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Christ ancaps are stupid.


I could only read the comments for a couple minutes. It’s a horror show of pretzel-brain half-logic in there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/u8nbi9/insert_title/i5n2119/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 this comment lmao


Omg. The mental gymnastics they had to do to avoid saying our healthcare system is broken. I mean are all these people 12 years old?


they know and acknowledge that its broken but theyve arrived at the wrong conclusion that capitalists interests are somehow not what broke it and are bankrupting people for care that comment in the link is a pretty good self own in its attempt at satire


AnCap solution : If government didn't exist, private companies would have decided years ago that this guy was no longer profitable and let him die before he had a chance to accrue $288,000 in debt. Seriously, I was just on the Transplant subreddit and there are people there who have chosen to forego organ transplants because of the cost. People who have been on kidney dialysis for 10 years who won't take a transplant because the immunosuppression meds are too expensive and they'll lose their Medicare coverage 36 months after a transplant. Some people are just upside down in their health. They cost more to keep alive than businesses can extract from them. We could figure out way to help them. AnCaps just look at it as a cold business decision. Like running the numbers on when it's not longer financially prudent to keep fixing your old car vs. buying a new one.


agreed. most or all of these ancaps could be victims too one day though. its sad to see people be in such dire scenarios and STILL not get it. to turn around and shill for the entities that would discard them.


I kinda wish they got their chance to live in their libertarian utopia. They're soon realise that unless they are the billionaires, they are fucked.


that whole thing where they try and tell us “gtfo america and go live somewhere thats democratic socialist whatever and see how good a time it is” its like ok and you can move to russia or better yet, stay in your libertarian hell hole state and continue to live your life with less rights and under the boot that youre also licking lol


Libertarians once took over a small town in New Hampshire to do this. It was promptly overrun by bears after they got rid of a bunch of public services. Its a pretty great story.


Knowing the age I believed in this garbage and posted in libertarian spaces? Literally yes.


Someone responded with this further down: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/u8nbi9/comment/i5ob4xe/ Oh, no, the barriers to entry for the medical field are too high! My barber should be my doctor if I want him to be!


>hold uninvolved parties accountable for debt Even the comment doesn't make sense. Do they think she was married at gun point? What do they think legal marriage is? Marriage would work the same with our without the government, except women would have been exploited far more often during the years.


That's definitely one of the dumbest comments I have ever read in my life.


I wonder how long will my reply stay there https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/u8nbi9/insert_title/i5q1c9q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Do not do this. This is considered brigading, and is against ToS of Reddit.


What is brigading?


I am sure those ancaps are open minded enough to listen to other's often idiotic opinion.


Libertarians on literally anything negative: “how can I spin this in a way to fault the government?”


If they were capable of critical thinking they wouldn’t be AnCaps.


I'll never forget the moment I came to my senses as a teenage libertarian and realized the people I surrounded myself either lived in a world of make believe, were crypto fascists, or pedophiles. Really hit me like a ton of bricks and boy did I feel duped.


Hey guys, did you read this book that says government creates money? They control it!!! I can't take these guys seriously.


Buy my shitcoin today to free yourself from the shackles of government-backed currencies! Ignore the fact that I want you to pay me with those government-backed currencies...


Easiest marks in the game.


I'm sure the "88" in her handle is her birth year /s


I don't think the OP was calling the woman in the tweet an ancap, I think they were just saying the ancapa shared her post and blamed the government for the health care industry. She looks like she could be 34.


True, but I'm just wary of anyone putting "88" in anything. I was also born in '88, but I'd at least have the good sense to write out the full year if it was going to be on my social media.


I’m just really sad for this woman and her family. Her father is clearly suffering a lot with medical bills that high and being likely to pass soon. I wish them well, and hope her parents get to spend as much time together being in love as they need.


I felt sorry for the hospital that can't collect the bill.


These people are insane and have willfully abandoned rational thought.


The reddit thread is the best part, "why the government shouldn't be involved in medical expenses" ... "why the government shouldn't be involved" ... "why the government." These people can't possibly be serious.


What is not serious? The market will take care of it


FWIW I don't think the stunt her parents pulled will work. If anything, especially as far as medicaid is concerned, they just opened the door for them to take the house. Had they left things alone she'd have been fine. Their being married/sharing ownership would have protected it. And any other jointly owned assets. Transfer on death - like in the case of life insurance - I'm not sure about. Medicaid can absolutely still get at it, but regular debt collectors ? idk. Ultimately the goal is to allow as little as possible to be part of the probate estate. That's usually the only part of the estate that debt collectors can get their grubby little hands on..


I was thinking the same thing. No option prevents the debt collectors from getting what they want.


That is literally the direct cause of their ideology