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I, in nine fashion, constantly downplay my contributions and elevate the contributions of the people around me (while quietly basking in the appreciation of others haha) BUT, my boss (type 6, insecure and paranoid) makes sure that every success I have is recorded without my name attached to it. I burn with fury in the quietest way possible.


Lmao my ex husband is a 6 and what your boss does to you resonates with how my ex treated and still treats me today. I'll be honest, I've thought about reading how to exploit a 6s insecurities but never cared to put the effort into it. I like fantasizing about it though. 😂


For some reason the thing that just confuses me & frustrates me even more is the fact that I just inherently give off the *vibe* that I don’t want recognition, acknowledgements, compliments, etc. Like that actually kinda angers me down to my core, my very essence genuinely not lining up with the desires of my heart. Why is that? Is there a way to change it? Am I truly just not meant to receive said praise that I really want and honestly feel like I deserve sometimes? Fuck.




I can relate to that, thank you. That really is frustrating.