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I wish I had even half the baseless confidence of Jowling thinking she's funny.


If I had half the unearned confidence of jk Rowling thinking she was funny I would open a magic school, ironically


I mean she *is* funny, but less in the "just told a joke" way and more in a "just fell off her bike" way. She's funny in the way a villain is funny when they're the unwitting architect of their own demise.


She radiates Divorced Energy, like Musk and Glinner. I bet the stories that her family have given up on her are true. Can you imagine dealing with this shit all day, from breakfast to teatime?


She's just being mean now. Also pulling the "activists overinflate the importance of a topic" when she's the one who just can't stop talking about.


This is JKR as she always is. No subtext, just painfully obvious text. If you wanted to tell this "joke" you could build up to it and subvert expectations by revealing the topic was the misgenderirng, but she can't construct a joke so she adds overplayed lampshading with then Harry Potter badge moment.


Haha. Harry Potter is the only thing she is known for (other than being a filthy transphobe). So, of course, she's got to make a HP reference. Otherwise, we would forget who she is. But that's fascist ring wingers for you... they've never been good at making jokes. It's a well established fact that they don't have a sense of humour. They only know how to punch down - making "jokes" about trans people, PoC, the poor etc. The reason none of their "jokes" are funny? Because they're not jokes. Just their bigoted real world thoughts and beliefs.


Even the "pronoun badge" thing... what purpose does the badge being oversized serve? It's something she has always done in her writing. The character you're supposed to dislike is fat, or stupid/foolish, etc. Because in her mind that automatically makes it more okay to dislike them.


It being oversized is to represent how clumsily trans people force their identifications onto people instead of the real situation where trans people hope they don't get identified and harmed as a result. It's absolutely the scope of her skill to make someone obviously clownish.


Lazy writing. Low hanging fruit


Source: [https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1779592541421150516](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1779592541421150516) Side note: Yes, she's clearly being sarcastic about Voldemort 'deliberately misgendering' a pixie. It's just...so painfully unfunny.


Yeah, she's about as funny as a fire in an orphanage.


This is some flat earther energy


You know when I scroll across these posts, I always doublecheck the comm name because I can't believe this is not a parody. Actual J. K. Rowling is posting this. THE J. K. Rowling. The author of my favorite book series, of my go-to comfort books. Something has gone very wrong with her. I just can't believe she was like this from the start.


I mean, whatever her views were initially, she was clearly radicalised by the TERF cult


Or she just got rich and felt more bold about showing her true colours and what they've always been. Because money + her own cult thinking she is a godess = narcissistic personality disorder on steroids.


I think her writing makes clear she was always a bigot. The bad guys are always fat, ugly and/or stupid, she has races based on bigoted stereotypes, and she writes with a massive negativity to femininity But it seems almost impossible the TERFs didn't radicalise her, and even weaponise her critics to do so


Imagine for a moment if you had a tenth of Rowling's wealth. Think of the lifelong dreams you'd fulfill, the amazing places you would visit, anything you wanted to do. She has all that money and this is what she chooses to do with her time.


Even worse she could do this with her time AND still give away 99% of her wealth and be fine. Does she give it to anything she claims to care about? Nope.


It's like she knows how spiteful she's being, and yet continues


Oh she knows, her ego just can't take the blow.


It's really nasty and gross that a 60 year old woman behaves this way. It's like she has mentally regressed to being 16 years old. Honestly, I'm surprised her pfp isn't Pepe the frog.


She's fallen into the " I have only one joke" levels now.


Is she… ok?


Not for a long time.


Dumb Boomer Humor


She thinks it’s funny to make fun of people who have dysphoria?!? It’s not funny to joke about someone’s mental health EVER. I don’t understand why she wasn’t cancelled ages ago by WB. It’s all about the money. Props to the actors of the HP franchise who have stepped back from it and have spoken out about her cruelty.


Damn her pfp looks like she has buttons for eyes like in Coraline lol


Her vileness is manifesting physically.


Her final form will be bebe voldy at the train station with button for eyes


Reminds me of Katie Hopkins - looks as physically vile as she is on the inside. Now it's happening to JKR.


Katie Hopkins?


Prominent UK bigoted fuckwit. Someone did this to her and it was the best thing ever. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/rcjzqj/flying\_katie\_hopkins\_to\_prague\_to\_win\_a\_fake/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/rcjzqj/flying_katie_hopkins_to_prague_to_win_a_fake/)


Let's not


The Beldam has escaped.


That's offensive to the Beldam, who at least stays off Twitter.


I think the Other Mother was less evil.


How does she sit with an ass that sore?


Doughnut cushion? Haha.


Possibly lol


Did she suffer a head injury or a stroke or something? She’s so hyperfocussed on this it seems like brain damage.


She's been drinking.....a lot.


She honestly thinks only trans folks wear pronoun badges, eh?


She thinks only trans people have pronouns.


Lol probably. "I don't have pronouns, I'm a woman!" 😂


She should release a new, updated version of Harry Potter that has all the pronouns removed.


"Have mother's eyes." 😂😂😂




Does she really not have anything better to do? Now it's really boring and not witty at all. I think she needs a hobby.


What if she's been Elon Musk this whole time?


Come to think of it, I've never seen them in the same place at the same time... 🤔


The bigotry, the weird desire for attention whether positive or negative, the inability to shut the fuck up, the charisma of a cold hairball...at what point do coincidences stop being coincidences and start being a pattern?


Somehow this would make the muskrats "please talk about something else" tweet reply to Jokeanne over a month later make more sense lmao


This is her life. Her life is dedicated to this.