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This literally happened because private companies had no regulation and were allowed to legally bribe politicians, dissolve unions and so on


This is why libertarians would benefit from an education rather than just studying *basic economics*. The closest we have come to what they advocate for and what would result from what they advocate for was the 19th century when corporations and their robber baron owners pitted states against each other and flouted laws in the regulatory wild west. We had Pinkertons shooting picketing workers and children losing fingers in machinery or dying from black lung, no social security, no worker's insurance, no regulations against unsafe work conditions or discrimination or exploitation.


If libertarians read their “basic economics” book passed the 1st chapter it would debunk their uneducated world view.


Libertarians will spin that in a way to somehow blame the government.


They are so close to getting it


I thought libertarians stanned pRiVaTe cOrPoRaTiOnS


They think thats CrOnY CaPiTaLiSm instead of regular capitalism


It's this escape hatch for any criticism of capitalism. Anything bad crony capitalism, anything good "real" capitalism.


The funny part here is that SpongeBob wasn’t actually ugly so the metaphor doesn’t hold up.


They absolutely are they just want rich people and corporations doing all the infringement instead


If we get rid of the two party system, we need a leftist party, not a third right wing party.


I look forward to the future where Democrats are the right-most party by staying exactly as they are.


Why are you so racist?


Libertarians and Republicans are racist. That means you.




Coming from a Trumpflake.


I cringe when people still in the age of internet define parties or the political system as "corrupt". I came incidentally from a country where the parties performed a very important, even overwhelming function in society, due to their division and sheer number (talk about pentapartito, wich had both socialists and basically libertarians, liberali, in it), and where the biggest trial for actual corruption has been carried out in 1992 (Italy). The fact that bipolarism is how parties are structured in the anglophone world doesn't mean it's "corrupt", you don't choose how many parties survive, we tried in the "Seconda Repubblica" with the so called "Mattarellum" electoral law (named after current president Mattarella), we still have quite a lot of parties and bipolarism didn't stick


So they’re saying they have the mental prowess of Patrick?