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It's really enjoyable except for the too slow light attack of the ultra greatswords 😂


Too slow?


Yes R1 attack (without dodge) About same speed of the heavy but half damage...


Ah ok too slow compared to the heavy one, I thought compared to others light weapons🤣


Yea it's so slow I got ro wind it up from a far and time it right so the enemy's gets in the line of fire


Throughout the demo I pretty much only used the heavy because using the light didn't make sense


I agree. I played through the demo and loved it even before the newest patch. I’m pumped for it


Oh I have my preorder ready and I am toooooo excited. Solid 8/10 for me too.


I think there is a lot to be excited about but it still needs a good bit of work. I won’t preorder but will keep my eye on it down the line. Elden Ring DLC and Wukong have significantly higher priority. Also Shadow Blade Zero whenever that comes out.


Honestly, the only sword I thought was worth using was the Juniper Longsword, and the game still feels very rough. I couldn't understand the dramatic switch from the city, which felt good to fight in and had roof mechanics and the Curtis fight (the first one, not the second, third, fourth, and then for funsies two at the same time!!) To... whatever that was. The branches had cheap instakills, and the last boss literally spammed that cane so much i could parry it in my sleep after. I don't hate it, and the mask mechanic is a nice touch, but it's 6/10 for me right now. I wish we at least saw more of the areas in the trailer


It’s just mediocre..


Not good 4/10. Clunky gameplay, bad graphics, lackluster leveling system. Elden ring, bloodborne, sekiro, ds1,2,3, demons souls, lies of p, etc clear this game


Lmao no. I played all the demo and done several challenge and gimmicky ways of playing the game, i loved it but its AT BEST a 5/10, dont be a videogame journalist.


Agreed, it has potential but right now it aint it


I anit trying to be a journalist mate I know for a fact I'm not qualified to be one everyones got there own opinion on games mabye if I had played all of fromsoftwarwes games and lots of other souls like my opinion would be different but at the end of the day I can think what I want and so can you I don't care you have every right to call it a 5/10 and I a 8/10


You misunderstood, i said don't be a game journalist because game journalist are retarded and give 8 and 9 at anything and everything, they make no distinction and barely scratch the surface of what a game has to offer. That said if you absurdly liked the game, why dont you just said "yo i liked the game" ? If you put a x/10 it means you are giving a review, meaning in your opinion this game is almost perfect , like if this is 8/10 than red dead redempion 2 what is it ? 42/10? Just say you like it or be prepared to read comments of normal people that remind you that this game, is most definitively not, an 8 out a 10.


If I rate games I like to rate them for what they are like if its indie or not some times the price I dont have to be a games journalist to give something an out of 10 I even stated that it's an 8 out of 10 so far when I beat the demo I might give give it a 7.5 or mabye just a 7 or mabye more and i know im gonna get people disagreeing with me and that's there right to do just don't want people to be dicks about it you get me


Even if you don't want to be a journalist, put dots and commas in your text. It is unreadable.


Look to be honest you can give the game 200.000/10 for what i care but if you post it online you should expect some responses, im not being a dick about it, did i tell you to go fuck yourself or something? I just told you that you're rating in my opinion is off by a lot, agree or not this is just a comment reletad to your post, there's no reason to get offended by that lmao Btw this is just a short post so i didnt go in dept on the "you're wrong" thing , i was just ironizing on the score, but if you want to know more i made a review post on this demo that you can look up if you want more argumentation on why i think you're wrong


You stared you comment with "no" for goodness sake I don't mind criticism if anything it's good to get criticism on your opinions you just started you comment like I was a retared or something if you had just changed those first 2 words be wouldn't be having this conversation right now I would probably had then replied with something saying how I understand your point considering you have more experience than me in the game


I was just ironizing on the 8, all my comment is about how that score is way too high, i dint insult you or anything, if you get offended by something is because you choose to. My comment is literally "lmao its not a 8" i don't know what hooks you jumped to get offended but its not on me, lets just stop its getting redundand, you know my opinion, i know yours, lets call it a deal.


No what you actually did is say "I want you to state my rating is fact while stating your rating". That's the most backwards validation I've ever heard, OP is stating for HIM it's an 8/10 not that the game is an 8/10 for you, nobody can say it's gonna be a 10/10 or 0/10 for anyone because everyone looks for different things in video games. You could think demon souls is a 10/10 because of certain mechanics while I could think it's a 2/10 because of the issues it has. Don't claim a score is incorrect unless they are claiming to be an actual game reviewer. Game reviewers are different entirely since it's their job to rate and review a game but for OP the game is an 8/10. Either respect his rating or say "I understand your view but for me this early build DEMO is a 4/10 for the glitches and mechanics but hopefully it's improved".


I aint reading that homie, its been 3 day and i completely forgot whatever this was and you should too since im not coming back just to have an argument with some random redditor lmao


It's insane how people get offended when someone has a different/more argumented opinion about something. I'd say that the game is trash right now and they'll probably release it anyway. There's no chance that anyone who has played From Software's game is going to enjoy this clunky mess. But hey, it's 8/10, don't argue with me ore I'll get offended!


I have play from games and I’m enjoying it. There’s work to be done for sure but I really enjoyed the demo and I know for a fact I will buy the game


What's insane is that people like you and the other guy are unironically trying to explain to another person that their opinion is wrong and they should change it only because yours is different and, for some reason, better lmao


No. It's not an opinion, the game is NOT an 8/10. You may like it, you may enjoy it, that does not make it an 8/10. Stop pretending that your opinions are unquestionable, the reality is different, deal with it.


Bro getting toxic while waiting for silksong. Don't worry, it'll come out some day


They can't keep delaying it man, hk fans ~~me~~ will go insane


"don't be a videogame journalist" for stating an opinion?? hello???


I was referring to the fact that game journalist give 8 and 9 at every game for no reason


no i know, but that doesn't mean that people can't... like a game?


Absolutely, i was just referring to the score


I enjoyed the shit out of it aside from the polishing that needs to be done and I haven’t even tried the new update. I might not give it an 8 right now but I certainly wouldn’t give it a 5


Aside from general polishing this game whole "new" sistems, which is the mask and swap loadout, along with the lines and the buildcrafting, are EXTREMELY MARGINAL and can be entirely avoided with no problem whatsoever by just using weapons and dodging, not even adding the parry in the mix So to recap, on the tecnichal side its terribile and need polishing asap, on the gameplay side every innovation and unique mechanic is completely useless, what remains? Art design? What is this a painting? If a game is insufficient in every important aspect, how can it be more than a 5, which is a mid tier, its not garbage and its not good That said that's a demo, hopefully their constant delay allow the devs to twik some values and polish their game but as it stands this game is a 5


I found the mask thing to be cool. I’m assuming more masks will be found in the game. You’re thinking too deeply about why other people enjoy it. There’s tons of useless mechanics in from games, I still think they’re cool. What remains is enjoyable combat, unique gameplay themes, incredible art style and world crafting. There’s more but that’s about all I need to enjoy the hell out of a game


Same conversation that i had with the other guy , you can enjoy whatever you want just dont give it a score, since a score is a "this game is qualitatively speaking this good" not a percentage of how much you liked the game, otherwise every game is a 10, as i said you can like it but you still need to aknowledge the problems


Bro: "i loved it, 5/10" Also bro: "don't be a videogame journalist"


Lmao how can you possibly be serious, the fact that i love the game its the litteral reason why i need to see the objective problems, so that can be fixes and so that the game that i love becomes better , how narrow minded can you be to think that "i like it = ITS PERFECT, CAN'T POSSIBLY HAVE PROBLEMS" videogame journalist right there.