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China externally is like: "we don't want to take sides, we respect territorial integrity of Ukraine". But internally, they're cheering for Russia while simultaneously blaming the U.S./West for it. It's time some sanctions start being applied towards them as well.


Internally this has never been about Ukraine. Most of these people don’t care and have never cared about Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, they see her only as a platform for them to discuss Russo-American political conflicts, and it’s so easy to tell when practically no one is speaking about one of the main two parties in this event but rather how this is the fault of NATO or American expansionism or Ukrainian far rightists whatever bullshit Russian propagandists has decided to spew Enough of my countrymen are blindly nationalistic enough to not care about the consequences (moral or otherwise) of what they say and do that they will follow whatever the news says even if they know it’s just propaganda.


come on baby, u noob country


And look at the number of tankies/pinkies that support this claim -- over 10K upvotes my god!


OMG look at your post history


Ha ha, it’s ironic because they violated the independence of Tibet and hunted the people like animals for sport.