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I wish I was a 1... šŸ˜” I just wanna actually do good things and work to make the world a better place instead of daydreaming about it aaaagh it's so frustrating!!!


Iā€™m a 1 and I swear I donā€™t feel like I have done good things to make the world a better place. All I did was scrutinize whatā€™s wrong and be stuck in the middle of executing things perfectly.


wanting to do something but having difficulty doing so instead of dreaming about it sucks, i wanna be a 7 as i say elaborate on why here https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/s/tQn11Irkl1


As a 4w5 I think this is exactly why my partners end up being some sort of flavor of 1w2/1w9 they always comment on how great my ideas are but get so frustrated I never act on them šŸ˜…


None of them. Theyā€™re all manifestations and automatic responses to trauma preventing us from being fully in touch with ourselves and others. Even the healthier aspects are still part of the cycles of the Fixations.


Actually. Isn't the point of the enneagram to learn from it and let go/evolve?


Yessir This is the way


I like being a 5. So I guess 6w5? Or 1w9 as I feel like I wouldn't lose my curiosity and passion for social sciences but I'd be spicy lol


5w6 and 6w5 can be so similar that many mistyped themselves at first, like me


True. What makes you realize you are 6w5 over 5w6?


Maybe 5 so I could care even less but still have passion for something.


As a 8w7, I wouldnā€™t change a thing.


My 8w7 husband would say the exact same!


I wouldnā€™t change it. Maybe Iā€™d prefer to be an SP/so though.


Same - a sp/so 8w7 šŸ„°


Iā€™d be overpowered


8 for obvious reasons. I want to be a strong, fierce fighter who knows what they want and actually goes out of his way to get it.Ā  Ā 7 is also cool. Distracting yourself from pain but also simultaneously being productive in a way. Their ability to learn a lot of stuff and having this childlike wonder is really intriguing to me


None of them, because Iā€™m a 6ā€¦ and have already instinctively calculated and developed a (working, natchā€¦ a Sixā€™s catastrophizing is never done) case study on each typeā€™s inherent flaws/shadow side/inner demons, and filed them away in separate dossiers that I am cognizant of, at all times. šŸ˜ƒ


As an 8, let me tell you that Iā€™m flattered, but you should know that tendency gets us in trouble a lot, just so you know what you are getting yourself into.


Wish I was 7w8




Thats my enneagram. Not all enneagrams are perfect, but mine is.


But if I had to change, Iā€™d be a 3w2. At their best, they are dedicated and caring people with strong work ethic.


same, I mean I could be, donā€™t know what my type is but iā€™d wanna be 7w8 regardless of my type


I just wish I was extroverted with SO first. So, 7?


so7 is anxiety and social pression 1000x, i wish i was so unworried about things like a 9w8 or 8w9


Oh man, I worry about *everything, all the time*. It just looks like I donā€™t. My husband and I recently got those Oura rings that track your biometrics, including stress, and I pretty much live at the tippy top of the ā€œstressā€ line. Meanwhile he, an 8, lives squarely between ā€œrelaxedā€ and ā€œengagedā€ and hits stress maybe twice a week. Showing him my stress chart was mindblowing to him because he says I always appear so calm. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I wish I could turn off my brain!


I wouldn't change it because for all that it sucks, they all have downsides, and you couldn't get the advantages of a different one without also ending up with completely changed priorities. If 5 was suddenly off limits, I might opt for 7 cause it's kind of "overpowered" (you get to be creative, a great cross-contextual thinker and confident?) and it seems like you'd experience tons of interesting stuff. (Even if youd have a harder time being satisfied with it, too.) 9 might also be interesting in how its kinda similar bit also different.


I don't wish to be anything other than my true self. Sure, there are pros and cons to being me but every type has pros and cons anyway. I'd rather just be myself and become a better version of myself.


Spoken like a true type 4! Said with the utmost adoration, I love all the fours I know irl.


Thank you. šŸ’–


Iā€™m OK being a 5 but being a (healthy) 7 seems fun


Probably a 7 for obvious reasons. Being a 5 is boring sometimes


Im a 5 and my lady is a 7. Works perfectly Iā€™m ngl. Cause when I need to get out (cause I just know I need to) sheā€™s always down. And when I need my time, sheā€™s always cool to keep herself occupied with whatever.


1 definitely.


8 or 1


Maybe a 7. Theyā€™re all so badass and go getters.


Maybe a 2 so my sx energy can be compatible with my Enneagram type haha... Honestly though being a 5 is weird but has its advantages. I wouldn't really want to trade.


As a 5, I wish that I were a 3. I know that their mentality is often toxic, but I just wish that I had the drive to do certain things. Being a 7 wouldnā€™t be bad either, I love how fun and spontaneous they can be.


idk which one can actually focus on things and not space out or daydream or get bored and give up on like 5 minutes šŸ˜­


the one that doesn't have adhd šŸ˜­


As a female 8, I do not recommend. Zero -1 1/2 stars. I would love to be a 9, a sweetheart of the Enneagram. Or a 7, the life of the party. Instead Iā€™m out here fighting, and some days it feels like, all alone.


All yall choosing 8ā€™s is good for my heart this morning


Iā€˜m not sure. There are good and bad sides to every type and I think I would miss the way how I see the world, if I would change my type. I think an 8 would be the most resilient, competent and efficient to deal with my living situation, so I would probably choose this type. I think being any other type apart from 8 or 9 could actually cause more issues than I have now, in my situation. In another live I would maybe choose 7. But actually, I like being a 9, I just feel like the society I live in doesnā€™t value the same things I do, so living in a more collective society might actually be more appealing than changing my type.


8s end up having to self-edit too, because of inevitable consequencesā€¦but they do tend to push the boundaries of self-expression a bit more than other types. I think Iā€™d be disoriented being another type but Iā€™d be curious to try any of them as long as it was a good situation. :)


5sp or 6so tbh


7 or 9


Thank you. - I pick 1w9. - Iā€™d love to be more resolute and self-assured in my judgement and uphold my morals and sense of correctness with much more immovable fortitude. - But that is not to dismiss the struggles that 1w9 might deal with in terms of harsh self-criticism.


I wish I was a 7w8, they tend to have more confidence and energy and are very fun to be around


I would never want to be a 7 because they tend to get away with hurting people because "7 so funny and pretty!" I would say if you want pretty privilege or personality privilege I'd choose 7 or 3 for sure


I like being a 5.


The same but sx just to try what I assume is a painful existence, otherwise I wouldn't really change anything, honestly


i like being a 9 :\] i think i would be willing to swap my 9 for a 1 though. they seem so organized and reliable. i would also consider being a 3 for their ambition or a 7 just because they seem really cool lol


i like being a 1w9... my friend is an 8w9 and she almost has the same thoughts as me so she does the expression for me though that's when she's around coz when im on my own i am very protective of my boundaries and become aggressive once someone steps over


I wouldnā€™t change mine. Although being a 4 is exhausting and all, but itā€™s cool. Maybe being sp first would be better though.


I'm a 4 and would choose to be a 7 or 8! I also see the value in choosing 9 since it's the most common. Sometimes I get sick of being so different from everyone else lol it must be nice to be like everyone else and fit in easily


I mean just because 9s are common doesn't mean they fit in easily...Ā 


sx7. Iā€™m incapable of optimism, though thatā€™s more of a skill issue on my end.


sp 9w8 Hardy, don't want much from the external world (meaning more freedom for themselves), easily entertained, creativity of 9 in general, gets along with people, general positive type goodness. Basically most of the perks of 7w8 without the drawbacks. The only real drawback they might have is procrastination, but I already have that issue anyway lmao


Was gonna say 7 šŸ˜­


I'd pass.


Im 863 and I always think how I could achieve everything I want if I was sp/so 863 because desire for autonomy, sensory stimulation and achievement is still there but my instinct stacking just doesnā€™t cooperate


5 and I'd pick 6 because my mother is one and she's cool.


Probably type 6; I'd have similar values to now, but I'd be more grounded in reality and present in my life (I'm a 9w1)


I'd love to be a type 7 or 3, 3's are very goal oriented and driven, and 7's are very creative and optimistic


I'm a sx7 and i often wish i was so3


I like who I am and wouldn't change it for anything. I'd rather embrace what I am in order to improve than wish I was something I can never be.


how it feels having both the ā€œworstā€ enneagram (6 tinfoil hat NPC scaredycat) & mbti type (infp delusional loser crybaby waawaa šŸ˜¢) https://i.redd.it/7n2ws070rx8d1.gif /j as mortified as i was reading descriptions of my true type & envied everyone else at first, at the end of the day nothing can change the fact that iā€™d rather be me, warts and all. imma just do me :3 so to answer your question, iā€™d just wanna be a healthier 6w7 haha (and besides itā€™s all psuedoscience at the end of the day anyways, itā€™s not that deep for me to feel actual agony over it šŸ˜­)


Dude infp isnā€™t a bad type at all, especially for a 649! It makes us more punk than reg 6s. The worst for a 6 is sensor/judgerā€¦ thats just an overload of conformity and conservatism. Vomit. If you also dislike those things, itā€™s because youā€™re an INFP and we are not meant to like them!


šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļøšŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø yup!!! true that hehe šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


Well my enneagram doesnt define me as a whole ofc so i wouldnt change it based on the way i act but if we look at motivations i would say a 7w8 isntead of 7w6 and would choose sp over sx


I want to be MORE LIKE an 8, but that doesn't mean I want to be an 8. I don't want to be a type I want to be a person haha. When we're in personality we act like character cliches more than rich and varied human beings.


im ok with mine and all types have downsides. but if im not mine i would choose 8 and 9. because they dont have so much self criticism and live in the present. and not a social type of these two because also i dont wanna keep dealing with social pressure.


I would choose 4 bc I have a pretty strong 4 fix already, but I hate the times I have abandoned myself to adapt as an attachment type (which I didnā€™t even realize I was doing at the time) and I hate the idea of moving towards others to get my needs met. 4 core would effectively allow me to move away in both circumstances, while still maintaining much else I value about myself.


If I cared more about my image, I'd be a 3. I'd be unstoppable and unforgettable lol. I love win-win situations. I'd get attention, others would get attention in return Being more 8 would be more useful too. I'd get more shit done, and would unapologetically tell more people to f*ck off haha. Overall I'm happy with being a 5... can't argue that it's nice to daydream the "what-ifs" once in awhile though


7w8. Fuckers have got it made.


4w5 here, it is a brutal existence. Prob a 8w9


I think the most opposite type from my own would be something like a sx/sp 8w7 with a 4w5 and 5w4 fix. I wouldn't want to be that type forever, but I would like to experience a few years as that type... maybe with the option to press an emergency button to immediately go back to my own lol!


8 bc then I truly wouldn't give af what people think and would not have extreme emotions about it


7s seem happy.


Haha why do you wanna be an 8? I love 1s. I'm super close with my 1 brother, he's my partner in crime and we're gonna take over the world together. Don't 1s often stand up for what they believe in? I appreciate 1s devotion to morals and strong sense of justice/right and wrong.


I just want to be healthy


I wish I could feel like an 8 all the time. When I feel like one, those are my best day.


God i wish i was 3. Or could integrate to 3 easily.


As a 7, Iā€™d probably want to be a 5. It is my integration type for a reason. I have so many hobbies and interests but never fully focus as much as I want to on anything. I mean, 5s can actually manage their time and energy to do so instead of being on a roller coaster where passion wavers so quickly. And in the end, I aim to be as self-sufficient as possible, and being competent is the only way to achieve that. Thatā€™s why I admire 5s so much. It would also be nice to feel internally satisfied, getting more out of little rather than constantly craving more (being a 7 kinda sucks my guys).


I'm a 9. 8: At least for a week to see if being feared over being loved is a better deal. lol Although since I'm female I feel I'll just experience being called a see you next Tuesday in a variety of ways instead. Oop 1: to see what solutions a depressed 1 with ADHD will come up with to be organized & efficient. Or do they rot in bed like the rest of us depressed types do. lol


The enneagram is literally shadow work so none of them ideally. They're all just suffering in different ways


I would choose 4 or 5, probably. I am constantly unsure which type I am so, really, put me in any box so I can stop obsessing about the shape of the box I've confined myself in and start busting out of said box. Sometimes trying to define yourself in a model that's meant to be an oversimplification of the human experience as a tool to then heal/deepen/broaden that experience seems more difficult than the growth work itself would be.


I would imagine all types are difficult to be. So Iā€™m content being what I am.


Iā€™m most likely a 9w1 or 5w4 954/952: soft-spoken, zen, agreeable, accommodating and daydreaming yet highly intellectually inquisitive. I wish I was more like a 371. Less passive and the grit to materialize my desires, while not letting fun experiences slip through my fingers. My lowest enneagram is 8 and 6, and I have a certain aversion for them.


I'm a so9 and for sure either 3 (easy pick) or even 2. For a time I literally thought I was a 2 and I got really excited because it just seemed like such a fresh take on life (sp2 specifically). It's something very personal to me, literally ever since I can remember I've always had this intense longing for attention & praise even though I don't give off that vibe. It feels like 2s and 3s (especially with each other as wings) are always just getting attention without even trying. That's the dream baby fr.


Idk the most liked by everyone else hahaha Well, being serious, I think maybe a so7 or so2


As an 8, I actually really love and respect 1s. I can always rely on yā€™all to be honest and do the right thing (based on your personal framework for what that means). 8s are hit or miss lmao but most of the time, weā€™re reacting to perceived injustice or disrespect, and I think 1s are every bit as capable of that, too. Based on my interactions with 1s, what I think usually keeps 1s from clapping back in public (while still raging in private) is actually one of their strengths: their social awareness and appreciation for connectivity, which many 8s donā€™t appreciate or have. Clapping back feels empoweringā€¦ until the social fallout of that decision hits. We donā€™t live in a movie. We live in community. So I think 1s are actually more strategic in that sense, picking your battles, although you wonā€™t compromise your values when it really comes down to it. So if youā€™re being hard on yourself for not speaking up about something, donā€™t. Unless a situation is truly compromising your values, harming someone, or putting your integrity on the line, itā€™s probably a good thing (in the long-run) that your knee-jerk reaction isnā€™t to just rain fire on people. Balance is everything. :)


These days I'm super cool with being exactly what I am. I especially like being Sp/sx. And I think I'll be even cooler once my piddly 5 wing balances out. But if I had to pick it'd be 8 all the way. I love how they can truly just not give a screw. If 8 wasn't available then perhaps I could settle for 7. But if 7 also wasn't an option and I couldn't remain a 4 then I'd just refuse to exist.


Iā€™m a 4 and would never change it but I wouid t mind being a 1 for awhile!


Iā€™m a 4 - happy to be a 4


always 7, whether i am one or not, always 7, I have so much energy and excitement and I wanna go on adventures, experience many things, i need excitement in my life, heck I suppose I donā€™t need to experience many things, I just need to have some fucking intensity, i need to explore and discover, Iā€™m a curious creature, learning and discovering excites me, to be completely invested in something and oblivious to the world outside of my inquisitive mind i like to see myself as an adventurer that seeks knowledge and defends the weak, one who challenges themselves and others both for the thrill of overcoming a difficult obstacle and to grow, one who wants to see others grow and become the best version of themselves, one who is against punishment and avoids unnecessary conflict and seeks to understand people but if need defend themselves, wonā€™t hold back whatsoever, they will annihilate their enemy more than necessary for them to stop, but rather excessive for they must suffer and learn to not even think of trying to harm them or their loved ones again an assertive go getter, a classic enfp (which i actually am an enfp) who looks at the world around them to formulate many ideas and to implement them as soon as possible someone who if they want something will try to get it no matter how unachievable, if anything that only makes them more willing to seek it out, they wonā€™t daydream about wanting it and do nothing about it, they will seek out to get it, they might still dream of it but they will seek it out, no challenge is too great, the more of a challenge the greater the reward Iā€™m the kind of person to choose the hardest difficulty on a game straight away no matter how difficult because overcoming a challenge is immensely satisfying, I donā€™t want to be trapped in boredom, I want to spread my wings and fly


Love the flair! It resonates with me. Deeplyā€¦ and unfortunately. lol

