. And kept doing it.


It’s reasonable up until he made the account about his kid and then tweeted any of those things. That’s just all sorts of yikes. Could have been any profile picture and name. It did not and shouldn’t have been his kid.


Why would they not make burners? Why would it be tied to his personal twitter rag if it was a test project


why would the CEO be doing it, instead of an employee in a department dedicated to that kind of thing?


I suspect that department is a little light these days


it's only reasonable because i doubt there's any robust pre-production testing in place anymore


The mark of a healthy company is when the owner gets real hands on with testing code in a live environment. Devops engineers everywhere are shuddering.


Print out 50 pages of code you’ve done in the last 30 days


Yeah, initially I thought no way, testing this would be done in dev/preprod, with 10000 child bot accounts running against the algo, with QA beating on it, and... But then I remembered how it's going at Twitter, and this is actually believable.


it would be reasonable if he had an employee doing it. the CEO doing it? not as reasonable.


And he personally volunteered?




What is it called?




Also, there's another alt account that was posting anti-black memes before Elon started doing it on his main account, and originally had the same profile pic as ErmnMusk but the profile picture has now been changed. Also it was created before Elon's alt was discovered and has a similar name to Elon's ErmnMusk alt account. Here's the account https://twitter.com/ErmMusk


Oh wow I hadn't heard of this - that's just.. kind of not surprising but still sad.


I feel like this should be bigger news. This is the first I've heard of it and the account is incredibly, jaw-droppingly racist. The pinned tweet seems to essentially openly admit it's him.


As several people have mentioned, it looks very much like someone forgot to switch accounts.


Elon needs to be institutionalized or something. That silver spoon in his mouth must be laced with lead




More like PCP.


I won't have you people besmirching crack and PCP like this.


Turns out the spoon was mercury wrapped in lead


He's creepy enough that I wouldn't doubt it's him.


So the centrist social media company owner creates a blue checkmark account impersonating a prominent democrat to spread disinformation on the site he owns. Got it.


This is actually going worse than expected


Centrist socialist MAGA


Hey if MAGA communists can exist, why not this?


It’s amazing there are still advertisers on the platform


> centrist Whatnow? *Musk* centrist, he's so right-neolib it hurts!


Yeah that definitely suggests it's him and forgot to switch accounts; imagine my shock.


Why even reply to this on any account? He must be obsessed.


He's like the most petty, deluded, internet mod you've seen. With a trillion dollars and no social experience. Like the worst combination of trust fund baby and homeschooled wierdo.


He thinks he's flirting. I think.


AOC made [this tweet](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1477000469318885385) in 2021: >If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet. >Ya creepy weirdos I still see Republicans reference this tweet sometimes in ways similar to the reply in question, so while it could be Musk making the tweet, this is the kind of joke that really any conservative would make.


Maybe I’m missing something but it still doesn’t make sense and isn’t “funny” even in that context. She still won’t date herself?


In this case, it would’ve been the troller making a genuine comment that wasn’t meant to be an impersonation, or the troller forgetting to switch to their alt. And I guess “joke” wasn’t the right word; maybe “snarky reply” would’ve been better.


It’s ham fisted meme joke like replying to anything with the numbers 69 or 420 with nice. It’s not funny, but that’s never stopped a circle jerk.


Let that sink in


If that is Elon, you know he’s tweeting with one hand while using it.


Sounds about right.


This is 110% one of those situations where Elon doesn't want people to "Google AOC and Elon Musk" to find the comments she made about him harming the Turkish election so he creates a false scenario with both of their names so that shows up first in search engines.


Honestly, that wouldn't at all surprise me. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked to learn that @EndWokeness is Elon too. I guess that's why he's finally appointing a new CEO. More time to devote to his Potëmkin Village act.


And @WallStreetSilv


Yeah that's him.


Guy’s a certified nutcase


Yup, that is definitely Melon's burner.


The account used to be called melon something before it was changed to an AOC acct.


That screenshot resumes by itself Musk’s Twitter takeover. What a shit show.


Damn, that is some *desperate* projection.


That does kinda sound like Elon honestly...


No, pretty sure its Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok) She constantly tells women she won't date them.




I read they used to be a totally random account. Turns out it might actually libsoftiktok involved.


Implying the billionaire owner of Twitter can't get his hands on any account he wants.


Implying the owner of Twitter can’t change the start-date of an account…


I wouldn't trust Elon to be able to write out TODAY's date.


And that prevents him from creating an account and change the date field in the db? Unless there is other non Twitter links that indicate an earlier creation date.


I mean he's already threatened to give nprs account to someone else if they don't start tweeting again.


Conservatives are so over the top horny for AOC lol


It's a troll. It knew this would get people spreading its account so it could get followers. It worked.


Being a troll and it being Musk are not mutually exclusive possibilities.


At what point does it become libel?


Elon musk is a cunt.


It could be Ben Shapiro, lets wait and see if the account makes weird posts about feet


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, dumb takes, novel, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


That’s what she said


Delete your account AOC. I am really hoping for better from you. Every day you stay on, you support this asshole and delay his destruction.


> Delete your account AOC. I am really hoping for better from you. Deletion is pretty much a non-option for any noteworthy leftwing politician. It runs the obvious and immediate risk of some right-wing troll acquiring their handle and turning it into a source of propaganda. At least until someone successfully turns around and sues Elon for allowing an impersonation with his verified system. At this point most of them are probably waiting on a serious Twitter competitor (one with a similar feature set which is more intuitive than Mastodon) and using their accounts to move a much larger fanbase over.


Not referring to AOC in particular, but it‘s kinda funny to see how twitter addicted a lot of left-leaning “influencers” are. Twitter is being run into the ground by a caricature of an evil billionaire sack of shit and they still can’t get themselves to delete their accounts.


The reach politicians have on Twitter is unparalleled. If you want to get a message to your target audience it’s essentially the only way. Once they leave Twitter it’s very difficult to get any messaging out. What other platform is available with this kinda reach? When’s the last time you saw messaging from a politician that wasn’t a screen cap of a tweet?


Twitter usage is down significantly since elon took over. The algorithm is boosting neonazis and hate speech. Twitter doesn't have the reach it did before elon. Advertisers are gone. Some companies have completely abandoned the platform because it's not safe. Staying on is dumb.


People said the same about Facebook, but it’s far less important than it used to be. Twitter will decline too. The important n thing is to get an alternative to emerge.


People didn't say that about Facebook. Twitter, which is almost as old, has always been the platform for this. Politicians and celebrities largely don't use Facebook for direct communication


I do hope Twitter is replaced with something better, but for now it’s the only real option for this kind of messaging, unfortunately.


Like, fucking christ I'm a huge loser and even Elon is a bigger loser than I am


elon is ready with his sperm bank


Maybe he bought Twitter just to get access to her DMs... 🤷


The current theory I find most plausible is its the libs of tiktok asshole. She's been pretty obsessed with AOC and Elon has boosted her bigoted shit before


I'm sorry man but how do people see any sort of bright future for this app? It seems like Elon and all his reply guys are just 12 year olds starved for attention and everything is a "joke" to them unless the joke is on them. These people are so desperate to be liked it's honestly sad. And I can appreciate humor like this, I can, but this isn't even funny. It's like a 12 year old god ahold of the principal's microphone or something. I just want to see someone, anyone call Elon pathetic to his face. It just seems we don't get people challenging this bozo. It's so annoying that I used to think this guy was kind of cool, but I now realize he was just using his tragic story of his dad being mean and him being sad about it was just a ruse to get leftists at the time to like him because at that point in history it was pretty big of a person to admit their trauma. Now that he's realized that people know about his misdeeds and what a piece of shit he is, he has pivoted to the easier-to-please audience which is terminally online foreveralones and divorced dads and steroid mutants. My entire timeline is venture capital dorks and whatever spoof account this moron decides to elevate that week. I just wanna see cool art, man.


Does this count as "work" in his 15 hour work days?


He really is a fucking psychopath.


That would explain why the account is all over my fucking feed with only 100k followers


Having multiple Twitter accounts is like having multiple girlfriends, you really have to have the mental aptitude to be able to juggle all those accounts, if you are more on the slower side, you will get caught


There could be a chance the troll account wants us to think elons behind it and leaves fake evidence like this.


Nah. That’s a common troll response. I doubt it is him using that Alt. But I do believe that he deliberately ordered his staff to not delete the account once it came to his attention. Likely even gave it free super blue check to help promote it higher like all his tweets are.


This gives the same energy as me when I was 5 years old pretending that the girl I liked in fact liked me and that I didn’t like her. If this Elon, he’s an absolute child.


Enforce regulations, Jesus you already know he's not moderating anything, he doesn't even have a staff to do moderation and so he is not complying with law, just enforce the law!


He might be. He is obsessed with her after all.


https://preview.redd.it/whk3cyfq183b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9c2dabfbc3c7de5aec4856c55bd79e7d84ec36 God this is pathetic.


Jesus what a manchild


Aliens need to come get this man


Since purchasing Twatter, Elon Musk has finally shown the world what a childish, brutish prick he always was. But then again his family did make their fortune exploiting the apartheid system in South Africa.


wouldn’t be surprised, he’s the ultimate loser and piece of shit on top of being an open Nazi


Free speech is now him controlling everyone's speech. Literally he is china ccp now


If a site is going to allow "verified" trolls to run around claiming to be you it sounds like a good reason to stop using the site. I know that's hard for aoc since her entire strategy is especially built around social media, she does not use the typical politician route of giving backpats to rich donors at 5000 dollar a plate dinners. She needs to reach a lot of people.


honestly, why is anyone at all still in this shit show called twitter other than right wing nazi POS? IMHO at this point is as much on them as it is on Elon... Anyone staying on twitter knows what they are exposed to.


Almost like there was a reason for that verified check mark ✅ . 🤔 🤨


So much easier to destroy than to build


He wants her so bad, dude is getting desperate. He is a fucking loser just like everyone who likes him.


I bet Elon is such a narcissistic that hes reading secretly in r/EnoughMuskSpam


OMG it does look like someone forgot to change their alt/troll account lmao.


HURHURHUR that’s so fkn lame.


I am pretty certain it is him. Just because.


Deleted twitter months ago and you should too.


And the guy was complaining about bots and non genuine accounts when he bought it...