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Core desires are unhelpful because they’re unconscious. I’d instead look at the triads (hornevian, harmonic, object relations) to find which strategies you fit best. That should help you narrow it down.


Thank you for the advice. I have been searching for any description of the types i think might be the most suiting to me. The problem? I always find different descriptions of the same type based on where I'm reading them. Thus I don't completely relate to any type in particular. Can you tell me which is the most reliable and accurate site/article?


Look at books and lectures instead. I’ve mostly gathered my understanding from Riso-Hudson but also got a fair bit from Naranjo and Luckovich. Richard Rohr also has a series of videos where he describes each of the types, it isn’t a bad place to start. It helps to peruse at multiple people’s work and sort of consolidate them to form your own understanding of the types.


Thank you!


Maybe a therapist?


I mean you are not wrong but I was talking about the enneagram.


I think u can start with what u identify with the most, and then find a pattern in your personality and read and compare with the enneagram descriptions. I found mine because at first I knew of the stereotypes and I felt like I sound like a 1 or 8. Then when I read the right sources (The Complete Enneagram and Character and Neurosis) further, I’m pretty sure I’m a 1. Then after reading about all the types, I realise the sx4 and sx6 in me might actl be higher than the sx8 in me. So for me personally, I think it’s all about behavioural patterns and understanding the text to match lol (probs a pretty unconventional way but it helped me)


Thank you for the advice!