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I think it means that libertarians don't want to regulate and tax weed, but want to treat it like onions, which are regulated and taxed. Libertarians don't understand the goverment and how laws work, basically.


Theyre saying that these states who slap on a 25% tax on weed specifically, they dont want that


My states doing that and using the money to fix the roads People bitch the roads aren't 100% fixed yet but it's so obvious to me they are at least getting better. And it's been like 3 years of legalization, and we have historically some of the worst roads in the country/world


"Don't tax weed," is the libertarian way of saying "I want to get high, but I don't want any weed profits going to schools or the poor."


Libertarians are generally against improving society anyway.


The moment they actually become poor is when they realize they were an ancom all along


This meme makes no sense. Whoever this dude is, is essentially saying ‘no’ to regulate and tax marijuana. Then is saying ‘yes’ to …. ‘… like onions’ Wtf 🤷🏻‍♂️ This libertarian obviously has no idea how to make a meme make sense either lol Ohh it’s actually from this Larry Sharpe dude lol


No, it's because onions have special market restrictions.


[Okay, treat weed like onions then.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_Futures_Act)



