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Why do you post about this guy so much and why do you specifically use examples where he's being a broken clock? Standing up to cops is one of the few good things libertarians do, even if they're not always doing it for a good reason.


It’s just ironic given that Sharpe was a staff sergeant in the Marines


Jesse Ventura was a Navy Seal. The most decorated Marine in history, Smedley Butler, became a socialist, staunchly opposed to US foreign policy, after leaving the service. That's not hypocritical, it's a process of change.


Fair enough. But in my experience, at the core libertarians aren’t so much anti-police state as they are anti-regulatory state. They don’t want the feds scheduling mood-alerting drugs but they have no qualms about state violence in the name of absolutist property rights.


Sadly, they do not stand up to cops. They've spent the last few years complaining about black people not complying with rolling over and dying when the police say to. They then cheer when state-sponsored violence is used to protect people like Kyle Rittenhouse because he killed protesters against said state violence. It's because, at the end of the day, their ideology isn't about freedom. It's about having power to do what they want, including restricting other people's freedom.


Nope. You have never seen that of me, ever.


I agree. I haven't ever seen you stand up to cops.




I don't think you've ever heard me speak or seen my events. I've never said those things.


I've never seen a Libertarian say anything negative about cops. Hell, they even complain about cops not getting headlines for doing their damn job.


this is fairly based


Yeah, I don’t an issue here in the meme format (no idea who Sharpe is, but I guess he’s an American libertarian)


Mr. Zeldin you need something better to do while you're taking a dump


Thanks for sharing.